Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 603 Discussion

() Xu Leng looked at these people coldly, a group of people came to the present.There are already enough repressed contradictions, and taking advantage of this opportunity, these people also want to completely explode.However, if it is another person with a slightly weaker personality, or a person who is at the level of an ordinary second-level qi refining practitioner, maybe under their deterrence, they will help them cover up this matter, so that they can get away with it unscathed Leave unscathed.However, in front of Xu Han, is such a thing possible?Seeing Ma Fei, Lin Ruoyu and others' eyes focused on him, Xu Han seemed to be unable to feel the pressure in the atmosphere, and still threw two pieces of jerky into his mouth. ,

Then he met the expectant eyes of those few people and said: "I just said, don't disturb the young master's appetite, even if you four guys are so ignorant, if you are going to surround and beat me, then I can't be blamed." I have to let the brothers remember you long and hard." As soon as the words fell, he quietly moved a few steps and escaped from the center of the crowd's encirclement, and said: "These guys who came to make trouble, what do you think? It's dealt with." After he finished speaking, he didn't care what kind of scene these people would cause, so he went to the side and found a place to sit down, and continued to feed his still unsatisfied stomach.For him, this kind of dispute between low-level cultivators has no interest in letting him take action.

Unless those guys touched his bottom line without eyesight, Xu Han didn't even bother to talk to them.So for the current situation, he only needs to ensure that the people around him who can see past are not wronged, and that is enough.

It's not that Xu Han is too weak and doesn't care about it, but he feels that what Linghu said is right. There is really no need to have the same knowledge as such people on weekdays. If you really want to be impatient with certain people, then just kill them directly .Xu Han will die now if he makes a move, so usually.He really didn't want to expose himself casually.but.He didn't intend to do anything.But Ma Fei and the others are quite different.

After Xu Han retreated, the guards, who had long wanted to vent their anger on someone, rushed away in an instant, as if someone would beat them less.As if they would be despised by everyone, Xu Han didn't mean to sympathize with them. After all, those who were beaten deserved what they deserved.

Seeing the righteous indignation of everyone, Xu Han understood it.It seems that Li He and Wang Tian are really unpopular. This time, Wang Si's subordinates also used their own leadership to vent their anger.Xu Han wanted to get here, so he stopped talking and quietly stepped aside.It didn't take long for the crowd to beat those who caused the trouble until they didn't know where to go.Even if they rest for a few days, it is not easy to recover.

Wang Si's men, who have been flying darts for many years, are very measured in their strikes, that is, they will not kill people, but they all let out a bad breath in their hearts.Fortunately, these people are aware of current affairs and did not dare to resist when they saw such a situation.Otherwise, the beating might have been even more serious.But even if everyone's shots were not heavy, after everyone dispersed, those people were still lying on the ground moaning in pain, and they didn't have half the strength to get up by themselves.

Seeing this situation, Ma Fei and others found someone to inform Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates to come and carry them away.Li He and Wang Tian's new subordinates obviously knew what happened in this area, so there was no verbal dispute when they came to carry people.But when they were far away, someone turned their head and cursed: "Who did this, dare to beat our people like this, let's see if I don't kill those bastards."

When this person said this, there were a few good people who wanted to chase after Ma Fei and give them a good look, but under the scolding of Ma Fei and others, nothing happened in the end.Fortunately, Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates knew how to avoid the limelight after suffering a loss, so although there was a local commotion about this incident, it still didn't go to Lin Ruogu in the end, so the incident at noon was not in the end There was no fuss.

Because of such an episode, when they continued their journey in the afternoon, everyone on both sides glared at each other's people, and each of them seemed to be gearing up, waiting for Lin Ruogu and the others to rest in the evening. Settle it in private.It happened to be late at night, and the bodyguard team was resting in a big city called Qinghe County, so after dinner, the temporary hires below all packed up to prepare for a good fight at night.

In fact, the more ordinary a cultivator is, the less likely he is to back down. Even if he knew that the other party was numerous and powerful, the people on Wang Si's side did not show any fear at all. To give the other party some bitter taste.

In the magnificent history of the mainland of China, there only need to be hundreds of people at the bottom, and some people dare to stand on the top of the mountain and be the king alone. However, most of the high-ranking officials or big men are waiting for everything. Only after you grasp it will you act.Of course, this is not a question of who is afraid of death or who cherishes their own lives more than anyone else, but rather, the bottom-level people will appear more meaningless and passionate in comparison.

In Xu Han's eyes, Ma Fei and others undoubtedly belong to this type of reckless people who can't use their brains.But Xu Han didn't want him to suffer any disadvantages, so when everyone was arming themselves, he had no choice but to tidy himself up with the crowd, and then, under Ma Fei's strong invitation, he and Lin Ruoyu went together After leaving the post station, he gathered with thirty people and came to the pre-arranged place aggressively.

The fight between the two parties at noon had clearly aroused the hidden anger of Li He and Wang Tian. This can be seen from the fact that after Xu Han and the others arrived, the people on the opposite side seemed to have been waiting for a long time.Seeing Ma Fei and others entered the arena, a man in his early forties with a second-level qi refining cultivation base on the opposite side immediately raised his head and shouted: "Ma Fei, today is the same as yesterday, let's send out a few people to fight a few times , or do we all get together and fight according to our own way and ability?"

What this person said was that, like the previous day, everyone sent several people to fight for several rounds, and the second was that the two sides rushed into a big melee regardless of the number of people.

Although these are two very simple choices, when he said this first, his meaning already vaguely pointed to the latter.After all, judging from the scene, although there are more than 30 people on Xu Han's side, there are at least [-] people on the other side. It really depends on which side is at a disadvantage in a melee, and anyone can tell.Xu Han originally thought that Ma Fei chose the latter for the sake of face on impulse.But obviously Ma Fei is not out of his mind.

So after the other party asked.He immediately retorted with a sarcasm and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Don't tell me Lin Buyu is afraid that if you fight alone, you will lose as badly as before. So this time, you are going to rely on the tactics of crowds to fight. If you are fighting alone If it’s really not as good as us, then we can let you go.”

"Don't say anything, just fight alone." Ma Fei obviously wanted to anger the middle-aged man, but the other party didn't realize that this was Ma Fei's trick for him.So before he could finish his sentence, the fellow named Lin Buyu immediately waved his hand and made a choice for Ma Fei.It's just that after choosing this, I was a little scared when I saw the companions behind me.Instead, he yelled again: "Wait a minute, although we have chosen to fight alone, I still have one more request. I don't know if you will agree to it, Ma Fei."

Ma Fei was stunned for a while, but he didn't agree casually. He just said sarcastically: "It's really Lin Buyu, if you are afraid, then just say it, as long as you admit that the people on your side are not as good as us, That doesn't mean we are broad-minded people. Let's just treat you as farts and let them all go. We can even write off your arrogance on our side before. How about it?" After finishing speaking, he shouted behind him He said: "Everyone, do you think so?"

Such an accent and tone, of course, provoked a burst of laughter behind him.Looking at Lin Buyu again, all of them looked anxious, staring at Lin Buyu with flickering eyes, as if they were complaining that he couldn't shock them and let Ma Fei take advantage of them.

Seeing this unexpected situation, Lin Buyu knew that if he didn't get his face back, his prestige might be damaged, so he yelled and cursed: "Go to you, only a few second-level qi refining masters on your side are all If there are no three, I will be afraid that you will fail. The request I just said just now is to designate one of your side to play. Ma Fei, are you afraid that your side's humanity is poor, so you dare not agree? ah."

When Ma Fei heard that the other party made this request, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but he refused to give in and said: "You are really a killer, and you can even assign the other party's people to play. I heard that you still have A second-level qi refining practitioner, can I also designate him as one of the ten people on your side? Lin Buyu, Lin Buyu, you are missing a finger, why does it seem that you are missing a piece of your head? "

Lin Buyu didn't recognize the situation now, he thought the situation would be under his control, so his expression was very calm, and he didn't care about Ma Fei's words just now.

Thirty miles to the west, there are 10,000+ people gathered, implying unlimited murderous intentions. Is it a war or a military exercise?Xu Han led people closer to that side.After a few breaths, I came to the vicinity and saw 10,000+ troops gathered ten miles ahead to fight.This made him a little puzzled, how could the land of three thousand miles be fought so terribly?

The armies on both sides wore heavy armor, one was in black armor, about 5 people;There was the sound of weapons clashing, armor chopping, clanging, as if many blacksmiths were forging iron.Although the black armor team was small in number, it didn't look like they were at a disadvantage from the scene.

Xu Han looked strangely at him, he had never seen a battle like this, the attack relied on a big knife and a sledgehammer, and the defense relied on armor, all of which were real contact and collision.Although the broadsword was sharp and the sledgehammer mighty, the heavy armor was stronger, especially the joints at the vital points were all thickened, and even the mask in front of the helmet was made of iron, with only two eyes exposed.He could see clearly that one person swung a big knife and slashed at the opponent's body. The blade was a point deep. The opponent did nothing wrong, but he swung the sledgehammer and smashed it with his backhand, which showed how thick the armor was.

Zhang Tianfang said with emotion: "Admiration, admiration. Two groups of tortoises cut at each other to see whose shell is harder." Fang Jian was also surprised: "A suit of armor and weapons add up to at least three hundred catties. These people are really strong." With heavy armor and poor physical strength, even dancing swords is a problem, but the 10,000+ people in front of them are very strong, and they can move around with ease.

It seems that the generals of both sides are very concerned about the lives of the soldiers, otherwise they would not arm their troops with heavy armor.More than [-] sets of heavy armor are all money.Because of the thick clothes, most soldiers were not directly hacked or smashed to death, but were shocked to death.The helmet is strong, but the human head is not so strong. When you hit it with a hammer, you only need to hit the target.Bleeding from the seven orifices is common.

The killing field was full of smoke and dust.Under the smoke and dust, there are countless bodies that have lost their lives.In the smoke and dust, the armies of both sides were at a stalemate.

Xu Han let out a long sigh. Wherever he went, there was chaos.The whole child is so evil that he can fight two even when he goes out to sea by boat.Seeing the soldiers on both sides harvesting each other's lives, I couldn't bear it.The cruelty on the battlefield is as if you have not seen it yourself, it is unimaginable.He wanted to stop the war on both sides.But they opened their mouths and didn't make a sound, so they fought if they wanted to. The battle between the two big powers must be at the price of bloodshed. As long as there is no winner, the battle will never stop.What's more, how can he stop it?Say a few words to persuade everyone?The question is who will listen?Will these killing gods who don't even want their lives listen to your wordy words?

After hesitating for a while, hundreds of people died on the battlefield.Don't talk about the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, sin, sin." Xu Han immediately found an excuse for himself, and he decided to stop the war.Even if the soldiers die tomorrow, it is good to let them live one more day, because there is hope and a future for them to live.If you die, even nothingness is someone else's.

Let the girls stop where they are.He put on a Fushen armor and rushed into the battlefield. He wanted to kill the leading general and force both sides to retreat.

In the middle of the battlefield there was a large regiment, dozens of fierce generals were fighting desperately in the regiment, the fiercest fighters were two tall men, two of them were bare-chested without armor, one wielded a thick iron rod, and the other held the right The huge hammer jingled and smashed lively.Xu Han didn't talk nonsense, he passed among the soldiers and entered the battle group, and then he slapped each of them fairly, and both of them would die.

The main general died in battle, and the guards around him and his generals rushed to Xu Han like lunatics.

Xu Han's compassionate eyes glanced at the crowd, and he shouted violently: "Stop it! Your boss is dead!" The crazy guards turned a deaf ear to them, kept their feet up, held their knives high, and rushed over desperately.

Seeing their fearless appearance, Xu Han said softly, "Since you want to die, I will grant you." His palms were like butterflies piercing flowers, and he walked lightly among the crowd, and then he heard the sound of clanging, Most of the guards and generals of the two generals died at the same time.Those gentle palms are stronger than a sledgehammer, smashing the heavy armor and killing them.

Then he spread the wings on his back, flew his body up to ten meters high, and shouted angrily: "Retreat quickly." This time the shouting had an effect, and the soldiers on both sides were stunned at first, and someone shouted: "Cultivator!"

The main general was killed, and a cultivator appeared on the battlefield. All the soldiers knew that this battle had no chance of winning, and their will to kill gradually faded. They retreated a mile away to form an formation.

Do you still want to fight?Xu Han was a little angry, why didn't these people know what to do?He drank again: "Still leaving? Waiting to die?"

The sound was loud and the momentum was astonishing, but the soldiers on both sides were unmoved. Each of the teams had a loud arrow blasted into the air, exploding a cloud of thick black smoke, which lingered for a long time, and the loud sound of the loud arrow bursting was heard far away.

Yo ho, call a helper?Xu Han looked at both sides with great interest. The one who came should be a cultivator, and he didn't know his strength.

The black smoke in the air hadn't cleared yet, and a cultivator had already arrived.Three people from each side flew over, and the finished fonts stopped over their respective troops. When they were released, someone reported the details, and then six people and twelve eyes looked at Xu Han together.

Xu Han's spiritual consciousness scanned them, and they were all monks, with a high-level cultivation of alchemy, two realms lower than himself.So he relaxed and asked in two directions: "Why are you here?"

No one answered his question, the six of them drew out their magic swords instantly as if they were one, and the six of them launched their six swords at the same time, aiming at Xu Han.

Xu Han was startled, the speed was so fast!The six people raised their swords and stabbed, the tip of the sword reached their bodies.What surprised him even more was that these people clearly belonged to two camps, but they joined hands to deal with him, enveloping him with the first three swords and the last three swords.It's too weird, I haven't passed my breath, I haven't checked the secret signal, I haven't made a wink, how can I trust each other, cooperate skillfully and join forces to kill me?

The situation was critical and there was no time to think about it, so he drew out the Fushen sword, spun around, and swung the Fushen sword to block the enemy's sword. , There were six chirping sounds in a row, the six magic swords were all broken, the six people stepped back, threw away the broken swords and stretched out their hands, a new magic sword appeared in their palms, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Xu Han.

Xu Han was startled, how could they cooperate so well?If you say you haven't practiced before, you won't believe it if you kill him!Maybe they are from the same sect, they are basically together.

The fact is that he guessed wrong, these six people belonged to two cultivation sects, they were old enemies, and they had never cooperated before.And there was also no cooperation just now, if we talk about cooperation, it is just the cooperation between the three of them.The reason why it looks like they work together is because they have the same experience and determination against the enemy.

To distinguish the identity of the enemy and ourselves, we must attack them with all our strength.Do it right the first time.Back off immediately when frustrated.To save strength and look for the next attack opportunity, you must have a spare weapon on your body. These are the experiences summed up after countless actual battles.

The six of them were monks fought from the dead, and they had absolutely no tricks in fighting.They were all real attacks that killed people, and they just happened to be launched at the same time, making them look like they were well-trained.

Xu Han saw in them the shadows of the three Nascent Soul cultivators in white clothes he met at sea during the day, and he didn't do anything.With a gesture like thunder, he lifted the divine sword in his hand and said in a cold voice: "I need an explanation." Regardless of whether the six monks understood or not, they counted with their left fingers, one, two, three.

He didn't make a sound, and bent his fingers to count, but the six monks didn't look at his fingers, they all stared at his eyes and the right hand holding the sword.After all three fingers are bent down.Xu Han stabbed straight with his sword, and at the same time.The six monks attacked and stabbed him as if they were ordered.

Xu Han was confident that one sword could kill one person, but there were five other swords aimed at his neck. He sighed in his heart. These guys had too much experience in fighting. He dared to guarantee that after killing one person, he could break through the other five swords in a row, so he had to change from attack to defense, and use the sharpness of the divine sword to cut off the magic sword of six people.

The six people were still the same, retreating at the touch of a touch, throwing away the broken sword and taking out a new magic sword, retreating tens of meters away and standing in a circle around him.Seeing the uniform movements of the six people, Xu Han deeply suspected that they must have come from the same school. Not only did they advance and retreat at the same time, but they were in accurate positions.

The sound transmission talisman disappeared in a flash, Xu Han sighed sadly, looking for help again?It's not a good habit to call someone if you can't beat it!He commented on the six people in his heart, and his sword revived again, stabbing fiercely and murderously at the monk who was closest to him.

The six monks on both sides saw the opportunity very quickly and made decisions faster. When the two sound-transmitting talismans were shot, the figures of the six moved again and retreated ten miles like ghosts. Xu Han's fierce assassination was actually missed!He was so angry that he cursed secretly: "One coincidence, two coincidences, how many fights did these guys have to fight to achieve such a tacit understanding?"

Concerned about the girls' safety, Xu Han didn't want to fight with them. He jumped back to Zhang Tianfang and said in a low voice, "Let's go." Forty alchemy masters took off at the same time and flew eastward.

As soon as they disappeared, the reinforcements called by six monks arrived, and there were three of them again, and the cultivation base of Nascent Soul was at the elementary level.The six people appeared almost at the same time, and when they appeared, they stared at each other with hostile and hostile eyes, and all drew their magic swords, waiting for a good opportunity to rush to kill.The two monks who sent out the sound-transmitting talisman to call them rushed over to explain in a low voice, briefly explaining the situation in a few words, the six of them lifted off at the same time and scattered, without any need for words to remind them, they formed two triangular cone attack formations and chased eastward. go.

But a few words were enough time for Xu Han to take everyone away. The 40 people flew east for a while, turned to fly south, found a random place to land, and then set up barriers and restrictions to seal everyone's breath.

The monks in the Wu Kingdom are more interesting. They form a group of three, with unified cultivation bases and unified actions. The magic weapon is also a magic sword.If the opponent is strong, retreat immediately without making any extra attempts.

Such monks are quite scary, and Xu Han subconsciously doesn't want to get in touch with them.At the same time, I was also a little curious about what kind of country Wu is, which can turn a cultivator who devotes himself to cultivation into a butcher of Shura.

Everyone rested here overnight, and the next day it was bright and set off eastward, with Xu Han exploring the way ahead.When he brought everyone to Wu country, he just walked here, thinking that it was not far away, so he would stop by to have a look. He didn't expect to encounter a war, and he didn't expect to have conflicts with cultivators.Thinking of this, he couldn't help admiring himself, wondering why my enemies appeared wherever I went.Even if I set foot on a country I have never heard of before, I will immediately offend two groups of people. Could it be that I am the reincarnation of the lone star of the evil spirit?Count the places you have traveled, except for the [-] mountains, there are really no enemies everywhere, and the enemy walks everywhere.

Xu Han was thinking wildly while walking, and a tall city appeared in front of him after half a day.It's really high. The city wall is more than [-] meters long, and it's all made of thick and heavy stones.

He had never seen such a city before. At the time when the Song Dynasty was constantly fighting with the barbarians, there had never been such a majestic border pass.At the moment, the interest of visiting the city arises.

They were stopped when they were five miles away from the city.A team of about 200 soldiers.Divide into three columns and lay out a simple attack formation across the front road, the general in front of the head said loudly: "Please return from a long way!"

Don't ask who you are, don't ask where you come from, don't ask where you are going.Tell you directly that this way is dead!The general raised his right hand high and stared at the crowd. If he found any wrongdoing, he would let go of his right hand immediately.What will follow will be a rain of arrows shot from sixty bows and eighty crossbows.

Xu Han frowned. What he wanted to do most now was to find a ladle of cold water to drink, to see if it would really clog his teeth.There is an old saying that people are unlucky, and drinking cold water will stuff their teeth. He thinks that he is unlucky enough now to verify whether the old saying is accurate.

Everyone was 60 meters away from the soldiers, within the coverage of the bows and arrows.Cheng Xi'er glanced at Song Yunyi, nodded lightly as a signal, then walked two steps slowly, stood at the front of the line and asked in a crisp voice: "Why is this general blocking the way forward? Don't let the little girl walk?"

Cheng Xi'er has an extremely beautiful face, a kind of beauty that is rarely seen in the world. The eyes of more than 200 soldiers were immediately attracted, and the general was also shocked by the beauty, coughed and regained his serious expression, and said loudly: "Shangwu seals off the city, and no passage is allowed. If you want to go east, you can go around by boat. "

This sentence is so difficult to understand, what kind of city is Shangwu Fengcheng?Going east to take a boat?

Xu Han discovered the existence of these soldiers from a long distance away, but he didn't care.When I got closer, I found more than 200 people wearing dark purple heavy armor. I remembered the black armor and green armor I saw yesterday. This should be a third-party force.Unexpectedly, in the small country of Wu, which is three thousand miles away, there are many forces from all sides, and there are more heavy armors. It's just that you always wear such heavy things, isn't it tiring?

Speaking of which, he admired the general in front a little bit. Facing the beautiful Cheng Xi'er, he didn't say or do anything inappropriate, and the soldiers under him didn't offend him with bad words, which is extremely rare.Soldiers are here to work hard, so it is normal to say a few words to make fun of women, to have fun between life and death, if there is a chance to take advantage of it, it is the best.But there are more than 200 people in front of them, except for staring with fiery eyes, they are all motionless, and the bows and crossbows in their hands are always aimed at everyone.

Xu Leng looked at these people coldly, and a group of people came to the present.There are already enough repressed contradictions, and taking advantage of this opportunity, these people also want to completely explode.However, if it is another person with a slightly weaker personality, or a person who is at the level of an ordinary second-level qi refining practitioner, maybe under their deterrence, they will help them cover up this matter, so that they can get away with it unscathed Leave unscathed.However, in front of Xu Han, is such a thing possible?Seeing Ma Fei, Lin Ruoyu and others' eyes focused on him, Xu Han seemed to be unable to feel the pressure in the atmosphere, and still threw two pieces of jerky into his mouth.

Then he met the expectant eyes of those few people and said: "I just said, don't disturb the young master's appetite, even if you four guys are so ignorant, if you are going to surround and beat me, then I can't be blamed." I have to let the brothers remember you long and hard." As soon as the words fell, he quietly moved a few steps and escaped from the center of the crowd's encirclement, and said: "These guys who came to make trouble, what do you think? It's dealt with." After he finished speaking, he didn't care what kind of scene these people would cause, so he went to the side and found a place to sit down, and continued to feed his still unsatisfied stomach.For him, this kind of dispute between low-level cultivators has no interest in letting him take action.

Unless those guys touched his bottom line without eyesight, Xu Han didn't even bother to talk to them.So for the current situation, he only needs to ensure that the people around him who can see past are not wronged, and that is enough.

It's not that Xu Han is too weak and doesn't care about it, but he feels that what Linghu said is right. There is really no need to have the same knowledge as such people on weekdays. If you really want to be impatient with certain people, then just kill them directly .Xu Han would kill someone if he took a shot now, so usually, he really didn't want to expose himself casually.However, he didn't intend to do anything, but Ma Fei and the others were quite different.

After Xu Han retreated, these guards who had long wanted to find someone to vent their anger rushed away in an instant. It seemed that whoever beat them less would be despised by everyone. Xu Han didn't mean to sympathize with them. Those who are beaten deserve what they deserve.

Seeing the righteous indignation of the crowd, Xu Han understood in his heart that Li He and Wang Tian were really unpopular, this time Wang Si's subordinates also took advantage of themselves to vent their anger.Xu Han wanted to come here, so he stopped talking.Quietly stepped aside.Not long after.The crowd had already beaten those who caused the trouble to the point where they didn't know where to go.Even if they rest for a few days.It is not easy to slow down.

Wang Si's men, who have been flying darts for many years, are very measured in their strikes, that is, they will not kill people, but they all let out a bad breath in their hearts.Fortunately, these people are aware of current affairs and did not dare to resist seeing such a situation, otherwise the beating might have been even more serious.But even if everyone's shots are not heavy, after everyone disperses.Those people were still lying on the ground moaning in pain, and they didn't even have half the strength to get up by themselves.

Seeing this situation, Ma Fei and others found someone to inform Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates to come and carry them away.Li He and Wang Tian's new subordinates obviously knew what happened in this area, so there was no verbal dispute when they came to carry people.But when they were far away, someone turned their head and cursed: "Who did this, dare to beat our people like this, let's see if I don't kill those bastards."

When this person said this, there were a few good guys who wanted to chase after Ma Fei and give them a good look, but under the scolding of Ma Fei and others.In the end, nothing happened.Fortunately, Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates knew how to avoid the limelight after suffering a loss, so although there was a local commotion about this matter.But in the end, Lin Ruogu didn't make a fuss, so the matter at noon didn't make a big fuss in the end.

Because of such an episode, when they continued their journey in the afternoon, everyone on both sides glared at each other's people, and each of them seemed to be gearing up, waiting for Lin Ruogu and the others to rest in the evening. Settle it in private.It happened to be late at night, and the bodyguard team was resting in a big city called Qinghe County, so after dinner, the temporary hires below all packed up to prepare for a good fight at night.

In fact, the more ordinary a cultivator is, the less likely he is to back down. Even if he knew that the other party was numerous and powerful, the people on Wang Si's side did not show any fear at all. To give the other party some bitter taste.

In the magnificent history of the mainland of China, there only need to be hundreds of people at the bottom, and some people dare to stand on the top of the mountain and be the king alone. However, most of the high-ranking officials or big men are waiting for everything. Only after you grasp it will you act.Of course, this is not a question of who is afraid of death or who cherishes their own lives more than anyone else, but rather, the bottom-level people will appear more meaningless and passionate in comparison.

In Xu Han's eyes, Ma Fei and others undoubtedly belong to this type of reckless people who can't use their brains.But Xu Han didn't want him to suffer any disadvantages, so when everyone was arming themselves, he had no choice but to tidy himself up with the crowd, and then, under Ma Fei's strong invitation, he and Lin Ruoyu went together After leaving the post station, he gathered with thirty people and came to the pre-arranged place aggressively.

The fight between the two parties at noon had clearly aroused the hidden anger of Li He and Wang Tian. This can be seen from the fact that after Xu Han and the others arrived, the people on the opposite side seemed to have been waiting for a long time.Seeing Ma Fei and others entered the arena, a man in his early forties with a second-level qi refining cultivation base on the opposite side immediately raised his head and shouted: "Ma Fei, today is the same as yesterday, let's send out a few people to fight a few times , or do we all get together and fight according to our own way and ability?"

What this person said was that, like the previous day, everyone sent several people to fight for several rounds, and the second was that the two sides rushed into a big melee regardless of the number of people.

Although these are two very simple choices, when he said this first, his meaning already vaguely pointed to the latter.After all, judging from the scene, although there are more than 30 people on Xu Han's side, there are at least [-] people on the other side. It really depends on which side is at a disadvantage in a melee, and anyone can tell.Xu Han originally thought that Ma Fei chose the latter for the sake of face on impulse, but it is obvious that Ma Fei is not out of his mind.

So after the other party asked this question, he immediately retorted with a sarcasm and smiled: "What's the matter? Don't tell me Lin Buyu, you are afraid that if you fight alone, you will lose as badly as before, so this time you are going to rely on the sea of ​​​​people tactics to have a wheel battle Come on. If you are really inferior to us in fighting alone, then we can also let you go."

"Don't say anything, just fight alone." Ma Fei obviously wanted to irritate the middle-aged man, but the other party didn't realize that this was Ma Fei's trick for him, so he couldn't finish his sentence. The guy named Lin Buyu immediately waved his hand and made the choice for Ma Fei.Only after choosing this.Seeing the companions behind him felt a little scared.Instead, he shouted again: "Wait a minute. Although we have chosen to fight alone, I still have one request. I don't know if you will agree to it, Ma Fei."

Ma Fei was stunned for a while, but he didn't agree casually.He just sarcastically said: "It's really a shame. If you are afraid, then just say it, as long as you admit that the people on your side are not as good as us. Then we can't say that those of us who are broad-minded, just treat you as a The farts are all let go. Even including the things you were arrogant on our side before, we can write it off, how about it?" After finishing speaking, he shouted behind him: "Everyone, do you think so?"

Such an accent and tone, of course, provoked a burst of laughter behind him.Looking at Lin Buyu again, all of them looked anxious, staring at Lin Buyu with flickering eyes, as if they were complaining about why he couldn't shock them.Let Ma Fei take advantage of his words.

Seeing this unexpected situation, Lin Buyu knew if he didn't get back his face.I was afraid that his prestige would be damaged, so he yelled and cursed: "Go to you, there are only a few second-level masters of Qi refining on your side, and I will be afraid that you will fail. What I just said I just want to designate one of your side to play, Ma Fei, are you afraid of your lack of humanity and law, so you dare not agree."

When Ma Fei heard that the other party made this request, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but he refused to give in and said: "You are really a killer, and you can even assign the other party's people to play. I heard that you still have A second-level qi refining practitioner, can I also designate him as one of the ten people on your side? Lin Buyu, Lin Buyu, you are missing a finger, why does it seem that you are missing a piece of your head? "

Lin Buyu didn't recognize the situation now, he thought the situation would be under his control, so his expression was very calm, and he didn't care about Ma Fei's words just now.

"Oh..." Jiang Wuyi didn't understand either, but it was inconvenient for her to express her doubts when she saw the presence of a certain old god, so she said, "Have you guys finished chatting, or we will set off."

"Okay." Xu Han said in his heart, pepper, pepper, we are not scolding you, if it weren't for the muddy horses getting in the way, maybe we would have revealed our secrets. Stealing is really thrilling and nervous.

"Then let's go." Xu Han took the two girls out, and when he came out, he threw a jade card to each of them, "This is the prohibition card from entering my cave, and you can enter and exit at any time with this..."

"Oh." Jiang Wuyi put away the prohibition card very carefully, she was very happy in her heart, and gave both the fairy bird and the door key, making it clear that I am the hostess.

Huang Zixuan was even more delighted, I also have a door key, I am also the hostess, from now on I can sneak into Brother Heizi's sleeping room, and...Huang Zixuan's face was flushed.

In fact, this prohibition card also has authority, and there is not only one formation in the cave. Of course, Xu Han will not open all parts to them. It's not that he doesn't believe them, but it's not good for them to know some things...

Before leaving the sect, Xu Han first came to the Four Seas Hall. According to the regulations, when a disciple transfers from the outer hall to the inner hall, he must finish the chores in the outer hall.

Going to the outer hall would inevitably meet that woman Cao Muqing, so Jiang Wuyi and Huang Zixuan were unwilling to go, so they went to wait at the gate of the sect first, and let Xu Han go to the outer hall by himself.

When I came to Sihai Hall, the juniors and sisters from the outer hall surrounded me... Although Li Heizi didn't have any friendship with them, after all, everyone used to be from the outer hall, and the outer hall disciples had long regarded him as one of the outer halls. Spiritual support.

When Xu Han walked into the Four Seas Hall, the outer hall disciples all looked at the five golden clouds on his chest, and their eyes were very hot.

"Didn't you say that there were three golden clouds when you first entered the inner hall, why did Senior Brother Li have five?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Someone immediately said, "You don't know this? Brother Li has already worshiped the ancestor of the family as his teacher, and he is the core disciple among the core disciples!"

Another Xiaoxiu said, "Senior Brother Li is a miracle in the outer hall of our Yunfu Sect. What are these golden clouds? You have heard of Qi Refining Disciples and arranged caves for them? They are also one of the caves with the most aura in the entire sect! "

Listening to other people's comments, Xu Han was still very happy... He is not a famous teacher who emphasizes demeanor and self-cultivation, he is just a hooligan.If you are happy, you will laugh, if you are angry, you will be angry, and of course you will be complacent when you are admired.

"The villain found out!" Cao Muqing came out from the back hall, and saw someone walking over with swinging arms...

When I came to Sihai Hall, the juniors and sisters from the outer hall surrounded me... Although Li Heizi didn't have any friendship with them, after all, everyone used to be from the outer hall, and the outer hall disciples had long regarded him as one of the outer halls. Spiritual support.

When Xu Han walked into the Four Seas Hall, the outer hall disciples all looked at the five golden clouds on his chest, and their eyes were very hot.

"Didn't you say that there were three golden clouds when you first entered the inner hall, why did Senior Brother Li have five?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Someone immediately said, "You don't know this? Brother Li has already worshiped the ancestor of the family as his teacher, and he is the core disciple among the core disciples!"

Another Xiaoxiu said, "Senior Brother Li is a miracle in the outer hall of our Yunfu Sect. What are these golden clouds? You have heard of Qi Refining Disciples and arranged caves for them? They are also one of the caves with the most aura in the entire sect! "

Listening to other people's comments, Xu Han was still very happy... He is not a famous teacher who emphasizes demeanor and self-cultivation, he is just a hooligan.If you are happy, you will laugh, if you are angry, you will be angry, and of course you will be complacent when you are admired.

"The villain found out!" Cao Muqing came out from the apse, and saw someone walking over with swinging arms... (To be continued.)

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