Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 659 Relationships

() Xu Han has already learned the magical function of the eyes from the posthumous manuscript of Wuyuan Zhenren.The reason why he dared to show the eyes of his body on this occasion was to intimidate Liu Mengchen on the one hand, and to show off his wealth on the other hand.

The last point is what Xu Han has always wanted to show, because he deeply knows the relationship between himself and Liu Menglin.It's not as simple as he thought.Liu Menglin is in such a wealthy family, some things are beyond her control.This time, if I just leave Liu's house in such a disheveled manner, I'm afraid I won't have the right to speak in the future!

Seeing the fear in Liu Mengchen's expression, Xu Han felt very happy.He sneered in his heart, hum!Now that I know I'm scared, what were you doing just now, and you still want to compete with me, if it wasn't for the sake of you being the big brother you like.I must show you my methods!

Liu Mengchen stared wide-eyed, as if he couldn't believe that Xu Han could really come up with so many formations, which was beyond his expectation.The color of greed suddenly appeared on his face.Those eyes were filled with endless greed, as if he wanted to swallow all the dazzling array of eyes in front of him. ..

In fact, it is no wonder that Xu Han is so angry. After all, what Liu Mengchen did just now was really a little too unkind. Not only did he not give Xu Han any face, but he also tried his best to humiliate Xu Han.The formation eyes that Xu Han carried with him were all brought out from the secret realm of Daoist Wuyuan, and they had been stored in the space kit.So at this time, it will be taken out quickly without taking any time.

Liu Mengchen's roar immediately resounded in the courtyard.Not long after, a servant rushed over.Because this is the inner courtyard.Usually there are no servants here, and when Xu Han entered here just now, he didn't see anyone else.The servant looked flustered, for fear of offending the 'little overlord'.

Liu Mengchen still ordered with some worries. "Are you listening clearly? No one is allowed to come in!"

The servant looked a little timid.Said with some hesitation. "But, what if Master Kewen wants to go out? Then what should we do? Young Master."

Liu Mengchen looked proud, and said with a look of disdain, "That can't be done! Didn't you hear me?" These things.If the news leaked out, it might be possible to attract the elders of the Liu family. Even if he wins the bet, how many of them will be in his hands?besides.In front of the elders, does this kid still have his turn to kill himself?

Liu Mengchen had already made some plans, he would kill that kid in a while, and as soon as the betting was over, he would immediately sell some of these formation eyes, take some of them privately, and then hand over the rest to the family.

"I said, Xu Han, why don't you just open all the packages, one by one, and verify them for us one by one. How long are you going to wait?" Liu Mengyun couldn't hold back her heart that had been tortured again and again. ,Um?Not verified yet?Xu Han was stunned for a moment.Seeing that no one objected, he smiled and asked Lin Min and Lin Xiao to open the two packages completely, and then spread out his own package completely.Inside, it really is full of eyes!

I can't count how many there are, but at a glance, they are densely packed, piled up together, at least eighty!If they are all above the ground level, everyone can't help but gasp, is this the family property of a country boy?Could it be a disciple from some great sect or hidden family?Hey, why are you pretending to be so low-key?Even the parcels with the eyelets are all dirty, isn't it obvious that we have to look down on them?

After Liu Mengchen took a deep breath, he originally wanted to kill this kid.He was also shaken in a blink of an eye. Could this kid really be a disciple of some big family?Otherwise, how could there be so many high-level formation eyes?I said, even if this kid is a formation master, he doesn't have to be so scary?This is just going out, how many array eyes have you brought?Liu Mengyun said secretly, he finally "understood" why that night, that cultivator of Huashen fell into Xu Han's hands, it seemed.What makes this kid so powerful is not his cultivation, he has forgotten that Xu Han has dual identities as a pharmacist and a magician.

At this moment, Liu Mengyun had already vaguely thought about it. That night, that guy called Gui Mingyan, as soon as he broke in, he got into the formation that got together, and then dropped one after another.Finally, in the midst of grief, indignation and despair, he resorted to the bottom of the box.The unique move of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred severely injured Xu Han, and then he fell helplessly... Fortunately, Liu Mengchen's pig just fought Xu Han for him. If Xu Han used it to deal with that chemical He used [-]% of the monk's means on himself, and in the end, he just couldn't afford it and walked away!

"So many eyes? Could this kid be a disciple of a big family or a super-ranked sect?" The disciples next to him gasped.

"You are short-sighted, of course it is impossible! Is it possible for a disciple of a big family or a super-level sect to carry a bunch of eyes? Besides, it is impossible for a disciple of a big family or a super-level sect He only came out with the eyes? It’s clear that this kid had some shit luck, I don’t know where he picked it up, it’s really unfair! Why don’t I have this luck?” The disciples of the Liu family who were watching from behind suddenly retorted.

Such a situation made Liu Mengchen wake up all of a sudden.That's right, even if it's a disciple of any great power, it's impossible to come out with a bunch of eyes!Good luck you redneck, but that's where your luck ends!After today, these eyes are all mine!

"Boy, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I don't have so many bets for the formation eye yet. However, if you agree. I can ask people to raise funds while betting. I have a total of thirty bets here." The high-level first-grade beast core and 30 gold coins are enough to be worth your [-] earth-level formation eyes, so let's put it here first, and when the gambling is over, I will have all the funds raised by others. What do you think? "Liu Mengchen's eyes flickered, and the longer the time to gamble with this country bumpkin, the longer the more things are kept here, the more danger the elders will come over!

Xu Han did not agree as Liu Mengchen wished, but shook his head with a slight smile.disagree?

Liu Mengchen's heart sank, this kid's move is really ruthless!As long as he can't make the corresponding bet, he can delay the time of the betting fight until the day set in the fighting contract.It wasn't that kid who broke the contract.It's me!

but.Even so, so what, the big deal is that you will suffer a little bit, and invite the elders of the Liu family, such a game of bets.It's enough for them to make a bet for themselves. At most, there are some elders around, so they can only find a chance to kill this kid in the future... "Of course Xu Han can't agree! Don't even think about his identity. He will take such a How many times have your eyes come out?" Liu Mengyun smiled triumphantly.

"What kind of identity is that?" Liu Mengchen asked with a sinking heart.Does this kid really have any identity?

"Xu Han is a formation master. Could it be that his brain is flooded and he took out a bunch of immeasurable mirrors and put them here as a bet? Of course they are used to compete with you." Liu Mengyun laughed loudly.The formation eyes in this pile are all above the ground level, enough for the kid to climb up the fighting platform vertically, and let someone stand out while lying down.Xu Han is still a pharmacist, should he also tell that guy Liu Mengchen?

Liu Mengyun thought about it, and finally decided to forget it. Maybe Xu Han would want to use some tricks to seduce Liu Mengchen later.If I said it myself, wouldn't Xu Hanlu be embarrassed?

However, just after Xu Han finished speaking, Liu Mengchen, who was still smiling slightly, froze obviously.Is he really that crazy?Array Master?How old is this kid? He is already a Dou Shi rank, and he still has the profession of a formation master?

Liu Mengchen was stunned for a moment, and then felt his back go cold!The array eyes in front of me are at least earth-level, if they are all drawn by this kid, doesn't it mean that this kid's formation skills are also extremely high?Of course, this is not the point, the point is which formation master will use his own cultivation to fight against the enemy after going to the competition stage?

At this time, when Liu Mengchen saw a lot of eyes in front of him, he felt his scalp go numb for a while!Even if these formations are all low-level formations, use them on yourself.As long as there are thirty, no, thirty, or even less, you will definitely be able to use up all your strength and all your belongings!

"Boy, are you really a formation master?" Liu Mengchen's tone clearly showed a lot of fear.The whole continent knows that being an enemy of a formation mage of the same level of cultivation, especially a formation mage with a bunch of well-drawn formation eyes at any time, is definitely an act of courting death... Xu Han nodded.Among the previous generation of the Liu family, there should be quite a few people who know about this, so there is nothing to hide.

"Liu Mengchen, you didn't expect that Xu Han is not only a rune formation mage, but also a third-rank Huashen formation mage! Now that he has just advanced to the fighting master rank, he will probably be a fourth-rank formation mage soon." Liu Mengyun He laughed unscrupulously, and was even more happy in his heart.Why not compare!Now is an excellent opportunity, I think you still want to grab it from me!Now go and have a good taste of the formation master!

The people around were all surprised at this moment.One by one sighed in their hearts, the third grade, and the transformation of the gods, and they are the masters of the magic culture array!At this time, everyone around could not help but gasp, the Transformation Spirit Formation Master, it is rare that such a low-level Transformation Spirit Formation Master is staying in the lecture hall.Almost all of them were disciples of the younger generation. After Liu Mengyun finished yelling, she couldn't help but look at Xu Han with extremely cold eyes, even the disciples of Guijie behind Liu Mengchen were no exception.

God Transformation Rune Formation Mage.It is conceivable that if he has a good relationship with him, wouldn't his portable weapon be able to raise a few ranks and become a magic weapon of Huashen?The magic weapon of transforming gods, even if it is a low-grade Huang-rank transforming gods, there is not much in the world!

There are even quite a few aristocratic girls who think they are gorgeous and have already started to give Xu Han frequent glances to Xu Han, who they thought was old-fashioned just now. It seems that at this time, they have forgotten that Xu Han's partner is one of the most beautiful pearls known as di du. One of Liu Menglin.This is also his luck.

Xu Han looked at Liu Mengyun quite speechlessly at this time, you should go by yourself.What level of array mage am I, do I need to make a big deal of it?Fortunately, this guy doesn't know yet, the reason why he can only reach the magic weapon of transforming gods with formations is because he was given formations before.It's only the magic weapon of Huang Jie's transformation of the gods, and after a month's promotion, it can already achieve half of the transformation of the gods.If this big-mouthed third brother knew that in Senior Xiaoyaozi's records of the Infinite Mirror, there was an image that could transform the magic weapon formation to the ancient level, and let himself learn it.

Thinking of this, Xu Han couldn't help shivering anymore. Regardless of how far he has attained in formations or pills, this third brother will never know!Array mage, or a third-rank god-transforming array array mage!

Not to mention that Liu Mengchen will have to face the layer upon layer of eyes in front of Xu Han in a short while, just the identity of this kid's Transformation Spirit Formation Master is enough to make Liu Mengchen regret it, even if this kid can see his favorite sister in a while For the sake.Can make myself lose a little face.But a young formation mage with unlimited potential.In this way, he offended himself to death.

Liu Mengchen's eyes rolled wildly, looking at the pile of eyes in front of him, it became cold again, and when he looked at Xu Han again.Already full of coldness, he has already offended him anyway, and he doesn't care how badly he offends him!Even if there is a powerful array mage behind this kid, as long as he keeps his life.What can that array mage do with him?So what about the God Transformation Formation Master, after winning this game and taking down these formation eyes, not to mention the fighter-level God Transformation weapons, even the Fighter-level God Transformation weapons will be available!

"Are you sure, you really don't need these array eyes?" Liu Mengchen asked in a deep voice, his heart beating violently uncontrollably!He must say sure!

"Hey, I'm not sure." But Xu Han was disappointed by the current situation.

Liu Mengchen said angrily, "Hmph! How dare you play me?" But this kid didn't say he was not sure, he just said I was playing you.He, Liu Mengchen, had nothing to do with him.

Xu Han's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly. "Hehe, even though I'm not sure, I'm not fooling you. If you want me to use these arrays, I can use them all as a bet, and I can even take out the remaining arrays on my body. However, this is It is equivalent to my biggest capital to win you is gone, so, in the same way, you can only use your own cultivation and the weapons under the fighting platform to compete with me. All cannot be used, including the special equipment and other defensive items on the body."

When Liu Mengchen heard Xu Han's answer, he felt happy in his heart.It seems that the formation eye that this guy showed just now was just taken out casually, he didn't grasp the essence of the formation technique, if this is the case, wouldn't his chances of winning be much greater?

What Liu Mengchen said this time is reasonable. After all, with his current state, he doesn't need to care too much about some things. As long as he grasps his own progress, he will definitely be able to break through and enter the state of transforming gods.It's the only way to do things so far.

Hearing this, Xu Han knew that he couldn't stay out of the matter, and he had an impulsive thought. There were four words that he was embarrassed to say to explain this situation and to uphold justice.

The old man was still talking: "...Everyone disagrees, there are more than 20 people, the strike will stop digging, some courageous ones will organize to ask for wages, and the timid ones will want to go home, let it be bad luck. But the government is bad, really bad. The prefect of the county city came out to speak out in person, saying that it was a calculation error. Now there is no money in the city, and the money owed will be made up in a few days. Listen, there is such a good thing, even if you make trouble, it’s not too late to wait a few days without paying money, so I agreed. As a result, they were drugged during the meal that night, and hundreds of people who made the most trouble were collectively beheaded. The rest Everyone was arrested and locked up in the barracks. The official sent more than a hundred officials to shout to everyone, first forcing everyone to go back to work, but no one would go. The county guard did not dare to say that he would kill 20 people. If he really dared to kill The common people could rebel at that time, and had no choice but to let them go. But there are conditions, it’s okay not to work, but you can just go home honestly and don’t make trouble. What everyone thinks is to escape from your territory first, so I agree.”

"But the officials are really dark-hearted. The release of people is divided into batches, one village by one, and at the end, 2000 people are forcibly detained. They are forced to dig stones, and they will be killed if they don't. Finally, 2000 people succumbed." The old man said very excitedly: "What's more ruthless is in the back, didn't they let you go? Then they were arrested secretly. In one month, the county lost more than 800 people, and they all lost their lives. He is a strong young man, and he also threw it to dig stones."

Xu Han frowned, interrupted and asked, "Where is this?"

The old man was stunned for a while and replied: "This is Yang County, one of the top ten counties in Daqi, you don't even know this?"

"Yangjun? Now I know." Xu Han said, "Go on."

The old man continued: "The government corrupted the wages of 20 people, and killed hundreds of people. Of course, these people refused to do it. After being released from humiliation, they specifically fought against the government. They injured many officials and stole their money. The government was furious. They sent troops to arrest them, and these people fled to Yanghu. Yanghu was already restless, and with the addition of these half-big boys, the noise became more and more joyful. The government sent troops to suppress the bandits again. "

The old man was still nagging, and Xu Han felt concerned.One of the top ten counties.If you make some noise, come out.If the court is alarmed, the court will definitely ask Longhushan for help. Such a good opportunity must be seized and resolutely add chaos to them.Counting the whereabouts of Hongguang's remnants and the attacks on the monks in the three places in Pingxi County.Three things suddenly appeared in King Wu's magic weapon, a total of four things will toss you to death.

Xu Han said softly: "Don't worry, there will be retribution from God." The old man coughed: "This can also deceive children, I'm almost buried. What haven't you seen? It's easier to do evil , those who are kind can only be bullied and considered unlucky, what kind of God is this, he will repay the fart."

This remark won Xu Han's heart, he also likes to scold God, he wants to ask God, what did I do wrong?Why bother to be hunted down every day?Why do you treat me so favorably?It's just that I couldn't tell the old man this, so he said with a smile: "I won't lie to you, there will be retribution." Seeing that he said it seriously, the old man muttered casually: "I hope."

The two talked for a long time.It was almost noon, and the old man patted his stomach and said, "I'm hungry. I have steamed buns. If you don't mind, you can eat some." As he spoke, he took out a small bundle from his bosom, and when he opened it, there were two cakes.Xu Han smiled and said: "Thank you, I will go to the city to eat later." The old man remembered that this man was very rich: "That's right, then I won't eat anymore, girl, let's go home." Xu Han said goodbye and left.

When the old man walked away, Xu Han stretched out his sleeves, put away the roadside vegetables, and walked across the water to Yangjun.He is very interested in that mine. A stone is worth five taels of silver?It should be Lingshi.And those who need spirit stones can only be comprehensionists, and here is the site of Longhu Mountain.Xu Han laughed helplessly while thinking about it. God was afraid that he wouldn't have enough troubles. Adding some more would barely give him another chance to make trouble openly.Isn't the sheriff of Yangjun a common people?Then damn it!But the rest of the officials need to distinguish carefully, only worrying about killing the wrong person.

The dirt road got wider and wider, and the widest part was enough for four carts to run side by side. After ten miles, there was a city in front of them. This was one of the guard cities of Yangjun.Xu Han stood at the bottom of the city and watched. It was indeed one of the top ten counties in Daqi.

There are hundreds of villages and towns around Yangjun, and a dozen or so acropolises. Yangjun is arched in the center in a scattered shape. It has a population of nearly ten million. No wonder it can easily recruit 20 strong laborers.

Xu Han held his left hand behind his back, played with a black folding fan with his right, and walked into Yangjun unhurriedly.The first impression after entering the city is that the market is prosperous, the people are peaceful, and it feels like living and working in peace.

Xu Leng snorted. He couldn't see many things, but it didn't mean he didn't exist.

There is a tea stall on the side of the road, buy a cup of tea and have a chat with the boss, then walk to the long street.The county guard's mansion is located in the middle of the long street. Since they are here to make trouble, they should be more messy and kill them directly.

What surprised him was that there were spiritual fluctuations in the city, and the closer the sheriff's mansion was, the stronger the fluctuations were. When he got there, he found that there was a tall building to the east of the sheriff's mansion.Without asking, this is the residence of monks in Longhu Mountain.

After thinking about it, he turned around and walked towards the tall building.He knew that there would be no high-level monks stationed in the building, but if he went to the government first, it would be very troublesome for the low-level monks to run away after being aware of the danger, so he decided to get rid of them first, and then deal with ordinary people.

He raised his head and approached the door of the building, and a ban on the door exploded. As the ban was broken, three people quickly rushed out upstairs, and one of them shouted: "Who broke into my quiet hall." Xu Han took two steps inside holding the folding fan, Looking left and right, he said, "Is this called Jingtang?" There was a look of contempt in his eyes and tone of voice.

The three people stood still in the shape of a finished product, and ten people came down one after another from the upstairs. The one with the highest cultivation was a top-level monk who built a foundation. He asked with a cold face: "Why did you break into me..." Break "" Jingtang is it?I have seen Jingtang a lot, but I have never seen such a shabby place. "It can be seen that he is indeed looking for trouble.

The top-level cultivator of Zhuji turned cold, and shouted: "Array." The thirteen people flashed together, and Xu Han was surrounded by them as they moved and changed positions.Xu Han pretended to be a curious baby: "What are you doing?" The monk shouted again: "Kill." The thirteen monks who were originally empty-handed suddenly stabbed Xu Han with a sword.

It's just that I don't know what kind of products I sold to Yi's company, which made that old boy Gao Yuanyang make a lot of money!

"I have been taught." Xu Han looked at the girl with bright eyes and white teeth again, feeling interesting in his heart, and couldn't help but said, "Miss wants to buy this Yunwuzhi, and I also want to buy it. If the girl doesn't teach me, I might I bought another one instead; but after what the girl said, I was reluctant to change it. And here, there is only this one red-stemmed plant, and I got it first..."

"Ah!" The female cultivator in black immediately opened her moist mouth... Yes, she kindly taught the other party to identify Yunwuzhi, but in the end she couldn't buy it herself.This female nun in black looks like she just came out to play.She didn't have any scheming, seeing that Yunwu Zhi, which was supposed to be bought by herself, was not willing to be transferred, she could only smile wryly: "That's just forget it, we'll talk about it later."

In fact, Xu Han didn't want to buy this thing.It’s just that it’s dangerous for this slender woman in black to be more mindful, to be too kind and to have no sense of self-protection when she’s away from home…

Just when Xu Han was about to say no, someone else spoke.

"Fellow daoist, this is your fault. He clearly taught you the method of identifying Yunwuzhi with good intentions, and you have learned it. You didn't say a word of thanks, but refused to transfer Yunwuzhi. His behavior really made me feel uncomfortable. Shame." I saw a foundation-building cultivator wearing Wanjia white clothes standing next to the two of them. This person looked to be in his twenties, with a slightly fat body, but fortunately he was tall, so he didn't look fat, but looked heroic. Extraordinary look...

Xu Han originally wanted to return Yunwuzhi to the female cultivator in black, but when Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way, he felt unhappy and said, "Dare to ask friends, this store is first-come-first-served? Get it and buy it first. Why not? This girl took the initiative to teach me the art of identification, I am very grateful, but I have no obligation to give it to her? If she doesn't teach me, I will also buy this Yunwu Mushroom. I didn't take advantage of it ?”

The tall fat man wanted to be brave enough to win the favor of the girl, but he didn't expect the black servant in front of him to be so sharp-tongued, he couldn't refute what he said, and immediately said angrily: "Friend Daoist, you can see clearly, this is my Wanjiafang City, I He is the person in charge of this market, whoever I sell will be sold!"

"The person in charge..." Xu Han snorted and laughed, "Although Fangshi is Wanjiafangshi, this is Qingminggu Company! Can you speak for Qingminggu Company? Could it be that Qingminggu Company doesn't listen to you , are you going to drive them out of Fangshi?"

In fact, Qingminggu Company and Fangshi are in a mutually beneficial relationship, and if Qingminggu Company is really driven away, the loss to Wanjia will be even greater... and Wanjia is in the gap between Lingyao Mountain and Qingminggu, if you offend Qingming Gu, they are out of luck.

The tall fat man was full of anger, but he didn't dare to speak up. Instead, he said, "The shopkeeper of this store is my friend, so I told him not to sell it to you!"

"Then I just have to ask Shi Dingfeng if he does business in Qingming Valley's market, and he doesn't follow the rules at all."

"Cut! You can also see the great monk Shidingfeng?" The tall fat man sneered...

"Then I can at least meet your ancestor Wanjingquan!"

"You're dreaming! Why do our elders meet you, you're just a small casual cultivator!"

While talking, a person suddenly walked in from outside. It was Li Wei, the foundation cultivator who was in the mine last time. Li Wei came to Fangshi for business, but he couldn't find the supervisor of Fangshi. He came here when he heard that he was here. Who knows As soon as he came in, he saw Xu Han...he had dark skin, easy to recognize.

"Ah! Master Li, why don't you say anything when you come to our city, so that we can send someone to welcome you!" Li Wei is different from Wan Yang, Li Wei admires Xu Han very much, and kills Xu Han with his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment. Brother Jiedan even created supernatural powers with one word. He has never heard of such a thing. When he saw Xu Han's cultivation, he was surprised again: "Realist Li has also broken through, and he is the same as me. Congratulations!" Congratulations."

Xu Han laughed, and replied: "The last time Patriarch Jingquan came to thank you, but I just happened to be breaking through, so I didn't have the chance to see you. This time I came to visit Patriarch Jingquan..."

As Xu Han said, he gave a tall and fat man a proud look.How about it, buddy didn't shake you.

The tall fat man and the few Wanjia monks behind him were a little surprised. You must know that Jingquan Patriarch's cultivation base in the later stage of forming alchemy was the highest among Wanjia's cultivation bases, and he was also the only one of Wanjia's current alchemy ancestors.How could Patriarch Jing Quan take the initiative to visit a monk who was in the early stage of foundation establishment?

"Junior Brother Li Wei, what's going on here?" The tall fat man put on a senior air and asked...

"Senior Brother Zhang Mingqiang, let me introduce you. This is the real Li Heizi who saved me and Senior Brother Wan Yang in the iron mine. A real person who established the foundation, and a zombie who is equivalent to the late stage of alchemy, the real Li Heizi can be called the pride of our foundation cultivators!"

Hearing Li Wei's introduction, the tall and fat man named Zhang Mingqiang and the monks from the Wan family behind him all showed surprise expressions on their faces. They had heard about it a long time ago.Still don't believe it.Unexpectedly, the real person appeared in front of him...

"It's him? He looks so young for his age. Does he have that much strength?"

"I heard it's still a casual cultivator."

"It must be an excellent spiritual root."

Everyone's whispers made Ye feel very comfortable in his heart. Xu Han was just a hooligan with no self-cultivation, and his smug expression was undoubtedly revealed.After looking at Zhang Mingqiang, he went to look at the female cultivator in black.

But Xu Han was surprised to see that the nun in black showed neither admiration nor envy.It wasn't surprise...but a faint layer of blackness flashed across her pretty fair face.

Just as Xu Han was stunned, the female cultivator's face returned to normal, making Xu Han think he was wrong.

"Junior Brother Li Wei, don't be deceived by people's few words, some people just say they are powerful." Zhang Mingqiang didn't believe in his heart that this little real person in the early stage of foundation establishment could kill the ancestor of Jiedan, and he guessed in his heart that Li Wei was probably killed by him. This black fellow cheated.

Being suspected of his idol, Li Wei was furious, and he didn't like this senior brother Mingqiang, so he immediately replied, "Senior Zhang Mingqiang. Li Wei saw this with his own eyes, and senior brother Wan Yang was even more stimulated and went to retreat. .Why are you trying to deceive me?"

"Anyway, I just don't believe it!" Zhang Mingqiang said angrily, if he loses face in front of the beauty and his men today, he won't have to mess around in the future.

Xu Han said with a faint smile, "Believe it or not, do my business. There are too many toads who want to eat swan meat while sitting in a well these days. I'm afraid that if they don't eat the swan meat, they will be thrown on their backs instead."

Xu Leng smiled coldly, unfolded the folding fan in his hand, and drew a circle around him. There was a clanging sound, and all thirteen magic swords were cut off.A group of foundation-building monks realized that a master was coming, and retreated in a hurry. Xu Han said, "Don't rush." ​​He closed his folding fan and walked through the crowd. The speed was too fast, and before those people had time to retreat, they were already caught by a wave of spiritual power. into the meridians.

After restraining these people, Xu Han went upstairs to have a look. There was no one there, it seemed that there were only thirteen monks stationed there.After going downstairs, find a broken rope to tie them together, and walk towards the sheriff's mansion with one hand raised.

His walk caused a sensation. Although the two places are very close to each other, this is a downtown area with a lot of pedestrians. Why did someone suddenly appear and walk with a dozen Taoists?Whisper about how powerful this lunatic is.

The people were just discussing, but the officers and soldiers in front of the Sheriff's Mansion were ready to attack. One by one, they showed their weapons and ran to surround Xu Han and ordered: "Let him go!" When the sheriff sees him, he must be polite and say good things.

Xu Han said indifferently: "I want to kill people, those who don't want to die get out of the way, and those who want to work for the sheriff stand still." His voice was extremely calm, as if he had no emotion, and easily judged life and death in the world.

The soldiers looked at each other, and no one dared to retreat easily.Xu Han shook his head slightly: "Which one of you has ever killed someone?" No one answered a group of officers and soldiers, their eyes were a little dull, and they didn't look like they had been stained with blood.

His eyes swept over the soldiers, there was no need to be serious with them, and he strode forward with the thirteen Taoists in his hands.Facing him was a boy with a young hair on his lips. He was a little nervous holding a long gun. He didn't know whether he should retract the gun head or not.

As if Xu Han hadn't seen it, he slammed straight at the spear and pushed forward. The boy's palms were sweating, but the spear slipped from his hand and slipped backwards.

Xu Han originally wanted to break the spear and tell the soldiers that you couldn't beat me, so he stepped aside quickly, but he didn't expect this to happen, so he smiled and walked around him to the gate of the house.

The Maotou boy hurriedly grabbed the spear, turned around and shouted: "Stop!" The voice was loud, but a little trembling. After all, Xu Han was holding a dozen people with one hand, and he was brave enough to die. Anyone who saw it would be a little scared.

Xu Han didn't stop: "It's none of your business." After taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked, "Tell me if there are any good officials in the city? If not, they all deserve to die." His voice was still very weak , but whoever hears it will feel a chill, this guy wants to kill someone?And more than one?

"You, you are not allowed to kill people." Maotou boy said, his voice was much lower than before.

Xu Han chuckled, turned and approached the mansion gate.The gate of the mansion was very high, and the main gate was closed tightly. He directly slammed into it, and only heard a click.

Xu Han grabbed a soldier and asked, "Which house is the sheriff in? Lead the way." The soldiers dared not obey. The tall and thick gates would fly away when they hit the gate. It is better to serve such people carefully, so as not to anger him and lose his life.

It is convenient for someone to lead the way, and the sheriff can be found quickly.That guy was drinking and having fun with some beautiful women in the room.A soldier was half kneeling outside the door.He rushed to report the news of someone breaking into the mansion, but after the report was finished, the man who broke into the mansion arrived.

Xu Han ignored him and left a bunch of Taoist priests behind.Kicking open the door of the house, revealing the beautiful scene inside, the sheriff had just finished giving the order: "Kill!" Suddenly saw the door being kicked open, and was about to get angry.Feeling something was wrong again, he suppressed his anger and asked, "Is there something wrong with this strong man?"

Xu Han walked into the room, pulled a chair and sat down: "Tell me, what kind of stone is five taels of silver? Where is the mine? Who else deserves to be damned?"

"What do you want?" the Sheriff Se Neilan yelled.

"Nonsense." Xu Han stood up and dragged the sheriff, unfolding and retracting the folding fan in his palm, the sheriff yelled, and one of his fingers was chopped off.Xu Leng said coldly: "Shut up, and tell me to continue chopping." The sheriff hurriedly shut his mouth.Xu Han said again: "Answer the question."

At this time, there were loud footsteps outside the house, as well as the clash of weapons and armor, and the neighing of war horses came from outside the house.Teams of cavalry rushed into the county mansion.

The sheriff said: "Hero, if you have something to say slowly. If you want money, give money, ask someone to give, ah..." He wanted to delay time, but Xu Han chopped off another finger.The sheriff was in tears, and he shook hands and jumped.The women in the room followed suit, running around in disheveled clothes, shouting: "Help." One of the women was more clever, pulled out a loud arrow from nowhere, threw it out, and flew into the sky screaming.

The arrow flew out, and the county guard's face became more attractive, and he reluctantly delayed time with Xu Han: "Hero, what on earth did this officer offend you, even if it is death, you should know it." He turned his head and looked at his eyes That woman was quite appreciative.

Xu Han looked at a group of beautiful women jumping around in panic, and shouted: "Shut up." His cold eyes swept across the sheriff: "Tell me, who is the same as you who have suffered the lives of ordinary people."

The county guard hurriedly defended: "I don't even dare to kill a chicken, how can I dare to kill someone? The hero must have listened to rumors... Ah!" After being cut off with one hand this time, Xu Han coldly said: "You still have two One foot and one hand, what am I going to chop off?"

The sheriff was completely dumbfounded. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't stand up to a lunatic killer. He broke out in a cold sweat and sat down in panic. He wanted to pick up the severed hand but was a little afraid. He gritted his teeth and said, "Housekeeper, I'm the housekeeper!" I have a list in hand."

Xu Han was delighted when he heard it. Good man, he knows how to save me trouble. It is a good habit to know how to keep accounts. He casually ordered a soldier: "Ask the steward to bring the account book and tell him that if you dare to run, you can try."

After all this noise, the women in the room gathered together in panic, and finally stopped yelling, and the soldiers outside the mansion were already lined up in front of the house, and thousands of soldiers outside the mansion surrounded the county mansion.Someone shouted outside the room: "Brave little thief, be sensible and let the county master go, otherwise your life will be worse than death."

Xu Han ignored him, and said to the sheriff: "Tell him to shut up." The sheriff said tremblingly, "It's General Sun outside." The voice outside replied: "It's the last general, how is the county lord doing?"

"Well, well, General Sun, just wait a moment." The sheriff hugged his severed hand and said well, heartache on the one hand, heartache on the other, and it seemed that he could hardly hold on any longer.

A quarter of an hour later, the soldiers who went out to interrogate came back with a middle-aged skinny man with a bundle in his arms. When he entered the house, he saw the sheriff sitting on the ground with his severed hand in his arms, and he yelled in shock.

Xu Han took the bundle and opened it to see that there were two booklets inside, one was a list of bribes to senior officials of the imperial court, and the other was a list of officials who bribed him and had secret activities in the county.Pick up the county book and flip through it. It's nothing more than a transaction of money and power.Xu Han was not interested in this, and asked, "What kind of stones are you digging? Who are you selling them to?"

Zhang Mingqiang can be regarded as the core disciple of this generation in the Wan family. At the age of 28, he has cultivated to the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he has already been highly praised by the Wan family. He has never been ridiculed like this.

"Master Li Heizi, Zhang Mingqiang, the second-generation monk of the Xiawan family, officially challenges you..." Zhang Mingqiang held his breath and was about to issue the challenge.

Xu Han was naturally not afraid, he stood calmly with a smile on his face, since you are looking for death, don't blame your buddies.

But at this time Li Wei jumped out and scolded, "Brother Zhang Mingqiang, you are too nonsense! The enemy is in front of you, and you don't want to defeat the enemy, but you want to challenge Patriarch Jingquan's guest, I want to report to Patriarch!"

When Zhang Mingqiang heard this, he couldn't continue.Just stand alone.A pair of eyes looked at Xu Han with hatred...

At this time, the buddy and shopkeeper of Qingming Valley had already come out.The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Everyone is our own, and there is no deep hatred, why bother?"

The guy also sent the millennium green.The thousand-year-old green is packed in a wooden box, which can be preserved for a long time. It looks emerald green and has roots.The quality is very good, after all, Qingming Valley is best at serving these flowers and plants...

Xu Han sent [-] spirit stones and accepted the thousand-year-old green.This millennium green is a rare spiritual grass, very hard to find, and only Qingming Valley still has it, so the price is expensive, and Xu Han didn't bargain.

Seeing this black-faced monk take out a handful of mid-level spirit stones, those Wanjia monks are drooling... They are so rich that they don't even blink a thousand spirit stones, damn it.He is a casual cultivator, isn't it that all casual cultivators are poor?

But when they thought of someone who killed Patriarch Jiedan alone.They had no choice but to take back all the greed in their eyes.

Xu Han put away the Millennium Chrysanthemum, then put down the Yunwuzhi, and said to the black-clothed female cultivator in see-through clothing, "Actually, I don't want to buy this Yunwuzhi, but I think fellow Taoists are too simple, so I want to remind you Fellow Daoist, the path to cultivating immortality is difficult and bumpy, and people’s hearts are even more sinister and selfish. If you are not careful, you will be in an abyss... You must not have the heart of harming others, and you must have the heart of guarding against others. Friends of the Daoist must remember, so that you can do it yourself..."

Xu Han put down Yunwuzhi on the shelf, turned and left.His words were very earnest, every sentence was sincere, and his heartfelt words made the beautiful eyes of the female nun in black shine brightly.

"Thank you fellow Daoist Li, casual cultivator Wang Tingshi has been taught." The black-clothed female cultivator Wang Tingshi saluted Xu Han's back.

Seeing Xu Han coming out, Li Wei shouted, "Really Li, wait!" Then he quickly took out a jade card from the storage bag and threw it to Zhang Mingqiang, saying, "Patriarch Jingquan asked you to copy several copies of the post ..." Then he also turned around and went out, chasing Xu Han away.

When Xu Han came out of Fangshi, he drove the flying sword, and there was a small plain on top of a hill not far in front of him, which was Wanjia.

In the past, Xu Han thought that the Wan family was just like his own General's Mansion, a large courtyard with more than a dozen rows, and all the monks of the Wan family lived in it.

But at this moment he realized that this was not the case at all... This Wan family could not be ranked in the world of cultivating immortals. It was also a formal and regular cultivating family, which had been passed down for thousands of years, much larger than his own family's Zhennan General's Mansion.

This Wanjia is a small city. The city is located on a plain on the top of a hill. The city is built tall and magnificent, with nine horizontal and nine vertical roads inside. It is equivalent to a quarter of Huangzhou City, and the city has no fewer than [-] residents. All are descendants of Wanjia.

Of course, less than one-tenth of them are immortal cultivators, and most of them are minor cultivators in the qi refining period... Xu Han couldn't help but sigh, there is no one in a million with spiritual roots, and there is a million people with a monk's blood inheritance. At home, people with spiritual roots are so rare, and those with spiritual roots among mortals are even rarer.

In fact, thinking about it deeply, it is normal for Wanjia to behave like this.The Wan family is not well-known among the many cultivating families, and few good spiritual root monks outside would marry them, so Wan Da Niu married Wan Er Niu in the city, Wan Tie Zhu married Wan Xiao Seam, this inbreeding Of course, one generation is not as good as the next generation, and spiritual roots are becoming rarer and scarcer.

And the disciples with his surname recruited by the Wan family are all rubbish spiritual roots, and the good spiritual roots have been taken away by the famous sect. Who will come to your Wan family?Even if the Wan family has a good spiritual root, they don't practice in the family, but send it to Lingyao Mountain or Qingming Valley to practice...

While thinking in Xu Han's mind, he flew slowly, waiting for Li Wei, and sure enough, Li Wei quickly followed.

Xu Han asked, "Family, what do you mean by the enemy is now?"

"Speaking of this matter, it has a lot to do with you, Master Li..."

Xu Han was taken aback, "What does it have to do with me?"

Later, after some explanations from Li Wei, I realized that he killed the two monks of the Corpse Yin Sect in the mine that day, and the matter was not over. The family killed their people, so they came to the Wan family to take revenge.

At present, the Corpse Yin Sect has not appeared yet, but the Corpse Yin Sect has sent a battle post, and the attack date is only three days later, and under the battle post, there are unexpectedly six signatures of alchemy cultivators...

Thinking that the alchemy cultivator of the Wan family is only Patriarch Jingquan alone, the Corpse Yin Sect sent out six alchemy ancestors, and all of these alchemy ancestors have silver corpses, the Wan family may be doomed this time disaster.

Just now, Li Wei got the order of Patriarch Jingquan and made a recruitment announcement, hoping to recruit some monks in Fangshi to participate in the resistance battle.

Hearing this, Xu Han frowned.Xin Dao, the Zombie Yin Sect should be a despicable and shameless sect. Since they came to avenge, they should use a surprise attack, or spread the corpse poison in the small town of thousands of families... Book, appointment time? (To be continued.)

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