Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 578 Ice Blade

() Is this the advanced level of a fighter?This strength is indeed much heavier!Xu Han's expression didn't change at all.There was no trace of panic in his expression, but a look of excitement was slowly rising. At this moment Xu Han finally met a master who could really let him fight with all his strength. This di du was really extraordinary, even a mere The rogue leaders are actually not weaker than Xuanyuan Rulong.

As soon as Xu Hanfu made a move, he used the most adept "Zhuang Dao Ba Fist", filling his fist with aura.I saw that trace of flames immediately began to burn, and every punch hit the barrel of Wang Mu's spear heavily.The entire long spear was blasted red and purple. This Zodiac Baquan is a mighty and unparalleled attack method.The reason why Xu Han used this tactic to deal with Wang Mu in the first place was simply to preemptively attack him. Now it seems that this tactic has indeed achieved good results. ,

Wang Mu didn't seem to care about the handle of the gun that was getting hotter, and smiled perversely, "Huh? You really have some skills, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant! It seems that I underestimated you just now. Good!" , let me see how much you weigh!"

"Peng!" There was another loud bang, but Wang Mu found that Xu Han's fist strength was slowly fading. He suddenly turned the handle of the gun, swung it back to the carbine, and said calmly, "However, I think Your aura is nothing more than that, although your punching strength is not weak, but your attack method is obviously too simple, so now it's time for you to taste the power of Lao Tzu's marksmanship!"

Top-notch marksmanship, random cape wind gun!This is Wang Mu's famous stunt. Relying on this technique, he can be regarded as a world in di du. The cloaked wind spear technique is extremely powerful, and it didn't give Xu Han the slightest sense of sharpness. The power of wrapping.But it was several feet away.It can make you feel a little out of breath!This momentum.However, the pressure made Xu Han stagnate, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Hey, this Wang Mu really has two brushes. This superior marksmanship formula seems to work well." The Lin family's mysterious warrior hiding in the crowd frowned slightly at this moment. Frown, look at Liu Menglin's nervous look.I'm afraid that man should be very important to the young lady, but should we take action to save this man now?How did the master decide?The bodyguard thought about it in his heart, if he made a decision without authorization, would it make the master unhappy?However, if the lady wants to go up, then it should be fine to go up by herself!

The bodyguard finally found a compromise, and decided to wait a little longer. If the man really couldn't deal with it, then he would save him by himself, and it would be just for the adults to see how the young lady selected by the lady was.Let's see how much the lady's favorite man has.

Xu Han didn't know that he was being watched by this bodyguard right now, he just knew that there must be a group of people in the crowd watching him.But no matter what, he never thought that these mysterious people came to protect Liu Menglin.

The situation on the court is changing rapidly.Battles always change drastically in an instant. Just now Xu Han had heard that he had the upper hand, but this Wang Mu still had his backs, and Xu Han was in a dilemma in a blink of an eye. The magic formula is indeed both offensive and defensive, but looking at the spell cast by this strong man, it seems to be a rather strange ancient magic formula.

Time was running out and there was no time to chew carefully. The little pig swallowed two herbs in one gulp. The spiritual power contained in the ten thousand-year-old herb was instantly released to fill the whole body. The little pig raised its head and howled, a green flame shot straight ahead. After looking carefully, I found that the hottest part of the flame is colorless at all, and everything burns when touched, and instantly burns.

The kitten was even fiercer, and also swallowed two ten thousand-year-old herbs, jumped out of Xu Han's arms and shook his head, his body suddenly grew bigger, and a vicious white tiger appeared in front of everyone.At this time, he did not release any water arrows, but shook his body, the white hairs on his body scattered and turned into sharp thorns to attack the seventeen masters.It didn't want to lose face in front of Xiao Zhu and Xu Han again.

With the help of Ice Crystal, there is no need to consider safety issues for the time being. Seeing the kitten actively attacking the enemy, Xu Han threw more than a thousand charms, one by one floating in the air like pieces of paper scattered around, floating and dancing lightly, but did not explode.

The seventeen masters were caught off guard by the white tiger and cast various spells to protect themselves. One unlucky guy was stabbed in the wrist by the white thorn because of carelessness, and his expression became extremely ugly for a while.Things that made him even more ugly came soon after. The thorns turned from tiger hair pierced his wrists and gave off endless cold air, and his whole hand was instantly frozen.The man was shocked, he took several kinds of elixirs, and at the same time suppressed the cold with his inner breath, preventing him from spreading.After the treatment is complete, the palm of the hand has turned into ice cubes, and even with his top-level cultivation of Yuanying, he can't give birth to bones. I don't know how long it will take for this hand to heal.

The man was so seriously injured that the other 16 people became more cautious, approached carefully, and killed him mercilessly.

Xu Han didn't want to fight with them, not to mention the difference in strength, it was still one-to-many, it was impossible to win, and now it was only with the help of Bingjing and the kitten and piggy that they survived for a while.

The little pig who had taken the Wannian herbal medicine was so fierce that it spewed out two flames, one on the left and one on the right, a few meters apart. The flames spread forward, and Xu Han ran away in the middle.While protecting him from escaping, Xiaozhu even had time to turn around and shout a few times to rain fire, to help Baihu stop the enemy.

The two spirit beasts are too fierce. Although the seventeen masters tried their best to overestimate Xu Han's strength, they didn't expect the two inconspicuous little things beside him to be so powerful. Xu Han was not reconciled to running away, and was trying his best to keep him, when more than a thousand seven-star charms floating in the air suddenly shot in front of his eyes, and then exploded into one piece, enveloping all seventeen people.

Of course, the top Nascent Soul masters would not be killed by the spell bombing, each with an air shield to protect the whole body, but the explosion of so many terrifying spells not only made everyone very embarrassed, but also easily blocked the time of three or five breaths, so that they did not dare to act rashly.A group of masters could only watch Xu Han escape amidst the shining light and smog.When the explosion subsided and the smoke cleared, a group of people did not give up and continued to follow and track, recreating the scene of fleeing and killing a few days ago.

Xu Han is in the front, and the masters are behind, playing a chasing game several miles apart.The white tiger turned back into a kitten, and squatted on the left and right of the little pig on his shoulders to guard against the enemies behind.Xu Han was depressed while running, these guys followed me endlessly, do they really have to run for hundreds of years to kill them?A cold light flashed in his eyes.He made a murderous move.Let ice crystals sense rivers, seas and lakes.

This is not a desert.As a fetish of the water system, it was easy to find a river. It didn't take much time to lock the location of the river, so Xu Han accelerated his flight.At the speed of wings, he was standing above a river in a quarter of an hour.

The river is rushing, with cliffs on both sides, strange rocks, strange trees and many wild animals.There was no one there, and it was an excellent place to kill people.Xu Han raised his voice and said, "Don't chase me any more."

The seventeen masters stopped three miles away, all trying to figure out what these four words mean, what can they do after chasing you?After the fierce battle just now, everyone knew that the white tiger was a water-type spirit beast, and its strength would inevitably increase with the help of a big river, so they all stopped on land, far away from the river.

Xu Hanhan stared at the masters with a straight face, seeing that no one answered, he knew that these bastards would not give up so easily.Wings folded down, treading water.Aren't you following me on land?I go to the sea, where there is no land, how do you follow?Feeling tired after walking a few steps, I released the flying boat, lay on my back, and went down the river, looking very refreshed and comfortable.

These guys have been chasing me and torturing me for a long time, and now it's my turn.Xu Han deliberately didn't steer the flying boat forward, let it go with the current, and occasionally took out a ten thousand year herbal medicine to lure them.

But the more he does this, the more careful the masters are, no one is willing to be the first to take the risk and fight it desperately, let others pick the cheap, and they all follow it from afar.Seeing the time passing by day by day, no matter how long the river is, there will always be an end. After one month, the flying boat arrives at the mouth of the sea.Some of the seventeen masters couldn't help it. A handsome young man in purple came out more and more, and flew in front of Xu Han in an instant. He flashed his silver sword and said, "I won't kill ten thousand-year-old herbs." you."

As soon as the handsome young man moved, the other 16 people formed a semicircle and surrounded him.

Seeing them struggling, Xu Han pointed at the old man with a white beard and smiled lightly: "You are the same as he said, are you just asking for things like him, regardless of whether others kill me or not?"

The handsome young man has a young face and is really old. Among the group of people, he is the only one who has the shortest time to the deadline, and there are still a dozen years left. He knows that it is impossible to advance and prolong his life in just a dozen years with his own strength, so he joins Xu Han lively.He didn't want to be the first bird either, but if he didn't do anything now, it would be even more difficult to deal with the white tiger when it entered the sea, so he might as well fight here, maybe he could lure the white tiger away from the river, then it would be easier to deal with.

But he didn't want to desperately let others take away the benefits, so he rushed to the front to block the way out and tried words.Hearing Xu Han's question, he said in a low voice, "They are them, I am me, you give me the herbal medicine, and I will turn around and leave." But in order to save his life, the handsome young man had to condescend to sue for peace.

After saying this, Xu Han suddenly felt that the old guy was a bit pitiful, so what about the master?There are always scruples between life and death.He wanted to send him away with a herbal medicine, but he couldn't do that. He sighed and said, "I can't give you the herbal medicine, and I don't want to kill you. You go."

The young man in purple smiled and stopped talking, the sword in his hand stabbed leisurely, free and easy, as if he was painting.

The silver sword was more than three feet long and pointed at Xu Han tens of meters away. The river bulged, and a huge wave rose from the bottom of the river and smashed towards the flying boat.

Although the purple-clothed young man attacked him, Xu Han still didn't want to kill him. He sighed softly, and the ice crystals flew out from his chest, and there was also a flash of silver light. The huge waves several feet high were frozen into ice sculptures. It flickered a few times in the ice, and then disappeared.

"Plan?" Xu Han was taken aback.I thought this beautiful woman was going to scold me, or say some sarcasm, but I never thought that she would ask me what I planned.

"What plan?" Xu Han didn't quite understand what the beautiful woman wanted to ask.

The beautiful woman looked at Xu Han in a daze, and even smiled, with that young woman's demeanor rushing towards her face.

"It's just asking what you want to do in the future, what ideals you have, and what height you want to reach..." the beautiful woman explained.

Xu Han scratched his head, he really hadn't thought about this problem. Of course, his ideal is to fly to the sky, and the higher the altitude, the better.

Ye thought about it, stopped his chest, and said loudly: "I want to cultivate to become a fairy, eliminate demons and demons, save all human beings, and maintain world peace."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three people in front of them each had their own merits.Cao Junfeng blushed and held back his laughter, as if holding back his urine.The old man Cao Guang was jumping so cheekily that he was probably holding back his laughter.

On the contrary, the beautiful woman was genuine, and she giggled, "This ideal...is good...but it's too far away, can you change it?"

Someone Ye scratched his head, and said again: "Then I will soak up all the beauties in Cangnan. Let countless women fall in love with me. I will do my best to create the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Courtyard. No matter whether it is a mortal or a fairy, they must be in the bag... "

When the beautiful woman heard this, a black line appeared on her forehead, she waved her hand and interrupted: "Okay, okay... I think it's better for you to save mankind and maintain world peace..."

"Puchi." Behind Cao Junfeng finally couldn't help laughing, but this smile.However, the beautiful woman gave her a stare, and Cao Junfeng was so frightened that he quickly put away his smile.

However, Patriarch Cao Guang could laugh freely. He came over and patted Xu Han on the shoulder, and said, "Your ideal is very good. I thought the same way when I was young, but I just couldn't realize it." With a word of emotion, he turned his head and said to Cao Junfeng: "Junfeng, you are about the same age, so get close, so we won't get involved."

After finishing speaking, Cao Guang and the beautiful woman left together...

Cao Guang walked forward, and Xu Han had no taboos. He patted Cao Junfeng and said, "Young man. He is just not steady. Isn't it funny? Really. What's so funny."

"You don't come here." Cao Junfeng rolled his eyes at this dark-faced guy who was a little younger than himself, and said proudly: "Do you know who is asking you? How dare you talk nonsense? Hehe, you are in trouble now! "

"No." Xu Han was taken aback. He was a rigid person before, and I just said an ideal casually. Does this offend others?Looking at Cao Junfeng's expression, it seems that offending this woman is more serious than offending Cao Muqing!

"This is my aunt Cao Muse! She hates half-hearted men the most!" Cao Junfeng smiled complacently, his gloating expression was not concealed at all...

"Oh." Xu Han nodded, Ganqing is the older sister of the two sisters.But she hates men half-hearted, what does it have to do with her?I just said something casually, and she will attack me?Impossible, this woman is not so bt...

Seeing that Ye did not understand, Cao Junfeng couldn't help but wake up and said, "Why don't you understand? She is the master of Martial Arts Junior Sister and Zixuan Junior Sister! It seems that you gave her a very bad first impression!"

"Oh~" Xu Han elongated the sound, so that was what he meant.Cao Junfeng thought he wanted to pursue Jiang Wuyi or Huang Zixuan, and Cao Muse asked that ideal question, which also meant that the mother-in-law was trying to test the son-in-law.But now that it's all over, and Ye's wolf ambition is exposed in front of their master, will his master still agree with his female disciple to get along with this black fellow?

Cao Junfeng was finally happy this time, he also patted Xu Han, heaved a long sigh, and said with a look of grief: "Oh, young man, you are just not steady..."

"Your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Ye finally became angry from embarrassment...

Cao Junfeng was taken aback, thinking of a black man beating someone mercilessly, he quickly took two steps back, "What do you want to do? This is the inner hall, don't mess around! As soon as I wave my hand, the boy No. [-] will beat you My old lady doesn't even know you..." But someone Cao was obviously stern, running while talking, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...

In fact, Xu Han was just trying to scare him, and he didn't pay much attention to Cao Muse's dislike.After all, he wasn't really attracted to Little Pepper and Cucumber Girl to that extent, and he believed that those two girls never thought about what would really happen to him, a dark-skinned and playful boy.

For example, when he went to Jiang Wuyi now, he just wanted to explain what happened that day clearly, so as to save others from feeling uncomfortable. If he wanted him to explain it in front of all the disciples of the Yunfu Sect, then he would be willing... He can't let others The little girl also imitated that Qiu Qianguang, hiding from people?

After tossing and turning for a while, I finally found Cao Muse's cave and put in the sound transmission talisman for progress, but only Cucumber Meimei came out.

"Senior Sister Zixuan, where is Senior Sister Wu Yi?" Xu Han looked behind her and found no one.

Huang Zixuan asked, "What? Do you really like Senior Sister Wu Yi?"

"No, no..." Xu Han quickly waved his hands, explaining his purpose.The main reason is that he came to visit after hearing that his junior sister Wu Yi had been shutting himself out since that day. If it was because of that day, Xu Han would be willing to clarify the rumors in front of everyone and return Jiang Wuyi's innocence.

"You're so stupid!." Huang Zixuan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Wu Yi is not because of that incident, although the girl is embarrassed, but she has a hot temper, why would she not go out for half a month because of that incident? Besides, with you as a shield, Cao Muqing's bt won't go too far, she's not too happy with Wu Yi, so I need you to clarify?"

Xu Han scratched his head, yes. "But why has she stayed behind closed doors?"

"Stupid!" Huang Zixuan gave another good-looking white eye as usual, "She doesn't come out behind closed doors. It's because she wants to refine a defensive magic weapon!"

"Oh oh..." Xu Han suddenly realized.Daring is the thing.I really forgot.

Knowing that it was not because of him that Jiang Wuyi stayed behind closed doors, Xu Han also felt relieved, and asked again: "How about the black crystal clear silk socks?"

Huang Zixuan blushed.I took the black crystal clear silk socks from Xu Han that day, and I was still a little unhappy.Why is it good-looking white for Wu Yi, but black for yourself?

But when she went back to wear it, she realized that the black color was better, and it was indeed better looking than Jiang Wuyi's.The silky black socks were worn on her legs.There is white in the black, not to mention how touching it is.Moreover, because of the contrast of black and white, the thighs above the socks were even more greasy, which made Huang Zixuan fall in love with her own legs.

"The stockings... are okay." Huang Zixuan said insincerely.

"Plan?" Xu Han was taken aback.I thought this beautiful woman was going to scold me, or say some sarcasm, but I never thought that she would ask me what I planned.

"What plan?" Xu Han didn't quite understand what the beautiful woman wanted to ask.

The beautiful woman looked at Xu Han in a daze, and even smiled, with that young woman's demeanor rushing towards her face.

"It's just asking what you want to do in the future. What ideals do you have, what height do you want to reach..." the beautiful woman explained.

Xu Han scratched his head.I really haven't thought about this problem. The ideal is of course to fly to the sky, and the higher the altitude, the better.

Ye thought about it, stopped his chest, and said loudly: "I want to cultivate to become a fairy, eliminate demons and demons, save all human beings, and maintain world peace."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three people in front of them each had their own merits.Cao Junfeng blushed and held back his laughter, as if holding back his urine.The old man Cao Guang was jumping so cheekily that he was probably holding back his laughter.

On the contrary, the beautiful woman was genuine, and she giggled, "This ideal...is good...but it's too far away, can you change it?"

Someone Ye scratched his scalp, and said again: "Then I will soak up all the beauties in Cangnan, let countless women fall in love with me, and do my best to create the 72 concubines of the Sixth Court of Sangong, whether they are mortals or fairies, they will all be in my pocket... "

When the beautiful woman heard this, a black line appeared on her forehead, she waved her hand and interrupted: "Okay, okay... I think it's better for you to save mankind and maintain world peace..."

"Puchi." Behind Cao Junfeng finally couldn't help laughing, but this smile caused the beautiful woman to stare, and Cao Junfeng was so frightened that he quickly put away his smile.

However, Patriarch Cao Guang could laugh freely. He came over and patted Xu Han on the shoulder, and said, "Your ideal is very good. I thought the same way when I was young, but I just couldn't realize it." With a word of emotion, he turned his head and said to Cao Junfeng: "Junfeng, you are about the same age, so get close, so we won't get involved."

After finishing speaking, Cao Guang and the beautiful woman left together...

When Cao Guang walked forward, Xu Han had no taboos. He patted Cao Junfeng and said, "Young man, you are just not steady. Isn't it funny? Really, what's so funny."

"You don't come here." Cao Junfeng rolled his eyes at this dark-faced guy who was a little younger than himself, and said proudly: "Do you know who is asking you? How dare you talk nonsense? Hehe, you are in trouble now! "

"No." Xu Han was taken aback. He was a rigid person before, and I just said an ideal casually. Does this offend others?Looking at Cao Junfeng's expression, it seems that offending this woman is more serious than offending Cao Muqing!

"This is my aunt Cao Muse! She hates half-hearted men the most!" Cao Junfeng smiled complacently, his gloating expression was not concealed at all...

"Oh." Xu Han nodded, Ganqing is the older sister of the two sisters.But she hates men half-hearted, what does it have to do with her?I just said something casually, and she will attack me?Impossible, this woman is not so bt...

Seeing that Ye did not understand, Cao Junfeng couldn't help but wake up and said, "Why don't you understand? She is the master of Martial Arts Junior Sister and Zixuan Junior Sister! It seems that you gave her a very bad first impression!"

"Oh~" Xu Han elongated the sound, so that was what he meant.Cao Junfeng thought he wanted to pursue Jiang Wuyi or Huang Zixuan, and Cao Muse asked that ideal question, which also meant that the mother-in-law was trying to test the son-in-law.But now that it's all over, and Ye's wolf ambition is exposed in front of their master, will his master still agree with his female disciple to get along with this black fellow?

Cao Junfeng was finally happy this time, he also patted Xu Han, heaved a long sigh, and said with a look of grief: "Oh, young man, just not steady..."

"Your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Ye finally became angry from embarrassment...

Cao Junfeng was taken aback.Reminiscent of a certain black man beating someone mercilessly, he quickly took two steps back, "What do you want to do? This is the inner hall, don't mess around! I waved my hand. No. [-] beat your wife and didn't even know you... "However, Mr. Cao was obviously stern, and ran away while talking, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...

In fact, Xu Han was just trying to scare him, because he was disgusted with Cao Muse.He didn't pay much attention either.After all, he wasn't really attracted to Little Pepper and Cucumber Girl to that extent, and he believed that those two girls never thought about what would really happen to him, a dark-skinned and playful boy.

For example, when he went to Jiang Wuyi now, he just wanted to explain what happened that day clearly, so as to save others from feeling uncomfortable. If he wanted him to explain it in front of all the disciples of the Yunfu Sect, then he would be willing... He can't let others The little girl also imitated that Qiu Qianguang, hiding from people?

Toss for a while.Finally found Cao Muse's cave, and put in the sound transmission talisman for progress.But the only one who came out was Cucumber Girl.

"Senior Sister Zixuan, where is Senior Sister Wu Yi?" Xu Han looked behind her and found no one.

Huang Zixuan asked, "What? Do you really like Senior Sister Wu Yi?"

"No, no..." Xu Han quickly waved his hands, explaining his purpose.The main reason is that he came to visit after hearing that his junior sister Wu Yi had been shutting himself out since that day. If it was because of that day, Xu Han would be willing to clarify the rumors in front of everyone and return Jiang Wuyi's innocence.

"You're so stupid!." Huang Zixuan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Wu Yi is not because of that incident, although the girl is embarrassed, but she has a hot temper, why would she not go out for half a month because of that incident? Besides, with you as a shield, Cao Muqing's bt won't go too far, she's not too happy with Wu Yi, so I need you to clarify?"

Xu Han scratched his head, yes. "But why has she stayed behind closed doors?"

"You're so stupid!" Huang Zixuan rolled her eyes again as usual, "The reason why she stays behind closed doors is because she wants to refine a defensive magic weapon!"

"Oh oh oh..." Xu Han suddenly realized that the matter of daring to be affectionate, he really forgot.

Knowing that it was not because of him that Jiang Wuyi stayed behind closed doors, Xu Han also felt relieved, and asked again: "How about the black crystal clear silk socks?"

Huang Zixuan blushed.I took the black crystal clear silk socks from Xu Han that day, and I was still a little unhappy. Why should I give Wu Yi a good-looking white, and give myself a black one?

But when she went back to wear it, she realized that the black color was better, and it was indeed better looking than Jiang Wuyi's.The silky black socks are worn on the legs, the black is white, not to mention how attractive they are.Moreover, because of the contrast of black and white, the thighs above the socks were even more greasy, which made Huang Zixuan fall in love with her own legs.

"The stockings... are okay." Huang Zixuan said insincerely.

"Plan?" Xu Han was taken aback.I thought this beautiful woman was going to scold me, or say some sarcasm, but I never thought that she would ask me what I planned.

"What plan?" Xu Han didn't quite understand what the beautiful woman wanted to ask.

The beautiful woman looked at Xu Han in a daze, and even smiled, with that young woman's demeanor rushing towards her face.

"It's just asking what you want to do in the future, what ideals you have, and what height you want to reach..." the beautiful woman explained.

Xu Han scratched his head, he really hadn't thought about this problem. Of course, his ideal is to fly to the sky, and the higher the altitude, the better.

Ye thought about it, stopped his chest, and said loudly: "I want to cultivate to become a fairy, eliminate demons and demons, save all human beings, and maintain world peace."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three people in front of them each had their own merits.Cao Junfeng blushed and held back his laughter, as if holding back his urine.The old man Cao Guang was jumping so cheekily that he was probably holding back his laughter.

On the contrary, the beautiful woman was genuine, and she giggled, "This ideal...is good...but it's too far away, can you change it?"

Someone Ye scratched his scalp, and said again: "Then I will soak up all the beauties in Cangnan, let countless women fall in love with me, and do my best to create the 72 concubines of the Sixth Court of Sangong, whether they are mortals or fairies, they will all be in my pocket... "

When the beautiful woman heard this, a black line appeared on her forehead, she waved her hand and interrupted: "Okay, okay... I think it's better for you to save mankind and maintain world peace..."

"Puchi." Behind Cao Junfeng finally couldn't help laughing, but this smile caused the beautiful woman to stare, and Cao Junfeng was so frightened that he quickly put away his smile.

However, Patriarch Cao Guang could smile freely. He came over and patted Xu Han on the shoulder, and said, "Your ideal is very good. I thought the same way when I was young. It just didn't come true." Patriarch Cao Guang A word of emotion.Turning back to Cao Junfeng, he said, "Junfeng, you are about the same age, so get close, so we won't get involved."

finished.Cao Guang and the beautiful woman left together...

Cao Guang walked forward, and Xu Han had no taboos. He patted Cao Junfeng and said, "Young man. He is just not steady. Isn't it funny? Really, what's so funny."

"You don't come here." Cao Junfeng rolled his eyes at this dark-faced guy who was a little younger than himself, and said proudly: "Do you know who is asking you? How dare you talk nonsense? Hehe, you are in trouble now! "

"No." Xu Han was taken aback. He was a rigid person before, and I just said an ideal casually. Does this offend others?Looking at Cao Junfeng's expression, it seems that offending this woman is more serious than offending Cao Muqing!

"This is my aunt Cao Muse! She hates half-hearted men the most!" Cao Junfeng smiled triumphantly.The expression of schadenfreude was not concealed at all...

"Oh." Xu Han nodded, Ganqing is the older sister of the two sisters.But she hates men half-hearted.What does it have to do with me?I just said something casually, and she will attack me?Impossible, this woman is not so bt...

Seeing that Ye did not understand, Cao Junfeng couldn't help but wake up and said, "Why don't you understand? She is the master of Martial Arts Junior Sister and Zixuan Junior Sister! It seems that you gave her a very bad first impression!"

"Oh~" Xu Han elongated the sound, so that was what he meant.Cao Junfeng thought he wanted to pursue Jiang Wuyi or Huang Zixuan, and Cao Muse asked that ideal question, which also meant that the mother-in-law was trying to test the son-in-law.But now that it's all over, and Ye's wolf ambition is exposed in front of their master, will his master still agree with his female disciple to get along with this black fellow?

Cao Junfeng was finally happy this time, he also patted Xu Han, heaved a long sigh, and said with a look of grief: "Oh, young man, you are just not steady..."

"Your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Ye finally became angry from embarrassment...

Cao Junfeng was taken aback, thinking of a black man beating someone mercilessly, he quickly took two steps back, "What do you want to do? This is the inner hall, don't mess around! As soon as I wave my hand, the boy No. [-] will beat you My old lady doesn't even know you..." But someone Cao was obviously stern, running while talking, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...

In fact, Xu Han was just trying to scare him, and he didn't pay much attention to Cao Muse's dislike.After all, he wasn't really attracted to Little Pepper and Cucumber Girl to that extent, and he believed that those two girls never thought about what would really happen to him, a dark-skinned and playful boy.

For example, when he went to Jiang Wuyi now, he just wanted to explain what happened that day clearly, so as to save others from feeling uncomfortable. If he wanted him to explain it in front of all the disciples of the Yunfu Sect, then he would be willing... He can't let others The little girl also imitated that Qiu Qianguang, hiding from people?

After tossing and turning for a while, I finally found Cao Muse's cave and put in the sound transmission talisman for progress, but only Cucumber Meimei came out.

"Senior Sister Zixuan, where is Senior Sister Wu Yi?" Xu Han looked behind her and found no one.

Huang Zixuan asked, "What? Do you really like Senior Sister Wu Yi?"

"No, no..." Xu Han quickly waved his hands, explaining his purpose.The main reason is that he came to visit after hearing that his junior sister Wu Yi had been shutting himself out since that day. If it was because of that day, Xu Han would be willing to clarify the rumors in front of everyone and return Jiang Wuyi's innocence.

"You're so stupid!." Huang Zixuan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Wu Yi is not because of that incident, although the girl is embarrassed, but she has a hot temper, why would she not go out for half a month because of that incident? Besides, with you as a shield, Cao Muqing's bt won't go too far, she's not too happy with Wu Yi, so I need you to clarify?"

Xu Han scratched his head, yes. "But why has she stayed behind closed doors?"

"You're so stupid!" Huang Zixuan rolled her eyes again as usual, "The reason why she stays behind closed doors is because she wants to refine a defensive magic weapon!"

"Oh oh oh..." Xu Han suddenly realized that the matter of daring to be affectionate, he really forgot.

Knowing that it was not because of him that Jiang Wuyi stayed behind closed doors, Xu Han also felt relieved, and asked again: "How about the black crystal clear silk socks?"

Huang Zixuan blushed.I took the black crystal clear silk socks from Xu Han that day, and I was still a little unhappy. Why should I give Wu Yi a good-looking white, and give myself a black one?

But when she went back to wear it, she realized that the black color was better, and it was indeed better looking than Jiang Wuyi's.The silky black socks were worn on her legs.There is white in the black.Not to mention how touching it is.and.Because of the contrast of black and white, the thighs above the socks are even more greasy, which made Huang Zixuan fall in love with her own legs.

"The stockings... are okay." Huang Zixuan said insincerely.

The face of the young man in purple has become ugly, how many pieces of ice can't be penetrated by the hidden killer move?The silver sword waved again.Points of silver light drew several silver lines from the air and hit the ice sculpture of waves, but the scene of the ice sculpture bursting and collapsing as imagined by the purple-clothed youth did not appear. Instead, points of silver light slid along the ice surface into the river below.

Failure again and again made the young man in purple take a calm attitude.Looking straight at him with sharp eyes, he clasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and shouted: "Ah!" The three-foot-long silver sword unexpectedly slashed at Xu Han with the power of a giant axe.

Xu Han knew that he had murderous intentions, but he still didn't want to kill the young man in purple. After communicating with Bing Jing, Bing Jing jumped playfully, and an icicle suddenly stood up in the river, right at the young man in purple.The icicles grew silently, and even a young man with advanced cultivation could not find it.He was pushed high into the sky by the icicles, and his ax power was completely blocked by the ice wall.The ice wall clicked and clicked for a while, and its power was canceled out.

The young man in purple was a master after all, so he reacted when he was hit by an icicle and quickly dodged, swinging the silver sword horizontally with both hands, a white light shot towards Xu Han like lightning, but the person flew sideways.

Xu Han looked up at the sky, knowing that the sword of the young man in purple was only for self-protection, so he raised his hand and called the ice crystal back to hold it.

The young man in purple stopped in the air on the left side, stared at Xu Han with a gloomy face, and said in a low voice for a while: "What kind of cultivation are you?" helpless.

It was rare for Xu Han to think for others. If he said that I don't want to kill you, he would be forcing the young man in purple to fight with him, but he couldn't say anything else, so he just sighed softly and kept silent.

The young man in purple was frozen in the air, his complexion changed several times, his teeth were clenched, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't speak again.

The faces of the other sixteen masters were also not good-looking, and this kid was simply invincible on the water.Unwilling to give up, the white-bearded old man threw two throwing knives at the Langhua ice sculpture, only to hear two clangs, the throwing knives bounced off the ice and fell into the water.

Xu Han was a little strange, Baibeard and Ziyi had the same cultivation level, Ziyi swung his sword into ice that couldn't be chopped with all his strength, and Whitebeard could break it with two throwing knives?When the question arises, the ice crystal hops lightly in the palm of the hand, and a wall of ice flashes around the flying boat, and then I see the ice wall trembling silently, and then there are little ripples on the water surface around the ice wall like rain, Xu It was only then that Han realized that the two flying knives attacks were fake, and the shooting of many invisible hidden weapons was the real killing move. defense?If it wasn't for the ice crystal in his hands, he would have died ten thousand times earlier.

The old man with the white beard shook his head, he had never seen such a solid ice, all kinds of attacks and killing moves were blocked by the ice wall, it was the first time that he found it really difficult to kill someone.

The attack of the two was ineffective, and there was no one blocking the way forward. Xu Han knew that these guys were greedy and stubborn, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. He took away the spray ice sculptures and ice wall in front of him, and urged the flying boat to drift downstream and slowly sail towards the sea.

However, there are always people who are unwilling to give up. A group of people suddenly disappeared in midair, as if there was no one in that place.A moment later, a ball of flames erupted in front of the flying boat, and several fire snakes twisted and twisted towards Xu Han with a finger sandwiched between them.

Attack with fire?The little pig snorted disdainfully, isn't playing with fire in front of it an insult to the noble spirit beast? He opened his mouth and blocked the fire snake with a wall of fire, but he couldn't block the finger. The jade-like index finger came out through the fire, and almost nothing was incombustible. The spirit fire can't burn it?The little pig was about to get angry, when he heard the click sound, he pointed his index finger to an ice wall that suddenly appeared, and made a hole in the ice wall, but he could only make a hole, and was unable to attack Xu Han anymore.

Xu Han stared at the finger, feeling a sense of déjà vu, and asked hesitantly, "Buddhism? Are you a Buddhist?"

Originally there was only one index finger outside the ice wall, but after Xu Han asked, a middle-aged figure in gray clothes slowly appeared, with a white face and beardless, also staring at his own finger, and said after a while, "Prajna finger." He didn't mention his background.

Xu Han smiled, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's useless to follow me." Before he finished speaking, the ice wall slowly bulged out under the control of ice crystals, and an ice thorn protruded and slowly pierced towards the man in gray.The man in gray drew back his hand and slashed back.Bounced off by ice spikes; cut with a knife.Bounced off by the ice thorns; re-applying the Prajna finger from top to bottom to break the ice thorns.The result was that the icicles suddenly broke and condensed together, pinching the fingers in the ice.

The gray-clothed man's complexion changed suddenly, and he pulled his index finger back with all his strength, but when he was doing nothing, he found ice under his feet.An ice wall appeared behind him, slowly closing to freeze him in it.The man in gray was extremely anxious, he would risk his life if he didn't give up his finger, and almost all of his cultivation was on this finger.This is how he chooses?

Maybe it's because they killed too many people this year, maybe it's not easy for the seventeen masters to cultivate, maybe it's because they can't bear to kill people who are about to die, Xu Han once again tolerated their rudeness, and the murderous intent aroused when they were hunted down It was as if they were all following the flow of the river, and there was no killing intent at this moment. With a snap of the fingers, all the ice in front of him melted into water and fell, and he repeated lightly: "Following me is useless."

The man in gray withdrew his fingers, several thoughts in his mind turned endlessly.This kid is defenseless, and there is no ice wall to stop him.He could kill him with one finger, but he hesitated whether to do it.

Xu Han watched quietly. He didn't know when these people's deadlines would be. In short, they shouldn't live long. Anyway, they were dead, so there was no need to let themselves kill more.Ice crystals danced lightly in the palm of the hand, and a circle of silver light floated up and down, making the masters confused about the situation, secretly guessing what kind of spell it was?

The man in gray stared at the silver light for a long time, and finally exhaled and flew back. Facing the imminent deadline, he actually gave up.Xu Han was also surprised. He had been wearing the five-element armor since he was being tracked. At this time, the outer layer of the armor was covered with a thin layer of ice, which was so thin that it was hard to detect. That's why he dared to remove the outer ice wall to meet the enemy directly. .

Of the seventeen people, one injured his wrist, and the two hit Xu Han with their palms without causing any harm. The three of them missed all of their attacks one after another, and the remaining eleven people had nothing to do with Xu Han.It was just an ice wall, leaving seventeen super masters helpless.If he knew that his water spells were so powerful, he should be surrounded and killed in the mountains and plains. It would be better to fight with two spirit beasts than to be unable to do so at this moment.

Xu Han still ignored them coolly, and when someone gave way, he went on a boat, swaying and drifting into the distance.A group of masters in the air looked at each other, anxious but unwilling to act rashly. From the beginning to the present, the three masters each used killers, but the opponents did not even have a counterattack.Those who have cultivated to their level will definitely not think that the person in front of them can only defend and not attack, and they can feel that he has no killing intent.Being held back by low-level monks again and again, I don't know how many people will be ashamed if I tell it.

"What does it mean?" Xu Han saw Bai Jie'er wearing it with his own eyes, and knew that it looked like the black silk of the earth, very charming.Could it be that this girl can't wear it?Xu Han said enthusiastically again: "Have you worn it now? Do you know how to wear it? Would you like me to teach you?"

Huang Zixuan was ashamed, this brother Heizi was really not ashamed, he made it clear that he wanted to take advantage, and he still pretended to be so hypocritical.

"No, I will wear it."

"Hey, you don't understand now. In fact, these crystal clear silk socks are divided into front and back, inside and outside, and left and right. If you don't wear them right, they won't look so good..." Big Hooligan Ye said again.

But Cucumber Girl is not a fool, someone's wolf-mouthed wolf face has undoubtedly been exposed.Heizi was really seductive, he hugged Wu Yi that day, and he wanted to see his legs again.But having said that, I'd better kiss Heizi myself, after all I saw him...

Huang Zixuan's face flushed from thinking, she twisted a bit, and said in a low voice: "Brother Heizi, it's not impossible to let you take a look, but..."

"But what?" A certain hooligan was impatient. Although he had seen Bai Jie'er wear it, if he could see Cucumber Beauty's two black silk legs... Wow, I'm drooling...

In fact, Huang Zixuan saw the bra Jiang Wuyi was wearing, so she also wanted to wear a bra. Of course, as soon as Heizi agreed, she would quickly let him take a look at her calves. Anyway, it was just calves, so it shouldn't matter.


Just when Huang Zixuan was about to say it, she heard a woman's cold snort from behind, followed by a stern voice, "Zixuan! What are you doing here? You don't want to go back to practice!"

"Oh, yes, Master..." Huang Zixuan lowered her head, stuck out her pink tongue at Xu Han, and got into the restraint with a blushing face.

It happened that the person who disturbed Ye's good deeds was Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan's master, Cao Muse's ancestor.

Cao Muse didn't have much dislike for Li Heizi at first, and he was joking about his talk about building the Sangong and Sixth Courtyard.

But looking at it now, I found that something was wrong. This black servant hugged Jiang Wuyi in public, and now he came to his cave to seduce Huang Zixuan.Teased the little girl until her face flushed.You are going too far.too bad...

"Li Heizi! What do you want to do in front of my cave?" Cao Mu asked coldly with a serious face.

I want to see the black silk long legs of Cucumber Girl.Xu Han couldn't say that, and replied, "Master Uncle. After my martial arts competition with Qiu Qianguang that day, I had some misunderstandings with Senior Sister Jiang Wuyi, and I heard that Senior Sister has been staying behind closed doors recently, so I came here to explain. But I didn't expect Senior Sister Wu Yi to go to retreat to refine weapons, so I exchanged a few words with Senior Sister Huang Zixuan..."

Just a few words of pleasantries can make the little girl's face flush, your pleasantries are quite special!Cao Muse snorted coldly, and said, "Heizi, let me tell you, Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan are both my disciples, and I also hate men who are clingy and provocative, so don't mess with your thoughts!"

"I don't dare, the disciple and the two senior sisters are just good friends. We drink tea, chat and play poker, and we are as innocent as cabbage." Xu Han said heartily.Now you are happy, I really have no personal relationship with them...

But Cao Muse became angry again, "What do you mean? Could it be that you are going to be chaotic and never give up? Wu Yi was embraced by you in public, so you want to be irresponsible?"

Xu Han was taken aback, "What Master Uncle means..."

"I told you not to move your mind. It's not that you don't mind. You should put your mind where it should be used!"

"Oh oh oh." Xu Han understood, and he dared to agree with him to hook up with Xiaojiali, but he was not allowed to hook up with Cucumber Girl. Alas, Cao Muse's purpose is probably to let herself be a shield. No matter how bad she is, she is still a man. She doesn't want her apprentice Get it for a woman, this woman is still her sister... Oh, this is really messy!

"Remember it!" Cao Muse stared at her beautiful eyes, and warned again, "I welcome you to come to Wu Yi, but if it's someone else...Hmph, be careful..."

As Cao Muse said, he stretched out a slender and slender hand that was as white as a beautiful jade, and made a knife in his palm, and made a vicious movement of swinging the knife down...

Xu Han was shocked, "Cut the chicken!"

Cao Muse was stunned, what was in this kid's head?How can everything be associated with those messy things?

"Chop off your head!" Cao Muse blushed, roared and rushed into the restraint...

Walking into the restriction, Cao Muse couldn't help but smile on his face.This bastard, although vulgar, is interesting, but... what I just did was beheading, is it the same as cutting that thing?

Hmph, that's right, a man who is always in a hurry should cut off the thing that hurts women!

Cao Muse is also someone who came here, of course she knows how ferocious that thing is, but she hasn't touched it for many years, and now thinking of it, she feels flustered, like grass growing in her heart...

Suppressing his thoughts, he walked forward for a while, and suddenly remembered something that he forgot to tell Li Heizi.

Chasing him would be too much of a loss of identity; I was afraid that I would not be able to explain clearly when sending voice transmission; let Jiang Wuyi go and talk to him.But Jiang Wuyi is closing the device again, does it have to let Huang Zixuan go and let him seduce him again?

Cao Muse had no choice but to call Huang Zixuan...

After Xu Han came out of the inner hall, he went straight back to the small medicine garden. When he came to the medicine garden, he saw two Yiyun outer hall disciples waiting.

It was Lan Tianming and Ye Xin who came.Although Ye Xin was in the most secret place of the Talisman Paper Workshop, Lan Tianming still passed on the news through the disciple who entered later.

When the benefactor came to look for him, of course Ye Xin came out in a hurry.As for the little steward in the workshop, he was also a disciple of the outer hall. He had great admiration for a certain black man, so he let Ye Xin out at that time.

That's why these two people came so fast.Seeing them coming, Xu Han hurriedly opened the barrier to invite them in.

Same as last time, the three of them sat down at the medicine kiosk in the spiritual field, and Xu Han took out the spiritual fruit extorted from the Yijia business to treat them.

These spiritual fruits are generally not common for the core disciples of the inner hall, let alone Lan Tianming and others?

"Senior brother Li is really extraordinary. I have never seen these spiritual fruits. They are delicious, so delicious." Lan Tianming chewed Tai Sui jerky while drinking spiritual wine, his mouth was not idle.

On the other hand, Ye Xin must be more shy, chewing slowly, embarrassed to take a big mouthful.

Xu Han laughed and said, "Eat more if it tastes good." He took a few ice berries and stuffed them to Ye Xin, "Bring some for your girlfriend to try."

Ye Xin was a little embarrassed, but he also wanted Dong'er, a Taoist couple who had never been in the sect, to try it. After Lan Tianming persuaded him, he put it away.

"Then thank you." Ye Xin put away the spirit fruit and said.

Xu Han waved his hands and said, "It's not worth much, don't take it seriously. I want to say thank you. I want to thank you. Your three high-grade blank talisman papers are expensive. I deserve it."

At this time, it was nearly dark, and the black-faced man who had forced Xu Han to move helplessly with five earth dragons a few days ago looked up at the sky, and after thinking about it for a while, he also threw out a flying boat.Drifting with Xu Han.Seeing this, the rest followed up. Only one monk still had more than a hundred years to sit, and decided not to go through this muddy water. Xu Han is not the only place where there are thousands of years of herbs.In a few decades, the Alchemy God Valley will open wide, and if you go in and bump into luck, you will fly away with a sigh.

It didn't take long to enter and exit the seaport and enter the vast sea, and then wait until it was dark to go to the full moon to lift off.When the moon climbed to the highest point in the sky, and when the bright light shone in all directions, the black-faced man moved, opened his arms and rose into the air, with green air flowing in and out of his mouth and nose. It formed a golden beam of light and shone on him.Then he saw the limbs of the big man in the beam of light getting bigger and growing thick hair.His eyes turned blood red, and huge teeth grew out of his mouth, very much like a werewolf.

He changed, and the other [-] monks sensed the danger and took the initiative to retreat to a distance to avoid harming themselves; the little pig and the cat concentrated on watching the fun, but Xu Han didn't seem to notice anything, and looked at it leisurely.

The moon gave the black-faced man infinite powers, and his body more than doubled in size. When he stopped growing, he looked like a werewolf, and he was very ugly.

Xu Han seemed to have just noticed his change, turned his head and looked at it for a while and said softly: "What did you change into?" I've only heard that monsters with high cultivation base can transform into a naked body, but I've never heard of it. It will turn into a monster, and I am amazed in my heart.

The werewolf took a long breath towards the moon, and the golden light was sucked into the abdomen like food. After a while, the werewolf was glowing with golden light, and rushed towards Xu Han, opened his mouth and bit.

"Are you a human or a beast?" Xu Han asked casually.The ice crystal controlled the sea to change, and two huge waves turned into giant hammers and smashed at the werewolf.The golden light outside the body of the ronin is very hard, after two heavy hammers, nothing happened, and it continued to bite.

The attack missed, it seems that it can only kill Shi.From Xu Han's face to the werewolf's face, a piece of water suddenly floated up, it stood still like ice, and then quickly expanded to cover the werewolf.The werewolf machine ran away in an instant, and now even the ice crystal's attack missed.Xu Han smiled slightly, and murmured to Bingjing: "Can't play yet?"

Bingjing didn't expect the transformed werewolf to be so alert, and when his temper came up, the sea within a few miles trembled, enveloping the werewolf in an instant, and was about to kill him.The light on the werewolf's body suddenly exploded, shattering the ice, and the werewolf took the opportunity to escape. When he fled, he gave Xu Han a hard look, and then flew away quickly.He is very aware of his own strength after transformation, so he can't shake that kid, and others are useless. In this case, it's useless to stay, so it's better to make a plan early and find other ways to prolong his life.

Another person left, and the 15 people in the air once again saw the powerful power of water spells, and knew that they would definitely not be this kid's opponent in the sea. Although they were not reconciled, they had to leave sadly.

After a while, 14 people flew away, leaving only a scholar in Tsing Yi smiling at Xu Han.Xu Han asked him: "Everyone else has left, why don't you leave? What are you laughing at?"

The scholar said: "Fellow Taoist is rafting in the boundless sea alone. Although he is free and easy, he is also lonely. Why don't I let me swim with you." He treats Xu Han who is three realms lower than him as an equal.

Xu Han shook his head resolutely: "You'd better go, I like to be alone." The ghost knows what the old boy's plan is, what if I am not prepared to sneak attack and kill me?

The scholar took light steps, and came to Xu Han's side in one step: "Don't you dare to let me board the boat?" "Don't dare." Xu Han was very honest.The scholar smiled: "Then I'll stay away from you." He took a step across while talking, and appeared on the sea two miles away.

Xu Han was still dissatisfied: "A little further away, can't you just leave?"

The scholar smiled and said, "Where am I going? Another 30 years is the end of the day. Wherever I go, I will die. It's better to wander around the world with you." He blinked and said, "By the way, I will be your bodyguard."

Xu Han shook his head like a rattle: "I don't want bodyguards. I have no protection. Will you leave quickly? I don't want to kill people."

"Oh? You haven't killed anyone before?" The scholar asked him about the technique.

This guy talked more nonsense than Zhang Tianfang. Xu Han lay down and closed his eyes without saying a word, counting his anger in his heart, and seeing how close he was to arousing murderous intent.Bing Jing didn't kill the werewolf just now, which counted as a miss, if she killed the scholar in Tsing Yi, would she miss it?

Perhaps the scholar sensed that something was wrong, so he didn't say anything, and got out of a boat, and lay on his back in it to look at the moon.

The full moon is like a disk, and everyone looks like it is the same size.After staying up all night, the moon set and the sun rose, the sky was bright, the scholar's boat was more than two miles away from Xu Han, and they were floating on the sea together.Xu Han asked impatiently, "How long are you going to stay?" He was in a hurry to go back to see Song Yunyi and the others.

The scholar replied: "I don't know, all the wishes that should be done have been fulfilled, and you will not object to waiting to die 30 years in advance?"

"You love to die, as long as you don't follow me, you can die anyway." Xu Han was a little depressed. This guy only moved his mouth but didn't move his hands. Isn't it a little unreasonable to let Bing Jing kill him like this?After thinking for a while, he shouted at the scholar, "I said, can you hit me?"

The scholar shook his head: "It's very comfortable to lie down, I don't want to move."

Xu Han took the initiative to move Fei Zhou closer to the scholar: "Don't you want to kill me? You are so stupid to tell me not to hit me."

The scholar was so comfortable that he didn't even want to open his eyes. He closed his eyes and said, "I owe you first, and I'll talk about it later when I want to hit you."

Convinced, this is also a god-man, Xu Han encouraged the little pig: "Burn him." The little pig opened his mouth, and the scholar had already moved the boat ten miles away and said: "I find you are very dangerous, so stay away It's safer."

Xu Hanhan said in a low voice: "Didn't you think I couldn't kill you?" The scholar replied in a nonchalant tone: "Why kill me? I'm so tired, just lie down and watch the sky."

"Did you forget that you chased me for several months just to kill me." This guy is really annoying.

"One moment and another, besides, I have never done anything." The old guy is not only annoying, but also evades responsibility.

It's interesting to say that the two are enemies but not friends but drifting at sea together.Xu Han glanced at him and urged, "Follow me again, and I will kill you." The low-ranking monk threatened the high-ranking monk, but the high-ranking monk didn't respond, and said with a chuckle, "Kill."

Xu Han is depressed, since he was a child, he has never killed someone for no reason, and he is really embarrassed to preemptively attack the book.

The scholar seemed to see through this point, and kept more than [-] meters away from him, not provoking or provoking him, and being honest and dumb.

Xu Han became ruthless and told you to follow, and then told you to follow.Let the kitten make a lot of ice skates and block the scholar's boat.If I don't kill you, it's always okay to play some pranks.I don't want the scholar to directly lift the boat to fly, cross the ice blade before falling down and continuing to drift. (To be continued.)

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