Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 63 Signing a Contract

Volume 63 The Situation in Baihe Town] Chapter [-] Signing a Contract

"Xu Han, are you joking?" Xi Shuncheng immediately objected.

Only the mother fox looked expectantly, Xu Han was her last hope.

Zhang Zhongqi's expression changed, and he asked, "How sure are you?"

Xu Han replied: "I don't think it should be a problem. You also understand that my exercises can naturally eliminate the spirit of real demons. I believe that signing the contract will not be a problem."

After finishing speaking, Xu Han turned to the mother fox, knelt down and said, "I know you can understand us. This is very good, we can communicate freely. What I want to tell you now is that I should be able to sign a contract with your child. Contract. But I am a monk, my cultivation base is not high, and I may fall one day in the future, causing your child to die with me, are you still willing to let your child follow me?"

The mother fox licked Xu Han's palm, expressing her thoughts, she was willing.

Xu Han replied seriously: "Very good. What I want to say is that your maternal love has moved me."

Xu Han looked at the little fox. The little fox was about the same size as an ordinary fox. It wasn't vicious, but rather cute.In particular, the red feathers are very smooth and smooth, which is quite beautiful.However, due to the influence of demonization, there are a few hints of dark black in the red feathers, which makes the feathers too deep.

Seeing Xu Han staring at him, the little fox squeaked twice and kept hugging the mother fox.

It is not low in intelligence, and it still doesn't want to leave the mother fox.

The mother fox squeaked twice, and the little fox reluctantly walked towards Xu Han.

Then, under the concerned eyes of Zhang Zhongqi and Xi Shuncheng, Xu Han used the method of spirit beast blood contract to draw the spirit beast contract on the top of the little fox's head.

The little fox immediately shot a red light from its head and penetrated into Xu Han's body.They are all monks, and they can clearly see a trace of black in the red light.That trace of black is undoubtedly the real devil's aura, and the monks are most afraid of this real devil's aura.

"How is Xu Han?" Zhang Zhongqi immediately asked nervously, and Xi Shuncheng was also beside him with a concerned look on his face.For them, it was the first time they saw human monks dare to sign a contract with monsters.Especially Xi Shuncheng, if Zhang Zhongqi did not agree, he would definitely stop Xu Han.

Even the mother fox cast a concerned look, because it was about her child.

Xu Han closed his eyes for Xiaohui, then opened them again, and with a wave of his hand, the little fox was put into his spirit animal bag.With another wave of his hand, the little fox returned to the mother fox's arms.After finishing all this, he turned to Zhang Zhongqi and said, "Don't worry! I have exorcised that trace of true demonic energy."

Zhang Zhongqi showed a relaxed look, and Xi Shuncheng even raised his thumbs up, showing admiration.

The mother fox also understood Xu Han's words, and her pure eyes showed a look of relief.Then I saw her spit out her demonized crystal and handed it to Xu Han.Xu Han was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard a warm voice in his head: "Noble human monk, thank you for taking care of my child. I have nothing else to repay, only my crystallization to express my gratitude .”

"When I was young, I ate a demonized spiritual fruit by mistake. Although I don't know what the spiritual fruit is, I have gained spiritual wisdom since then. And I also found that my strength is not stronger than other monsters How much, but the natural instinct of our family is much stronger. Relying on the much stronger natural instinct, I can use the natural formation outside to turn this cave into my home."

"So I guess that the spirit fruit I ate by mistake should be able to improve the natural instinct. Over the years, I have accumulated the remaining essence of the spirit fruit in my own crystallization. Although I don't know how much it will benefit you, please leave Your Majesty, as my gift to repay your kindness, I hope you will not refuse a mother's end-of-life entrustment."

Xu Han didn't realize it until he heard this.He signed a contract with the little fox, and he can already communicate with the mother fox.

Xu Han hurriedly said, "I'll accept it."

After receiving the crystal, the mother fox closed her eyes and was completely silent.The little fox whined suddenly, and Xu Han could tell that it was the little fox calling for his mother.Of course, Xu Han's communication with her was not smooth compared to her mother, who was mentally early.

After leaving the little fox, Xu Han slapped the ground, and a big hole was blown up, burying the mother fox.

Then put the reluctant little fox into the spirit animal bag, Xu Han said: "Let's go!"

Zhang Zhongqi and Zhang Zhongqi were also quite sad. For monks like them, hunting monsters was commonplace.But really encountering such a sad scene will inevitably touch the scene and hurt the scene. Who can guarantee that the Japanese will not part with their loved ones in the future?In particular, it is easier for their monks to fall, and they may go crazy and die by accident.If you die, you die, what else is left?

After the three of Xu Han left the cave, they hunted again for a few days.Xu Han decided to go back.

With Xu Han's talisman, Xu Han has obtained enough demonized crystals to convert into points.Xu Han is convinced that he can basically guarantee that he will step into the eighth level of Qi Refining.And he needs to go back and use the practice tent as a cover.

Zhang Zhongqi and Xi Shuncheng had nothing to say, they also gained a lot of points, which should be exchanged for one or two.

Of course, none of them will learn from Xu Han, and using the practice tent to quickly improve their cultivation will not leave any sequelae.This also made them realize once again the power of the heaven-defying technique.Of course, they are just envious and have no other thoughts.It is true that Xu Han's kung fu is against the sky, but the conditions required are also against the sky and against the sky, even if they want to learn it, they can't succeed.

Xu Han and the others followed the reminder of the monk who established the foundation at the beginning, relying on the direction of the letter of faith, and finally found the teleportation array guarded by the monk who established the foundation.It was the same Foundation Establishment cultivator from last time, seeing Xu Han and the three of them returning intact, he said in surprise, "All three of them are back, not bad." Judging by his tone, quite a few of them did not return in full.

The three of Xu Han quickly expressed their gratitude, after all, the foundation cultivator had reminded them.

Passing through the teleportation array, they were dizzy, and the three of Xu Han once again saw the towering peaks on the second floor of the small nine-colored Sumeru Pagoda and the blue sky above their heads.Xi Shuncheng couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said, "Sure enough, it's better to have a ground full of aura!"

Zhang Zhongqi scolded with a smile: "This is not the ground."

Xi Shuncheng just woke up and said: "By the way, this is the second floor of the pagoda."

Xu Han also smiled, and the three immediately went to the place where the points were exchanged.After exchanging their respective points, the three of them also exchanged for their own items.Before leaving, I also checked the points.He has become the No. 3 non-Lingyun sect monk.But among the points including the entire Lingyunmen monks, he still can't rank.

The cultivators in Lingyun Sect are all very high-level, and their ability to earn points far surpasses them, and they are still not comparable for the time being.

Bringing the exchanged practice tent and the Leaping Pill, Xu Han returned to his cave.This time he is going to advance to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

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