Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 626 Retreat

() Xu Han's right thumb and index finger pressed the flying sword, and the other four fingers held the dagger with his backhand. With a sudden swing, the pressure of the two extremely powerful sword qi transformed into the sword pressure instantly forced the two closest shadows to stand still. forward.With the assistance of the soul of the sword, Xu Han actually used two sword techniques with one hand at the same time!

Simultaneously using one hand to use two or even more than two identical or different kendo techniques, this is one of the uses of the sword soul obtained from the practice of the sword pill!

Feng Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, then sneered secretly, 'But, so what?The two strange swords in the right hand of the little bastard can force two kill kicks, or the back hand can suppress one kill kick with bare hands, but similarly, these four kill kicks also limit the little bastard's light body skills , I see what else he can use to resist the other two killing legs! . .

Just when the fourth faint light appeared on the back side, Xu Han turned his back and clenched his hands into fists, as if holding a sword with his backhand!Where else could he get a sword from?Just as Feng Yanxi thought about it, his complexion froze, Xu Han's hand suddenly had a sword emitting a strong white light!

This is a legendary Yuanshen item. In the entire Wu Kingdom, only the emperor has such a Yuanshen bracelet!Feng Yanxi's eyes suddenly showed greed, but when he looked at the five monks surrounding Xu Han, he frowned. Whether it was the heavenly sword or the primordial item in the hands of the little bastard, if If it passes through their hands, it must fall into the hands of those above.

But let alone five-on-one, even if it was a one-on-one single fight, he could barely deal with the worst one among them. It is very likely that there are other treasures of high value in that Yuanshen item, so I am really not reconciled! . .

Ah, what a shock.day order.That is definitely the sword of heaven rank!And there was nothing on the little bastard to hide the sword.In other words, the little bastard has a primordial spirit item on him, and the level of this item is really too high.

At this moment, Feng Yanxi stared at the short sword in Xu Han's hand, and he wished he could put his eyeballs on Xu Han's hand.Take a hard look at the specific appearance of the sword in Xu Han's hand.Greed spread all over his body. At this moment, he was like a businessman, seeing a commodity that he liked.

The dagger and sword in Xu Han's hand showed great power at this moment.This move of the sword beyond the sky almost defeated Feng Yanxi's confidence.A cold sword.Flickering in front of everyone's eyes, it is like a cloud of erratic clouds, which seems to have no boundaries and is unpredictable.

Regarding this sword, Linghu had already told Xu Han that he should make good use of it.At this moment, it finally showed its due strength and lived up to Xu Han's expectations for it.

Seeing Xu Han's sudden powerful aura, all the monks felt agitated in their hearts.To know.They were able to fight Xu Han only by taking advantage of their numbers.And once Xu Han finds a way to compete against his own people, then the people on his side, if they fight like this, will they die?

Feng Yanxi looked at the sword with a salivating expression in his eyes. If he got such a sword, he would have an extra trump card no matter when he was performing Taoism or fighting against the enemy.It can be said that this sword can become a treasure for one's own life.

Xu Han fully mobilized the huge spiritual energy in his body, and the yin and yang fish were also moving rapidly. At this moment, he really realized what it means to do whatever he wants, as if all the power in his body can operate properly.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Linghu was not without emotion. In just half a year, Xu Han has grown so much. This is no longer the little boy who needs to be protected by himself. In a blink of an eye, he has grown up.With extraordinary strength, no one can despise him anymore.

At such a moment, Feng Yanxi had countless thoughts.But it can only be suppressed temporarily.The flaming golden long sword in Xu Hanhou's hand is obviously the first-class Qingmang who has been idled for a long time and passed through the formation, and has been promoted to the rank of a cultivator!Flipping the wrist of the back hand, the green light danced into six streamers on Xu Han's hand, and after a soft 'ding' sound, it flew back gently.

Different from the other two Youguang, which were only suppressed by Xu Han's two sword qi, the Youguang closest to Xu Han's back was instantly sent flying by the streamer, even the cultivator who controlled that Youguang He couldn't stop his body from leaning forward suddenly, but at the same time, the two sword qi cast by Xu Han's right hand also disintegrated in an instant, and the other five bright red streamers shot out from five directions. , after five consecutive soft beeps, the other five ghost lights also disappeared.The sixth stream of light stabbed at the forehead of the last monk at the same time as the last monk was drawn in!

'Oh, it's amazing to be obedient.To be able to achieve the kendo method of sword light differentiation at the Jindan stage! In the sea of ​​consciousness, Linghu sighed in admiration, because he had seen Xu Han perform it before, because he was just a pharmacist and not a pure cultivator, Menglin always felt that this sword method was really pleasing to the eye!

However, for Linghu, this swordsmanship is pleasing to the eye, but for the monk who faced this swordsmanship directly, it is tantamount to a life-threatening existence!This kendo method came really fast, so fast that almost five short knives had just been hit, and they were right in front of him!

Even the monk who was used to seeing life and death couldn't stop sweating at this moment. However, the body instincts generated by years of life-and-death fighting made the monk suddenly lean back his upper body in time, and the streamer brushed his nose, covering his eyes. The monk's entire nose was cut off smoothly and neatly!The monk who escaped the catastrophe suddenly relaxed, and finally survived!

Although he himself didn't quite understand why the kendo method seemed to be mixed with anger.He just wanted to take a few steps back and keep level with the rest of the monks.

At the moment of life and death, these monks showed unparalleled strength, as the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage.These people are also bloody figures, how can they not understand the importance of time.

Like the monk just now, he also made this action subconsciously, but he didn't want to but put himself in the most favorable position just right, thus dodging Xu Han's differentiation sword light in one fell swoop.This is what he had to do just now.This is completely out of his own control.

everyone at this time.All tense.I was afraid that Xu Han, the devil, would come to find me.Because of the scene just now.But it's all vivid.

This shameless guy is really embarrassed to say it, who can make things difficult for whom?It is not empty to use words to run, and play moral kidnapping.Xu Han shook his head slightly, not empty.

really.Bukong clasped his hands together and said: "I will bear all the faults." After finishing the eight words, he was nailed to the ground like a rock and remained motionless, waiting wholeheartedly for Zhang Tianfang to make things difficult for him.

Speaking of it, it is not empty that this stupid kid will be fooled, and Zhang Tianfang would not be bothered by someone who is a little more normal.That’s right, it’s true that I met the ghost emperor when I took you for a walk, and it’s also true that the ghost emperor wants to kill you, but this can only be blamed on our bad luck. It’s the worst thing to say, I killed you, but I also risked my life to help you Yes, as for whether my master came out to help in time, he doesn't owe you anything, it's a benevolent act of kindness to help you.It is your duty not to help, so what qualifications do you have to raise conditions?

But Zhang Tianfang is used to being shameless.Regardless of that, go up if you can't resist, if you don't want to break free, you can hesitate, but you don't move.Xu Han looked at it and sighed, "Is this a kidnapping?" Fang Jian said, "Draw a line, it doesn't matter whether it's a kidnapping or not, it has nothing to do with us, it's that idiot's personal behavior." Xu Han agreed with this point of view, Nodding his head, he said, "That's what I said."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianfang's next move would directly shatter the dreams of the two of them. He resisted and jumped into Feizhi, beckoning Xu Han to start.Xu Han shook his head helplessly, and discussed with Fang Jian: "Then you don't want to fly right now?" : "Recognize the reality."

Although the two brothers sighed, they agreed with Zhang Tianfang's nonsense in their hearts, so they flew up and set off.The destination of this trip is clear, first look for the big rivers, then flow into the sea, and take the sea route back to the eastern mainland.As Xu Han, who is full of enemies, he has to think more about the safety of the journey.The speed of the top-level ghost disciples is faster than that of the middle-level ghosts. If they have bad intentions, they can easily toss everyone to good or bad. At that time, in the vast sky, there is nowhere to hide.

After half a day, we found Tiaojiang, and everyone changed to a flying boat and went down smoothly.Bukong didn't talk about going back any more, and sat quietly in the bow of the boat.Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Change to a bigger boat, it's too small to hold back." His opinion was filtered out by Xu Han, who believed in safety first, and he set up an enchantment to cover the flying boat, and steadily controlled it to sail downstream.

We are monks who don't need food, lodging and rest, and the flying boat travels day and night.Seven days later, the river widened. Looking into the distance, the downstream river was even wider, twice as wide as the current river surface. Only when I walked over did I realize that two tributaries converge here.

The river became wide enough, and Zhang Tianfang talked about changing boats again.Xu Han said: "Let's talk about it at night." Entering the new river, there are more ships on the water, if a large ship suddenly appeared, it would be too shocking.Zhang Tianfang had no choice but to give up and look around to find new fun.

Occasionally, boat songs sounded on the river, and the rough chant yelled out the pride in his heart, showing the unique demeanor of the fisherman.Zhang Tianfang enjoyed listening to it, so he started to learn it, howling along with the fishermen.

This guy's noise is simply earth-shattering, since he started singing, no one on the big river dared to open his mouth to sing, Xu Han couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily: "Shut up." Zhang Tianfang was wronged: "You are jealous of me. "

Xu Han was so angry that he wanted to mobilize the people on the boat to criticize him. At this time, the sky in the distance shook slightly to attract his attention. He sent out his spiritual sense, but he didn't notice it. He looked at the sky carefully and said after a long time: "I'm looking for you." Zhang Tianfang Ask: "You are looking for me? Who is here?"

Xu Han stared at the sky, but he didn't notice it for a long time, and there were no more people on the river surface. He became more sure of his guess, and said, "I'll find out at night." Zhang Tian let out his breath and said, "Crazy."

Soon the daylight faded away, and most of the boats on the river anchored close to the river bank to rest, only their flying boats kept moving forward.When the sky was dark and the moon hung high, the old monk in the sky appeared silently at the bow of the boat.

Bukong Jianzhi hurriedly bowed his head: "I have met the master." Tiantian said to Zhang Tianfang with a kind voice: "You can't go."

As soon as the old monk appeared, Zhang Tianfang knew that something was wrong, and said angrily, "Crazy!"

Seeing the Buddha in the sky, Xu Han sighed secretly: "I guessed it right." There was a figure shaking in the sky in the daytime, but he didn't find it after checking, indicating that the person's cultivation level was higher than his own.The masters here in the Holy Kingdom, no matter ghosts or demon cultivators, have never discovered the good habit of hiding in the air and doing nothing after discovering their own party.So I guessed it was Foshi.Only they will scruple the people and act carefully.Immediately said: "The master is crazy." He wanted to persuade the sky Buddha.But the words were poor, and I couldn't think of what to say.

Master Tian said lightly: "Idiots are not idiots. There are always some things that need to be obsessed with obsession. It's just different."

Xu Han is so depressed, I can only say four words.You refuted me with a lot of words, and replied: "Since it's just a different path, why do you have to beg God to let you into your Buddhist gate? Cultivation is against the sky, and what you cultivate is your own heart. Seeking perseverance and perseverance is not wrong." You have to practice Buddhism to enter the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss."

The Buddhist priest in the sky shook his head and said: "I don't care about others, he is a Buddha killer, he must enter my Buddhist gate to promote Buddhism."

Xu Han smiled and said: "Since the master is so persistent, why did you rush across the country to take away the scriptures, Buddha's eyes and relics you gave?"He closed his eyes and said, "Anyway, he can't leave." Xu Han laughed even harder: "You're playing a rascal." Zhang Tianfang followed with a big laugh: "Interesting."

Xu Han tried his best to persuade him: "The ghost emperor brought [-] top-level ghost disciples to cause chaos, and trapped hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Kingdom in misery. Master, as a Buddhist virtuous person, does good things with the hearts of the people, so you should be brave at this time. Going forward to save the people from the sea of ​​suffering, why are you obsessed with a naughty boy who ignorantly abandons the Dharma but sees all living beings in trouble and does not save them? Is this also the Buddhist principle?"

These words were a bit heavy, and the face of Buddha in the sky turned red.He was forced to come here this time. He is the abbot of Daxiong Temple, and he can't just watch the Buddha come and go, wandering around Daxiong Temple but doing nothing by himself.

He teamed up with the five great monks of the Holy Kingdom to deal with the ghost disciples. Although the five monks are famous, the number of disciples who have cultivated to become Buddhists is very small. Deal with the ghost emperor.

He chases and kills the ghost emperor, and on the way to escape, the ghost emperor summons 44 ghosts to chase them down. Fortunately, seven beauties join in the fun along the way, so they plan to let the seven beauties ambush the 44 ghosts and try to hold them back.Let the nineteen monks free up their hands to clean up the ghost emperor.

Fortunately, the monk was lucky enough to complete the task, but the death of the Qimei boy was uncertain, so after cleaning up the ghost emperor, the sky Buddha regarded Zhang Tianfang as if he hadn’t seen him, and went to help Qimei boy fight as soon as possible. Consider others.

So Zhang Tianfang, who was very poor and bored, ran to Daxiong Temple to kidnap Bukong, and a kind Fang Jian kindly left a letter with a charm, telling the monks that Bukong left with us.

Daxiong Temple not only has nineteen great monks and one young monk, but also many miscellaneous Buddhists. Someone saw the spell and sent a message to Master Tian to inform him what happened.At this time, the sky is busy cleaning up the ghost disciples. One-on-one, the Buddha is better than the top ghost disciples, and the skills are mutually restrained, so the ghost disciples have no advantage at all.But even if you have an advantage, it is still difficult to kill a top-level ghost. The two groups actively played the game of hunting and killing, flying around all over the world all day long.

After receiving the news that Bukong was leaving, Tiantian knew that these guys were going back to the desert, so after careful consideration, he couldn't let Zhang Tian go!So let the eighteen golden arhats continue to kill the ghosts, and he chased them alone.

Originally, he had thought well, and wanted to keep Zhang Tianfang no matter what, but he didn't want to be robbed by Xu Han after only a few words, so he couldn't help being a little ashamed and angry.He was not angry with Xu Han's nonsense, but angry with himself that he had practiced for more than a thousand years to the point of empty space, but he was obsessed with getting lost and falling into the lower realm, unable to distinguish between good and bad, and caring for the safety of thousands of people for an arrogant boy.He hesitated for a while and said: "It's the old monk who is not sure about Zen. Thank you, little benefactor, for your frank words and goodbye." Then he said to Bukong: "Follow him." .

Zhang Tianfang was very dissatisfied when the Buddhist monk in the sky left, "Hmph, leave another tail to watch me." Xu Han said angrily, "Did you resist that tail?" Zhang Tianfang said with a thick skin: "I resist is my business." , It's his business for him to stay, do you understand now and then?" "I know you're a pig!" This guy became more and more angry, Xu Han ignored him and controlled the flying boat to move forward.

The river water in the dark night is exceptionally silent, the sound of the waves splashing from the ship's side makes this silence appear profound, and any direction in the deep is dark and silent, only the half-curved moon hangs high in the sky, making the sky a little more bright.Under the faint light, the spaceship sailed through the waves and entered the deep darkness.

Song Yunyi walked to the bow of the boat and stood side by side with Xu Han, looking into the darkness ahead with her beautiful eyes, and said after a while: "The sea is vast, you can stay longer." Xu Han agreed.He knew what Song Yunyi was thinking.

The two have experienced various incidents together.Song Yunyi never said anything else.Her world is centered on Xu Han, and Xu Han's world is her world, she is willing to do anything for him and never complains.But without any complaints, they can't stand the endless fighting.The fights in the past hundred years are enough to make every normal person feel bored. It is really Xu Han who can cause trouble, go all the way, kill all the way, and fight everywhere he goes.Especially these days, Song Yunyi was a little bored with the endless fights, so he wanted to go out to sea to find peace.

But God made many strange things, and things backfired.Seeing that the night was about to pass, at the darkest moment before dawn, a white light suddenly lit up on the dark and calm river, and the white light flashed, and several bright spots pierced the people on the boat.

Xu Han stood at the front, and the speed of the other party made him panic. Ice Crystal instinctively erected an ice wall to protect everyone.Several light spots hit the ice wall, and there was a loud sound.Countless sword lights pierced the ice wall into a sieve, and Xu Han hurriedly erected another ice wall. At this moment, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help screaming, so he heard a few screams from behind, and a black-clothed ghost squeezed his hands together. He stabbed the seven maids with seven bone swords, piercing their bodies, most of them injured their chests and abdomens.

Xu Han yelled: "Get out." The river around the flying boat exploded, or water arrows or ice arrows were shot out quickly, and the momentum was astonishing.

No matter how fast the river is driven, there needs to be a reaction time. The ghost attacking ghost easily pulled out the seven bone swords before the river was activated, and when he was about to stab someone else, the river exploded, and the ghost cracked his mouth and smiled sinisterly. Back away calmly, the fast-flying water and ice arrows couldn't hurt him at all.

This time Xu Han was careless, he thought that the ghost emperor had been dealt with, the monks and demon cultivators were busy chasing and killing the ghost disciples, and he was acting in the water, relying on ice crystals, no one should be able to hurt them, but it was unexpected In less than two days, there will be two top-level ghosts ambushing and attacking.

The whole thing happened too fast, after the river exploded, Xu Han rushed to the seven injured girls, took out a lot of pills and stuffed them into the mouths of the seven.At this time, the sneak attack came again, and two ghost disciples on each side of the ship's side faced the flying water arrows and ice arrows and shot a rain of flowers, countless small flowers carved from white bones pierced through the water and ice arrows and shot at everyone.

Fortunately, Bukong had already reacted at this time, he found the danger when the first person attacked, and was protected by the ice wall first.Then he realized that there was something behind him, but Guitu moved too fast, and when he turned his head to look, the girls were already injured.Not in a hurry to rescue the wounded, he took off his monk's robe and threw it into the air, just in time for the third wave of attack, the monk's robe instantly became bigger and covered the entire flying boat, and countless white bone flowers hit the monk's body. On the robe, bone flowers are all over the monk robe, as if it is woven by countless white flowers.

Xu Han was furious. Five of the seven maids had stomach injuries, and their injuries were not cured, but the other two were pierced in the left chest, their hearts were shattered, and blood was sprayed from their mouths. They were in critical condition.Generally speaking, there are two fatal injuries to a cultivator, one is the head and the other is the heart. If the injury is not treated in time, death will undoubtedly occur.He had never dealt with patients with these two injuries before, and he was a little at a loss in a panic.

Bukong shouted: "Ice Wall!" reminding him to protect everyone first.Xu Han woke up, according to Bukong's order to erect an ice wall to protect the flying boat, but seeing the miserable appearance of the two seriously injured girls, he felt sad and still didn't know what to do.Feeding many panaceas only delays the time of death, but cannot remedy the broken heart.

When he was thinking hard about the treatment method, another change occurred. The fourth wave of attack came, and the boat went into the water, and there was an explosion. Shocked into the air and shattered into pieces.Fortunately, with the double protection of the ice wall and the white monk's robe, everyone was not injured again, and they stood in the air and took out their magic weapons to prepare to meet the enemy.

Fang Jian yelled: "Hold." Before he could say anything more, he hugged the two seriously injured first, Song Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er and others hurriedly hugged the other five wounded, and after a small inspection, the injuries did not get worse.

At this time, the fifth wave of attack came, and they stopped in the air, and suddenly there was light around them, dazzling, and six crystal silver swords pierced out of the extremely dazzling light, and the six swords stabbed at the same person, Zhang Tianfang.

Xu Han's right thumb and index finger pressed the flying sword and the other four fingers held the dagger with his backhand. With a sudden swing, the pressure of the two extremely powerful sword qi instantly forced the two closest Youguang to stand still.With the assistance of the soul of the sword, Xu Han actually used two sword techniques with one hand at the same time!

Simultaneously using one hand to use two or even more than two identical or different kendo techniques, this is one of the uses of the sword soul obtained from the practice of the sword pill!

Feng Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, then sneered secretly, 'But, so what?The two strange swords in the right hand of the little bastard can force two moves to kill the legs, or the back hand can suppress one move to kill the legs with bare hands.Can be the same.These four ways of killing legs also restricted the little bastard's light body skills.I see what else he can use to resist the other two killing legs!

Just when the fourth faint light appeared on the back side, Xu Han turned his back and clenched his hands into fists, as if holding a sword with his backhand!Where else could he get a sword from?Feng Yanxi just thought of it, and his face froze.In Xu Han's hand, there was really a sword emitting a strong white light!

This is a legendary Yuanshen item. In the entire Wu Kingdom, only the emperor has such a Yuanshen bracelet!Feng Yanxi's eyes suddenly showed greed, but.Looking at the five monks surrounding Xu Han again, they frowned, no matter if it was the heavenly sword or the primordial item in the hands of the little bastard, if it passed through their hands, it would definitely fall into the upper hand inside.

But let alone five-on-one, even in a one-on-one single fight, he can barely deal with the worst one among them, and he has to watch helplessly as two treasures that are close at hand are taken away. It is very likely that there are other treasures of high value in that primordial spirit item.I'm really not reconciled!

Ah, what a shock.Tianjie, that is definitely the sword of Tianjie!And there is no place on the little bastard that can hide the sword, that is to say, the little bastard has a soul item on him, and the level of this item is too high.

At this moment, Feng Yanxi stared at the dagger in Xu Han's hand, and he wished he could put his eyeballs on Xu Han's hand, so as to observe the specific appearance of the sword in Xu Han's hand.Greed spread all over his body. At this moment, he was like a businessman, seeing a commodity that he liked.

The dagger and sword in Xu Han's hand showed great power at this moment.This move of the sword beyond the sky almost defeated Feng Yanxi's confidence.The cold sword flashed before everyone's eyes, like erratic clouds, which seemed to have no boundaries and were unpredictable.

Regarding this sword, Linghu had already told Xu Han that he should make good use of it.At this moment, it finally showed its due strength and lived up to Xu Han's expectations for it.

Seeing Xu Han's sudden powerful aura, all the monks felt agitated in their hearts.You know, they are able to fight Xu Han with the advantage of their numbers, and once Xu Han finds a way to fight against people like himself, then the people on his side, if they fight like this, will they die? ?

Feng Yanxi looked at the sword with a salivating expression in his eyes. If he got such a sword, he would have an extra trump card no matter when he was performing Taoism or fighting against the enemy.It can be said that this sword can become a treasure for one's own life.

Xu Han fully mobilized the huge spiritual energy in his body, and the yin and yang fish were also moving rapidly. At this moment, he really realized what it means to do whatever he wants, as if all the power in his body can operate properly.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Linghu was not without emotion. In just half a year, Xu Han has grown so much. This is no longer the little boy who needs to be protected by himself. In a blink of an eye, he has grown up.With extraordinary strength, no one can despise him anymore.

At such a moment, Feng Yanxi had countless thoughts.But it can only be suppressed temporarily.The flaming golden long sword in Xu Hanhou's hand is obviously the first-class Qingmang who has been idled for a long time and passed through the formation, and has been promoted to the rank of a cultivator!Flipping the wrist of the back hand, the green light danced into six streamers on Xu Han's hand, and after a soft 'ding' sound, it flew back gently.

Different from the other two Youguang, which were only suppressed by Xu Han's two sword qi, the Youguang closest to Xu Han's back was instantly sent flying by the streamer, even the cultivator who controlled that Youguang He couldn't stop his body from leaning forward suddenly, but at the same time, the two sword qi cast by Xu Han's right hand also disintegrated in an instant, and the other five bright red streamers shot out from five directions. , after five consecutive soft beeps, the other five ghost lights also disappeared.The sixth stream of light stabbed at the forehead of the last monk at the same time as the last monk was drawn in!

'Oh, it's amazing to be obedient.To be able to achieve the kendo method of sword light differentiation at the Jindan stage! In the sea of ​​consciousness, Linghu clicked his tongue in admiration, because he had seen Xu Han perform it before.The fluke is that he is just a pharmacist and not a pure practitioner.Menglin always felt that this kendo method was really pleasing to the eye!

but.For Linghu, this swordsmanship is pleasing to the eye, but for the monk who faced this swordsmanship directly, it is tantamount to a life-threatening existence!This kendo method came too fast.It was so fast that almost five short knives had just been hit, and they were right in front of him!

Even the monk who was used to seeing life and death couldn't stop sweating at this moment, but.Years of life-and-death fighting resulted in physical instincts, which also made the cultivator suddenly tilt his upper body back in time, and the streamer brushed past the wings of his nose, cutting off the cultivator's entire nose smoothly and neatly!The monk who escaped the catastrophe suddenly relaxed, and finally survived!

Although he himself didn't quite understand why the kendo method seemed to be mixed with anger.He just wanted to take a few steps back and keep level with the rest of the monks.

At the moment of life and death, these monks showed unparalleled strength, as the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage.these people.He is also a bloody figure, how could they not know.How important is time?

Like the monk just now, he also made this action subconsciously, but he didn't want to but put himself in the most favorable position just right, thus dodging Xu Han's differentiation sword light in one fell swoop.This is what he had to do just now.This is completely out of his own control.

Everyone was tense at this moment, for fear that Xu Han, the devil, would come to find him.

Xu Han's right thumb and index finger pressed the flying sword and the other four fingers held the dagger with his backhand. With a sudden swing, the pressure of the two extremely powerful sword qi instantly forced the two closest Youguang to stand still.With the assistance of the soul of the sword, Xu Han actually used two sword techniques with one hand at the same time!

Simultaneously using one hand to use two or even more than two identical or different kendo techniques, this is one of the uses of the sword soul obtained from the practice of the sword pill!

Feng Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, then sneered secretly, 'But, so what?The two strange swords in the right hand of the little bastard can force two kill kicks, or the back hand can suppress one kill kick with bare hands, but similarly, these four kill kicks also limit the little bastard's light body skills , I see what else he can use to resist the other two killing legs!

Just when the fourth faint light appeared on the back side, Xu Han turned his back and clenched his hands into fists, as if holding a sword with his backhand!Where else could he get a sword from?Just as Feng Yanxi thought about it, his complexion froze, Xu Han's hand suddenly had a sword emitting a strong white light!

This is a legendary Yuanshen item. In the entire Wu Kingdom, only the emperor has such a Yuanshen bracelet!Feng Yanxi's eyes suddenly showed greed, but when he looked at the five monks surrounding Xu Han, he frowned. Whether it was the heavenly sword or the primordial item in the hands of the little bastard, if If it passes through their hands, it must fall into the hands of those above.

But let alone five-on-one, even if it was a one-on-one single fight, he could barely deal with the worst one among them. It is very likely that there are other treasures of high value in that Yuanshen item, so I am really not reconciled!

Ah, it's really shocking, Tianjie, that is definitely Tianjie's sword!And there is no place on the little bastard that can hide the sword, that is to say, the little bastard has a soul item on him, and the level of this item is too high.

At this moment, Feng Yanxi stared at the dagger in Xu Han's hand, and he wished he could put his eyeballs on Xu Han's hand, so as to observe the specific appearance of the sword in Xu Han's hand.Greed spread all over his body. At this moment, he was like a businessman, seeing a commodity that he liked.

The dagger and sword in Xu Han's hand showed great power at this moment.This move of the sword beyond the sky almost defeated Feng Yanxi's confidence.The cold sword flashed before everyone's eyes, like erratic clouds, which seemed to have no boundaries and were unpredictable.

Regarding this sword, Linghu had already told Xu Han that he should make good use of it.At this moment, it finally showed its due strength and lived up to Xu Han's expectations for it.

Seeing Xu Han's sudden powerful aura, all the monks felt agitated in their hearts.You know, they are able to fight Xu Han with the advantage of their numbers, and once Xu Han finds a way to fight against people like himself, then the people on his side, if they fight like this, will they die? ?

Feng Yanxi looked at the sword with a salivating expression in his eyes. If he got such a sword, he would have an extra trump card no matter when he was performing Taoism or fighting against the enemy.It can be said that this sword can become a treasure for one's own life.

Xu Han fully mobilized the huge spiritual energy in his body, and the yin and yang fish were also moving rapidly. At this moment, he really realized what it means to do whatever he wants, as if all the power in his body can operate properly.

In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Linghu was not without emotion. In just half a year, Xu Han has grown so much. This is no longer the little boy who needs to be protected by himself. In a blink of an eye, he has grown up.With extraordinary strength, no one can despise him anymore.

At such a moment, Feng Yanxi had countless thoughts.But it can only be suppressed temporarily.The flaming golden long sword in Xu Hanhou's hand is obviously the first-class Qingmang who has been idled for a long time and passed through the formation, and has been promoted to the rank of a cultivator!Flipping the wrist of the back hand, the green light danced into six streamers on Xu Han's hand, and after a soft 'ding' sound, it flew back gently.

Different from the other two Youguang, which were only suppressed by Xu Han's two sword qi, the Youguang closest to Xu Han's back was instantly sent flying by the streamer, even the cultivator who controlled that Youguang He couldn't stop his body from leaning forward suddenly, but at the same time, the two sword qi cast by Xu Han's right hand also disintegrated in an instant, and the other five bright red streamers shot out from five directions. , after five consecutive soft beeps, the other five ghost lights also disappeared.The sixth stream of light stabbed at the forehead of the last monk at the same time as the last monk was drawn in!

'Oh, it's amazing to be obedient.To be able to achieve the kendo method of sword light differentiation at the Jindan stage! In the sea of ​​consciousness, Linghu sighed in admiration, because he had seen Xu Han perform it before, because he was just a pharmacist and not a pure cultivator, Menglin always felt that this sword method was really pleasing to the eye!

However, for Linghu, this swordsmanship is pleasing to the eye, but for the monk who faced this swordsmanship directly, it is tantamount to a life-threatening existence!This kendo method came really fast, so fast that almost five short knives had just been hit, and they were right in front of him!

Even the monk who was used to seeing life and death couldn't stop sweating at this moment. However, the body instincts generated by years of life-and-death fighting made the monk suddenly lean back his upper body in time, and the streamer brushed his nose, covering his eyes. The monk's entire nose was cut off smoothly and neatly!The monk who escaped the catastrophe suddenly relaxed, and finally survived!

Although he himself didn't quite understand why the kendo method seemed to be mixed with anger.He just wanted to take a few steps back and keep level with the rest of the monks.

At the moment of life and death, these monks showed unparalleled strength, as the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage.These people are also bloody figures, how can they not understand the importance of time.

Like the monk just now, he also made this action subconsciously, but he didn't want to but put himself in the most favorable position just right, thus dodging Xu Han's differentiation sword light in one fell swoop.This is what he had to do just now.This is completely out of his own control.

Everyone was tense at this moment, for fear that Xu Han, the devil, would come to find him. (To be continued.)

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