Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 572 Communication

() Liu Mengming didn't have time to startle, out of the corner of his eye.A cold light flashed by.The situation is still changing in a blink of an eye!However, Liu Mengming quickly lowered his head by relying on his mid-level golden core cultivation base, and avoided the sword, but the hair bundle and hairpin at the back of his head were cut in two.When he raised his head again, Liu Mengming turned into a shawl with messy hair!

At this moment, doubts arose in everyone's mind.What combat skill did Xu Han use just now?No one answered the question because everyone was watching intently.

With such powerful and concealed sword fighting skills, it's no wonder that young master Kewen looked confident just now!The young masters and ladies around Liu Mengwen couldn't help but turn their heads to look at Liu Mengwen, but they didn't expect that they were all confident that Young Master Kewen couldn't close his mouth at this time. ,

This kid, it turned out that what the younger sister said, he was not only good at formation and alchemy, but also the sword just now.At such a close distance, I am a golden core.It's a bystander again, who doesn't know when this kid stabbed the sword out!And the sword that Xu Han used just now was.I felt that Xu Han was like that sword!If it was me who faced that sword just now, as long as this kid doesn't show any sympathy, the best end will be similar to that guy Liu Mengming. That sword is so powerful!

At this time Liu Mengming couldn't hold back the horror in his heart anymore, with long hair, people outside the arena might not be able to see it, but Liu Mengming himself knew it very well!He didn't stab his scalp directly just now, but the piercing sword energy actually cut his scalp!And the sword just now, with his own speed, it was obviously impossible to dodge it, but he didn't know why he suddenly lost his aim.

There was an uproar in the field. If there were people who thought that Liu Mengming could easily deal with Xu Han just now, they would definitely want to withdraw their words impatiently now.

At this moment, everyone suddenly let out a scream!ah!Shock.Everyone's eyes are fixed.They seemed to be cheering for Xu Han's blow just now.Xu Han ignored everyone's dull eyes.He seems to have entered a mysterious realm now. At this moment, everything around him seems to disappear, and only Liu Mengming and his endless fighting skills are left in front of him.

Xu Han's original plan was to use an ordinary move.Come to display the huge aura borrowed from Linghu, which will make Liu Mengming more convincing, because from the present point of view, it is still the level of the realm after all.It directly affects the final direction of the battle.

Xu Han asked himself that he was not a womanist, so he was not going to let Liu Mengming go so easily. Of course he had no obligation, nor did he have the time to tell Liu Mengming the truth, that is, not to look at anyone with a dirty eye. one person.The main reason for this disaster was Liu Mengming's hatred for Xu Han!

Liu Mengming hated Xu Han so much because of Liu Menglin's existence. Many people knew that he liked his cousin.However, because of Xu Han's marriage to Liu Menglin, his relationship was broken.It became more and more hopeless.

This is what he cannot accept, not only because of Xu Han's own great strength.It was also because of Liu Menglin's deep affection for Xu Han.

This is what Liu Mengming can't let go of the most. How can a woman melt into another man's heart?Presumably, only God will tell him this question.That's why he chose to fight Xu Han at this time today.

Hearing Qingliu's words, Xu Han stared blankly into the distance.Changshengmen is one of the seven righteous sects of the Yue Kingdom, and its strength is not under Tianlei Mountain.Back then, he rescued fellow righteous disciples and once fought side by side with the demon sect.And the first high-ranking monk Xu Han had ever seen was Qian Sha, who was holding bright silver spears and wearing a bright yellow battle suit from the Longevity Gate.At that time, Qiansha was a high-level cultivation of alchemy. I don't know what kind of realm he has cultivated in the past hundred years. Will he be dead like Ouyang Dingtian?

In any case, Tianlei Mountain and Changshengmen finally have some old friendship, Xu Han said in a low voice: "Tianlei Mountain Xu Han." To him, Xu Han is more like his name, although the origin is not good, but it is more cordial ; and Hongwu is just a name given by the master when he is teaching the art.He also didn't want to have anything to do with the so-called righteous disciples, so he said five words and kept silent.

Those five simple words sounded like five thunderclaps to the ears of the hundreds of cultivators on the opposite side. He really is that person!When Qingliu started, there was also the intention of probing, but I didn't expect that it was really Tianlei Mountain Taoist friend. He flew forward in great joy, and soon came to Xu Han and clasped his fists: "Brother Dao has repeatedly killed the Jin family in recent days. The actions of the four great demon sects are really pleasing to the hearts of the people, please be respected by Qingliu."

He said good things to make it close, but Xu Han frowned, why did he fly here?But he finally didn't make a move, and said softly: "You go." Although the tone was light, the inner meaning was that he could not refuse.

Qingliu was taken aback and asked, "What does brother Dao mean by this?"

Xu Han didn't want to talk too much, he looked over Qingliu, and looked at a group of people who were moving around in the distance, two of them flew over slowly with their fists clasped, and said in their mouths: "The disciples of the Longevity Sect have met Brother Zhang Dao."

It turns out that greed is not only the patent of the so-called evil sects, but also the so-called righteous sects cannot escape the temptation of fame and fortune.Xu Han said coldly: "Stop, don't move." Not only were his words cold, but the sword in his hand was even more cold.

The two of them stopped in mid-air in astonishment, Qingliu said anxiously: "That's my fellow disciple, brother Dao, what do you mean by that?"

Xu Han glanced at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Qingliu said: "Not only the three of us, but all the righteous sects in the north came here to make a final decision with the demon sect, and at the same time avenge the death of fellow Taoists in Tianlei Mountain."

What Xu Han asked was why did you come to Ninghe?Definitely not at ease.Qingliu thought she was wrong, and answered another thing.

"Revenge? Hehe, revenge?" Xu Han laughed softly, his eyes became colder, and he looked directly at Qingliu.This kind of trick is too proficient, obviously knowing that both the Demon Sect and the Yuling Sect will suffer. The righteous sect wants to pick a bargain, but they want to use the name of being upright, saying that they want to avenge the dead and injured allies, but there are many sects in the righteous way. People, why don't you take revenge sooner or later, why choose this time to take revenge?To beat the dog in the water?

Seeing Xu Han's strange expression, Qingliu was not sure what he was thinking, so he hesitated and asked, "What is Daoist doing here?"

One sentence dragged Xu Han back to reality, looked at Qingliu coldly and said, "I don't care what you guys want to do. You are not allowed to stay in the two flooded areas of Ninghe River."

"Flooded place?" Qingliu was surprised.Just now he was patronizing to check on Xu Han.I had no time to care about the landscape, so I looked around carefully at this moment, nodded and said: "I said why there are so many silt and sand on both sides of the river. It turns out that there was a flood. Is it true that there are many abnormal phenomena in places with rich spiritual energy?"

Seeing that he didn't answer coldly, Qingliu said to himself, "There is plenty of spiritual energy, and it's an excellent place for cultivation. Unexpectedly, there are a few good places in the lair of the devil's thieves. Brother Zhang Dao wants to monopolize this place?"

The last few words are the key point, one sentence asked all the monks' questions, Qingliu secretly slandered: "Even if you are a powerful disciple of Tianlei Mountain, you can't eat alone, everyone should share the benefits."

Xu Han's anger rose, he thought for a while and asked a few more words: "How about Senior Qiansha?"

"Qiansha? Senior?" Qingliu was confused for a while, Qiansha was just a high-level cultivation of alchemy, one level lower than himself, when did he become a senior?Immediately asked: "Brother Zhang Dao is talking about a handsome high-ranking alchemy monk in my sect wearing a bright yellow battle suit?"

This sentence is a bit of a curse.Cultivators compare strength, while Qingliu speaks by appearance.That is to say, he despised Qian Sha.

Xu Han nodded and said yes.Qingliu didn't care and said: "He is still like that, he is too murderous, he knows how to fight, and he hasn't been able to go further in 150 years, and it is estimated that another ten years will be the limit." He paused and said: "This time he also Here we go, let's go with the big team, the three of us will come to the front." He pointed to the two fellow students who stopped awkwardly behind him.

Ten years, ten years to live, he has a good impression of Qiansha, he is proud, upright, handsome, unrestrained.Xu Han restrained his anger and said calmly: "Go away, don't come again, or come back in half a month." The aura he sprinkled was like a tree without roots, and it would dissipate completely in ten days and a half month at most.

Qingliu didn't know the inside story, so he was reluctant to leave. He hesitated and said: "Well, there are six sect masters leading a team from the seven gates of the righteous way. What's the secret here? Why don't you report it to the sect masters and make more decisions?" The meaning is to say that after the Tianlei Mountain of Miemen has been removed from the Seven Great Schools of the Righteous Way, the bosses of the remaining six schools have come.

Not wanting to annoy Xu Han completely with this remark, he turned his head to look at the two of them halfway, and said softly, "For the sake of Senior Qiansha, say it one last time and leave this place."

Qingliu is a top-level cultivation of alchemy, one step away from conceiving a baby. In the past, he was a man who called for wind and rain, and was arrogant. He was robbed by Xu Han time and time again. His face was not hesitant. In the end, he said with restraint: "Since Brother Dao has this request, Qingliu will do it." After speaking, he left with a cold snort.

This is very rude, but Xu Han doesn't pick on these things, as long as you don't disturb the lives of the victims, it doesn't matter how much you hum.

From the very beginning when there was an angry scream and a warning, the victims by the river knew that there was someone seeking justice for them, but the movements were so fast that they couldn't see the face clearly.When he stood alone in the air and showed his figure, dressed in coarse clothes and accompanied by a pig and kitten, the victims immediately knew that it was the Wanjia Shengfo who helped them free of charge these days.

Give them money and food, help them fight bad people, and fly, it is clear that they are living Buddhas and gods sent by heaven to rescue them, many people knelt down and kowtowed.Xu Han couldn't bear this the most, and said loudly: "Get up, anyone who kneels again, I will leave immediately."

The victims hurriedly stood up, and they respected Xu Han even more in their hearts. He must have been sent by God to help them. Apart from him, no one has ever seen anyone treat them wholeheartedly.

"You!" Qiu Qianguang stared at Xu Han angrily.But Huang Zixuan quickly stood in front of him, Qiu Qianguang suppressed his anger and sneered, "Then you must have the strength to grab it!"

When they were talking, there was another change on the field, and the female cultivator named Dong'er stood up, pointed at herself with a flying sword and said, "Ye Feng, since you are so hard on each other, Dong'er can only die!"

Ye Feng was not moved by the female cultivator's determination, he laughed and said: "Dong'er, you are really stupid, do you think you are useful if you die? My goal is not you, my goal is him, even if you die! I still want to continue to torture him, bully him, and make him regret scolding me!"

Ye Feng's behavior was a bit too much. Others just scolded him at the beginning, but they still hold grudges until now, and they are still so bitter, even death can't eliminate his resentment...

Not only Xu Han.Even some inner disciples feel that this is not good.Huang Zixuan asked Qiu Qianguang why she helped such a person in a low voice.

Finally Qiu Qianguang spoke. "Ye Feng, it's almost fine, they are all disciples of the same school."

It may be that Ye Feng was not happy at first because the grudge was too deep back then.But thinking about it, I couldn't offend Qiu Qianguang, so I changed my mind and said, "Ye Xin, since Senior Brother Qiu Qianguang has already said it, then I don't want your woman anymore... so. Come here, kneel in front of me, and kowtow to me three times. Apologize to me, if you are sincere enough, I can forgive you today..."

Hearing this, Ye Xin was a little shaken, after all, he didn't have to give up his beloved Dong'er to the other party.If that was the case, Dong'er might really die, and Ye Xin would rather suffer some grievances.Also protect the woman you love.

After thinking for a while, Ye Xin walked over slowly.The outer hall disciples shouted from behind, "Ye Xin, don't!" In front of so many fellow disciples, if Ye Xin knelt down, he would never be able to lift his head up...

Dong'er was crying even more, and came up to hold Ye Xin, but Ye Xin still shook off Dong'er's arm, "Dong'er, the cultivator is the strongest, I don't deserve to have you, you should go, and I must find you in the future." A Taoist companion who can protect you from being wronged."

Ye Xin knew that his kneeling would become his eternal laughing stock in the future, and he would always walk with his head bowed in Yunfuzong.However, at this moment, if he wanted to keep Dong'er safe, he could only kneel down.

"Haha, Ye Xin, I thought you were so great, but you are a coward! Come here, kneel down to me!" Ye Feng laughed triumphantly...

Slowly, Ye Xin came over.

At this moment, Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan couldn't stand it any longer. They couldn't help turning their heads away, not wanting to look at the scene in front of them.

Ye Xin walked over slowly, every step was so difficult.The surrounding outer hall disciples also turned their heads. They were all outer hall disciples. They were outer hall disciples who had no one to help them, and no master to protect them. Ye Xin's kneeling was not the sadness of the outer hall disciples.

Ye Xin was already standing in front of Ye Feng, his legs were slightly bent, but it was difficult to kneel down... But what if he didn't kneel?

Ye Xin gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and kneeled down as soon as his legs softened.

"Alas..." Ye Xin heard several people sighing at the same time.The strong in the world of cultivating immortals are respected, and the other party is stronger than you. If you are asked to kneel, you have no choice but to kneel.

But when he was kneeling halfway, he found that he couldn't kneel down, a strong force grabbed the collar behind his neck.Then, he heard a sentence that made him remember his whole life.

"It's not shameful to defeat, it's shameful to kneel down to the enemy!"

When Ye Xin opened his eyes, in front of him was a pair of eyes that he would never forget. He glared at him angrily and shouted at him, "It's not shameful to defeat, it's shameful to kneel down to the enemy! You know! If you kneel down , that is, you are truly defeated, forever defeated!"

"But what can I do! It's easy to talk, but what about you? What would you do if you were in my situation!" Ye Xin seemed to be hysterical...

"If it were me! At this moment, I would take advantage of his slack, rush forward, and grab his vitals! I will not let go! Even if I fight to the death, I will insult him and return everything to him! Let him understand , how stupid it is to be my enemy, Li Heizi! No matter how strong he is, I will... never compromise, never back down!"

Xu Han's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts, "Never compromise, never retreat!" This is Xu Han's character, and the creed he adheres to, even if he dies, he will have no regrets!

The sun was so intense that Ye Xin felt a surge of heat in his heart. He could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, let out a roar, and threw himself at Ye Feng who was already dumbfounded...

But at this moment, Qiu Qianguang walked up. He looked at this dark-skinned Qi-refining seventh-level monk again. He knew that he had met a ruthless person, someone even more ruthless than himself!Qiu Qianguang doesn't want to be an enemy of this kind, but it seems that she still has to do it!He saw admiration and respect in Huang Zixuan's eyes... Sooner or later, he would be his own enemy!

Such an enemy, the best way is to strangle him in the cradle!

"Brother Heizi, you've messed up the situation... As I said, others should not interfere with Ye Xin and Ye Feng's affairs, otherwise don't blame me for being rude! No matter who it is!" She didn't make a move, but Qiu Qianguang deliberately provoked and temporarily changed her meaning...

"Then Brother Qiu wants to compete with me?" Xu Leng asked coldly, he saw hostility in the opponent's eyes, and he no longer concealed murderous intent in his eyes.

This is definitely a pair of eyes that have killed many people.Qiu Qianguang saw cruelty in Xu Han's eyes.This strengthened his determination to kill his opponent.

"Brother Heizi. Actually, I don't want to do this, but what I Qiu Qianguang said, if I break my promise for you, I will lose face in the future?" Qiu Qianguang said with a sneer...

"Qiu Qianguang!" Huang Zixuan rushed over.Blocking Xu Han, he said angrily: "Qiu Qianguang, how could you do this? Brother Heizi didn't make a move at all, but he only said a few words. Now that I have said it, do you want to compete with me?"

And Jiang Wuyi, who rushed over afterward, slapped the storage bag, took out the flying sword, and glared at Qiu Qianguang angrily, "Qiu Qianguang, if you want to fight Brother Heizi, pass me first!"

Seeing that the two young female cultivators blocked Li Heizi, Qiu Qianguang's eyes became more murderous.He knew that if he didn't kill this kid.I will lose this battle completely.

"Get out of the way! Women don't need to intervene in matters between men!" Qiu Qianguang shouted angrily.

"No!" Huang Zixuan had no choice.He also took out a flying sword.

"You want to fight me too?" Qiu Qianguang raised her head and laughed, then pointed at Xu Han behind the two women, "Li Heizi, what kind of man are you hiding behind women? You speak for Ye Xin because you are also A bastard with no strength! I want you to understand that this is a world where the strong are respected, and if you have no strength, you are not worthy of having a woman!"

Ye Xin and Ye Feng, who were entangled and scuffling over there, could no longer attract everyone's attention. No one thought that Qiu Qianguang would fight with Li Heizi later, but everyone was not optimistic about Li Heizi, and even thought that Li Heizi must Not daring to take on the challenge, even the outer disciples who were a little impulsive just now let out a sigh of relief.

After all, Qiu Qianguang's strength, as well as his mysterious wolf flag, are daunting.

But at this moment, I saw Xu Han gently waved Jiang Wuyi, and walked out from between the two girls.

"Qiu Qianguang, no matter which battlefield, you...are a loser. In my eyes, you are not even a bird's feather."

Another monk flew over from a distance, and there were more than a hundred people at this time. Among the group of people, dragons and phoenixes stared at Xu Han in a daze. What is this person doing?Why do you treat ordinary people so well?Could it be related to him?

When the monk who arrived later saw the acquaintance, he asked a few words: "Who is this person? What is he doing?" The acquaintance replied to him: "The legacy of Tianlei Mountain." that person?"

Slowly more and more cultivators came from all over the world. In less than half an hour, there were as many as 500 cultivators from various sects. There were acquaintances and enemies. Reiki is the big deal. After holding back my breath, I found out that the young boy standing alone on the opposite side is actually a remnant of Tianlei Mountain. Those who have hatred don't care about the enemy. They looked at each other, and someone asked with burning eyes: " Tell me, can all of us kill one of him?"

Who in the world doesn't know that the survivor of Tianlei Mountain is full of treasures, and it's best to kill him, but the question is who can kill him?Someone smiled and said, "You go first, and I'll be in the rear."

A monk who just arrived asked, "What is he doing there? Why don't you find the source of the spiritual energy?"

No one in the group understands what Xu Han is doing. According to their own understanding, most people think that the survivors of Tianlei Mountain are too greedy and want to occupy the spiritual source alone. Want to be the next one?" This disdain is disdain for Xu Han who is too greedy, and disdain for the person who asked the question.

Someone came earlier, saw more things, and whispered: "He seems to be helping the people and not letting us disturb them."

The man was even more disdainful, and even laughed out loud and said, "You mean he is doing good deeds? You mean that the disciples of Tianlei Mountain are doing good deeds? You mean that the dignified Nascent Soul cultivator is doing good deeds for ordinary people like ants?"

Xu Han stood silent in the air, and the people on both sides of the Ning River below who had been helped by him gradually gathered here because they were disturbed. Slowly, more and more people gathered here. They all looked at him with respect and gratitude, but no one spoke, for fear of disturbing him. to him.

The group of monks on the opposite side looked around, observed the movement of the people, and came to the conclusion: that person seemed to be doing good deeds.

There are two places with strong aura. Xu Han can take care of the largest downstream, but not the upstream.At this time, some monks in the upstream disaster area searched for the source of the spiritual energy but could not find it, and planned to drive away the common people to occupy the magpie's nest.Hundreds of monks in the lower reaches were blocked, and some people with good deeds flew to the upper reaches to inquire. After getting the real news, they flew back dumbfounded, proving that everyone's deduction was right, the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were doing good deeds.

This person is crazy?This was the first reaction of the Mantian cultivator.The second reaction was to kill him.

The land nourished by hundreds of drops of wood elf.The aura is rich beyond imagination.No one is willing to give it up to others for nothing; what's more, there is only one guy blocking the way, and he is full of treasures. If he kills it by the way?Just think about it!

The eyes of hundreds of monks are getting more and more wrong, just a Nascent Soul monk.There are hundreds of people and countless magic weapons, so they should be able to fight.

But Xu Han didn't give them a chance to fight, so he searched with his spiritual sense.It is known that the people in the upper reaches are being driven away by cultivators, and some people have even been beaten to death.He was so angry that his eyes widened, he waved his wings, disappeared from the spot, and came to the upstream disaster area in an instant.He didn't speak, there was no one to live under the sword of God, the flash of a figure and the stab of the silver sword meant a human life.

Xu Han left, and the cultivators gathered downstream guessed where he went and what he was doing.After a while, it was found that there was a change upstream.So the swarm came.When they arrived, Xu Han had already killed more than [-] monks.Standing in the air coldly, looked at them coldly, and said coldly: "Those who disturb the common people will be killed without mercy."

In a word, it is true that the lunatic Tianleishan is doing good things for ordinary people, and he is standing up for ordinary people like ants.Someone wanted to kill Xu Han, but what happened in front of them made them hesitate. Twenty or so monks scattered in the vast open space were killed in the blink of an eye. This level of strength is indeed amazing, and the guy in the rumor is even more so. It's so powerful that it doesn't look like it, especially when there are two monsters with unclear strength floating beside him, do you really want to attack him?

Qingliu peeped among the crowd, secretly happy: "Call you crazy, offend all the heroes in the world, let's see how you die."

Greedy cultivators gathered more and more, there were disciples from the demon sect, fellow disciples of the righteous way, and monks from other countries who came from nearby. Jing came out and attracted hundreds of people to join in the fun; but more and more cultivators made him feel like he was riding a tiger, what should he do?If they all break in, are they really going to kill them all?

He couldn't make up his mind, and the hundreds of monks in front of him were also in doubt. The man in front of him was a lunatic, and he didn't have any advantage to stand up for ordinary people. If he said he would kill someone, he wouldn't even say hello. To find a training place, he had to work hard. life?

One person against a group of people, including several Nascent Soul monks, but none of them were willing to take the risk of provoking Xu Han, and all the monks were reluctant to leave, so everyone held each other for several hours in such a strange way, and the sky turned dark in a blink of an eye.

In the dark night, from the north, dozens of monks flew over quickly, and soon stopped in front of them. Dozens of monks flew down, dressed in various colors and clothes, obviously not from the same sect.

These people flew over slowly, and nearly a hundred monks flew out of the crowd to greet them, including three Qingliu.Xu Han took a look, there were a few people who had met before, and it was the Alliance of the Seven Sects of the Righteous Path.Then he laughed at himself, now it should be the alliance of six factions.

With a quick glance, dozens of people, let alone thousands of people, came to the area controlled by the Demon Gate with great fanfare, clearly to pick a bargain.The four main forces of the Devil's Sect, go to one of the disabled and three; the six factions of the righteous way come to attack, do you want to fight or not?

If you fight, there is basically no chance of winning, and it will only hurt the remaining three major demon sects; if you don't fight, the glory of the holy sect that the disciples of the demon sect boast will be damaged. The lairs of all the demon sects preach to eliminate evil and do everything they can, and they will never let a single person go.In short, this time the Demon Sect will be miserable, and the advantage of the Righteous Path Alliance is determined.

Thinking of this, Xu Leng snorted, beat them, it's best to kill them all, lest I run back and forth and have to ask for directions first if I want to get revenge.

Dozens of people who flew up and down flew to stop 100 meters in front of the crowd, and after scanning their surroundings, they all focused their eyes on Xu Han.Qingliu reported the situation to the past in a low voice, and after a while, an old man with a white beard flew out of it, with a big mouth and small eyes, and an ugly appearance. It was He Changkai, the deputy head of the Longevity Sect.

He Changkai flew to a stop 20 meters in front of Xu Han, and asked softly, "How is your friend?"

Among other things, etiquette cannot be lacking, Xu Han closed his sword and cupped his fists and said, "Xu Han has met the head of He Sect in Tianlei Mountain."

Seeing Xu Han's challenge, the field fell silent, and countless pairs of eyes looked at the few people in the field.

Ye Xin also stopped fighting with Ye Feng, and ran back quickly, begging in a trembling voice, "Forget it, forget it, it's all for my sake, everyone is from the same school, don't hurt your feelings."

If it is said that the most nervous person is Huang Zixuan, she knows the root cause of this matter, and she also knows how powerful Qiu Qianguang is. The last time Qiu Qianguang "mishandled" killed two outer disciples, she witnessed it with her own eyes.At that time, Qiu Qianguang didn't bother at all.Release the Howling Wolf.Two outer disciples.One of them has already successfully built a foundation, and none of them can stop the overwhelming wind blade... One of the qi refining monks who did not have a defensive magic weapon was broken through the spiritual power shield in the blink of an eye, and was cut into countless small pieces by the wind blade.

And another real person who had just established the foundation did not resist for a long time.Soon, he was also hit by several wind blades, and the body was broken into several pieces.The most frightening thing is that real person's defensive magic weapon, the Iron Wood Shield.The dense damage and gaps on it are simply shocking. You must know that the strength of the iron-wood shield is no less than that of a shield made of fine iron.

Huang Zixuan couldn't see that Li Heizi was better than that real person who established the foundation...

"Qiu Qianguang! If you really want to fight Li Heizi! I'll... ignore you forever!" Although Huang Zixuan's words were a little weak, she looked at him firmly.

If I don't kill him, you will ignore me.Qiu Qianguang snorted coldly, wondering if she should take this time to ask Huang Zixuan to be a Taoist companion?If this woman agrees.Then your goal will be achieved.

Of course, this Li Heizi must be killed.Just looking for a chance next time...

But at the moment when Qiu Qian was counting on the disc, Li Heizi spoke again.

"If you want to hit, hit it, don't dawdle."

Qiu Qianguang almost vomited blood, damn it, am I dawdling?

When Xu Han said this, Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan became anxious.What's the matter with Li Heizi, you are too ignorant of current affairs, can you deal with Qiu Qianguang?It took a lot of effort to persuade Qiu Qianguang to calm down, but you still took the initiative to provoke... You are not arrogant, you are stupid!

"Heizi, can you say a word less, we are all in the same class, just bear with it..." Huang Zixuan said, winking at Jiang Wuyi, and asked her to drag Xu Han away.

But Xu Han waved his hand, pushed Jiang Wuyi away, and sighed, "Get out of the way, don't persuade me, neither I nor he will agree, we must fight today! Even if we can't fight today, next time To fight!"

Qiu Qianguang agreed with Xu Han's words for the first time, "You are right!"

This made Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan very confused. What kind of hatred do these two have?This is the first time we met, why can't we get along well, just because of some verbal conflicts, is it necessary?

"Of course it is necessary!" Qiu Qianguang didn't say a word, some men, if they can't be friends, they are the most dangerous enemies!With a big wave of his hand, he slapped the storage bag, and a white wax rod about ten feet long appeared in his hand...

"Push away! This is a man's business, you women don't understand!" Qiu Qianguang shook her right hand, and the triangular black flag wrapped in the upper half of the white wax pole unfolded in the wind...

A lifelike portrait of a blue Howling Wolf appeared.

"Wolf flag!" All the monks present exclaimed. Many of them had only heard about it before, but saw it for the first time today.And the monk who had seen Qiu Qianguang use the wolf flag sighed even more, this black-faced monk might lose his life today.

"What should I do?" Huang Zixuan and Jiang Wuyi looked at each other, and they knew it was impossible to stop the matter at this point...

"Don't worry, he, Qiu Qianguang, is powerful, and I, Li Heizi, are not weak, so don't worry, do you think I'm a disadvantaged person?" Xu Han pushed the two girls away.

To say that this Li Heizi is really not a person who will suffer, Jiang Wuyi has been with him for several months, and every time the unlucky one is someone else, I have never seen him suffer, and even I can't take advantage of him .

How could such a smart guy be so stupid?With such a mentality, Jiang Wuyi pulled Huang Zixuan away, but the flying sword in her hand was still not put back, ready to rescue at any time...

Huang Zixuan walked away very worried, and turned around and shouted at Qiu Qianguang, "Don't hurt Brother Heizi, or I'll never end with you!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill him." Qiu Qianguang looked at the other party and smiled coquettishly. I won't kill him, but I want to abolish his cultivation and make him unable to practice forever!

At this moment, all the monks stood far away, staring at the field, some were excited while others sighed.

They all looked at the black-faced monk. This guy's cultivation base is not as good as the other's, and he is so stubborn. Is there any powerful magic weapon?

But they were a little disappointed. That Li Heizi didn't take out any magic weapon, not even a low-grade magic weapon... He simply put a spiritual shield on himself, and then stood opposite Qiu Qianguang.

"Brother Heizi, take out your magic weapon, let's fight like men, don't try to make a fool of yourself." Qiu Qianguang stared at the other party, he did not underestimate the enemy.He believed that this black servant would not even have a magic weapon...

"He keeps saying he's a man. Do you know what a man is?" Xu Han sneered. "You don't understand! Don't think that you are a man if you have a cock in the crotch of your trousers. There is love and hatred in your chest, dignity in your feet, a bottom line in life, and what you can do and what you can't do. This is the real man!" Xu Han After finishing speaking, he sighed, "Oh, telling you this is really...you will never understand."

"I have to admit, you are deceiving people. You are really good at deceiving little women... But now the competition is about strength!"

"There is one set. If you are a woman, you will find that I have several sets... Hey, Qiu Qianguang, are you afraid? What nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to fight?"

Isn't it because you don't have a magic weapon?Qiu Qianguang turned blue with anger, "Since you are so arrogant, then I don't mind if you die sooner!"

Before Qiu Qianguang finished speaking, she raised the wolf flag.With a swipe.

Following the clang of the triangular flag in the wind, a bluish-white light group was shaken off from the flag. The light group was the size of a fist, surrounded by countless thorn-like rays of light.

"Appear, Sao Feng Wolf King!"

As soon as the light ball landed on the ground, it immediately transformed into a big fat wolf with a blue body, and the white hair under the neck made the wolf king even more noble.As soon as the Wolf King Xiaofeng came out, he immediately raised his head and yelled, "Oh~"

The wolf king was really amazing, this long and distant sound echoed throughout the forest, and later, wolves howled far away in response.

However, the Wolf King Sao Feng did not continue to respond, but shook his hair all over his body, and then stared at Xu Han with a pair of fiery red eyes.

Xu Han was also looking at the Xiaofeng Wolf King, and he was more interested in the wolf flag.You must know that the fierce ghost released by the soul banner is a phantom, but this Xiaofeng wolf king can turn into a real body.

He Chang asked the question just because he wanted to care about the down-and-out disciples of the righteous way as an elder, and to put himself in a higher position, so that he could talk for a while, and he didn't want to be called out by the other party. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Have you seen me?"

"When the seven major sects helped Wushuangmen decades ago, they met the head of Hemen from afar." Xu Han replied.

At this time, another person flew over from the crowd, wearing a bright yellow battle suit, handsome and unrestrained, staring at Xu Han, and asked, "Senior Brother Qingliu said you asked about me, have we met before?"

Xu Han hurriedly clasped his fists again and bowed back, "I met both sides decades ago, and I was just building a foundation at that time."

Qian Sha thought for a moment, and said with an "ah": "I remembered, it was you, brother Zhenru actually has a good disciple, he cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm in a hundred years, not bad, not bad, much better than me."

Ordinarily, his cultivation level is higher than Qiansha's and he can be called by his name directly, but Xu Han has always had a good impression of him, so he omitted the address and said directly: "Nonsense."

Qiansha didn't care whether Xu Han was better than him, and probably had nothing to worry about when the deadline was approaching. He nodded at Xu Han and said, "Not bad, not bad, really good."He Changkai was so frightened that he hurriedly explained: "Junior Brother Qiansha always speaks like this, don't blame fellow Daoists." The guy opposite is a remnant of Tianlei Mountain who has been in the limelight recently, and he has killed countless lives in his hands. He also wanted to get good things from Xu Han.

Xu Han didn't care about these things, remembering that Qingliu said that the thousand-kill limit was approaching, and planned to give him a few advanced pills, but this group of people came aggressively, it must be no good, so he changed the subject and asked He Changkai: "I don't know why the sect master came here?" thing?"

He Changkai had a clear look at the surrounding situation. The surging spiritual energy on the two lands behind Xu Han had already moved his heart, and he coughed softly and said, "Fellow Daoists are really powerful. If you don't fall into the majesty of Tianlei Mountain, you can force yourself to go through the magic gate with one manpower." I won ten thousand hectares of spiritual land in my small hands, I didn't expect that there are some good things in the Demon Sect." He stopped talking, looked at Xu Han's expression and continued: "I don't know if you can give up some space for my fellow disciples of the righteous way. First of all, we are allies. You can take care of each other, and secondly, you can’t occupy every inch of land by yourself, can you?”

He Changkai thought that what he said was very reasonable, and he spoke as Xu Han's elder, and he thought he would agree. He was dreaming and waiting for a good fruit, but Xu Han replied coldly: "No."

He Changkai was taken aback for a moment, and asked as if he didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

Xu Han still said coldly: "I can't." He spat out these two words, and the sword reappeared in his hand.

He Changkai's originally small eyes narrowed even more at this time, and he muttered in a low voice as if talking to himself: "Do you know what you just said?" There was a threat in the words.

Xu Han had already seen through the nature of the so-called orthodox monks, and replied with a chuckle: "Master He is threatening me?" , Song State Yulingmen, and Qi State’s Hongguang Inn, which was broken into pieces, plus Yue State’s original enemy’s Demon Gate, and even the Holy Kingdom on the other side of the boundless desert. The heroes of the world have been offended by me all over the place. A small Longevity Gate?

He Chang opened his face and was taken aback. He originally wanted to use the friendship of the alliance to force Xu Han to agree, but he didn't expect this kid to be denied by his relatives. The big sent three thousand and 670 masters to wipe out the demon sect thieves in one fell swoop, and this beautiful land will soon become a place controlled by the Righteous Path Alliance, don't think about it, little friend?" The implication is that if you don't agree now, you will Aren't you afraid that we will settle accounts with you after the fight?At this time, the battle was imminent, but He Changkai really didn't want to confront Xu Han directly.

Xu Han chuckled, showing indifference, and asked softly: "When Tianlei Mountain was destroyed, there were more than [-] people from the same sect who escaped. Someone must have gone to the Longevity Gate for help. I want to know how the head of He sect took care of them?" Han got the news of Tianlei Mountain's destruction from the escaped disciples of the same sect. Since the escaped disciples could run so far, someone from the six sects of the alliance who were close at hand must have come to ask for help.

Just ask He Changkai in one sentence. After the six sects of the alliance heard the news, their first reaction was not to send rescuers, but to find out who offended Tianlei Mountain?The No. [-] sect of the righteous way was easily wiped out, and they should be no match for them.When the news came back, it was known that Mangu Jin's family had done it, and the six major sects did the same, sending some disciples of Tianlei Mountain down the mountain by giving some spirit stone elixir.They didn't want to offend the Jin family, but they directly caused many Tianlei Mountain disciples to die in vain in the pursuit of the four evil sects.So when Xu Han asked this question, He Changkai didn't know how to answer it.

Seeing that the situation froze, Qian Sha hurriedly interjected: "There is still a place with rich spiritual energy in the lower reaches of the Ning River. How about if this place is monopolized by Zhang Daoyou, and the lower part of the land is shared by the six factions of our alliance?"

He gave the boss Xu Han face, not only his own sect master, but also the other five factions who did not come after him. He thought simply, no matter what, there should be no infighting in the alliance before the war. <Warm smile like the wind blowing, look at Qiansha, look at He Changmen, the two of them always thought there was a joke, He Changkai was calculating in his heart, at this time, let you occupy the space first, and trouble you after the big battle .Unexpectedly, Xu Han's complexion suddenly turned cold, and he said words colder than ice in a tone colder than ice: "No! No cultivators are allowed to stay in these two places!"

"You!" He Chang was so angry that he pointed at Xu Han angrily and said, "Boy, don't think that you are very powerful if you have cultivated Nascent Soul, there is someone here who can kill you."

Xu Leng glanced at him coldly, his body flew back slightly, his wrist was raised lightly, and the Fushen Sword swayed with a cold silver light, slowly drawing a dotted line in the air, then looked at He Changkai provocatively, and pointed the sword at the sky in the air. The dotted line that does not exist means that you try to cross the line, but you are too lazy to say anything.

He Changkai was completely enraged by his arrogance, and wanted to explode at that moment. Among the dozens of people staying behind, five people flew over, and they were the deputy masters of the other five gates.When encountering such a thing, no one is willing to let the benefits flow away in vain. The head of the door is a bit fussy, and the exchange between the head of the door and the head of the door is just right.

The five of them flew up and pretended to ask, "Master He, what happened?" With their cultivation base, how could they not know what the three of them were talking about?It's just an extra question.

He Changkai knew that these guys didn't have a good heart, so he suppressed his anger towards Xu Han and smiled, "It's nothing. I met the old Tianlei Mountain, so I just talked casually." Speaking of this, he had an idea in his mind. He told the whole story without any hesitation: "He took down the two places in front of him with strong aura, and we negotiated to let him occupy one of them exclusively, and the other to be shared by all six factions." (To be continued.)

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