Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 570 Perfection

() If sects are the highest place to inherit civilization and Taoism, then family inheritance is even more advanced.Because within the family, although the aptitude of the disciples is uneven, it is very important that the family has something that other inheritance methods do not have, that is, the unparalleled centripetal force.

Every child in the family will work hard for the family.And every achievement they make will be protected by the family.Such a virtuous cycle situation also allows the family's thousand-year-old inheritance 'school' to always develop forward. ,

For hundreds of years in the Wu Kingdom, those established families gradually withered and their family business dissipated.However, families with intentions continue to appear to replace them.If things go on like this, in the Wu Kingdom, it has become a country of Taoism inheritance with sects as the main teaching method and family as the supplement.

You can't see it on normal days. Whenever Wu Guo faces new disasters or challenges, the people in these families are often the part that plays the most important role.Because the education in the family is different from that in the sect, if you want to survive in the family, you can't get through it by relying on intrigue and tricks alone.

At the same time, you also need to have the ability of real money, otherwise, even if you have countless heart-warming talks, it is just empty for others to despise.

Speaking of the Xu family in Handan Road in the state of Wu, everyone really knows everyone, not only in the Central Plains, even in a barbarian frontier, it is very famous.Whoever said it, didn't take three breaths, and they really didn't dare to underestimate it.Xu Han saw that the girl in front of him was really surnamed Feng, so he also expressed his doubts.

"Handan Road, the Xu family, it's really the Xu family from Handan Road!" Xu Han took a deep breath, smiled and said gratefully: "I'm fine." But he didn't answer Feng Bi'e's question, and asked instead: "Senior Sister Feng. Your Xu family. Is there a direct disciple of a family named Feng Yu? Oh. By the way, she also has an older brother named Feng Lingyun." Xu Han squeezed his fingers tightly into his fist, although he tried his best to maintain a casual expression, but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Yeah. You mean my aunt. The Feng Lingyun you're talking about is my father." Feng Bi'e smiled and asked, "Why, why are you asking this?"

"Then. Is she doing well in Xu's house?" Xu Han was shaking a little.

"Well, this is not good. My aunt is too stubborn. I heard that more than ten years ago, Bai Changzong of the Xu family didn't care about her running away with others and giving birth to children, but my aunt just refused to accept it. Married to Bai Changzong of the Xu family!" Feng Bi'e lowered her head and pursed her lips and said: "So until now, my aunt can stand with us in the ancestral hall except when offering sacrifices to the ancestors. In addition to offering incense to the ancestors, The status of the Xu family at other times. She is still a servant, and the work that my aunt does is the most humble work in the Xu family, and what she does is the most difficult and tiring thing for the Xu family. "

Do the cheapest work, the hardest and most tiring thing!Xu Han suddenly clenched his fist, which made the air unable to bear the squeeze, and made a loud explosion!

"Huh? Junior brother Liu, what's wrong with you?" Feng Bi'e was taken aback. Seeing Xu Han's expression, which seemed to be quite uncomfortable, she quickly asked, "Junior brother Liu, do you need me to call you from the pharmacist sect?" Someone come over?"

"No need, Senior Sister Feng, tell me again, how is she doing? Is she still healthy?" Compared to the bad life just now, this question is what Xu Han wants to know the most.

"It was okay a year ago, but then my aunt didn't know what happened. Her cultivation base that had already reached the eighth level of a fighter actually started to scatter. It was okay at the beginning, and she only lost one level of cultivation base after two or four months. However, the lower the cultivation level, the worse it dropped. When I was about to return to the sect at the end of the holiday, my aunt's cultivation level had already dropped to the tenth level of a trainee martial artist. The level of fighters has fallen." Feng Bi'e said sadly: "I remember when I was young, before my aunt was deprived of her status in the Zongshen, she was the best to me except my mother. Later, my father began to take over part of the clan's authority. I pleaded with my aunt again and again, but it was useless."

"What? I've been losing my cultivation!" Xu Han's mind suddenly buzzed. According to what Feng Bi'e said, before she came, she had already fallen to the tenth level of internal strength, a trainee martial artist, but if she fell again, "Could it be that no one in the Xu family asked her to have a pharmacist take a look?" Xu Han frowned and asked, his face a bit ugly.

"It's true. Grandpa also invited the family pharmacist to see it, but it was useless. Then my father quietly invited a fourth-rank pharmacist from another county for my aunt. The fourth-rank pharmacist said that he would not give him any time for this strange disease. After careful research, he still has no clue, but his little time is more than a month, and after all, my father secretly went to other counties to invite people, and he also embezzled a little bit of family money without authorization, so he dare not let it go. He stayed for a long time, so he had to give up."

Feng Bi'e said sadly: "Actually, it's not impossible. The Xu family in our Handan Road is the largest pharmacist family in several counties around, and there are even a few who are still working as imperial pharmacists in the capital. They are not even willing to use it." Any consultation fee will be used to treat the aunt, but Bai Changzong of the Xu family has a request, that is, to marry the aunt to be his concubine, but with the nature of the aunt, how can she agree?" Feng Bi'e sighed .I don't know why, when talking about her aunt with Xu Han, I suddenly felt a kind of intimacy towards Xu Han. Han said.

"Then she is still the lowest servant of the Xu family?" Xu Han unconsciously asked with chattering teeth.

"Well, there's no way, that's how the family is. I made a mistake, but I don't have any sympathy to say about my status. I'm pretty good, because I'm a disciple of the formation sect, and even one of the master's disciples. So my bargaining chip is much bigger than my aunt, at least, the family thinks that no one in Handan Dao is worthy of me, and if I want to look for it, I have to look for disciples of high-ranking officials and nobles in Wu State, so I can drag it until now." Feng Bi'e sadly Said.

"This Xu family, the so-called bullshit family, is such a bastard!" Xu Han suddenly swung his fist, but he didn't notice it. Xu Han's nails were already embedded in the flesh of his palm, and blood dripped out. It landed on the ground... staring blankly into the distance.Looking in the direction of Wu Guo.From the bottom of my heart gave birth to a piercing pain!If not for myself and my father.Niangqin should now be one of the most powerful wives standing at the top among the five major families of Handan Dao. If it weren't for Niangqin's block back then, there would be no Xu Han today!However, children are unfilial!I just want to wait for the future to become stronger.Go back in a smooth manner, go back to Handan Road, beat up that Bai Changzong, and bring my mother back.But I never thought that if I go one day late, my mother will suffer so much for myself and my father!

On a pair of star eyes, the tumbling crystals could no longer stay in the eye sockets, and flowed down one by one.If the family is gone, what do you need a shitty cultivation base for?Xu Han roared violently in his heart!

"Junior Brother Liu, Junior Brother Liu, what's wrong with you?" At this time, no matter how dull Feng Bi'e was, she still noticed something was wrong.My aunt is suffering, why does Junior Brother Liu seem more excited and uncomfortable than himself?

"I come from Handan Road. In Ming County of Handan Road, I am a disciple of a small family. I have lost my father since I was a child. Even if I hadn't been protected by my mother, I would not survive today. But when I, my mother, suffered the most, Mingming I already have the ability to pick up my mother, but I still want to improve my strength a little bit more, go back in a good way, and pick up my mother again, cousin, tell me, am I a jerk?" Xu Han said with a sob.Although his eyes looked in Feng Bi'e's direction, they lost focus.

"You mean, how is this possible? Say it again? You mean... you are, you are really that, my aunt's child, my cousin? This is simply too hard to believe?" Feng Bi'e Suddenly he exclaimed, and said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Why did you come to Wu country?"

The Xu family and the people of the Xu family can allow him to take his mother out smoothly, otherwise, he doesn't mind killing a few members of the Xu family, even the Xu family. If he disagrees with killing, he will not completely obey his mother, and quietly, when his mother can't notice, he will kill whoever should be killed!

The cold-bloodedness of the family has long been hated by Xu Han. In such a remote place, it is impossible for the master of Wu Guomen to travel and recruit students. How did he get to Wu Guo and how did he become Are you a disciple of Wu Guomen sect?No wonder why he was more excited than himself when talking about his aunt.

"I will tell my cousin about this in the future. Cousin, do you know that in the Xu family, there are a few masters of the Jindan master level, and how many are there in the Xu family?" When Xu Han said this , there was a trace of coldness and murderous intent undisguised in his eyes, if he wants to go back, he must go back!He even wished he could leave everything behind and just go back!

Feng Bi'e was really shocked. She really never thought that the young man she met in Wu Guomen was actually her aunt's son. This kind of gap made her heart unacceptable.She already had a serious lack of spiritual energy. At this time, when she heard the shocking news, she was naturally worried.

Xu Han looked at his cousin who had never met before, and his mind was in a trance for a while. She seemed to be only about 20 years old, but no one could imitate her noble temperament. This feeling also made Xu Han seem to be facing a Lingbo fairy.I was at a loss.

Everyone is a parent, if you don't raise children, you don't know your parents' kindness!This sentence simply expresses the regrets of being a son of man for thousands of years. As the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to support but not to be loved.The grief of losing a loved one is not something everyone can bear.Although Xu Han has rich experience in dealing with people and things in his previous life, he is still a kind person.

Even though he came to this world and was unfamiliar and ignorant of everything here, he still communicated with everyone with the minimum sincerity as a human being.He is eager to be recognized by others, and he hopes that others can help him in this world.Xu Han clearly remembered that the owner of this body, since the moment he was born, his mother left far away and never saw him again.

However, he himself is very helpless. He still doesn't have a specific impression of his mother, but now that he has the opportunity to see her again, he is of course extremely excited, how can he let go of it.


Xu Han was a little depressed, it's none of my business that you fight, why are you all rushing at me?Grabbing the kitten and piglet, he fled out of the space enveloped by black air, and threw out more than twenty seven-star charms, bullying me?no way!First make some movement for you to listen to.

After the loud bang, the disciples of the Spirit Controlling Sect and the Demonic Sect stopped fighting.The eight masters who chased and killed Xu Han retreated far away.A large group of people stopped in the air tensely on alert.And the foot of the river.Some unlucky ones who were bombed were either seriously injured or died floating in the water.Except for these people, there is no black air or monsters.

Xu Han stood all the way and shouted loudly: "Fight, why don't you stop fighting? Keep fighting." He is a typical booing man who is not afraid of trouble.

The disciples of Yulingmen led a team to look at the people of the Demon Sect in the distance, and raised a ringing arrow into the sky.Subpoena for assistance.As if they had a tacit understanding, the disciples led by the Demon Sect looked at the disciples of the Yuling Sect, and raised their hands to ask for support.Xu Han's display of strength and the battle with rival sects have exceeded their control.It must be reported to the higher authorities.

For a while, everyone stood in the sky above the river in a daze, only two loud arrows were blazing incessantly to guide the direction and guide the arrival of the large troops from both sides.

Xu Han just stood and watched. He hoped that the two gangs would fight together and he would be able to make a profit.

If Xu Han himself counted as one of the forces, then the place where the three forces fought was not far from the camps of the two sects.Before the sounding arrow landed, several people had already arrived, each standing in line according to their camp.Slowly, more and more people gathered, and Xu Han became more and more lonely.Frowning and looking left and right ahead, these guys don't fight.Could it be that they want to join forces against themselves?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the forces of both sides were assembled, and a large group of people stood on the river with their law enforcement devices. The Demon Sect was composed of three major sects.Xu Leng watched, and whoever dared not open his eyes to find him would be frozen to death with ice crystals.

He still doesn't understand the thinking of these cultivators. For them, the power of hatred is far greater than the temptation of greed.The sect masters and deputy sect masters of both sides came to the front of the formation, shouted loudly without saying a word: "Kill!" They took the lead and rushed to the opposing camp.A great battle unfolded over the Ninghe River in the country of Yue.

Xu Han is a little dazed, no one pays attention to him?This is the first time he was ignored as air during a fight. Am I invisible?They can't see?However, he did not expect that it was because of his sudden arrival that the two sects had a decisive battle ahead of time, throwing away the guardian circle, and facing each other head-on.

This time the killing was even more tragic than the previous one. The two factions fought together, unable to use large-scale extermination spells, and could only fight desperately according to their own abilities. Entering the deep river, there is nowhere to fight in the air, only Xu Han who is standing far away is in a daze, as if he can't figure out something.

For some reason, Xu Han, who originally hoped that the snipe and clam would fight for his benefit, saw that things were going as he wished, but felt a sense of loss in his heart. He couldn't think of the reason for a long time. Could it be that he felt pity for the lives lost in the battle?Xu Han smiled self-deprecatingly, turned and left with the little pig and the cat.

When Xu Han left, the leaders of the two sects heaved a sigh of relief. They were most worried that this unstable factor would mess up at a critical moment in the war. Towards**.It's ridiculous to say that the reason why the two sects fought far away from the camp was because they hoped that Xu Han would mess up. The news that Yulingmen got was that the four sects of Momen and Tianlei Mountain had a big enmity with Tianlei Mountain, and the news that Yulingmen got was that Yulingmen took the initiative to fight. Provoke Xu Han.What the two sects think is that everyone has conflicts anyway. After the fight, they send low-level dare-to-die disciples to lead Xu Han to the opponent's masters to provoke a fight. As long as Xu Han can mess around, it is best to kill a few more masters. It will greatly benefit one's own side.

Although there is a bit of gambling involved in doing so, it is better than staying in front of each other across the river all day long. The hatred will not be resolved by itself.As the leader of a faction, there are always things that have to be done.

Xu Han turned to leave, his whole body relaxed, the inexplicable loss and strange pressure disappeared, the meridians around his body surged and contracted, and his spiritual power was unprecedentedly surging, as if he could break through and advance at any time.However, Xu Han knew that it was definitely not the imminent breakthrough, but the response to the induction of spiritual power after the mind was relaxed.

In other words, if this can be advanced and upgraded, then the monk is too worthless.

In life, there are always things that have to be done.The suzerains of the two sects knew that leaving the duel would cause heavy damage, but they had no choice but to order a battle to avenge the prestige of the sect.Xu Han had seen enough killing, was tired of killing, and his desire for revenge was greatly reduced, but he still had to take revenge, for a belief, for thousands of fellow disciples who died.In fact, he also knows that there is no end to life and death, and everyone has this experience. When you step into the realm of cultivation, you either kill others or others kill, and death is all.no big deal.But he still wants revenge.Rest for two days in the mountains and rivers.Return to Ninghe.

When you fight.I won't make a fuss; now that the fight is over, it's my turn to do things.

The Ning River has changed from the war turmoil of the previous two days. The Ning River flows quietly and the river is clear.The battle two days ago did not leave any traces, and all the bloody and bone corpses were carried away by the river and flowed to the sea.There was no one by the river, and the camp was also withdrawn, leaving only some abandoned debris piled up in a mess.Reminder that someone lived here a few days ago.

Xu Han shook his head and sighed at the dilapidation: "Why bother? Countless people were killed and injured in the fight, and it's not like they got nothing."

Kitten and Piglet glanced at the same place in the river, and Qi hummed softly before turning their heads away.The river water suddenly stirred up whirlpools and waves with a soft hum, and then calmed down and disappeared as the whirlpool disappeared, as if nothing had happened.But the little pig and the little cat were full of contempt, and pretended to shake their heads lightly, looking down on that guy in the river.

Xu Han was amused, and the two beasts became more and more human.But those two big gangs were a bit miserable, they had suffered countless deaths and injuries for a long time, but Jiao Jing was still there.I really don't know what the sect masters are thinking now.

After the fight, everyone should go home.Xu Han is going to Hehuanmen to take revenge.But before he was on the road, he felt depressed because of his superfluous actions. If you don’t fight people in front of you, you only think about chasing them when they leave. The biggest problem is that you still don’t know the way.

Walking along the way, depressed and cursing Hehuanmen while walking, hoping that they would be wiped out by Yulingmen like Yinluo Mansion, and avenge themselves without having to do anything.But the idea is good, but the facts are cruel. After this great war, the entire southern part of the Yue Kingdom could hardly see a single cultivator.He walked for three days without seeing a single cultivator passing by.

"Sister Wu Yi, you choose clothes in the store by yourself. I'll close the door and I'll go back." Bai Jieer hurriedly left the women's clothing store, and when she looked up, she saw the little girl who called her just now took it from a black-faced monk. Marshmallow, happily walked away.

Bai Jie'er suddenly understood what was going on, walked over and said angrily, "Let the child lie, teach the child badly."

Seeing the attractive woman walking over with a smile, as if slowly sending up two tall snow-capped mountains, Xu Han swallowed his saliva...

"I don't know if it's Xuan'er looking for you, the child, maybe she thought my name was Xuan'er."

"Then you have to call me mother." Bai Jie'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly, like a delicate peach blossom blooming in the sun, inviting people to pick it.

"That depends on whether you have the ability..." Xu Han couldn't wait a long time ago, and pulled Bai Jie'er's wrist, not allowing her to resist, and pulled her into the depths of the alley diagonally opposite the women's clothing shop...

This is the alley leading to Bai Jieer's residence. There are only four gates in the alley, one is Bai Jieer's house, so don't worry about anyone.There is another one that is closed, and the other two doors are the back doors of big families, which are almost never opened.

The alley is paved with neat and smooth bluestone slabs, and on both sides of the alley are green brick walls of more than three meters, with green moss and foxtails stroking back and forth on the walls.Looking down from the top, at the corner of the alley, there is a tall woman with beautiful hair leaning against the wall, and a black-faced boy is excitedly nibbling at her slender neck with peach blossoms...

"Brother Heizi, don't be here." Bai Jie'er had been looking forward to it for a long time, and she was about to be confused by Xu Han's panting kiss.But she knew that this was outside, and when she turned her head, she could see the busy street. If someone came in, what would happen?

"Aren't you going to be my mother?" Xu Han snorted, and pressed Bai Jie'er's little hand that was trying to stop her against the dry wall with both hands.

"My sister is wrong, can't it be okay for my sister to beg for mercy?" Bai Jie'er's eyes were filled with water, and the watery eyes seemed to be dripping out...

Xu Han chuckled, "No, if you want to be my mother, you have to drink it for me..."

"No!" Bai Jie'er was so ashamed, she begged, "Brother Heizi, go home, drink whatever you want, don't stay here."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Xu Han has been in the Cangnan Continent for so long, and he has long been proficient at untying women's belts. He stretched out his hand and pulled back and forth, and Bai Jie'er's tight belt loosened...

As Xu Han unbuttoned a few buttons on the side skirt, the blouse was immediately opened, and a perfect greasy white body appeared in front of Xu Han.

To Xu Han's surprise, Bai Jie'er was actually wearing a black inner show, and the tight black bra not only showed off the pair of peaks and mountains.

Matching with the above, the shorts are also a pair of pure black, very small, and they really can't cover them.

What surprised Xu Han the most was that the silk stockings on Bai Jieer's legs were also dyed black.Black and bright.The black reflects the white.At the top of the silk stockings, there is a circle of beautiful lace embroidered...

God, it's so touching and eye-catching.If Xu Han hadn't taught her these things, Xu Han would have thought that this ancient costume was wrapped in a modern woman from the earth...

It was the first time she wore this kind of black body, Bai Jie'er was very shy.Not daring to look at Xu Han, he turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Do you like it? Is it too obscene? If so... I won't wear it in the future."

"I don't care if I don't wear it. It's so beautiful. Not only do I have to wear it, but I also want to wear it according to my requirements. Next time, I will make that schoolgirl outfit from the island country and it will look better with this black silk." Looking at such a beautiful scenery.Rogue Ye wouldn't just watch but not do anything, and move his hands up and down while talking.

"Hmph." Bai Jie'er rolled her eyes resentfully. "You still let sister Wu Yi wear it."

Xu Han knew that she still remembered to give the silk stockings to Jiang Wuyi, so he laughed and said, "Don't be angry, even if you give the silk stockings to her, you wore them, you are not bad..."

Hearing this, Bai Jie'er suddenly remembered, yes, I wore these socks all night, and the bad boy is still on them... Oh my god!

Bai Jie'er opened her mouth in surprise, "Does she know? She won't wear it without washing!"

"She doesn't know. I told her it was new. I guess she hasn't washed it... Well, it must have been washed now. It's been half a month..." Xu Han laughed.

Bai Jie'er also laughed, pushed Xu Han hard, and cursed, "You must have done it on purpose, bt!"

"According to the research of scientists, men are more or less bt. If a man has no such bt mentality at all, then he is a real bt." Xu Han smiled and stretched his hands between Bai Jie'er's black silk legs Jin, separated his hands, and supported Bai Jieer's leg with one hand.

"Oh..." Bai Jie'er exclaimed, she was already in the air, her back leaned against the wall, she said in surprise, "Brother Heizi, are you really going to be here?"

"Scientists have researched that changing locations frequently can prevent x-phobia and increase the satisfaction between lovers..." Xu Han moved the small cloth strip that was blocking the way to one side, straightening his waist...

"You! Oh...you're dead! Hurry up!" Bai Jie'er didn't expect him to be in the alley, she turned her head nervously and looked outside at the corner.Although Bai Jieer disapproved of Xu Han's behavior, she had to admit that on the side of the road, looking at the pedestrians on the street in the distance... It was too nervous and exciting.

"I hate it!" Bai Jie'er blushed and looked down at the man who was attacking, and couldn't help but punch her again, "Just this time, I won't hang out with you in the future... Yes, don’t talk about scientists, that kid is an out-and-out hooligan! I get a headache when I hear it!”

Xu Han supported the plump Bai Jie'er to vibrate up and down. Bai Jie'er was like a white frog, hanging in the air with her legs wide open. I don't know how long it took... Finally, Xu Han who was moving suddenly let out a cry Shouting suppressedly, she pressed Bai Jie'er against the wall, as if time had stopped.

After resting for a while, Xu Han withdrew himself from Bai Jie'er, and he smiled.Jiang Wuyi must have been waiting impatiently. He had already seen the familiar red dress looking around diagonally across the street. She probably didn't know where Bai Jie'er lived, otherwise she would definitely look for it.

Bai Jie'er didn't know this, she was very nervous at first, but she had long forgotten to be together, enjoying the unconscious blur until Xu Han gently put her down.

Xu Han was a little depressed, it's none of my business that you fight, why are you all rushing at me?Grabbing the kitten and piglet, he fled out of the space enveloped by black air, and threw out more than twenty seven-star charms, bullying me?no way!First make some movement for you to listen to.

After the loud noise from the sky, the disciples of the Spirit Controlling Sect and the Demonic Sect stopped fighting. The eight masters who were chasing and killing Xu Han retreated far away, and a large group of people scattered in the air and stood tensely on guard.In the river below, some unlucky ones who were bombed were seriously injured or died floating in the water.Except for these people, there is no black air or monsters.

Xu Han stood all the way and shouted loudly: "Fight, why don't you stop fighting? Keep fighting." He is a typical booing man who is not afraid of trouble.

The disciples of Yulingmen led the team to look at the people of the Demon Sect in the distance, raised a ringing arrow into the air, and sent a message to ask for help.As if they had a tacit understanding, the disciples led by the Demon Sect looked at the disciples of the Yuling Sect, and raised their hands to ask for support.Xu Han's display of strength and the battle with the hostile sect are beyond their control, and must be reported to the higher authorities.

For a while, everyone stood above the river in a daze.There are only two ringing arrows pointing the direction high in the sky.Guide the arrival of large forces from both sides.

Xu Han just stood and watched.He hoped that the two gangs would work together so that he could benefit from it.

If Xu Han himself counted as one of the forces, then the place where the three forces fought was not far from the camps of the two sects.Before the sounding arrow landed, several people had already arrived.Stand in line according to the camp.Slowly, more and more people gathered, and Xu Han became more and more lonely, frowning and looking around, these guys don't fight.Could it be that they want to join forces against themselves?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the forces of both sides were assembled, and a large group of people stood on the river with their law enforcement devices. The Demon Sect was composed of three major sects.Xu Leng watched, and whoever dared not open his eyes to find him would be frozen to death with ice crystals.

He still doesn't understand the thinking of these cultivators, for them.The power of hatred is far greater than the temptation of greed.The sect masters and deputy sect masters of both sides came to the front of the formation, so there was no need to say much.Shouting loudly: "Kill!" He took the lead and rushed to the opponent's camp.A great battle unfolded over the Ninghe River in the country of Yue.

Xu Han is a little dazed, no one pays attention to him?This is the first time he was ignored as air during a fight. Am I invisible?They can't see?However, he did not expect that it was because of his sudden arrival that the two sects had a decisive battle ahead of time, throwing away the guardian circle, and facing each other head-on.

This time the killing was even more tragic than the previous one. The two factions fought together, unable to use large-scale extermination spells, and could only fight desperately according to their own abilities. Entering the deep river, there is nowhere to fight in the air, only Xu Han who is standing far away is in a daze, as if he can't figure out something.

For some reason, Xu Han, who originally hoped that the snipe and clam would fight for his benefit, saw that things were going as he wished, but felt a sense of loss in his heart. He couldn't think of the reason for a long time. Could it be that he felt pity for the lives lost in the battle?Xu Han smiled self-deprecatingly, turned and left with the little pig and the cat.

When Xu Han left, the leaders of the two sects heaved a sigh of relief. They were most worried that this unstable factor would mess up at a critical moment in the war. Towards**.It's ridiculous to say that the reason why the two sects fought far away from the camp was because they hoped that Xu Han would mess up. The news that Yulingmen got was that the four sects of Momen and Tianlei Mountain had a big enmity with Tianlei Mountain, and the news that Yulingmen got was that Yulingmen took the initiative to fight. Provoke Xu Han.What the two sects think is that everyone has conflicts anyway. After the fight, they send low-level dare-to-die disciples to lead Xu Han to the opponent's masters to provoke a fight. As long as Xu Han can mess around, it is best to kill a few more masters. It will greatly benefit one's own side.

Although there is a bit of gambling involved in doing so, it is better than staying in front of each other across the river all day long. The hatred will not be resolved by itself.As the leader of a faction, there are always things that have to be done.

Xu Han turned to leave, his whole body relaxed, the inexplicable loss and strange pressure disappeared, the meridians around his body surged and contracted, and his spiritual power was unprecedentedly surging, as if he could break through and advance at any time.However, Xu Han knew that it was definitely not the imminent breakthrough, but the response to the induction of spiritual power after the mind was relaxed.

In other words, if this can be advanced and upgraded, then the monk is too worthless.

In life, there are always things that have to be done.The suzerains of the two sects knew that leaving the duel would cause heavy damage, but they had no choice but to order a battle to avenge the prestige of the sect.Xu Han had seen enough killing, was tired of killing, and his desire for revenge was greatly reduced, but he still had to take revenge, for a belief, for thousands of fellow disciples who died.In fact, he also knows that there is no end to life and death, and everyone has this experience. When you step into the realm of cultivation, you either kill others or others kill, death is nothing more than a big deal.But he still wants revenge.Rest for two days in the mountains and rivers and return to Ninghe.

When you are in a decisive battle, I will not cause trouble; now that the fight is over, it is my turn to do things.

The Ninghe River changed from the turmoil of the war in the past two days. The water in the Ninghe River flows quietly and is clear.There was no one by the river, and the camp was also withdrawn, leaving only some abandoned debris piled up in a mess, suggesting that someone lived here a few days ago.

Xu Han shook his head and sighed at the dilapidation: "Why bother? Countless people were killed and injured in the fight, and it's not like they got nothing."

Kitten and Piglet glanced at the same place in the river, and Qi hummed softly before turning their heads away.The river in that place suddenly stirred up vortices and waves with a soft hum, and then calmed down and disappeared as the vortex disappeared, as if nothing had happened.But the little pig and the little cat were full of disdain, and they shook their heads slightly pretending to be.I despise that guy in the river.

Xu Han was amused.The two beasts are becoming more and more like people.But those two gangs were a little miserable.After tossing for a long time, countless people were killed and injured, but Jiaojing is still there. I really don't know what the sect masters are thinking now.

After the fight, everyone should go home.Xu Han is going to Hehuanmen to take revenge.But before he was on the road, he felt depressed because of his superfluous actions. If you don’t fight people in front of you, you only think about chasing them when they leave. The biggest problem is that you still don’t know the way.

Take a stroll along the way.While walking, he was depressed and cursed Hehuanmen, hoping that they would be wiped out by Yulingmen like Yinluo Mansion, and he would avenge his revenge without doing anything.But the idea is good, but the facts are cruel. After this great war, the entire southern part of the Yue Kingdom could hardly see a single cultivator.He walked for three days without seeing a single cultivator passing by.

As a mortal, Bai Jie'er couldn't take it anymore, her legs went limp after standing still.She almost fell down, but fortunately Xu Han held her up.

"It's all your fault!" Bai Jie'er couldn't help scolding again.Thinking that she and this guy did such a thing in the alley, she was too ashamed to think about the scene just now.

Xu Han chuckled, told Bai Jieer to stand still, and then began to tidy up his clothes and pants.

Bai Jie'er stretched out her small head to look out, and she also saw Jiang Wuyi, she yelled "no", and hurriedly gathered her strength to straighten her clothes...

At this moment, Bai Jie'er was in extreme distress. The black bra had been pushed up and hung around her neck.Many places on the neck still bear the red marks of the ravages, the grass underneath is even more criss-crossed, extremely messy, and the spring water juice flows out from the inside of the legs in straight lines, staining the black crystal clear silk socks. up.

Seeing Bai Jieer's distress, Xu Han who put up his pants first suddenly thought of a very complicated question.

"Uh... Sister Jieer, how many pairs of this kind of socks have you knitted?"

"There are three pairs in total. In addition to the pair you gave to Sister Wu Yi, there are two more pairs, one is transparent and the other is black..." Bai Jie'er couldn't help cursing at the thought of the kid giving away the dirty silk stockings. , "bt!"

"That is to say, there is only this pair of black ones?" Xu Han's eyes widened. He originally wanted to give Huang Zixuan a pair of black ones, but now...

"Sister Jie'er, do you still have snow silk?" Xu Han thought again, there is a lot of snow silk anyway, how many pairs can we weave?

But unexpectedly, Bai Jie'er rolled her eyes back at him, and said, "No more. Don't you feel that the hood and trousers are so cold and slippery?"

"It turns out that...it's all made of snow silk..." Xu Han scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you asking these questions?" Bai Jie'er raised her head and asked after her clothes were almost tidied up.But looking at Xu Han's expression, she immediately understood that this little thief wanted this thing to give away again on time.

Although Bai Jie'er was annoyed, her jealousy was not too strong. After all, polygamy was deeply rooted in the Cangnan Continent, and this was probably the biggest benefit of traveling here.

"When I get home, I'll bring you those transparent ones..." Bai Jie'er was not stingy, most of the snow silk with thousands of spirit stones was still worn on her body.

But Xu Han was worried, but I promised to give black ones...

Seeing that Xu Han didn't speak, Bai Jie'er said in surprise, "You won't give someone away with your dirt! You...you're too bt!"

Xu Han smiled wryly, sister Cucumber, she is not brother bt, there is really no way.

After finishing it, Bai Jie'er returned to the women's clothing store first, and after a while, Xu Han came over...

After the impulse just now, Xu Han really wanted to bring Bai Jie'er and Chen Boxuan back to Yunfuzong, so that there would be no need to separate the two places, but thinking of the ancestor Cao Muqing, Xu Han suppressed this idea.If that woman falls in love with Bai Jie'er again and wants to get her hands on her, she'll have nothing to do.

Seeing Xu Han coming back, Jiang Wuyi greeted him, pointed to a dress she had chosen, and asked, "How about this one? Mr. Designer."

Xu Han looked at it, it was a skirt with many streamers, it should look like a butterfly when worn on the body, it was more suitable for Jiang Wuyi's age, so he nodded in agreement...

Then Jiang Wuyi asked about the wood thorn. When Xu Han took out the wood thorn he had cultivated, Jiang Wuyi opened his moist mouth in surprise.

Jiang Wuyi couldn't be more shocked, holding the wooden thorn and asked in disbelief, "Is this for me? It has grown for at least 3000 years!"

Originally, she thought it was a thousand-year-old wooden thorn, so it was already very valuable.It is much better than what Cao Muqing planted in the medicine garden.But who knows the wooden thorns that Xu Han took out.It looks like it's been at least 3000 years old!

Any spirit herb will be a treasure in 3000 years, it is hard to see outside, and you may not be able to buy it if you have spirit stones... If it is worth.The minimum price of this 3000-year-old wood thorn is tens of thousands. If it is an auction, it may be sold for a high price of tens of thousands.And this guy actually bought it for only [-] spirit stones!

"Why? No? No, I'll take it back." Seeing Jiang Wuyi's surprised look, Xu Han gave up his idea of ​​returning another thousand spirit stones. will believe.

"I told my friend that it's only two thousand and eight. Whether you like it or not, he has no choice but to sell it..." Xu Han started to make up nonsense again.

Jiang Wuyi put the wooden thorns into a storage bag very preciously, and giggled, making Xu Han bewildered.It took Jiang Wuyi a while to say something that made Xu Han vomit blood.

"I see, that friend of yours must be a fool."

I bother.You are the fool!

After chatting in Bai Jie'er's shop for a while, Xu Han and Jiang Wuyi said goodbye and went back to the mountain. As for Jiang Wuyi's custom-made clothes, anyway, she already knew the place, so she asked her to come back to pick it up...

On the way back to the sect, Jiang Wuyi was very happy, probably because she had new clothes and materials for refining defensive magic weapons, and she laughed all the way.

Xu Han always felt that Jiang Wuyi was different from when he came here before, but he couldn't say what was different.

After leaving the city, when Jiang Wuyi released the hot wheel and jumped on it, Xu Han knew why.

In the past, when Jiang Wuyi jumped up, the moving soft mountain on his chest would vibrate vigorously, so that Xu Han used to peek at it every time, but this time, the magnitude of the vibration was obviously much smaller, and the pair of twin peaks also It has obviously become taller...

"Wu Yi, did you put on more clothes inside?" Xu Han asked with a smirk, stepping on the magic weapon.

Jiang Wuyi glanced back at him, of course he knew what the kid was going to say.

"Why? Sister Bai Jie'er gave it to me. If you want it, go for it." Jiang Wuyi couldn't help laughing after finishing speaking, why do you want that to wear as a man?

Xu Han originally wanted to discuss with her the feeling of wearing it, such as the color, but she was a soft nail and turned back, so it was hard to say anything at the moment.

But after flying for a while, Jiang Wuyi couldn't help but blushed and asked, "Brother Heizi, that... cover, will others see it if you wear it inside?"

Thinking that all the women in the Cangnan Continent wear bellybands, Jiang Wuyi is too embarrassed to be the first to eat crabs. It would be really embarrassing if others saw it.

Of course Xu Han would not let go of this opportunity to eat tofu with blatant eyes, and immediately said: "Then stop and let me take a closer look."

Jiang Wuyi was afraid of being laughed at when he went back to the mountain, so he had to stop, but at this moment, Yun Fuzong was in front of him. If he was hanging in the air and let a man stare at some important part of him, he would not be able to tell if he was seen.

"Why don't we go down to the woods and have a look."

"Okay." Of course Xu Han agreed.In the deep grove, a boy carefully appreciates a woman's breasts. Wow, it's so cool to see through clothes. I don't know how red Chili's face is?

But the reality is always not as perfect as imagined. When the two lowered the magic weapon, before Xu Han had time to look at Nai, he heard the faint sound of the magic weapon colliding from the distance of the forest.

After several revenge actions by the Jin family, the Yao family and others, Xu Hanshen felt that revenge was a very complicated matter, at least he had to keep in mind the geographical location of the enemy's family, and he couldn't ask someone for directions every time there was a fight.

Walking back and forth on the road, looking for people, is very boring.After learning about Miemen's anger, after a few big killings and many days of precipitation, it has faded a lot.To him, revenge is more like a responsibility at this time.After all, he didn't know many people in Tianlei Mountain with more than [-] people, and most of them treated him badly; although the head of Zhenru treated him well, but thinking of the death of his parents, he always felt a little awkward .After much deliberation, among the fellow disciples I know, only Senior Uncle Vacuum treats me well without any fuss, and Senior Brother Zhang Zhongjian?Not bad for myself.The other Uncle Shinichi, Uncle Maki, Taoist Zhentian, and Immortal Tieguan have some impressions, but not very good impressions.Then again, it's odd that you'll have a good impression of someone who plots against you.

As I walked and thought, another day passed.Xu Han suddenly didn't want to take revenge.Find a village and buy a big black mule.Hitch the pony cart.Don't urge them away, just let the mules move around freely.

The carriage is embedded with a magic circle, and it is as light as nothing.The mule was as relaxed as if he hadn't dragged anything. He ran to the lush grass to eat and stop, and then walked back to Ninghe along the way.The Ning River was long, and the place where the mule brought him back was downstream.It is [-] miles away from Ninghu Lake where Jiaojing lives.Xu Han didn't care where he went, but the kitten liked water, so he jumped into the river from a long distance to play. Xu Han thought it was strange to see the water for a while. It is said that the downstream is more magnificent than the upstream, and the water is much stronger, but the water here is low. , several meters of silt and river sand fell on the bank, which looked a little strange, you must know that there was just a flood in the country of Yue.Although the Ning River is not a disaster area, it is the main flood channel.The water potential should be greater, is something wrong?

As he wished, when something happened, it really happened. The kitten floated up from the water and stared upstream, as if something happened there.The little pig also stepped on the top of Xu Han's head and looked into the distance. Xu Han couldn't laugh at his serious appearance. It's not like he can't fly. What can he see if he steps on my head?Fortunately, Xiaozhu just pretended to look at him, and then flew back to the carriage to sleep lazily.

Xu Han launched a spiritual search, and a powerful force from the upper reaches of the Ning River quickly swam downstream in the water, and he knew it was the jellyfish without asking.No wonder the little pig and kitten look down on it, how powerful is a monster that can't even fly?But it seems that something is wrong, some of the beasts of those guys from the Yulingmen can fly, and those guys can't handle the Jiao Jing, the Jiao Jing should be more powerful.

After a while, the answer appeared in front of his eyes. The evergreen jellyfish dragged the red line and swam to the front quickly. After finding the kitten, he stopped a hundred meters away and did not dare to move rashly.

The red line in the water is the fresh blood from Jiao Jing's injury. There are seven or eight bowl-sized blood holes in the body of more than ten meters long. After being washed by the river water, the white flesh oozes blood.

Didn't Yulingmen and Momen leave after losing?Who went into the water and seriously injured Jiao Jing?Xu Han was a little helpless, as soon as he got in the carriage and was lazy, something happened.

After a few breaths, a person stepped on the water in the distance, and there were two people flying close to the water in the air, holding law enforcement weapons and coming aggressively.Seeing the three of them chasing after him, Jiaojing glared fiercely at the kitten with fist-sized eyeballs, and walked away from it cruelly.

The kitten didn't intend to stop it at all, it was Jiao Jing who was suspicious and stopped by himself because he was afraid that the kitten would be bad for it.

The three people behind quickly caught up and found that Xu Han was one man and one beast. After checking with his spiritual sense, he found nothing unusual.At this time, Xiaozhu was lazy to sleep in the carriage, and the three of them believed in their own strength. They never thought that the person in front of them was the legendary remnant of Tianlei Mountain.Now the kitten is upset, Jiao Jing is afraid of me, no matter what it is, it is a kind of attention, why are you three not polite at all, completely treating me as if I don't exist?With a slap of the front paw, thousands of water arrows were shot out from the water surface.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Xu Han and Xiaomao and Xiaozhu have been hiding their auras, so that ordinary people cannot find out that they are monks and spirit beasts.The three of them didn't realize that they were competing with Jiao Jing, when suddenly white flowers bloomed in front of their eyes, they were stunned and couldn't react in time, and the people on the river were smashed into sieves by water arrows.The two people in the air hurriedly flew away to dodge, barely saving their lives.

The kitten was simply venting its dissatisfaction. Seeing that only one person had been killed, it curled its lips nonchalantly. After venting, it also disappeared, meaning that it knew that I was powerful, so get out of here.The two people in the air didn't know what the kitten was thinking, they flew together and hesitated whether to make a move, the little guy in front of him seemed to be stronger than Jiaojing.

Xu Han took a look, well, he killed someone again, do you think I don't have enough enemies?Reluctantly looking at the kitten, and then looking for Jiaojing, I don't know where to go.These three people should have some ability to force Jiaojing out of the lake bottom.

Of course, these three people have some skills, and they have great skills. If Xu Han knew what these three people had done, he would immediately control the ice crystals and freeze them into popsicles.

Monster beasts have strange treasures, relying on the convenience of the terrain to withstand the slaughter of thousands of greedy people, such as the monster beast mountains on the mainland, such as the place where kittens and piglets once lived, and ice crystals, the same is true for jiaojing, Living under thousands of meters of water, relying on water-type strange spells to survive, is the only way to block the capture of the masters of the Spirit Control Gate and the Demon Gate.

A few days ago in the battle, Yulingmen and Momen were both defeated. When they returned to the Song Kingdom with their disabled soldiers, they were discovered by three disciples of the Qingmen. Seeing that Yulingmen suffered heavy losses, the three were secretly shocked. One of the three gates of the Song Dynasty was beaten like this.Changing to Qingmen probably wouldn't be much better.And recently the situation is turbulent.People have to be careful.He hurriedly asked what was going on, and after a lot of insinuating, he simply understood what happened, and knew that the enemy was the Yue Kingdom Demon Gate, and his strength was average.At the same time, he also guessed that there is a treasure in Ninghe.

Since there is no terrifying enemy as imagined, the treasure must be taken into his own hands, and the three of them went to Ninghe to hunt for treasure together.

If the jiaojing is hiding under a thousand meters of water, let alone powerful monsters.Even Xu Han couldn't find the Jiao Jing.Coincidentally, when the three of Qingmen were hunting for treasure on the Ning River, Jiao Jing was playing on the water.The three of them were delighted to see Bao, and they entered the water to fight, but how could they kill the jellyfish in the water.Even after leaving the water, jiaojing can fly into the air to fight with them for a while.

The three of them grew up together from the same sect, and cultivated a set of three-talented sword array of heaven, earth and man, but they couldn't use it in the water.But they were reluctant to part with the treasure, and the three of them racked their brains to come up with an evil idea. Aren't you good at water?We'll leave you waterless.

The sound of fighting was heard about three or four miles away.The rumbling sound of magic spells, the collision sound of magic weapons.It keeps ringing, making people feel that the battle is still very intense.

Jiang Wuyi also heard the sound of fighting, and asked in confusion, "Who the hell dares to fight near the Yunfu Sect's sect?"

Xu Han was still thinking about seeing Nai, although he was also very curious, but it was a rare opportunity to blatantly look at Little Pepper's full snow mountain.

But Jiang Wuyi has changed his mind at this moment. Although he is wearing clothes, a man can stare at his chest... And this Li Heizi has a dirty mind, so he will definitely tease him... So Jiang Wuyi is a little regretful, and he is worried that he has no excuses. Now that there are people fighting, naturally she won't let Xu Han watch it.

Seeing Little Pepper running ahead, Xu Han followed and reminded, "Wu Yi, let me see, if you go back to the sect and are seen by others, you might make a fool of yourself..." Seeing that Jiang Wuyi didn't seem to respond, Xu Han Han said very "kindly" intimidatingly, "Don't think too much, in fact, I am completely thinking about you... Although this kind of women's underwear is nothing, but after all, few people wear it, and others will inevitably make a fuss. Passing him on will become a secret known to everyone in the clan."

Heck, he obviously wanted to see it, but he still said it so grandly.Jiang Wuyi scorned Ye Hooligan for a moment, then turned around and said, "Who will see it if you wear it inside, and if it spreads, it's you who spread it!"

It seems that today I can't appreciate Pepper's Twin Beauty Peaks. Alas, what a chance!Xu Han was depressed and couldn't help cursing, "It's disgusting! Who doesn't have eyesight and doesn't choose a good place to fight!"

Jiang Wuyi covered his mouth and snickered, Heidan is really shameless, he obviously wanted to see it, and he said it was for my own good, but now he can't see it, he is so angry...

Xu Han noticed that Jiang Wuyi was smiling, so he couldn't help asking boldly, "Wuyi, um, I wonder what color Bai Jieer gave you? Also, is it full body or just the top half?"

Of course Jiang Wuyi wouldn't answer such a nasty question, so he turned his head and gave him a clear white eye...

ri, he was the first to be strict, so you treat me, the father of the bra, like this?Xu Han is annoyed, and will not invent things for these women in the future!Hmph, high heels, sanitary napkins... don't even think about it!

Soon, the two arrived at the place where the fight took place. To Xu Han's surprise, the fight took place in an open space outside the woods, and that open space was very close to the gate of Yunfuzong Mountain.

"Who is fighting? Don't you know that this is the territory of Yunfuzong?" Xu Han became curious.

As the distance approached, Xu Han could already see the golden light dancing outside the woods, the sound of the bang and bang became louder, and he even heard the clamor of male and female nuns, as if there were many people outside...

In order not to let others find out, Jiang Wuyi slowed down and walked cautiously to the edge of the forest under the cover of the forest.

Outside the woods, two men were fighting fiercely together, a golden light and a yellow light kept colliding and circling, hitting each other in the air.

But behind the two monks who were fighting, there were seven or eight monks standing. They seemed to be helpers invited from both sides, but the helpers didn't make a move, they just verbally scolded each other...

Xu Han and Jiang Wuyi hid behind a tree, and now they understood why no one cares about them. Those who dared to fight there were all disciples of Yunfu Sect.

However, there is also a difference. The one standing on the right, that is, the side that controls the golden light magic weapon, has three golden clouds embroidered on the white clothes on the chest.As for the disciples standing on the left, there are only one or two clouds.

The situation is very clear, one side is the inner hall disciples, the other is the outer hall disciples... The inner hall disciples are more noble, they can wear three cloud clothes during the Qi refining period, while the outer hall disciples can only wear three clouds after foundation establishment.

"It's a private fight." Jiang Wuyi said in a very low voice.

"What is a private fight?" Xu Han's whisper came over.

Jiang Wuyi twisted her neck, and the heat from the man's words hit her on the neck, which made her very uncomfortable.

She wanted to keep this kid away, but after another look, the tree is not that thick, and if they want to hide two people, they have to be squeezed tightly...

Moreover, even though Heidan was sticking to him, he did not act inappropriately, and his eyes looked out clearly.

It's my own overthinking.Although Heizi had a seductive mouth, he was actually a nice person, and he was so kind to himself. He tried every means to find materials for himself. If it was someone else, he might ask for these 3000-year-old wooden thorns.

Jiang Wuyi suddenly felt a little apologetic, so he hugged Xu Han's arm again, and whispered in his ear, "Private fighting means that there is a conflict between the disciples of the sect, so make an appointment with a few friends, say a place, and everyone will fight together." field, resolve conflicts..."

"Oh." Xu Han nodded.

At this moment, his attention has been completely absorbed by the fighting on the field. Since his debut, he has experienced a lot of fighting, but it is the first time to see other monks fighting.

Needless to say, watching other monks fight must be helpful to him, so Xu Han watched intently.

Because of this, he didn't even notice that Jiang Wuyi was holding his arm, but such a posture is not conducive to hiding... Xu Han almost subconsciously pulled his arm out of Jiang Wuyi's arms, and then hugged her soft waist .

This posture was more awkward than before, Jiang Wuyi's pretty face couldn't help but blush, but when he turned his head, this guy didn't mean it at all.So Xiaojiao lowered his head and smiled, relaxed his back, and rested the back of his head comfortably on this guy's chest.

"Then why Zongli doesn't care about their private fight?" Xu Han asked again.

"The mountain patrol team in the Zongli are all outer disciples, and many of these private fighters are the disciples of the Zongli Jiedan or even the Yuanying ancestor. They can't control it if they want to, so as long as they leave the Zong, they will not Someone is in charge."

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing. It seems that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This is true.

"What if someone is killed?" Xu Han couldn't help asking again.

"That depends on who died. If the other party is also a direct disciple of a certain ancestor in the sect, then the matter will be serious. But if the person who died was an outer disciple with no background, the punishment will be much lighter." Jiang After Wu Yi finished speaking, he pointed to the one standing in the middle of the disciples in the inner hall among the spectators and said, "Have you seen Qiu Qianguang? In a private fight last year, he accidentally killed two disciples in the outer hall, but he was fined to face the wall for two years." , but now a year has not yet come, and he came out."

Xu Han looked along Jiang Wuyi's fingers, and saw that Qiu Qianguang had the highest cultivation level among the disciples on both sides, and the other disciples were in the middle and late stage of qi refining, and this kid had already achieved great perfection in qi refining.

That Qiu Qianguang looked very arrogant, she didn't pay attention to the fight on the field, but was busy talking to a female cultivator beside her.The female cultivator's face was crooked and she couldn't see, but looking at the familiar yellow clothes, it was still very clear that she was Sister Cucumber. (To be continued.)

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