Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 615 Unhappy

() Xu Han was confused by the conversation between the two, liar?This word is really deceiving too much, even if you don't inform yourself.There is no need to be so sarcastic about others, and there is.That Lin Yu said when he was in the monster forest that day.As long as you come to Yunlaimen and report her name, you can pass, but it seems that the situation is not the case now.

Could it be that something happened to Yunlai Gate?Xu Leng watched the two of them whispering coldly, without saying a word.

Yunlaimen is a century-old faction in the mainland of China.Although the number of disciples has decreased a lot now, it is hard to compare with the prosperous period of the past, but the number of disciples who worshiped this sect is still very large in the past hundred years. . .

Xu Han wondered suspiciously, why are these two disciples being so rude to him? Didn't they say that the big sect is very strict with the stewards of the disciples?It is impossible to say that something happened to Yunlaimen. There are restrictions set by the lord level here. The foundation of a school's foothold is here. The next formation.Xu Han still knew this. A large part of the reason why Linghu was besieged by people back then was that there were spies in the sect, so that the method of protecting the mountain and prohibiting it did not play its due effect.

Xu Han looked indifferently at the oboe singing by the two people in front of him, and said nothing. He wanted to see what the two of them wanted to do.

Ma Long also cursed and said: "Hmph, it must be. It is said that Xu Han not only treats the masters of the same level as nothing, but can even fight against the masters in the middle stage of qi refining. Such a strong man must have an extremely powerful aura." With his field and unique personal charm, I think this is clearly a liar, with a pair of extremely weak virtues, just like a prodigal son on the street. Thief, don’t leave the mountain gate quickly. Don’t anger us. Be careful, I will do it myself You throw it out of the mountain gate." Xu Han looked at himself.I suddenly understood why these disciples in front of the sect had such an attitude.It turned out that during the past month, he was busy traveling in the mountains and fields.All the way was very hard, and I didn't care about my appearance.In addition, the clothes that were considered clean before would have long since become monks' cassocks.Hanging strips on their bodies, no wonder they are so contemptuous of themselves. . .

Now Xu Han looks like a beggar, looking at the clothes again, when the breeze swayed, he could actually expose a large area of ​​skin.Even, his shoes were damaged due to extreme practice, and after throwing them away, his feet were directly bare.This appearance is also consistent with what they said.After Xu Han understood this, he explained patiently: "I am like this now. It is only caused by spending more than half a month in the mountains. I am not a beggar, and please inform Lin Yu as soon as possible. Come and meet."

Li Yuan, who was the first to speak, looked Xu Han up and down again, and suddenly said in a stern voice: "Is that so? Hurry up and you, a thief, don't even look at where this place is. If you stand here again, it will affect your own Uncle, we welcome guests, and uncle will kick you down the mountain."

"Hmph." As soon as Li Yuan finished speaking, he felt a figure flash in front of him, and he received a solid slap on the face.It took a long time before he came back to his senses, and then he realized that Xu Han had already bullied him, and he slowly withdrew his palm, saying: "If you don't want to toast and eat fine wine, please report to me."

Li Yuan looked at Xu Han as if she couldn't believe it. Seeing that Xu Han was still looking cold, the fourteen or five-year-old boy suddenly flew into a rage and said, "You thief, how dare you hit me? Hurry up!" Come for me, someone wants to break into my Wuliangzong mountain gate, there is an enemy invading."

Seeing Li Yuan howling and crying like this, Xu Han wondered if he was going too far?In fact, no matter what his attitude is, a young man like Li Yuan has basically never been beaten by outsiders.As the saying goes, to beat a dog, you need to see the owner. Most people who come to Wuliangzong, even if they are very dissatisfied with them, think about the Wuliangzong behind them, and most of them will not make things difficult for them.What's more, big shots don't care about them at all, and small characters can't afford to mess with them.Therefore, these gatekeepers live quite comfortably most of the time.This is a good place to work.

The girls don't care about these, they just want to join in the fun and have some joy, playing tricks and playing festive ditties into fairy music.

The bridegroom's house is in another village, more than ten miles away.When the welcoming team reached the middle of the two villages, three men in black appeared on the road ahead, laughing endlessly as they watched the team of more than 200 people.

Someone blocked the way, the team stopped, only the girls kept playing.Zhang Tianfang came over and asked, "Is someone looking for trouble?" Xu Han nodded and said, "Go and see, we have to fight for fun."

The three black-clothed men built their foundations, demon cultivators, their eyes were red, they were ghost disciples.

Xu Han walked to the front of the line, just as he saw the groom's official and his father bowing to the three of them: "Today is the day of the dog's great joy, and meeting is fate. Dare to invite three friends to my house for a while and have a glass of water and wine. I still have a small gift for you." He saw that the three of them were not easy to mess with, and he would rather spend more money to buy peace.

The cultivation base of these three unlucky ghosts is too low to find out that there are dozens of high-level monks in the team, and they only see more than 30 beautiful virgins in their eyes. , and the rest leave, old man, I can take care of you enough."

Seeing the arrogant appearance of the three, Xu Han was upset for a while, what happened to this world?Why can't we see a beautiful and long-lasting life?Let's not talk about cultivators, just ordinary people. Counting from the Yue Kingdom, corrupt officials are rampant, and they dare to greed even life-saving money from floods.Let's talk about the Song Dynasty, the war between the two clans lasted for hundreds of years, and the deaths and injuries of the two clans amounted to tens of millions.There is also the state of Lu, where the eight great aristocratic families divide the government, and there is a rule that every place has its own place, and the people are troubled and miserable.There is also Qi State, a country of thousands of counties, which has a large territory, but the conflict with the [-] mountains is even greater. The struggle between the two clans is especially above Song State, and has been going on for thousands of years.When it comes to the state of Wu, thirteen heroes stand side by side, and the civil war is raging.There are all kinds of life in this world, and the common people are all suffering in the same way. Surviving in this world depends on whether you are lucky enough.

In addition, there are cultivators who are the source of evil, who look down on ordinary people, treat people as people, do not do enough harm to themselves and attract monsters and beasts, or set fire to avoid killing many people, in short, they are selfish, cold-blooded and cruel.And the ghosts of the Holy Kingdom are even more ruthless, directly using human lives to increase their cultivation base.Killing in groups.If you let them cultivate into gods.Are there still living people in the world?

Xu Han was angry, what is the use of such a world?Is its function just to tease you and me, the common people?I think too much, but applaud the common people all over the world, life is hard.Still be strong and continue, no matter how big or difficult it is, just like floating clouds, the wind will always pass.He looked coldly at the three men in black.Casually talking to Zhang Tianfang: "On the day of great joy, it's not easy to see blood. You two and I will be killed together." Zhang Tianfang agreed, and Fang Jian interjected: "Count me in."

The groom had already dismounted, and accompanied his father to make friends with the man in black. The three scoundrels said they would keep boys and girls, but the old man just thought it was a joke, and said with a smile: "This man is joking, if you go to my house today, you will not get drunk and you will not return. "It's really hard for the old man.If it wasn't for his son's great joy, there would be no room for any unlucky things to happen.How could he please strangers so much?

The three men in black showed impatience, and the man on the left said: "Forget it, ink stain." The man in the middle agreed, stepped forward, and drew a long flag in his hand, intending to kill people.

Of course Zhang Tianfang can't tolerate their presumptuousness, dare to kill people in front of Lao Tzu?The man rushed forward, grabbed the man in the middle by the throat, held it up high and rushed towards the field beside the road. Xu Hanfang gradually followed, one by one grabbed the other and disappeared into the field.

Song Yunyi walked to the front of the team and said to the old man: "It's getting late, hurry up and get on the road." The old man stared at what was going on, and asked, "Where are they going?" Song Yunyi smiled: "I don't know, don't Go take care of them, the first thing today is the wedding, and many people are waiting for the wedding wine." The old man hurriedly said: "Yes, let's get on the road." Let the groom get on the horse and start again.

At this moment, the three unlucky villains have already sacrificed their precious lives, Xu Han and the three walked back, chatting far behind the wedding procession, Fang Jian said: "It's not peaceful recently, why have the common people suffered so many disasters? " Zhang Tianfang pretended to say: "You don't understand, this is called the strong eat the weak." Xu Han said: "Crow's mouth, there are strong eaters again."

Five miles away, at the entrance of another village stood a foundation-building demon cultivator, looking suspiciously at this side, wondering why he lost him?

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Little foundation builder, I'll go and kill him." Then he said: "It's really hard to drink that old man's wine." Xu Han stopped him: "That man is not a ghost, you are addicted to killing ?”

The demon cultivator didn't realize the identity of Xu Han and the others, so he couldn't find the ghosts, so he focused his attention on the girls. The more than 30 beauties are really mouth-watering, especially there are two beautiful beauties in the middle.Fortunately, he has a lot of self-control, and he has a task to do, so he didn't dare to do something foolish and cause trouble to his upper body.After seeing the beautiful woman, he turned his eyes away, and searched the surrounding areas with his spiritual sense, but still didn't find it. After thinking about it, he turned back and reported the news.

After the demon cultivator left, there was no obstacle in the way ahead, and the wedding party marched into the village.At the entrance of the village, there are red happy characters posted on the road. There are red papers along the way to guide the way. After going around for nearly a kilometer, you enter a courtyard. Not long.

Many people stood along the way, congratulating each other, pointing to the soft sedan chair and chatting for a while.But soon he turned his attention to the maids behind the sedan chair, a group of beautiful girls like flowers and jade, which attracted more discussions.

The girls were having a good time, they still played non-stop when they entered the yard, the groom's father came over with a small red silk package and said, "Thank you girls for your help, take a rest." He handed over the small silk package, a little embarrassed Said: "Farmers rely on the sky to eat, and they don't have much money. I hope you can forgive me."

The package is small enough to be held in the palm of one's hand. After opening, there are two ingots of broken silver.Song Yunyi didn't want it at first, but Cheng Xi'er took it first, and said with a smile: "I have to accept the red envelope, thank you, old man." He took out an emerald green ring with his backhand and said, "Eating wedding wine is a congratulatory gift, and this is for your daughter-in-law as a dowry. The old man pushed back, Cheng Xi'er put on a straight face and pretended to be serious: "Take it, we will leave immediately." Naturally, the old man thanked repeatedly, took the ring and left.

After a while, the old man ran over quickly, handed back the ring and said, "It's too expensive, I can't accept it." I just asked someone who knows how to do it, and I know it's precious.Song Yunyi smiled and said, "There's no reason to take back the congratulatory gift." She liked the sincerity of the old man, and if she wasn't worried about money making people jealous and causing disaster, she would add some more gifts.

In the end, the old man took the ring back and held three banquets for the maids. The good wine and food were served first, for fear of not being well received.

The girls are of course happy with this arrangement, it's rare to attend a wedding, and it's rare to have a lot of trouble with the newcomers, so you have to have as much fun as you can.Of course, there are some troubles, most of the men in the whole courtyard are locked on this side, there are always women who come to ask the origin of the name if there is anyone, and there are even young men who drink a lot to make excuses.Fortunately, the folk customs are simple.There was no outrageous robbery.Xu Han just watched the excitement.

The banquet lasted until midnight, the maids left the banquet early after eating for a while, declined the host to send them off, and rushed out of the village to the river.Recently, I have met masters repeatedly.Always go back to the water's edge to be safe.Not long after Fang walked out, hundreds of people came flying from the direction of the village. In front of them was the largest number of monks who established the foundation, and the one who was slower was the monk who formed the core.As leisurely as a walk at the end is the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Xu Han knew that he couldn't dodge it, and the concealment of spiritual energy also depended on the opponent's cultivation level. Although the method they used was ingenious and made the Foundation Establishment cultivator unaware, it was ineffective against the Shangdan cultivator and Nascent Soul cultivator. It turns out that Xu Han and the others are a group of foundation-building monks, and of course Xu Han has to do something that is in line with what a foundation-building monk should do.

More than 30 people walked casually, rushed to the river, and just walked out of a mile.A cultivator of alchemy fell in front, stopped everyone and asked coldly: "Who is the Taoist friend? Why is the energy channel different from ours?"

Magic skills are in a class of their own.There are special cultivation methods, which are different from the world's exercises, and Xu Han's exercises are naturally included. He stopped and said the truth: "The gate of the mountain has been destroyed, and there is no sect and no sect."

"Oh?" Brother Jiedan looked at a group of girls: "Even if you are exterminated, you will always have a name. Who taught you the skills?"

Xu Han thought about it carefully. He has never had a master. The things he learned before were passed down from generation to generation by his brothers. He sighed and said, "I don't have a master."

The monk who formed the alchemy stayed for questioning, and the other hundreds of monks continued to fly forward, as if they were searching for something.After a while, the group of demon cultivators flew away, leaving only three alchemy cultivators not far away to watch.They believe that even if an accident occurs, four alchemy demon cultivators are enough to kill 39 foundation establishment cultivators.

Xu Han pretended not to see, whoever liked to fight would fight, he had no intention of participating in it.

The questioning monk was taken aback when he heard the words, pointed at the girls and asked, "You don't have a master? Even if you don't have a master, they don't have a master either?" Xu Han said, "I taught them." The expression of the monk Jiedan turned cold: " Stop talking nonsense to me, thinking I can't kill you?" Xu Han sighed, "You want to kill me too, to be honest?"

Brother Jiedan was angry, and he drew two flying swords and was about to strike. One of the three companions not far away said: "If you are not a ghost disciple, don't waste your time. Master is still waiting for us." Another person laughed: "So What a beautiful woman you want to kill, you don’t know how to pity her, the sixth son of Caixiang can hardly move, I guess the first thing he wants to do is to come back to snatch a woman, if you kill a woman, don’t be afraid of him Looking for you desperately?" No.3 monk didn't talk so much nonsense, and said coldly: "Let's go."

The ghosts are very easy to identify, and they can tell the authenticity at a glance, so only one of the hundreds of monks flew over to interrogate the three to take care of them, and they didn't take Xu Han and others seriously at all.Hearing what the three said, the angry monk knew that there was a priority, and he should not cause trouble at this time, so he could only suppress his anger, glared at Xu Han, and then chased after the three.

Among the three monks, the one who spoke with a smile asked him: "Which sect?" The angry monk replied: "There is no sect, no sect, the sect has been destroyed, and there is no master." "It took me a long time to ask this?" Three A monk was a little surprised, and then said: "It's good if you're not a ghost, and ask slowly when you come back." The four people disappeared into the distance while talking.

Seeing them leave, Zhang Tianfang asked, "Do you want to follow the fun?" Xu Han shook his head and rejected the suggestion.Fang Jiandao: "The monks in the Demon Kingdom are interesting. They stand up for the common people and fight with their lives. Even if we are in the righteous sect, we will not do such good deeds lightly." what?"

At this time, it was dark and there was no one around, so Xu Han felt at ease after flying back to the river with his people.The girls were still immersed in the celebration of the wedding, chattering endlessly, and some girls came to ask Xu Han: "When will you marry Sister Yunyi and Sister Xi'er?" Xu Han couldn't answer, so he pulled Zhang Tianfang as a shield: "You guys play first, I will marry you." Discuss something with Tian Fang."

Zhang Tianfang was forced to run more than a hundred meters away and sit down. Zhang Tianfang was very unhappy: "Let go!" Xu Han casually set up a barrier, took out some spirit wine and spirit meat and asked, "Drink?" Zhang Tianfang immediately turned his anger into joy: "This Not too bad." Fang Jian ran over, "Count me in."

The three of them listened to Tao Wangyue and drank their sorrows by the river, which was very arty and elegant.He babbled nonsense, sat in prison for some time, and sat until midnight, when forty miles downstream suddenly, his spiritual breath soared into the sky, countless waves of spiritual energy waves came, it was crazy and chaotic, and many people were fighting.

It was destined that this night would be an eventful one. Hundreds of monks whom he had seen during the day were stopped and beaten down the river. More than 400 foundation-building monks. More than 100 alchemy monks.Thirteen Nascent Soul monks.He was hunted down by thousands of ghosts.Fleeing in embarrassment, he was ambushed and killed by ghosts on the river.Coincidentally, it is not too far away from Xu Han and others.

Zhang Tianfang wanted to vent his drinking, got up and said, "Go and see." Without waiting for the two of them to react, he flew down.Xu Han had no choice but to throw out the flying boat.Greet the girls to board the boat and rush downstream.For safety's sake, several ice walls built a hut to cover the flying boat, and he and Fang Jian stayed outside to deal with it.

As he got closer, he found out that Mo Xiu, whom Bai Ri had seen, was besieged and killed by ghost disciples.Zhang Tianfang slashed and killed in the crowd with his ghost knife, Xu Han said helplessly, "Go up." Fang Jian said with a smile, "These devil cultivators can be counted as standing out for the common people, so let's vent our anger for the common people." Xu Han said with a smile Alright, so I can feel more balanced in my heart, thinking: "Da Da, when will it be peaceful?"

Fang Jian used the sword, and together with Xu Han, the two swords flew together to meet Zhang Tianfang, Zhang Tianfang started to fight, and shouted: "Come again, come again." But the ghost knife is so sharp that there is no one under the knife.I don't know who he is talking to.

Midnight, half moon.The surrounding fields are pitch black, only occasionally there are magic light clusters that gather and disperse to bring some light.In the pitch-black world, the two gangs fought extremely fiercely. They all practiced magic arts, and most of the magic weapons they used were ghost banners and white bones, which made this night even more eerie and terrifying.The three of Xu Han rushed back and forth among them, and Zhang Tianfang was especially excited. Killing ghosts in the dark is what he is best at.

The three of them killed too many people, and they were finally discovered by the high-ranking ghost disciples, and three people were separated to meet them. A white bone sword, a black hook, a black rope, and three evil magic weapons hit their vitals.

Zhang Tianfang is a Buddha killer, not afraid of demon skills, with a sharp ghost knife in his hand, he slashed open the bone sword that was attacking him lightly, and he used the momentum of the knife to attack the owner of the bone sword.The saber's momentum was faster than lightning, forcing the owner of the Bone Sword to retreat.

Xu Han was not so troublesome. With a snap of his fingers, the strongest defense appeared in front of him. An ice wall protected him and Fang Jian. Neither the hook nor the black rope could break through the ice wall.And Xu Han and the two relied on the ice wall to block them, and continued to reap the lives of the low-level ghost disciples behind them.Except that Zhang Tianfang was full of enthusiasm when fighting, and he didn't think about anything else in his mind. They only picked soft persimmons to pinch.

The three of them are very fierce, but there are too many enemies, and the ghosts are always suppressing Moxiu. These poor Moxiu like to call themselves saints. At present, it seems that righteousness cannot overcome evil.It is estimated that if we fight for a while, there will be only a few hundreds of saints left.Xu Han whistled, and countless ice walls rose from the river surface, dividing the river water into sections with high heights, like a chessboard, restricting thousands of people into the grid.

Two groups of people are in a state of scuffle, there is me in the grid, and you are in me, and there is no delay in fighting.Fortunately, there is an ice wall blocking it. No matter how powerful it is, it can only kill the enemies in the same grid. After clearing the enemies, you can only stare at the ice wall in a daze.

After a quarter of an hour, the battle basically stopped. The surviving masters tried their best to fight against the ice wall. Only Zhang Tianfang was unlucky. He was trapped with the three Nascent Soul ghosts just now. He was bullied all the time and could only use the power of the ghost knife to escape with his life.These three ghost disciples are middle-level cultivators. They were unable to chase Xu Han just now, so they vented their anger on Zhang Tianfang. The white bone sword, curved hook, and black rope all bypassed the ghost knife and hit him. If the ghost knife was not sharp, The three did not dare to fight recklessly, the winner had already been decided.

Xu Han was concerned about his safety, so the ice crystals flew out of his body, found Zhang Tianfang and turned into a thin ice wall to protect him, then the rest of the space in the grid suddenly filled with water, and then turned into ice, and the three Nascent Soul masters froze in the ice. In, die.

This kind of killing method is impossible to escape. There is ice on the top of the head, ice on the feet, and ice around the side. If you can't break through the ice, you can only wait for death honestly.After Zhang Tianfang was rescued, he scolded Xu Han: "If you don't act earlier, you want me to die?"

Xu Han didn't answer, and used the ability of ice crystals to distinguish ghosts and saints. He looked at each grid, and the saints ignored them, and the ghosts let the ice crystal freeze to death. There is no trace of death on the great river.

Clapping away the cold ice, the river returned to its original state, and there were more than 100 devil cultivators standing on the surface of the river, who were confused about their situation.Xu Leng said coldly: "You guys go." More than 500 people only saved more than 100, which is not worthy of joy; killing 3000 people in one go is even less worthy of joy.Seeing him killing people in cold blood, Zhang Tianfang yelled strangely: "It's fortunate that you hate killing people, otherwise there are not enough people in the world for you to kill yourself." Xu Han said: "I hate fighting, but I have never been soft."

Among the more than 100 people remaining in Moxiu, thirteen Nascent Soul masters are all present, and they clearly know what happened just now.I was extremely shocked.That weak boy in Tsing Yi slaughtered 3000 people silently.There are countless masters among them, and this level of strength is really terrifying, so they hurriedly flew over and bowed to pay respects: "Disciples of Qingzong pay respects to senior."

Not long ago, they thought Xu Han was a disciple of Foundation Establishment.After a while, the foundation-building cultivator turned into a god of killing. None of the thirteen masters dared to use their spiritual sense to check his cultivation, and they could only suppress the thousands of doubts in their hearts.Thank you for your life-saving grace with the most respectful attitude.

Xu Han waved his hands and repeated: "You go." He turned and walked towards the flying boat, taking away the ice wall outside the flying boat.The ice wall protecting the flying boat was very thick, separating the inside and the outside. The girls didn't know what was going on outside, and asked, "Finished?" Xu Han gave a blank expression, no matter what, killing people is not a happy thing.

Zhang Tianfang yelled at the Nascent Soul masters: "Let you go, don't you understand?" Without any hesitation, the thirteen masters led all their disciples to salute Xu Han, bowed and left with fists in their hands.

They really wanted Xu Han to help.But just thinking about it, I dare not say it out loud.This time, the holy capital passed the magic fire order.Shengxiu's inner and outer sects join forces to kill ghosts with all their strength.Qingzong is a small outer sect, the highest level of cultivation is no more than Nascent Soul intermediate level, this time it was used as bait to lure the enemy, track down a small group of ghosts and kill them, attract most of the ghosts, flee after losing, try to lure the enemy To the encirclement, inflict heavy damage.To put it bluntly, these more than 500 people are cannon fodder.The sad thing is that there are many smart people in the ghosts, who use their tricks to fight against Qingzong and kill Qingzong. If Xu Han's accident did not happen, these people would all become real cannon fodder.

The ghosts left spies everywhere to investigate the news of Qingzong, and the three men in black who were killed by Xu Han belonged to this group.All the spies are connected layer by layer, interlocking. If any spies change, die or send back news, the rear spies will make up for it. After confirming the enemy's news, thousands of ghosts set up ambushes along the way to surround and kill the members of the Qing sect.

Coincidentally, the spies of the ghost disciples were tracked down by the spies of the Qingzong. Xu Han killed three ghost disciples. The spies of the Qingzong couldn't find any clues, so they reported them back to the master's school, which attracted a search from the whole sect, and even more coincidentally, they crashed into the encirclement of the ghost disciples , the rest is two groups of people fighting, fighting to the death.

Guitu is a very evil organization, but it is also the most powerful organization. There are defectors from all sects and sects in the world to join it.As Yongsan said, if killing 1 people can make you advance, will you kill them or not?

These brutal defectors have done a lot of evil and have been hunted down by the saints, so they united to form the current power.They only care about killing people, not only the common people, but also the saints, and even kill each other, even ghosts.It's like a piranha, it eats people when there are people, and eats the same kind when there are no one.Now they are eating people from the Qing sect, and they are about to finish eating, but Xu Han appears, and thousands of ghosts are eaten instead.

In this battle, members of the Qingzong sect left incense and passed it on. In this battle, Xu Han became famous in the Holy Kingdom.The monks of the Holy Kingdom didn't know the origin of the names of Xu Han and others, so they belonged to the Wanhua Sect according to their characteristics.No matter where he goes, he brings dozens of beauties with him. Only the nympho Wanhua sect has such elegant taste.

Xu Han didn't hear rumors from the outside world, and even if they did, he didn't care. He became more and more tired of this world, and what he saw all day was either fighting or killing people, especially himself, whose hands were covered in blood.He has 120 eight snakes, countless seven-star charms, pigs and cats to help, and the most terrifying ice crystals on his body. When others kill one person, he can kill hundreds or thousands of people.The more you kill, the more confused you become. Could it be that the whole meaning of practice is to kill?If you don’t practice, you will be killed. If you practice, you will still be killed. If you don’t want to be killed, you have to kill. If you do bad things, you have to kill, and if you do good things, you have to kill. Killing is killing in self-defense, and killing is killing when eliminating evil. When is the end of killing? ?

Feeling very upset, Xu Han led his people to fly to the west to find Daxiong Temple.The holy country is so big, wider than the desert in the middle of the eastern and western continents, with so many mountains and mountains that the horizon is endless.We flew in the sky for more than a month, not to mention the Daxiong Temple, and even saw few temples.Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied and said, "Where did the dead monk hide?"

The Buddhist cultivator of the Holy Kingdom is a strange existence with a detached status, but he always faces boundless slaughter.

Naturally, Buddhist skills and demonic skills are irreconcilable, and what all demon cultivators want to do most is to kill all Buddhists.But the world is always unsatisfactory, this sentence is equally effective for good people and bad people, but all Buddhists have great supernatural powers, the price to kill a Buddhist is too high, even the saints are unwilling to provoke these bald people , so killing Buddhist priests has become an unattainable wish for demon cultivators.Fortunately, the Buddha seeks goodness and regards all hardships as trials, even if he is beaten, he doesn't bother to retaliate.The two can barely live in peace.

It's really barely getting along.The relationship between the two is like a wolf and a sheep.A wolf can't kill a sheep if it wants to kill a sheep, or if it kills a sheep, it will kill a lot of wolves.Gradually, some wise wolves come up with an idea to kill the lambs who have not yet become Buddhists without provoking the big sheep that already exist.Therefore, there are always many Demon Cultivation Sects standing around the Holy Kingdom Temple.Carry out a comprehensive surveillance and blockade of the bald heads, and kill the buddhist seedlings by the way.

Xu Han and the others were very honored to enjoy this treatment. They passed by a few monasteries, only to see that it was not the Daxiong Temple, but the demon cultivators came up to question them, and they showed fierce faces one after another, ready to fight them desperately.Xu Han was a little puzzled, didn't it mean that all the demon cultivators went to kill ghost disciples?Why are there still so many idle people wandering around?

Feizhi was fast, and he didn't want to get entangled with Moxiu, so nothing happened along the way.The girls suggested: "Flying every day is boring to death. Land and rest?" Xu Han followed the good advice and found a place near a big lake to land.Let the girls play.

Fang Jian talked to him: "It's not a good way to find it this way." Xu Han smiled and said, "Who would have thought that demon cultivators and Buddhist cultivators would live in peace?" Fang Jian also laughed: "It's quite strange." Dead, go back to Yue Kingdom." Fang Jian Xu Han was stunned: "You are from the Holy Kingdom." "So what?" Zhang Tianfang didn't care.

The three of them were chattering here, and a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the sky, and Xu Han realized that the aura had disappeared in another direction.The three exclaimed: "It's so fast!" Before they finished sighing, two more breaths passed by, and the speed was not weaker than the previous one.Then there were three more breaths, then two more breaths, and the last breath ended, flying over nine terrifying masters one after another.

Fang Jian sighed, "So many masters?" Zhang Tianfang refused to accept it: "What kind of master is a fast runner?"

The nine breaths disappeared in a flash, Xu Han looked up and looked in the direction where they disappeared, Zhang Tianfang asked: "Who hit whom?" Xu Han shook his head: "The speed is too fast, I can't see anything." Zhang Tianfang snorted: "The Holy Kingdom is still here!" It was really lively."

For the next few days, everyone lived by the lake, doing nothing all day long and staring at the water in a daze.Fang Jian was very angry: "Why don't you practice? I'm getting lazy when I'm with you." Xu Han knew that he was reminding himself that he should practice diligently. Just as he was about to say something, there was a large team of horses advancing in the distance, and he said with a smile: "somebody is coming."

It was a group of ordinary people, numbering over ten thousand, half cavalry and half carriages, traveling from west to east.Fang Jian put his mind to explore, knowing that the distance was quite far, he asked curiously, "Where are you going with your family?"

On the horses were middle-aged men, and on the carriages were mostly old and weak women and children, loaded with luggage and bedding, obviously moving.

Xu Han didn't speak, and checked the horse team again with his spiritual sense.When the team slowly approached, they suddenly noticed two strange auras, one at the other end of the team, calm and quiet as if they had no emotion.Wei Yi pondered, and decided that the two were Buddhists.

He scanned the team with his spiritual sense, and the two Buddhist monks had already sensed it. The person in front of the team jumped off the carriage and went straight to Xu Hanxing.Not long after, a person appeared in front of him, a thin monk in a gray monk's robe, he clasped his hands together and said to Xu Han, "The benefactor is checking my team, what is his intention?" When Zhang Tianfang came, he paused, looked carefully, turned around and left without waiting for Xu Han's answer.

Zhang Tianfang asked Xu Han: "What is the monk doing?" Xu Han's answer was very irresponsible: "Ask the monk."

The two spoke loudly, but the monk acted as if he didn't hear it, and walked back to the team, jumped into the carriage and continued eastward.

Fang Jian said: "You said there are so many ordinary people, and there are two Buddhist monks, did something happen to the west?"

Xu Han thought about it carefully, thinking of the nine masters who passed by a few days ago, nodded and said: "Very likely."

It is possible that he is here, the team has slowly walked away, and disappeared at the end of the road after half an hour, leaving only an old monk standing alone on the side of the road without saying a word.Zhang Tianfang asked again: "What is this monk doing?"

No one knew the answer, and no one wanted to ask.Two days later, the answer was revealed by itself. Many ordinary people came along that road again. The number was several times that of the previous one. There were nearly 10 people. .

Seeing these people downcast and listless, Xu Han already guessed what happened. It must be that a certain city was massacred by ghosts, and Buddhist priests came to rescue them, forcing the ghosts to escape.Thinking about it this way, among the nine masters who passed by a few days ago, there must be ghosts and Buddhists.

The facts were as he guessed, after this group of people left.The old monk still stood still.Two days later, tens of thousands of people passed by.Xu Han said: "Ghosts should be killed." Zhang Tianfang didn't understand.Why did this guy suddenly say who should be killed?Looking over with questioning eyes, Xu Han's face turned cold, and murderous intent loomed in his eyes.Fang Jian explained from the side: "Aroused Buddhist priests to act and forced tens of thousands of people to relocate. Only ghosts can do this kind of thing."

A day later, the fourth group of people passed by, about 4000 people, and there were three Buddhist priests in the team.After meeting the old monk, head eastward together.The old monk and the three Buddhist priests whispered a few words, and one of the three Buddhist priests separated from the team with the old monk, and quickly chased the front team.

These people were the last group. After seeing them off, Zhang Tianfang urged: "Do you want to kill people?" He was talking about the ghosts who forced the people to move.Xu Han said: "Who are you going to kill? Do you think those five Buddhist monks are fake?" Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "The bald head can only be hypocritical, and he will definitely not kill people." matter, the Buddhist monks in the sky do not refrain from killing." Speaking of Buddhist monks in the sky.Zhang Tianfang was full of anger: "Don't tell me about that old guy, he is against me."

Xu Han suddenly yelled: "I forgot to ask them about the location of Daxiong Temple." Zhang Tianfang said with a sneer: "You are also considered a monk of Yuanying. You don't even remember." Xu Han said: "Go ask now." As soon as he left, he called Seven figures swished from the east, and after spotting them, they landed directly in front of everyone.

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "It's quite lively." The seven people just pretended they had never heard of it, and one of them stepped forward to face Xu Han and asked, "Which sect do you belong to? Why haven't I seen it before?" He saw that Xu Han's cultivation was the highest, Probably the person in charge.

Xu Han said casually: "No family, no sect, travel the world." His eyes glanced at the seven people, and he couldn't help but secretly marvel, one of the seven people was considered a handsome man, and he couldn't think of any other words besides handsome and unrestrained It can be described.Xu Han and Fang Jian are considered handsome young men, but compared with these seven people, they are more or less inferior in terms of appearance and body shape alone.

When the girls saw the seven beauties, they chirped and chatted: "It's so pretty." The seven beauties were all masters, and when they heard a group of women praising their looks, they smiled softly and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Tianfang muttered bitterly, "Young boy, you must have no good intentions."

The seven people were not annoyed when they heard it, they smiled tolerantly, and asked Xu Han, "Do you know the location of Tiexian Valley?" Where is Tiexian Valley?Xu Han shook his head and said, "I don't know." Asked by the handsome brother, he smiled and said, "Excuse me, please leave." The seven of them are not only handsome, but also clean and tidy. Fly, blink away and disappear.

Liveliness always comes one after another. Not long after the seven handsome men left, three women flew from the east, fresh and beautiful like fairies, they caught Xu Han and the others, and flew towards them.

Zhang Tianfang asked Xu Han: "Damn it, people can come and go in such a remote place? How did you choose the place?" Xu Han thought about it for a while, first nine masters flew by, and then five Buddhist priests guarded four groups of people passing by , there were seven handsome guys asking for directions, and now there are three beauties. It's a bit evil to keep going back and forth in the wilderness.

The three pure beauties are also masters. They identified Xu Han as the highest, and asked him directly: "Where is the nearest shopping mall?" Xu Han shook his head, and asked the beauty with a frown: "Aren't you a local saint?" Xu Han still shook his head, The woman who asked the question said angrily: "Are you dumb?" Xu Han had no choice but to say: "No."

The woman on the right said: "There is no commercial market in a desolate place, go to the holy capital." The voice is sweet and soft, as if it can melt people.The woman on the left looked at the many girls behind Xu Han, and said softly: "There are so many virgins with good qualifications, it's a pity that you have something to do, alas." From what she said, if she had time, she would take all the girls away.

The woman who asked the question first frowned deeper: "The holy capital is too far away." Suddenly remembered something and asked Xu Han: "Is there any good casting material? I will buy it at a high price, and I will definitely not let you suffer."

Xu Han was a little uncomfortable. He had seen all kinds of cultivators, but very polite high-level cultivators were indeed rare. The seven handsome men just now and the three beauties now are all kind, gentle and courteous.Of these ten people, any one of them has a higher level of cultivation than himself. Xu Han didn't want to conflict with them, so he took out his storage bag and spread the ore he had obtained from killing people over the years on the floor, and said, "No need to buy it, just look at it." Just take it away."

The three beauties were a little startled, they couldn't see that this man was generous enough, and the woman with a sweet voice chuckled lightly: "Did you fancy my sister? Such a small thing can't be done." The woman in the middle shouted coquettishly: "Shut up Sweeping through the ore with spiritual consciousness, he barely selected two pieces, threw out five pieces of third-grade spirit stones and said, "Only these two pieces." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. She didn't want to have anything to do with Xu Han. The other two women Smiling and following, they didn't say any more nonsense. Obviously, none of the three beauties valued Xu Han, and teasing him was just for fun.

Seeing the beauty leave, Zhang Tianfang also felt a little uncomfortable: "Why don't they snatch it?"

Xu Han put away the ore, and said angrily, "Are you grabbing the broken pieces?"

"Broken your head, even if I don't understand it, I know that this pile of things is very valuable, don't you think so?" The last sentence was to ask Fang Jian, Fang Jian nodded and said: "They are not ordinary materials, let's refine some fine-quality methods The device should be fine."

Xu Han threw a bag of ore to Fang Jian: "You refine." Fang Jian threw the bag back: "It's useless if I want to come." Asked Zhang Tianfang, "Why are there so many masters in the Holy Kingdom?" He is aggressive, and he has seen too many masters, so it is inevitable that he is a little unbalanced.Zhang Tianfang replied: "I don't know, I was quite easy to mess with in Xiaoao Jianghu back then."

Xu Han just laughed. It was a bit funny when a foundation-builder cultivator ran across the Holy Kingdom.But before he could hold back his smile, a bad thought flashed through his mind, feeling that something was going to happen.Hastily released the Wuxian ship, and said anxiously: "Get on board! Hurry up!" Just as the words fell, a clang sounded in my ears, the sound pierced through my ears and hit my heart directly, making people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Xu Han hurriedly recited the meditation formula, but his mind hadn't regained his composure. The voice of Zheng sounded again, and 34 maids fainted to the ground under the two voice attacks.And the little pig and the cat flew into the air with a whimper, their eyes wide open, and they were about to go berserk.

Xu Han yelled violently, and threw more than a dozen spells into the air, causing them to explode one by one, and the sound of shock was connected together, and the four of Fang Jian were deafened, and no other sounds could be heard in their ears.And Xu Han was more direct, because he was too close to the explosion of the spell, his ears were already deaf, and he couldn't even hear the huge explosion, and his world was completely silent.

At this time, a man in black stood out of the lake, with a black guqin hanging in the air in front of him. The man in black was playing the piano with both hands. His posture was beautiful, but he didn't know how he could make such an unpleasant sound.The man in black sneered, his red eyes fixed on Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er, desperate to possess the second daughter.

Seeing that Xu Han and the others were still struggling to hold on, the man in black flicked his fingers again and launched a third attack. A soft clang sounded leisurely, penetrating the sound of the huge explosion and reaching everyone's ears. The four of Fang Jian were startled. That thing can pass through sound attacks?Each gritted their teeth and persisted, sticking to a trace of clarity in their hearts.

The man in black sneered: "Think that making some noise can stop me from attacking? It's ridiculous!" He planned to hit them a few more times, but he didn't know that Xu Han could no longer hear any sound in his ears and became deaf. Sound attacks also do no damage.Xu Han held his breath calmly, looked at him expressionlessly, and with a thought, the lake water instantly rose to envelop the man in black.

The man in black reacted very quickly, his hands turned into slaps, and he slapped the piano down. He used his palms to fly upwards, but unfortunately he was still half a step too late, and the ice below his ankles was sealed.Without even thinking about it, the man in black slashed off with one palm, cutting off two calves, and slapped the ice with the other palm from the air, and the whole person jumped into the sky like a cannonball. Flash, run away without a trace. (To be continued.)

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