() The Cold Pond Sky Spider kept flying at an altitude of several thousand meters for an hour, and everyone was no longer as excited as they were at the beginning, but rather painful The power of the golden core in his body also became stronger, and the two forces intertwined to form a tyrannical airflow.The Cold Pond Sky Spider flies at least [-] miles in an hour. At such a speed, the air current hits its body like a sharp blade.

Many people's faces turned red, but when they saw that other people could hold back, the thought of not admitting defeat suddenly arose, and they refused to snort.This is not just a matter of personal face, it is also related to the face of the two battalions.

In fact, the elite disciples were completely defeated by the seed disciples at the very beginning, and it is not easy to have another chance now, and those reserve fighters who entered the elite disciples are all the more energetic, insisting on finding their way back.Another hour passed, and some people even started to vomit blood!

"Okay, it's enough for the sky spider to maintain a thousand-meter altitude." Li Liang ordered with a smile.boom!The wings of the Spider in the Cold Pool trembled, and its whole body began to fall, while the hundreds of people standing on its back staggered and almost fell, especially the woman in red in front of Xu Han, whose feet had already left The Cold Pond Sky Spider screamed from its back, and flew out backwards! . .

"This woman is finished!" Everyone thought to themselves.However, at this moment, Xu Han stretched out his hand to grab her pair of catkins, and gritted his teeth suddenly. The forward rushing momentum of the cold pool sky spider intersected with the backward flying momentum of the woman. This wrong force was blocked by Xu Han's arm, and immediately It feels like the internal organs are almost displaced!

"Gurgle." Blood gushed out from the crack in his chest and the corner of his mouth.

"Come back!" Xu Han yelled, the force in his body passed through the woman's fingertips, and immediately formed a defensive film on her body surface, with the back as the center of force, a large amount of spiritual force attached to Xu Han's right arm, all muscles Shrink.The woman was immediately pulled to Xu Han's side.

"This one, sir. Thank you so much." The woman in red blushed, lowered her head and whispered, "My name is Han Yu." Then she glanced at Xu Han and sat down.

This woman in red looks a bit like Lin Ruyu between her brows, but Xu Han didn't pay attention to it at first.But when he heard that her surname was also Lin, Xu Han's heart suddenly trembled.Maybe this Han Yu really has something to do with Lin Ruyu?

This woman has a gentle expression, although she is a little panicked.However, there is still an expression of peace between her brows, as if some external things can't affect her at all.This made Xu Han feel very strange, this girl really looked like Lin Ruyu, she even acted so similar.

Not only did Xu Han think so, but even the ordinary students around him were amazed at this moment.In such a deserted place.You know, this is a forest of monsters. If it is relatively common to enter the periphery, then this place is no longer within the scope of the periphery.

The reason why these people from Lingyunmen Tiansha Sect were able to come here.To a large extent, it is because of the Cold Pool Sky Spider, if there is no Cold Pool Sky Spider.I'm afraid they won't be able to break into here either.In the final analysis, all of this is due to the fact that Lingyunmen itself is strong enough.

May I ask which force in the world can have so many cold pool sky spiders?This strength alone is enough to envy everyone, and Xu Han's mind is also full of thoughts at this time.How did this girl appear here?It should be noted that this is the hinterland of the monster forest, even if it is looted here, it should be seen.Why now... It's a little weirdly quiet.

Xu Han is a person with a strong sense of crisis. He came here from that distant world, and he knows better than anyone else the principle of planning for a rainy day.So at this moment, he couldn't help but lightly moved his numb hands on the back of the Cold Pool Sky Spider. At this moment, he needed to maintain a high level of concentration.

Li Liang led the crowd to fly in front. His Sky Spider was a male Frost Pond Sky Spider. It looked like it was in its golden age, so it flew very fast.Some of the cold pond sky spiders that everyone was riding obviously hadn't reached that level, so when they flew, they were always fast and slow, as if their energy was not enough.

This is also inevitable. After half an hour of flying, everyone has arrived at the hinterland of the monster forest from Tianyun City. Everyone's face is filled with excited smiles, as if they are in an unknown environment, and they feel novelty .Excluding the episode of saving people on the road just now, generally speaking, the flight this time was quite smooth.

The morgue and mortuary were built on a slightly higher platform.Standing outside the house, Xu Han looked up at the countless unowned zombies in front of him. His eyes were ethereal, as if he could see through everything, but at the same time he seemed to see nothing.

His expression was dazed, his sleeves were windless and automatic, fluttering like a fairy, and the seven-colored aura around him seemed to be shrouded in fairy light, magical and indescribable.

Liu Ying walked out worriedly, and stood far behind him, and Li Wei also walked out.

And Wan Yang looked outside jealously, patted his head vigorously, and cursed: "Damn, it's really a fool who has a stupid blessing. I'm in the middle stage of foundation establishment and I haven't realized any supernatural powers. This kid just said a big truth." , to be able to create supernatural powers, what a goddamn god! "

Character determines destiny...Xu Han realized his supernatural powers with a simple sentence.After hearing this sentence, Li Wei benefited a lot throughout his life.But Wan Yang didn't hear these words, instead he became resentful towards Tiandao, so much so that he never broke through the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation establishment in his whole life.

"Okay, let's go and see what kind of supernatural power this idiot has created..."

After a long time, Xu Han finally woke up from that feeling of emptiness, and as he woke up, the seven-color dense air around his body gradually dissipated.This made Xu Han feel annoyed. If there were no outsiders behind him, he would have meditated to absorb the dense energy.

This is fairy spirit!Although he doesn't know what it's useful for, Xu Han knows that this thing is definitely a super good thing. If he finds a way to use it, it will be of great use!

But in order to shock the world,.Xu Han still didn't smoke.

Knowing that the little female cultivator behind him was paying attention to him, Xu Han turned around and smiled...

Li Wei quickly stepped up and said, "Friend Li Daoist, congratulations on your epiphany and creation of supernatural powers, and you will be closer to the Great Dao of Immortals from now on."

Liu Ying also came up and quickly asked, "Brother Li... Heizi. What supernatural power did you create? Let us open our eyes."

Xu Han smiled. "Based on my cultivation, I can only comprehend some superficial aspects of the way of heaven, and the supernatural powers I have created are just average."

As Xu Han said, he waved his sleeves...

In the sky in front of him, a giant hand with a khaki color suddenly appeared.The giant hand was palm down.The five fingers were naturally bent downwards, and the palm of the hand was hollow, as if holding a round steamed bun.

Then the big hand came down, covering the three rocks on the ground at once.Five fingers landed.The fingertips were like stone pillars inserted into the ground, and then, the palms slowly sank, holding the heads of the three zombies, kneading them as if they were kneading dough.

Several people were dumbfounded by the movement of that giant hand, and Xu Han had a black line on his forehead.

What kind of supernatural power is this, and she is too gentle?Do you want to give a zombie a full body massage?

However, the last movement of that giant hand did not disappoint him. He saw that giant hand rubbed it a few times, and suddenly pressed down hard!

"Boom!" With a sound, the three zombies below were instantly crushed into powder.A big hole was also pressed out of the rocky ground...

"The supernatural power is really amazing! It's much stronger than ordinary spells!" Li Wei couldn't help saying enviously.

And Liu Ying looked at the man showing off his power.He smiled even more, and hurriedly asked the name of this supernatural power...

Xu Han realized the supernatural power, and naturally knew the name of the supernatural power.

"The Claw of Lushan!"

Hearing these four words, everyone present couldn't help laughing.

Li Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "Li Daoyou is really different from ordinary people, the supernatural powers he created are so unique, no wonder I see that giant hand seems to be rubbing a woman... Haha, haha."

"No." Xu Han's eyes widened.

Wan Yang even followed up and said, "Why not, there is an allusion to this Lushan claw. It is said that a hundred years ago, a powerful general named An Lushan in Anguo recognized the king and queen in the palace as his godmother. , and they often went in and out of the palace to do that mediocre thing. One time, An Lushan said that he wanted to eat the queen's breasts. I was in constant panic all day long, and finally got through this level under the tricks of the eunuch... From then on, the hand that grabs a woman's breast is called Lushan's Claw."

Xu Han fainted, unexpectedly there is Anlu Mountain in Cangnan Continent, but fortunately it is not Concubine Yang, but then again, Anlu Mountain will never be lacking in any world...

Liu Ying hid aside, giggling with a flushed face.Brother Heizi, you are so bad, you just like to touch people, and now you are so wretched when you create a supernatural power.

Xu Han shook his head and sighed: "This supernatural power is really combined with the characteristics of monks, and it varies from person to person. It is appropriate for Li to have such a supernatural power."

Li Wei continued to laugh and said, "But Li Daoyou, please don't rub Junior Sister Liu Ying with this hand, she can't stand your last heavy pressure..."

Liu Ying was ashamed when she heard this, and before he could finish speaking, she rushed up to serve her with her fists...

Seeing them huddled together, Wan Yang felt depressed. He took out the flying sword in his hand and controlled the flying sword to kill those stone zombies who had no owner, as if all the stone zombies were Li Heizi. Kill one, click again...

At the same time, he shouted: "Junior Brother Li! Now that this is the case, let's kill all these zombies quickly and report back to the master's school as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Li Wei and Liu Ying knew why he was annoyed... After all, he was the one who came out this time, and they didn't dare to fight. They both took out their flying swords and stood on the high platform to kill Shi Zong.

Watching them kill one by one, Xu Han smiled lightly and said, "When are you going to kill like this, why don't you let me do it."

Wan Yang chirped: "Then how will Li Daoyou plan to kill? With your Lushan claws?"

Although Xu Han saved his life and created supernatural powers in front of him, he still looked down on him.A monk on the second floor of the foundation building, killing zombies, is it faster than me?I'm in the middle stage of foundation establishment, the fifth floor!

Xu Han smiled faintly, and without arguing with him, he took out a piece of Five Thunder Curse, pinched the formula, and threw it out.


There was a loud click, and a white and bluish electric snake with thick arms seemed to tear open the space, descending from the sky, hitting a zombie wandering in the square, and an oval-shaped photoelectric snake immediately formed around the zombie's body. On the surface of the electric cluster, there are countless electric lights swimming around.

Then, the ball of light exploded, and five lightning rays scattered in all directions.

Another five photoelectric clusters formed, and then exploded again. The 25 flashes of lightning flashed again.

so repeatedly.I saw countless electric glows swimming in that square.Tear; countless bright electric light clusters are forming and bursting.

The scene can be described as grand, the momentum can be described as magnificent, and the visual impact on people is not ordinary.

Seeing the countless shining electric lights on the field.Like a sharp sword, but also like a startling snake, the number is too numerous to count.

Wan Yang's complexion was ashen, and Li Wei's eyes widened.Liu Ying was even more surprised: "I have never seen such a powerful spell!"

Xu Han smiled faintly, and waited for the buddy's low-grade high-level electric attribute talisman to come out, then it would be truly powerful!

As for why Longhushan did this, it involves another gang, the Red Light Inn.The Red Light Inn was severely damaged by the Jin family, and it was destroyed by Longhushan. Only hundreds of masters fled to the Warring States Period to recuperate.

Of course, Qi Yunshan Yunlongmen, the number one sect in the Warring States Period, would not just sit back and watch a powerful force develop and grow in its jurisdiction, so it took action to suppress it.The poor Hongguang Inn turned into a street rat, and was bullied wherever he went, very similar to Xu Han in this respect.Coincidentally.Yunlongmen and Xu Han also have feuds.

After several fights at the Red Light Inn, numerous casualties were reported.There were only about two hundred people left, and they had to be broken up into pieces and scattered into various countries to recuperate secretly.The power of hatred is greater than the sky, and these unbeatable masters have become extremely united. In terms of the selfish nature of cultivators, these people who survived the Red Light Inn are indeed a bit great. They never forget revenge, and no one betrayed them. go.

They also have a lot of enemies, except for Xu Han, they have unending hatred with the Mangu Jin family and Longhushan, as for the Yunlongmen sects, they are not considered at all.

The last time something happened on the Hundred Thousand Mountains, thousands of monks went into the mountain to hunt monsters. It was behind the Red Light Inn. Shu Sheng went to the mountain several times to investigate the ground conditions. The battle between the two clans rekindled the flames of war between the two clans.If a war really breaks out, Longhushan, as the cultivation sect closest to Shiwandashan, will bear the brunt and be the first to be hit.It's a pity that the matter was disturbed by Xu Han, and the left waiter dispatched all the blood to kill, and the crisis was invisible.

Afterwards, the left servant and the right servant sent people to investigate the reason, but they could only find out that there were rumors everywhere, but none of these people who spread the rumors could be found.

In the end, it had no choice but to let it go, but the mountain god was wary and sent people to guard the eighteen traffic arteries again.

The flames of war on the Hundred Thousand Mountains did not ignite, and the Red Light Inn did not give up. More than 200 monks have been killed and killed repeatedly, and they have become extremely powerful.After these people recovered from their injuries, they secretly sneaked back to the Qi country, and carried out assassinations and surprise attacks on the monks of Longhu Mountain, using all means.The boss of Longhushan was very annoyed, and sent his elite disciples to hunt him down, but the state of Qi was too big, and the people in the Red Light Inn were as slippery as loaches. They lasted for decades, and it took a lot of effort to kill them. A dozen individuals and more than 200 enemies are making troubles all day long.The more these people are hunted down, the more dragon-like they become, and they almost become immortal gods of war. This is very similar to Xu Han. It seems that only by being hunted down constantly can they live healthier.

Things have developed to such a point that the boss of Longhushan can't sit still anymore, King He personally took action, beheading more than [-] people in the Red Light Inn in three years, and there are only more than [-] undefeated fighters left, and they disappeared again and hid , the land of Qi State finally stabilized.

After this turmoil, Longhushan increased the control of the Qi Kingdom, implemented thousands of counties and thousands of guards, and sent people to garrison each county, mainly the disciples of the foundation establishment period, and said internally that it was going down the mountain to experience.A dozen or so people including Li Meng were disciples who came to Yong'an County for training, so they were very nervous about Xu Han's sudden appearance, worried that it was the remnant of the Red Light Inn.

After Li Meng reported the news back to his teacher, he would come to Yong'an Lake every day to inspect, but of course nothing could be found.Xu Han honestly hid in the mountains to monitor Yong'an Lake and practiced by the way.

After hiding for more than two months, King Wu came and brought eleven Nascent Soul masters to Yong'an County.

Longhushan didn't care too much about the news that Li Meng sent back.Qi is such a big country, it's normal for a few masters to appear.Just like when local hooligans informed Li Meng that there were experts, Li Meng didn't care too much; the news they sent back to the mountain, the higher-ups didn't care, and basically shelved it.

But since Longhushan has made the decision of thousands of counties and thousands of guards, everyone can't fool around together. For the sake of face and to take care of the emotions of the disciples, the high-level officials made a gesture of great importance and selected twelve Nascent Souls. Experts form inspection teams to inspect thousands of counties.This year it was King Wu's turn to lead the team.

When King Wu arrived, Li Meng paid him a visit in fear, and told each and every bit of what he had found out over the years, talking endlessly about big and small things.King Wu was impatient: "There are no dead people, how serious is it, let's go down." When he said no dead people, he meant that no monks in Longhu Mountain died.That's not a big deal.

Wu Wang Hei Hei Zhuang Zhuang is not angry and prestige.Li Meng didn't dare to talk too much.Retired according to the order.Although he complained a lot in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on his face.

A junior Yuanying cultivator who was traveling with King Wu cupped his hands and said, "Uncle, the pursuit of Hongguang's remnants depends entirely on the disciples to inquire about the news. Do you think it should be rewarded. Let the people below have the strength to do things." He dare not directly Said that King Wu had a bad attitude, so he had to use another way to persuade him gently.

King Wu heard the meaning of the words, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, we will talk about it tomorrow." He got up and went back to his room to rest.

the next day.King Wu summoned the monks stationed in Qi Yong'an County, and told Li Meng: "Take us to look around." Li Meng was overjoyed, this was an opportunity for him to show off, and he led the way happily.

The places they can turn are all in the suburbs, with the county as the point, covering the surrounding villages and towns.After wandering around, we came to Yong'an Lake.Li Meng introduced the encounter with Xu Han a few days ago, saying that a master ran away all at once.King Wu didn't care either, he thought it was the masters from the mountains who were going out and Li Meng saw that there were hundreds of thousands of masters from the mountains.After so many years, even if they hit each other, they should hit one.

Fly around Yong'an Lake.Flying near the mountain, King Wu stopped.He felt that there was something weird in that mountain, as if a master was holding his breath and hiding.Concentrating on searching carefully, there are people who are meditating ten miles away in the mountain, and they can't find out whether their cultivation level is high or low.He turned around and asked Li Meng, "Why didn't that expert kill you?"

After talking for a long time, King Wu thought of asking, Li Meng secretly sighed: "Is it true that all masters have this virtue?" Respectfully replied: "The man is wearing a gray cloth, saying that he is not our enemy. Don't worry, if you form an array with all the juniors to trap him, that person will run away."

King Wu didn't answer any more, and stared in the direction of the mountain, he didn't know what to see except the trees were stones.A Nascent Soul master beside him asked: "Uncle Shi, do you want to go into the mountain to have a look?"

King Wu shook his head: "Go back to the city."

At this time, all the eighteen important roads in the mountain were guarded, and the direction of Dongfang Yong'an County was in charge of Venerable Chi, who had a hot temper and was easily impulsive.If Venerable Chi misunderstood someone by himself and caused unnecessary conflicts, the consequences would be disastrous.The prestige of the war between the two clans was too great, he asked himself that he couldn't resist.Taking a step back, even if the war between the two clans does not happen, it is not a good thing to be remembered by the Red Venerable, that guy is too crazy.

He planned to spy at night, a team of masters entering the mountain would easily cause misunderstandings, and it would be fine to go alone.

King Wu found Xu Han, and Xu Han also found them.A group of monks wandered back and forth in Yong'an Lake, clearly targeting themselves.He thought to himself, "I haven't been allowed to live in peace for the past two months or so?"

All his focus was on Yong'an Lake, and as long as Bing Jing's injury was not healed, he would keep monitoring the movement of the lake.

A five-thunder curse killed most of the zombies, and everyone else worked together to kill them, and they were all killed in a short while. < The possibility of ren can only be killed to avoid harming others in the future.

Then everyone came to the entrance of the teleportation formation, Xu Han took out the instant jade, and just inserted it, Wan Yang couldn't wait to go in.

Xu Han hurriedly urged Liu Ying to go over, but Liu Ying still refused to leave, saying, "Although these zombies were killed, those remains, as well as the gray-clothed old man and fat Zhu Shun who fell into the Ten Thousand Blood Pond, may all be killed in the future." Become a zombie and kill people..."

Xu Han didn't talk nonsense to her, and immediately pushed her into the teleportation circle, making the little nun call someone barbaric again.

Li Wei understood Ye's purpose very well, he knew that he was afraid that Wan Yang would go there first and set up some vicious ambush there, so Liu Ying was keeping an eye on him.

"Li Daoyou, I'm going to walk with you, I'm from the same family." Li Wei smiled.

But Xu Han didn't want him to stay, so he said with a smile, "I'll arrange the funeral here, you should go up first..."

Li Wei knew that this kid probably had some secrets, so he smiled and said, "Then I'll go first, Brother Wan Yang, don't worry, he has evil intentions and courage, I'll watch him for you."

Seeing Xu Han's lavish tactics, Li Wei had already guessed in his heart that this person was by no means an ordinary casual cultivator, he might be a core disciple of a famous sect, so he also wanted to get acquainted.

Xu Han patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, if you need help from me, Li Heizi, just ask in the future..."

In fact, Xu Han asked them to go up first, the purpose is to release a spirit explosion talisman, which of course cannot be seen by them.

After Li Wei went up, Xu Han took out a half-finished Spirit Explosion Talisman, quickly filled in the last stroke, then pinched the instant jade, and got into the teleportation array.

Xu Han was still very careful, so he moved very quickly.Li Wei just arrived.There he is.He can't leave time for others to deal with him.Wan Yang and Li Wei are new acquaintances, and Liu Ying's cultivation base is low, he must not put his life in the hands of others...

The fairy road is full of thorns and thorns.There are dense traps, and if you are not careful, it will be an abyss.

Xu Han came out, released the newly learned Lushan Claw to destroy the teleportation array, and then pulled Liuying's hand.Said, "Go!"

The place of teleportation is several miles below this soil layer. If the spirit explodes, it must be like an earthquake. Although they can't kill them, it is not so pleasant to be buried in this mine.

Xu Han took Liu Ying and ran away quickly, and Li Wei quickly followed, but Wan Yang, who came out first, didn't take it seriously... He scolded Hei Si for being cowardly, and he was afraid of being scared after killing all the zombies?

As soon as Wan Yang walked back the usual distance, he felt something was wrong.There was a big explosion deep in the ground, and the entire mine suddenly shook.Huge ore rolled wildly, the mine cave collapsed, and turbulent groundwater surged up.

Wan Yang was terrified, and while running away quickly, he used his flying sword to block the falling ore and cut through the blocked passage.

When he came up in a muddy state, he saw someone gleefully looking at him...

However, Wan Yang didn't dare to explode. The big explosion in the ground just now was obviously caused by this kid.Wan Yang believed that the only Alchemy Patriarch of the Wan family would come in person, and he would not be able to make such a big noise. This kid's strength can be called terrifying.Although Wan Yang hated him, he couldn't show it.

He retracted the flying sword, and said with a wry smile, "Li Daoyou is really powerful, dare to ask what exploded just now, so powerful?"

This question is a bit abrupt, the method of the monks is kept secret, if the trump cards let you know, what should you do if you were prepared?

However, Xu Han saw that both Li Wei and Liu Ying were very curious, and said with a smile, "This treasure is the Little Heavenly Tribulation Shalei that I bought at the Yijia store. Made by Tribulation Thunder, its power is indeed astonishing, and it is also the first time I use it..."

When Xu Han said this lightly, several people's eyes widened in shock, little heavenly tribulation!Only the monks in the Void Refinement stage had the minor catastrophe, and now the Nascent Soul monsters in the Cangnan Continent are all over the world. No monk has survived the minor catastrophe for thousands of years. How many years has this evil spirit survived?How precious is it?

Li Wei lamented in his heart, rich people, his mother is really rich!If you are dealing with formidable enemies, you can use this thunder... But it is clearing the field, why are you so extravagant?

You give me Xiao Tianjie Shalei, I will clean up the venue, and I promise to chop up and shred each one for you.

But the little female cultivator is concerned about the price, she has no idea about Xiaotianjie, she thought that if I have money, I will buy one for self-defense... She asked, "How many spirit stones is this Shalei?"

"En." Mr. Ye didn't know how much it was. At the beginning, the price of the invisible needle talisman was [-]. This little heavenly tribulation thunder, no matter what, it was hundreds of thousands.

"10 yuan in spirit stones." Xu Han replied casually.

Liu Ying almost fell over when she heard it, my God, I heard that right, 10 yuan of spirit stones!

Too extravagant!Such a waste!Do you think the spirit stones grow in your land?If you have money, you should save a little!Hmph, I have to take care of your account in the future!

Girls are also very strange. An hour ago, they were cold-eyed at someone, and now they want to take care of him...

At this time, the mine owner Diao Xianbin and others who were waiting came up and saluted Wan Yang. Although he was the only one in distress here, he was the person in charge sent by the Wan family in Huangzhou.

"Thank you Brother Wan Da for helping me get rid of the evil..."

Wan Yang didn't dare to offend Xu Han at this moment, who knows how many small thunderbolts this kid has, if he throws one at Wanjia, not to mention Wanjia, even Huangzhou City can be blown to powder.

"Don't thank me, it's all thanks to the real Li Heizi." Wan Yang waved his hand.

In fact, Diao Xianbin had already seen this, and he hurriedly saluted Xu Han, and then signaled his subordinates to bring a big box.

When I opened it, it turned out to be several thousand-year-old fine iron ore the size of a child's head.Ordinary fine iron ore can be used to make items for immortal cultivators after several rounds of refining and quenching.

However, this kind of fine iron is not powerful enough, and it can only be hard enough. The most important thing is that the aura contained in this kind of fine iron is limited and fixed.

But the thousand-year-old fine iron is different, this kind of iron can feel the flow of spiritual energy in the palm of your hand, it is very suitable for making magic weapons.

Note here that the so-called thousand-year-old iron does not mean that the iron has been formed for thousands of years.In fact, even ordinary iron ore is formed over tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.Millennium Jing Iron means that this piece of iron ore has mutated.up to thousands of years.Absorbed thousands of years of metal aura.

The allocation is like this, Wan Yang, Li Wei, and Liu Ying each have one piece.The remaining five yuan was won by someone Ye.

Seeing someone coming, Xu Han began to be on guard. Among the twelve Yuanying monks, Wu Wang had the highest cultivation level, and he was a high-level cultivation base of Yuanying.The remaining 11 people are all beginners, as long as they guard against King Wu, the others are nothing to worry about.

He was thinking about countermeasures here, but he didn't expect that King Wu would stop and turn on the lake, and then take people back to Yong'an County and leave.

What is this for?Let me go?Or when I don't exist?After thinking about it, it felt a little wrong, and carefully made the Wannian ship get up and rush towards the mountain.

Not knowing where to go, while thinking about avoiding King Wu, and thinking about the ice crystals in the lake at the same time.Half a day later, Luan came to a valley.There is a river in the valley, about three meters wide, with clear water.Xu Han went up the river, the river gradually narrowed, and after walking a few more steps, there was the sound of water splashing in front of him, rumbling and splashing, the sound was quite loud, and when he looked up, a waterfall flew straight down, splashing in the green pool.The river water flows out of this pool.

It's very beautiful, I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful place in the [-] mountains.

Approaching the water pool, the water silk drifts with the wind, bringing a refreshing feeling.The water in the pool was clear, and my heart moved. I took a step forward, wanting to scoop up water to clean my face, but stopped when I started.There is a flat stone ten meters away on the right, on which sits an old man in white with his eyes closed.

Xu Han was shocked, his spiritual consciousness covered a hundred meters around his body, and he would be able to detect any trouble, but he didn't notice the big living person beside him.He couldn't help but straighten his body and look at the old man.

The old man didn't seem to see him, his eyes were slightly closed, and he remained motionless.

Although the old man didn't move, Xu Han knew that he must have seen him, so he coughed softly and said, "The boy is abrupt, I have seen the old man, and I disturb the old man's Qingxiu, please forgive me if I take the liberty." The words are polite and the attitude is respectful.

The old man tilted his head and glanced, his eyelids were slightly lifted, his eyes were sharp, as if two lightning flashed, and he asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

Xu Han replied: "My name is Xu Han. I strayed into this place because I was greedy for the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers. Please don't blame me."

Hearing Xu Han's words, the old man turned his head and looked at him again: "Are you a remnant of Tianlei Mountain?" Xu Han said yes.The old man smiled lightly, but without the slightest hint of a smile, and asked coldly: "Did you get the ice crystal?"

Xu Han froze, who is this person?He knew his origin, and also knew that the ice crystal was obtained by him.

Seeing that he didn't reply, the old man smiled coldly again, full of disdain: "Are you normal too?" He turned his head back and sat upright with his eyes closed, not looking at him anymore.

Xu Han hurriedly said: "I got the ice crystals for me. I don't know the last name of senior Gao, can you tell this junior to know?"

He asked a question, but the old man didn't answer, he didn't speak or move, he didn't respond like a stone.Xu Han was helpless, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and he didn't dare to walk around casually. He wasn't sure about the strength of the old man, nor whether the old man would do anything to him. In short, he had better be careful.

The two of them stood in a stalemate, standing like statues on the edge of the pool, which added to the scenery of the pool.

After standing for a quarter of an hour, after confirming that the old man had no ill intentions towards him, Xu Han bowed and said, "Don't disturb senior's meditation, this junior will leave."

"I heard that you carry spirit wine with you, why didn't you invite me to drink it?" At this time the old man spoke, but the content of his words startled Xu Han again, how did he know that I had spirit wine?How much do you know about me?

After thinking about it for a while, if the old man has no bad intentions, it doesn't matter if he invites him to drink a glass of wine. Pingping flew forward slowly, flew in front of the old man and stopped in the air, said: "Please." There are several meanings in just one word, no matter what the old man's plan is for him, please enlighten me quickly.

As if he didn't understand, the old man raised his hand to hold the wine bottle, pulled out the cork, took a deep breath, and praised: "It's really good wine." His body flew into the air and floated towards the woods behind him, where there was a big tree stump.The old man put the wine on the stump, picked a piece of wood and sat down.He took out a transparent jade cup from his bosom, poured it full, and drank it in one gulp.After entering the stomach, I was hooked.Then he drank another cup, stopped after three consecutive cups, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.After thinking for a while, he got up and walked towards the water pool. His spiritual consciousness locked on to the fish in the water, and he raised his hand to catch it. A big fish the size of half an arm flew out of the water.

At this time, the sun is hidden behind the mountains, the sky turns dark, the mountains and forests gradually turn dark, and the pool water also becomes dark.After the old man catches the fish, he builds a bonfire and skewers the fish with wooden sticks for barbecue.

The old man is busy.Xu Han just couldn't stand it.He has all kinds of spiritual food and flesh.But I dare not let the old man know that at this time, it is better to have one thing less than one thing more, and be careful first.

After a while, the big fish was cooked.The forest exudes a faint smell of meat. The old man took a sip, tore off a piece of snow-white fish, chewed it carefully, and let out a long breath.Sighing: "Sure enough, the wine is really good, and the meat is really good." I closed my eyes and was still thinking about it.

As time goes by, the night gets deeper, and a little flame is especially dazzling in the darkness, dancing and burning with warmth.The old man greeted him: "Come and sit." Xu Han dared not refuse. Judging from the current situation, the old man is not hostile to him, so he should try his best to please him, so as not to irritate the old man and make it dangerous to fight.

Sit down on the other side of the campfire.The old man pointed to the fish and said, "Do it yourself, if it's not enough, catch it yourself." Xu Han smiled and didn't answer.He took out another bottle of wine and drank slowly.

The old man twitched his nose, raised his head and said, "It's not a smell, what kind of wine is that?" Xu Han handed over the bottle and said, "This is Nephrite, your bottle is Sanweigan." The old man took another cup, Pour a cup of nephrite, smell it first, then taste it, and then admire: "Tianlei Mountain Remnant really lives up to its reputation, there are so many treasures."

Xu Han didn't make a sound, and thought: "Uncle Lin gave it all, I just killed someone for him."

The old man asked him: "Take out any other wine." Xu Han took out the wine, and a dozen white jade bottles were quickly piled up on the tree stump. , the smell is mellow and fragrant, and it is mouth-watering.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he was a little excited. After smelling the scent of one bottle and capping the other, he murmured, "Where do you get so much fairy grass? How do you make so much good wine?" He looked at the jade bottle over and over again. , the eyes are full of reluctance, and there is no longer the elegant posture of just now.

Xu Han said: "If the old man likes it, he can stay."

"So much? Give it all to me?" The old man was a little happy. With a big wave of his hand, more than a dozen bottles disappeared out of thin air.

The spirit wine made the two of them change their names to each other, making them appear a little closer.

After sending out more than a dozen bottles of wine, Xu Han's affection for the old man increased greatly. He didn't bully others to grab the spirit wine, so he was considered a good person.The old man also had a good impression of him, and said with a smile: "The left servant is right, you are pretty good."

After successfully buying the old man with more than a dozen bottles of wine, Xu Han asked, "Do you know Master Zuo Shi?"

Seeing someone coming, Xu Han began to be on guard. Among the twelve Nascent Soul cultivators, the Martial King has the highest cultivation level, which is a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator. The remaining 11 people are all beginners. As long as he guards against the Martial King, the others are nothing to worry about.

He was thinking about countermeasures here, but he didn't expect that King Wu would stop and turn on the lake, and then take people back to Yong'an County and leave.

What is this for?Let me go?Or when I don't exist?After thinking about it, it felt a little wrong, and carefully made the Wannian ship get up and rush towards the mountain.

He didn't know where to go, he wanted to avoid King Wu, and he was also thinking about the ice crystals in the lake. Half a day later, he randomly came to a valley. There was a river in the valley, about three meters wide, with clear water.Xu Han went up the river, the river gradually narrowed, and after walking a few more steps, there was the sound of water splashing in front of him, rumbling and splashing, the sound was quite loud, and when he looked up, a waterfall flew straight down, splashing in the green pool.The river water flows out of this pool.

It's very beautiful, I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful place in the [-] mountains.

Approaching the water pool, the water silk drifts with the wind, bringing a refreshing feeling.The water in the pool was clear, and my heart moved. I took a step forward, wanting to scoop up water to clean my face, but stopped when I started.There is a flat stone ten meters away on the right, on which sits an old man in white with his eyes closed.

Xu Han was shocked, his spiritual consciousness covered a hundred meters around his body, and he would be able to detect any trouble, but he didn't notice the big living person beside him.He couldn't help but straighten his body and look at the old man.

The old man didn't seem to see him, his eyes were slightly closed, and he remained motionless.

Although the old man didn't move, Xu Han knew that he must have seen him, so he coughed softly and said, "The boy is abrupt, I have seen the old man, and I disturb the old man's Qingxiu, please forgive me if I take the liberty." The words are polite and the attitude is respectful.

The old man tilted his head and glanced, his eyelids were slightly lifted, his eyes were sharp, as if two lightning flashed, and he asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

Xu Han replied: "My name is Xu Han. I strayed into this place because I was greedy for the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers. Please don't blame me."

Hearing Xu Han's words, the old man turned his head and looked at him again: "Are you a remnant of Tianlei Mountain?" Xu Han said yes.The old man smiled lightly, but without the slightest hint of a smile, and asked coldly: "Did you get the ice crystal?"

Xu Han froze, who is this person?He knew his origin, and also knew that the ice crystal was obtained by him.

Seeing that he didn't reply, the old man smiled coldly again.Full of disdain: "Are you average too?" Turning his head back and sitting upright with his eyes closed.Don't look at him anymore.

Xu Han hurriedly said, "I got the ice crystals for me. I don't know senior Gao's name, can I tell this junior?"

He asked a question, but the old man did not answer, and remained silent.Unresponsive like a rock.Xu Han was helpless, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and he didn't dare to walk around casually, he was not sure of the old man's strength.It is also uncertain whether the old man will do anything to himself, but it is better to be careful.

The two of them stood in a stalemate, standing like statues on the edge of the pool, which added to the scenery of the pool.

After standing for a quarter of an hour, after confirming that the old man had no ill intentions towards him, Xu Han bowed and said, "Don't disturb senior's meditation, this junior will leave."

"I heard that you carry spirit wine with you, why didn't you invite me to drink it?" At this time the old man spoke, but the content of his words startled Xu Han again, how did he know that I had spirit wine?How much do you know about me?

Think for a moment.If the old man has no bad intentions, it doesn't matter if he invites him to drink a glass of wine.If you have bad intentions, it should be no problem to clean yourself according to his cultivation. Why not be more generous, take out a bottle of Sanweigan, push it lightly with your right hand, the bottle flies out flat and slowly, flies to the old man and stops in the air, saying in your mouth: "Please." It's just a single word with several meanings, no matter what the old man's plan is for him, please enlighten me as soon as possible.

As if he didn't understand, the old man raised his hand to hold the wine bottle, pulled out the cork, took a deep breath, and praised: "It's really good wine." His body flew into the air and floated towards the woods behind him, where there was a big tree stump.The old man put the wine on the stump, picked a piece of wood and sat down.He took out a transparent jade cup from his bosom, poured it full, and drank it in one gulp.After entering the stomach, I was hooked.Then he drank another cup, stopped after three consecutive cups, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.After thinking for a while, he got up and walked towards the water pool. His spiritual consciousness locked on to the fish in the water, and he raised his hand to catch it. A big fish the size of half an arm flew out of the water.

At this time, the sun is hidden behind the mountains, the sky turns dark, the mountains and forests gradually turn dark, and the pool water also becomes dark.After the old man catches the fish, he builds a bonfire and skewers the fish with wooden sticks for barbecue.

Since the old man was busy, Xu Han couldn't help but look at him. He had all kinds of spiritual food and flesh, but he didn't dare to let the old man know.

After a while, the big fish was roasted, and the woods exuded a faint smell of meat. The old man took a sip, tore off a piece of snow-white fish, chewed it carefully, took a long breath, and sighed: "It's really good wine, it's really good meat." The eyes are still in the aftertaste.

As time goes by, the night gets deeper, and a little flame is especially dazzling in the darkness, dancing and burning with warmth.The old man greeted him: "Come and sit." Xu Han dared not refuse. Judging from the current situation, the old man is not hostile to him, so he should try his best to please him, so as not to irritate the old man and make it dangerous to fight.

Sitting down on the other side of the bonfire, the old man pointed to the fish and said, "Do it yourself, if it's not enough, catch it yourself." Xu Han smiled and didn't answer, and took out a bottle of wine to drink slowly.

The old man twitched his nose, raised his head and said, "It's not a smell, what kind of wine is that?" Xu Han handed over the bottle and said, "This is Nephrite, your bottle is Sanweigan." The old man took another cup, Pour a cup of nephrite, smell it first, then taste it, and then admire: "Tianlei Mountain Remnant really lives up to its reputation, there are so many treasures."

Xu Han didn't make a sound, and thought: "Uncle Lin gave it all, I just killed someone for him."

The old man asked him: "Take out any other wine." Xu Han took out the wine, and a dozen white jade bottles were quickly piled up on the tree stump. , the smell is mellow and fragrant, and it is mouth-watering.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he was a little excited. After smelling the scent of one bottle and capping the other, he murmured, "Where do you get so much fairy grass? How do you make so much good wine?" He looked at the jade bottle over and over again. , the eyes are full of reluctance, and there is no longer the elegant posture of just now.

Xu Han said: "If the old man likes it, he can stay."

"So much? Give it all to me?" The old man was a little happy. With a big wave of his hand, more than a dozen bottles disappeared out of thin air.

The spirit wine made the two of them change their names to each other, making them appear a little closer.

After sending out more than a dozen bottles of wine, Xu Han's affection for the old man increased greatly. He didn't bully others to grab the spirit wine, so he was considered a good person.The old man also had a good impression of him, and said with a smile: "The left servant is right, you are pretty good."

After more than ten bottles of wine successfully bought the old man, Xu Han asked, "Do you know Master Zuo Shi?" (To be continued.)

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