Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 645 Lively

() Xu Han is a mature boy.Although he is not very old, he has long understood that there are priorities.

Knowing is difficult but doing is easy. Only by cherishing the present moment and making less fantasies can one become a master like others.However, after such a long time, Xu Han probably only converted one-tenth of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. If estimated at this speed, he would need at least a hundred days of effort to prepare for the conversion of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into real essence. .Practice and practice depend on time to accumulate, but if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid there will be other things in a hundred days. . .

Xu Han didn't even know how long it would take him to complete the preparation work. He said that it would be fixed three months later, but if he squeezed the time, he might be able to finish it ahead of schedule.

Because Xu Han's day is wasted on chopping firewood and carrying water, although it cannot be said that Xu Han can save all this time for cultivation tomorrow.But at least half of the time, Xu Han can take advantage of it if he pays close attention.

Xu Han has made up his mind and cheers up. In this way, not to mention shortening the time by one month, there will definitely be 20 days.Then if he continues to practice like this, next time he meets a strong man like Wang Feng, he will have the power to fight.Escape, the most important thing is the word "escape". Only by escaping disaster can one gain a new life.At the cost of losing the power of the soul, Linghu used the physical state to burn his own lifespan before escaping from Wang Feng and the others.

This is not to say how powerful Wang Feng and the others are, on the contrary, Wang Feng and the others are like toddlers in Linghu's eyes.It should be noted that Linghu's strength at this time is only one percent of what it was a thousand years ago. The state of the soul body cannot fight with others; after materialization, the body is overwhelmed and unable to exert effective attacks. . .

Linghu also didn't expect that there are so many physical problems in his current body that he can't even have the most basic life-saving magical powers.Neither can be cast.If it wasn't for Xu Han's smooth escape.Linghu might choose to run away directly.At least after Linghu turned into a soul, the speed was not something Wang Feng and the others could catch up with.But the direct consequence of Linghu's actions now is that he will no longer be able to fight anyone in a few months.

Linghu's strength at that time was not as good as that of a newly acquired cultivator.So he didn't bother to go to Luoma Station to explain his situation to Xu Han.Linghu worried in his heart that Wang Feng and the others would follow the trail, so he could only panic and run away without knowing the direction, which happened to be a coincidence.I didn't want to, but I happened to come to this valley where Mrs. Mu Rong lived.

Presumably there is God's will in the real world, and he can escape here smoothly.Linghu almost had only one breath left.In particular, Mrs. Mu Rong's attitude towards those who rushed into the valley was not friendly, not to mention that at that time, Linghu's appearance was just a fool who hadn't even entered the qi refining.

So in that situation, Linghu was almost killed on the spot by Mrs. Mu Rong's order.Fortunately, although Linghu was seriously injured, his mind was still there. After recognizing Mrs. Mu Rong's realm at a glance, he called out that he could refine the realm breaking pill to help Mrs. Mu Rong improve her realm.

At that time, Mrs. Mu Rong naturally didn't fully believe Linghu's words, but Linghu thought about his life, so he insisted on his injury and asked him to fetch the medicinal materials on the spot, and refined a medicine on the spot that would be beneficial to the strong Qi refiner. There are many medicinal herbs.That's it.Mrs. Mu Rong let Linghu stay in the valley to recuperate, and in the process of recuperating.Xu Han happened to bump into it too.So the following series of incredible things happened.

Linghu meant to let Xu Han stay in the valley for three months. He estimated that by then he would have healed up from his injuries, and then he could meet Xu Han again.Then go to visit the mainland of China.But helplessly, when he was about to recover from his injury, he suddenly discovered that another realm had been completely opened to him, so in order to re-promote Qi refining, Linghu had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​meeting Xu Han.

When Xu Han lived in the valley for a month, he had just completed.Linghu also happened to break through the realm of Qi refining.But at this time Linghu wanted to leave, and Mrs. Mu Rong would naturally not agree.After all, the elixir that Linghu promised at the beginning has not yet been refined, and now he has recovered from his injury and made a breakthrough, but he wants to leave again.

Mrs. Mu Rong took action to defend Xu Han that day, and then did not hesitate to make a grudge with the Liang family. Wouldn't it be for nothing for such a strong person.The benefits you deserve must be obtained first, so let Linghu leave with Xu Han.This is simply impossible.God knows if you will fulfill your promise after you leave, the mainland of China has a large land and a lot of people.In case you hid on purpose, wouldn't it be a waste of effort for me, Mrs. Mu Rong, to say nothing, and even offend the entire Liang family for it.

Mrs. Mu Rong is naturally not a fool. How can a man who has lived for more than 200 years do such a loss-making business?Therefore, when Xu Han left, Linghu was only allowed to hide in the air with her and watch Xu Han, but he could not allow Linghu to leave with her.Then when he left, let Linghu confirm that he had protected Xu Han.

Of course, Mrs. Mu Rong wanted Linghu to fulfill the promise she made at that time immediately, so there was a scene where Xu Han galloped and Linghu sighed.For this point, Linghu was of course helpless, so when Mrs. Mu Rong mentioned it, he immediately smiled back and said: "Don't worry, your current state has not reached the point of being full at all, and the elixir is considered as a medicine. Refining it is useless for the time being, why don't you let me temporarily use the help of recovering strength in your cave, and the probability of success in refining the pill will be higher when the old man's realm is higher."

Mrs. Mu Rong knew her current level in her heart, so she was not in a hurry, and replied with a smile: "Since the senior persuaded me so much, then I just have to wait a little longer, no matter, as long as the senior doesn't leave, I naturally won't believe it." force."

In this way, the two turned to each other with smiles on their faces, but each had their own plans in their hearts, and they flew directly towards a certain place in the mountain range.Mrs. Mu Rong has made up her mind. Anyway, as long as Linghu doesn't leave, it doesn't matter to her to refine the pill earlier or later.

Through these three months of contact, Mrs. Mu Rong discovered that Linghu is still the kind of person whose knowledge and eyesight are many times better than her own, so she is happy for Linghu to use this. Maybe through contact, she can gain some What an unexpected benefit.

Two flowers bloomed, one for each branch, not to mention that Linghu stayed in the valley to attack Qi refining.Just talk about what happened after Xu Han left Fengyun Valley.Xu Han came out of the valley alone.Xu Han naturally had to follow the original plan.First go to see how Ma Liner is doing in Wuliangzong, and then go home and take her parents whom she hasn't seen for nearly ten years to Lingyunmen.

After Xu Han was busy with these trivial matters, although he didn't have a clear goal in the future, he thought it would be next year.At that time, the situation changed suddenly.The world of monasticism will definitely usher in a major change in the pattern, and the mainland of China will definitely become extraordinarily exciting because of the appearance of the descendants of Jin Yumen.

Xu Han's idea is to see if he can touch the beast in troubled waters next year.Those masters of the cultivation master list will compete for rankings and challenge Jin Yumen's supremacy, when the time comes hehe.

Xu Han thought.Even if his level won't increase much and his strength won't increase much at that time, he still has the qualifications to be a spectator, and it's convenient for him to pick up the mistakes.Of course, Xu Han's ideal is not to be an audience.Therefore, feeling that time was pressing, he did not let go of his practice even when he was on the road.Fortunately, the process of transforming the spiritual energy of heaven and earth does not necessarily need to be carried out at rest, even if the progress is much slower during exercise than formal practice.

"You are Xu Han?."

The young man headed by that name looked Xu Han up and down.With a look of disdain, he asked the people around him, "Ma Long. Do you think he looks like him?"

"I see, [-]% are here to make a living again." Ma Long looked scornful when his name was called.He shouted: "It is said that Xu Han is a hero in the world, he was promoted to the state of Qi refining when he was more than ten years old. He was born like a jade tree and is very handsome. Li Yuan, look at him, I am afraid that Xu Han is not enough to hold the whip."

That boy was called Li Yuan.It was the one who asked Xu Han to report his surname first.After hearing this, he nodded in agreement, and said, "Hmph, where did the liar come from, who dared to pretend to be someone else in my Wuliangzong. Could it be that he deceived me that there is no one in Yunlaimen?"

Xu Han was confused by the conversation between the two, liar?This word is really deceiving too much, even if you don't inform yourself.There is no need to be so sarcastic about others, and there is.That Lin Yu said when he was in the monster forest that day.As long as you come to Yunlaimen and report her name, you can pass, but it seems that the situation is not the case now.

Could it be that something happened to Yunlai Gate?Xu Leng watched the two of them whispering coldly, without saying a word.

Yunlaimen is a century-old faction in the mainland of China.Although the number of disciples has decreased a lot now, it is hard to compare with the prosperous period of the past, but the number of disciples who worshiped this sect is still very large in the past hundred years.

Xu Han wondered suspiciously, why are these two disciples being so rude to him? Didn't they say that the big sect is very strict with the stewards of the disciples?It is impossible to say that something happened to Yunlaimen. There are restrictions set by the lord level here. The foundation of a school's foothold is here. The next formation.Xu Han still knew this. A large part of the reason why Linghu was besieged by people back then was that there were spies in the sect, so that the method of protecting the mountain and prohibiting it did not play its due effect.

Xu Han looked indifferently at the oboe singing by the two people in front of him, and said nothing. He wanted to see what the two of them wanted to do.

Ma Long also cursed and said: "Hmph, it must be. It is said that Xu Han not only treats the masters of the same level as nothing, but can even fight against the masters in the middle stage of qi refining. Such a strong man must have an extremely powerful aura." With his field and unique personal charm, I think this is clearly a liar, with a pair of extremely weak virtues, just like a prodigal son on the street. Thief, don’t get out of the mountain gate quickly, don’t anger us, be careful, I will do it myself You throw it out of the mountain gate." Xu Han looked at himself, and suddenly understood why these disciples in front of the gate had such an attitude.It turned out that during the past month, the journey in the mountains and fields was very hard, and I didn't care about my appearance.In addition, the clothes that were considered clean before would have long since become monks' cassocks, hanging one by one on their bodies, no wonder they despise themselves so much.

Now Xu Han looks like a beggar, looking at the clothes again, when the breeze swayed, he could actually expose a large area of ​​skin.Even, his shoes were damaged due to extreme practice, and after throwing them away, his feet were directly bare.This appearance is also consistent with what they said.After Xu Han understood this, he patiently explained: "My current state is only caused by spending more than half a month in the mountains. I am not a beggar. Please inform Lin Yu as soon as possible. Come and meet."

Li Yuan, who spoke first, looked Xu Han up and down again.Suddenly he said in a stern voice: "Is that so? Hurry up and you, a thief, don't even look at where this place is. If you stand here again, it will affect my welcome, and my uncle will kick you down the mountain."

"Hmph." Li Yuan just finished speaking.He felt a figure flash in front of him, and he received a solid slap on the face.It took a long time before he came back to his senses, and then he found that Xu Han had already bullied him.He was slowly withdrawing his palm, and said, "If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished and report to me."

Li Yuan looked at Xu Han as if she couldn't believe it. Seeing that Xu Han was still looking cold, the fourteen or five-year-old boy suddenly flew into a rage and said, "You thief, how dare you hit me? Hurry up!" Come for me, someone wants to break into my Wuliangzong mountain gate, there is an enemy invading."

Seeing Li Yuan howling and crying like this, Xu Han wondered if he was going too far?In fact, a young man like Li Yuan.No matter what his attitude is, he has basically never been beaten by outsiders.As the saying goes.To beat a dog, you need to see the owner. Most people who come to Wuliangzong, even if they are very dissatisfied with them, think about the Wuliangzong behind them, and most of them will not make things difficult for them.What's more, big shots don't care about them at all, and small characters can't afford to mess with them.Therefore, these gatekeepers live quite comfortably most of the time.This is a good place to work.

The two times when Xu Han returned to the mountain, he killed many people with his own hands.Since then, low-level monks have not dared to climb the mountain easily.In their mouth, the survivor of Tianlei Mountain is a mad dog, and whoever catches and bites whoever he catches is more vicious than the villains of the Demon Sect.

Standing at the gate of the mountain gate and looking up, you can see the lush mountains and the decay of the houses, and walk up the steps slowly.The stone steps are green, and the mountain wind can blow away the dust, but it also blows many fallen leaves, last year's and this year's, scattered here and there.

The stone steps are very long, step on each step carefully, and walk up to the square in front of Tianlei Hall.In the past, this was the most important place of Tianlei Taoist Temple, the head of the seven righteous sects of the Yue Kingdom.Walk around the square and enter the Tianlei Hall.

There is nothing and no one in the hall, and the things of little value have been taken away long ago, making them appear empty.Walking in silence, it is more like a ghost than a ghost.At the back corner of the hall is a staircase leading to the second floor, which is divided into several rooms, including the master's room.All the rooms now have their doors wide open, as empty as the hall below.

Walk into a room at random, stand still in front of the window, the wooden window is closed tightly, and look out through the gap, it seems that you can't see clearly whether it is far or near.After watching for a while, he turned around and walked down the stairs, out of Tianlei Hall, and turned to Ziguang Pavilion.Ziguang Pavilion is the training place for the elite disciples of Tianlei Taoist Temple, and there are many small buildings.

Xu Han sat down in front of the gate of Ziguang Pavilion. For some reason, he didn't want to go in, so he looked in at the gate.I remember many things in my mind, such as being bullied, ridiculed, and insulted when I was a child; I also remember many people, such as brothers in the same school, such as your uncles.The eyes looked slowly, and the brain was recalling bit by bit.

This time, 300 years of refining weapons in Wulingfu Land gave him some insight, at least he knew that things had to be done one by one.I also know that I can't escape, and I have to face everything.

After sitting for a long time, he got up and spread his wings to fly west.There is a huge rock two thousand miles west of Tianlei Mountain, under which is his first home.The low wall made of broken stones, half of the room built in stone, everything is done by himself, it is strange that he seldom thinks of this home.

He folded his wings and landed outside the courtyard, originally planned to go home to have a look, but when he came to the house, he didn't want to go in, so he stared for a long while, turned and left.

Let it fly, fly at full speed to Yong'an Lake, and arrive at the small island in the middle of the lake.After carefully checking the surrounding environment, he took off his jacket, dived into the bottom of the lake, and stuck it flat on the cold ice wall.In an instant, I felt the biting cold and numbness all over my body.Shenlei began to use spiritual power to protect Xu Han's body and maintain the functions of the whole body, but the chest muscles died again without accident.

The cold aura of the ice wall is injected into the ice crystals through the body, stimulating it to wake up.But this time the injury was too serious, Xu Han lay down like a big toad for more than a year, Bing Jing slowly regained consciousness, and then voluntarily escaped from his body and drilled back to the ice wall, only then did he gain freedom and swim back to the small island in the middle of the lake.Use exercises to seal the blood vessels of the skin outside the heart, calm the pain, slice off the dead flesh with a knife, take life pills, and release the restrictions of exercises after the wound heals.All that's left is to wait.

Bing Jing took too long to recuperate, and Xu Han was in trouble while waiting.There are many fishing villages around Yong'an Lake, and fishing is their main livelihood.In this world, where there are interests, there are struggles.The fishermen's livelihood became the interests in the eyes of others, so disputes arose.

There are two natural villages in the northeast of the lake. Because they are quite close to Yong'an County, the fish caught can always be sold in time.Comparison.It is a relatively large and wealthy village.But life is always full of disasters.When some people make money, others are jealous, so Yuba appeared.Yuba is divided into three groups, one group belongs to the village, and the villagers are forced to join a society by force.Membership management fees are charged, and those who do not join the membership are not allowed to fish.There is also a group of people in Yong'an County, they occupy all the markets, and the only way to sell fish is through them.Either pay a high rent, or sell the fish to them at a low price. In short, it is impossible not to be skinned.The third group of fishing tyrants are actually rogues, who collect protection fees, as long as the above money is collected, for example, the money collected for launching a new boat is a security deposit to ensure the safety of the boat.Take fish to sell in Yong'an City to collect money, and what you collect is road use fees, otherwise don't go here.

Not counting government taxes.There have been three groups of vampires tormenting the common people, forcing them to suffer unspeakably.Go to the Yamen to file a complaint?Yamen wants evidence.Otherwise ignore you.Fight desperately with Yuba, who can you beat?

It would be better if you just collect money, and the most terrible thing happens, someone steals the business.A fish station appeared on the north bank of Yong'an Lake to buy live fish.More and more fishermen from other villages go directly to the north shore of Yong'an Lake after fishing to sell their fish at a low price.They don't go to the market and don't pay membership dues, saving a lot of money.However, Yong'an County is so big and has such a large population. If there are more fish, the price will naturally be cheaper.If the fishermen can't sell at a price, their income will decrease. However, the three gangs of fisherman don't care about these things and collect money as usual. The fishermen in the two villages are getting poorer and poorer, and many fishermen can't pay the normal money.

Poverty brings change. Some fishermen secretly catch fish in the middle of the night, and then take the mountain road to sell the fish into the Shiwan Dashan, and exchange game or herbs with the people in the mountain.Gradually, the number of fishermen entering the mountain gradually increased, and a small market was formed in the mountain, and they only did business in the early hours of the morning.As a result, the income of the three gangs of fish tyrants has dropped sharply, especially the gang of fish tyrants who collect protection fees has almost no income.

In such a situation, the Yuba was certainly not reconciled. After careful investigation, it was found that the fishermen slept during the day and fished at night.So they organized hooligans to arrest people at night, and those who caught the current ones were either beaten into disabilities or redeemed with money.

On the first night, he captured two fishing boats that were fishing at night, and Yuba had six boats, bullying the few with more, and forced the two fishing boats towards the center of the lake.Discovered by Xu Han.

Xu Han was curious about what kind of show these people were up to at midnight?I sneaked over to watch, and found that the people on the two boats in front looked nervous, and the people on the six boats behind were swearing and arrogant, it turned out to be a fight.

The 300 years of honing his mind made Xu Han more persistent in his beliefs.If you see injustice, you must take care of it!He released a small sampan, sat on it and slowly floated over, just in front of the two fishing boats.The fishermen on the boat were very nervous and shouted: "Get out of the way."

Xu Han was very obedient, he turned the bow of the boat to let the two fishing boats pass, and blocked the two fishing boats chasing behind.A group of fish bullies were very arrogant and cursed: "Go away, I will break my legs."

Xu Hanquan pretended not to hear, and asked with a smile: "What happened? Why don't you sleep?"

The fisherman's character is relatively good, and someone yelled at Xu Han: "Run!"

Yuba cursed at the back: "Run away, none of you can escape."

Xu Han was not angry either, he used his small sampan to catch up with the two fishing boats in front: "Follow me." He led them to the small island in the middle of the lake.In the middle of the night, I couldn't see the way forward, and when the fishermen found the island, they were about to land, and the anxious ones opened their mouths and cursed: "Bastard! Where are we going to lead the way?"

At this time, it was too late to turn around, and the people in the two boats had to disembark. Most of the people looked at Xu Han coldly, and suspected that he was a gang of Yuba.

Zhu Shun was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "Uncle Xie, although my uncle often scolds and scolds me, I know that my uncle is kind to me. Otherwise, my uncle would not take me with me when I came out this time."

"Haha." The ancestor of Jiedan laughed, "I like honest people, be obedient, and I will benefit from you in the future."

Then the refining of corpses probably started over there. You could hear gurgling, like the sound of boiling water. After a while, you heard a howl like a wild animal, which made people's hair stand on end.

Xu Han withdrew his consciousness, and thought in his heart that although this Corpse Yin Sect is despised by others, it does have some skills... Think about it, there are only two of them, but they can command and mobilize thousands of troops. As long as there are enough corpses, each of them is a team The army, no wonder it dared to fight against other major sects.

"Little female cultivator, wake up." Xu Han raised his hand and patted Liu Ying's face.I took a picture and there was no response.He pinched the little girl's mouth again.It made Liuying annoyed.I vowed to pinch it back in the future.

Xu Han found that he couldn't wake up, and knew that the fat man must have used a secret method, so Xu Han put one arm beside Liu Ying's head and lifted his upper body...

Liu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.Finally, I don't have to be pressed down by him anymore. How embarrassing it is to have my chest pressed down by a man.

But just as she breathed a sigh of relief, she discovered a more important problem.Although the upper body was separated, the lower part was pressed even tighter.

Xu Han propped up his body with one hand.He also felt that his belly and Liu Ying's were getting tighter, and he even felt that something had got stuck in the gap under the triangle of the little nun's legs, but he didn't care about it...

With the other hand, he reached for the storage bag, took out a pill from it, and then tried to put the pill into her mouth.

But her teeth were locked tightly, and the pill couldn't be put in. Ye could only let go of his arm and pinch her smooth chin with this hand.

When Xu Han pressed down again, Liu Ying felt that her tall and straight Xiufeng was crushed.

asshole!I was crushed to death by you!Liu Ying shouted in her heart.

Xu Han pinched her chin, trying to open her mouth.But she clenched her teeth so tightly that she couldn't get them open no matter what.Xu Han didn't dare to use too much force, he didn't succeed for a long time...

A certain person was a little annoyed, and said harshly, "If you don't speak again, I'll feed you booger balls instead! I'll stuff pills into your nostrils! I'll just..."

The little nun Liuying thought sadly, my God!You are a savage, how can you be more savage than the prehistoric barbarians.

Although Xu Han was cursing, he didn't know how to do that. A certain smart black man soon found a good way to feed the elixir.

mouth to mouth!Let's see if you can open it!If it doesn't work, just melt the pill in my mouth, and seep it through your teeth... Xu Han thought so.

But this kid is not authentic, before putting the elixir into his mouth, his mouth is right.

Liu Ying clearly felt the man's hot breath getting closer, and also clearly heard the man's thick breathing, she knew he was approaching, and she was very nervous.no!How could you take away my first kiss while I was asleep... Oh, itchy, kiss as soon as you want, what are you rubbing on my lips!

Xu Han was not in a hurry to kiss, but just rubbed his lips lightly. Liu Ying's lips were soft and tender, like fresh rose petals, with a sweet fragrance...

After grinding and savoring, Xu Han finally sucked the two pieces of delicate cherry red, sucked her red lips into his mouth, and squeezed them into various shapes with his own lips...

And at this moment, Liu Ying suddenly felt something, she felt the thick black corpse aura in her body, rushing towards the man crazily along their lips.

don't want!God!You bastard, stop kissing, don't you want to be like me now!Liu Ying thought anxiously, if Li Heizi also lay down, then she would really be in despair...

Xu Han naturally felt it, but he thought it was a good way, anyway, as soon as the corpse qi entered his body and circulated, he would be killed by the immortal qi.

Liu Ying also noticed this, the corpse gas in her body had already flowed away, this guy was fine, he was still savoring his red lips with gusto.

Slowly, the little female cultivator's teeth loosened, and someone's tongue slipped in without any hindrance... There is no need for pills, my buddy's tongue is a panacea, as long as the corpse gas and poison in her body are sucked out.

Liu Ying was thinking clearly at first, but when the body energy was absorbed, she became confused.To be precise, I was confused by someone.The innocent little female cultivator didn't think about it when she came out. Kissing can make her insane and her mind go blank.That's how she is now.

Xu Han felt the suction of Liu Ying's lips and the response of her uvula, so he naturally kissed her harder, and even put a hand through the back of her head to hold her cunt tightly in order to make the lips more tightly connected. head...

However, a scream from the golden-winged ant made Xu Han stop for an instant.

"Ah!" With a piercing and sharp cry, Xu Han recognized that it was the ancestor Jiedan whom Zhu Shun called his uncle. What happened to him?Xu Han hurriedly listened attentively.

"Zhu Shun! You actually attacked me!" The voice was still panting, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

Then the fat man Zhu Shun laughed loudly, and then he said with pity, "Uncle, how does it feel to be backlashed by the body? Haha, isn't it very comfortable, hahaha..."

The uncle said angrily. "You bastard. Why do you want to kill me? In vain I treat you like a disciple. I will take you with me when I come out this time..."

Zhu Shun said angrily, "Stop talking about this, why do you like to take me everywhere?" Zhu Shun paused.Suddenly roared, "That's because you think I'm stupid! You think I'm real! To put it bluntly, I'm stupid! But uncle, even though I'm fat and stupid, I still have eyes! Every time you get the benefits alone. I It will also be jealous!"

After Zhu Shun finished speaking, he smiled lightly, and then said, "Of course, those are secondary, the main reason is this silver corpse, haha, you have finished the sacrifice, as long as I recognize the Lord, it will be mine. Haha...Moreover, I can also refine you into a silver corpse..." Zhu Shun laughed wildly and shouted loudly. "From now on, I will have two silver corpses and three bronze corpses. I will be the number one real person in the foundation-building period of the corpse Yin sect!"

"Stop wishful thinking!" The uncle scolded, "In your foundation building period, at most you can control copper corpses of the same level. How can you control silver..." When the uncle said this, he suddenly thought of something, and said angrily, "You I secretly learned the method of seppuku, heart-breaking and soul-cutting!"

"You're right, I've been practicing for a long time, and I'm just waiting to kill my uncle to be my silver corpse." Zhu Shunyin smiled, making Xu Han's hairs stand on end.

The uncle also smiled miserably, "I underestimated you, I really regard you as a real person..."

"Go to the Ten Thousand Blood Pool!"

"Plop" sound of something rolling into the water.

"The Zombie Yin Sect members are all like animals. They kill their wives and uncles without blinking an eye." Xu Han muttered, and suddenly thought that the time for the silver corpse to be refined and recognized...

The two fishing boats together have no more than five people, and the six Yuba boats have a total of more than 20 people. There is a huge difference in the number of people between the two sides.So the fisherman was very angry with Xu Han.Xu Han smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll help you."

"You? Get out. Run away." A burly man in his thirties looked at Xu Han. His physique was as weak as a boy, wearing a gray cloth gown. He was still a boy with no money. After scolding him, he called his companions to run away.

The five hurried to the depths of the island.But the island is too small, only 50 meters square, and you can walk to the end in a few steps.The five of them had no choice but to retreat, blaming Xu Han: "It's all your fault."

Let’s not talk about who is to blame, the six boats of the Yuba docked one after another, and more than 20 people jumped ashore to surround them, holding sticks and blades in their hands, and shouted at the five fishermen: "Little San, you are amazing, you are running very fast!" , run, run again! If you don’t break your leg today, I will take your surname; and you! Dare to block the road of the uncle, which village is it from?”

Xu Han smiled and said, "My surname is Zhang."

"Master, what's your surname?" the man said loudly, after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong, and said angrily, "You dare to play tricks on me? You want to die!" He swung his blade and slashed at him.

Xu Han raised his hand to hold the blade, shook his head and commented: "Hands are really black. If you don't agree with me, you cut people with a knife. Don't you care about people's lives? Remember, my surname is Zhang. Don't forget to change my surname later." Kick, kick him up high like flying a kite, and throw him into the lake.

Seeing their companions being beaten, the rest of the hooligans rushed up enthusiastically, wielding knives and sticks.Xu Han is also welcome, you will not let me pass by, you will kill or chop, so it is not a good thing.Didn't you mean break your leg?He seriously and gently broke every hooligan's legs, and they were both legs.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people all collapsed on the ground. The five fishermen looked at Xu Han as if they were seeing a god, and they dared not speak for fear of offending him.

The hooligan in the lake was swimming bravely to the shore. When he was taking a breath, he found that his companion was knocked down in an instant, so he hurriedly turned around and swam out.Xu Han stepped on the sampan and chased after him, and when he was side by side with the man, he slowed down and said leisurely, "It's only a hundred miles to the shore, come on."

The hooligan in the water stopped swimming, and kept paddling his hands and feet. He moved his body up and down and talked to Xu Han: "Master, I was wrong, let me go." Xu Han smiled: "Swim ashore first, then change your surname, and then beat your legs. break."

One sentence frightened the gangster, and he begged with a mournful face: "Master, let me go, I won't dare again."

"Don't dare? Don't you dare because of what you have done?" Xu Han carried him back to the island.

More than 20 fishermen on the island hugged their legs and screamed for pain. Although the five fishermen hated these gangsters, they didn't make trouble and just stood by and watched.After Xu Han came back, someone boldly stepped forward to thank him: "Thank you, sir, for your help."

Xu Han waved his hand: "Tell me what's going on?"

The five fishermen told each other about the miserable experiences of the villagers, and Xu Han frowned. Why is this unlucky Yong'an County unstable?Kill a group of bastards and come out with a new batch of bastards every few decades?

Looking at the appearances of both sides, the fishermen are well-dressed, the fishermen are in rags and their skins are different. Knowing that what they said is true, they said to the five fishermen: "I will send you back to the village."

He carried more than 20 Yuba to his own boat and asked the fishermen to lead the way to the fishing village.

The five fishermen couldn't believe it, wondering what this man was trying to do, and one asked, "The hero wants to help us?"

Xu Han said: "I'll help you get rid of the fish bullies and keep you safe for a few years." The five villagers were overjoyed and rushed over to kowtow, Xu Han supported them and said, "I'll talk about it later."I just saw Xu Han's martial arts, and he knocked down more than 20 people with his hands, which shows that he is very powerful. Anyway, he has offended Yuba, so why not give it a try.

It took a long time to paddle the waterway of more than [-] miles. At this time, the sky was about to light up. Xu Han secretly used magic to borrow the power of water and wind to speed up the fishing boat, and it landed in less than an hour.The five fishermen said in amazement: "It's really fast. I spent half the night paddling when I went."

When the fishing boat docked, the fishermen came to ask Xu Han, "Where is the hero going to my house to rest?" Xu Han shook his head and asked, "Where does the fisherman collect his money?"

The fisherman pointed to the south: "In the past two miles there was a wharf, and there were money collectors, and there were money collectors at the entrance of the village. The four largest houses in the center of the village are the old nests." Xu Han said, "Go to the old nest, is there a flatbed cart?"

"Yes, yes, wait a minute, hero." The fisherman ran to the village, and pushed back a flatbed cart after a quarter of an hour.Xu Han piled more than 20 hooligans into the car, let the hooligans who fell into the water pull the cart, and walked slowly into the village.

It was morning and there were few people on the street.After a while, I came to the center of the village, stopped the flatbed truck and looked around. Rich people are not ordinary. The four big houses have high walls and new doors, and stone lions are placed at the door.The fisherman introduced to Xu Han in a low voice: "This is the Baochang's family, this is the Baochang's brother-in-law, the president of the Youth Association, this is the family of a millionaire, and this is the home of the leader of the Red Gang."

Xu Han nodded, walked to the door of the leader of the Red Gang and smashed the door.

The hooligans he caught were members of the Red Gang.The Youth Club collects the money from the association, and if you don’t pay the money, you won’t let the boat go out. The Red Gang collects the passing money, and the Baochang is responsible for collecting the court tax. Among them, the Red Gang is the most arrogant and the most ruthless.

Xu Han slammed on the door, and there was a dog barking inside, and someone came out cursing: "Which bastard smashed the door early in the morning?" Unlocking the latch, he pushed the door open with a squeak, and a bald green man walked out, cursing at Xu Han: Sick? What kind of door did you smash in early in the morning? If you want to die, get away."

Xu Han turned around and asked the gangster pulling the cart: "Do you know this person?"

"An honored guest?" Qing Pi tilted his head and looked at Xu Han. Can he be an honored guest even in a gray rag gown?I haven’t dressed well yet, so I turned my head and shouted at the hooligan, “Didn’t you go out of the boat? How many did you catch? Don’t be soft on the ground turtle.” In a blink of an eye, he saw more than 20 people piled up on the flatbed truck, and his eyes widened. Looked and looked, rubbed his eyes and looked again, and shouted: "What happened?"

How big can a flatbed be? More than 20 people are piled up one by one to form a ball, which looks like grits.Qing Pi immediately regained consciousness and looked at Xu Han again.Xu Han said indifferently: "Call your boss out." Then he talked to the cart thug: "Go smash the door and call those family members out too."

The cart thugs dared not refuse to listen, so they had the courage to knock on doors from house to house.Xu Han reminded: "Slam the door!" The hooligan quickly changed from knocking to smashing, with a bang like a drum.Qing Pi knew that something was wrong, picked up the gong from behind the door, and began to knock.

One smashed the door and the other knocked the gong, and the village immediately became lively. The doors of the four courtyards were opened one after another, and people came out one after another.The most crowded ones were the Red Gang and the Youth Association. More than a hundred people poured out of the two gates, some with bald heads or shirtless, and some with human tattoos and paintings. (To be continued.)

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