Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 75 5 Palaces

Volume 75 Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] Palace of the Five Elements

After Xu Han entered the tunnel, he instantly felt as if he had come into nothingness.Before he was ready, a flame hit him immediately.Fortunately, after being baptized in the Huozihao channel, he was already prepared.Densely cover the whole body with the spiritual flames of the five elements, and the flames can't hurt it at all.But before the flame could resist it, another burst of ice cold hit.

Following him, Xu Han seemed to be in a world of ice and snow.

Xu Han hurriedly changed his exercises and used the five elements formula.Resist the severe cold of the world of ice and snow with the power of water and spirit.After struggling for a long time, Xu Han completed the icy journey.But just after walking through the icy passage, another overwhelming rockfall followed.There are also sharp swords among the falling rocks.

Xu Han hurriedly mobilized the wood spirit power and earth spirit power, and the five elements spirit flame turned into green wood to wrap the falling rocks, and turned into an earth shield to block the sharp sword.Due to too many falling rocks and sharp swords, Xu Han felt that his mana was consumed extremely quickly.

Xu Han was shocked, and quickly swallowed some pills that quickly restore mana.Even so, Xu Han still felt a little overwhelmed.

After finally walking the distance made up of falling rocks and sharp swords, Xu Han was still in the middle of the jungle before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Wooden sign channel.Xu Han reacted instantly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Han pushed the fire spiritual power to the extreme, and he looked like a fire man, and a large flame was ignited wherever he went.Sure enough, as he guessed, the surrounding trees turned into tree demons one after another, and they all came to kill him.But in the face of such a burning person like Xu Han, the dryad had no way to attack, and Xu Han quickly completed the journey where the dryad was everywhere.

When Xu Han thought he had passed the most difficult moment, the next time Xu Han found out that he was completely wrong.A rainbow bridge with no end in sight stretches into the distance ahead, and on both sides of the bridge are endless oceans, reaching the end of the sky.

Xu Han had just set foot on Hongqiao, and it was raining heavily.

If it was normal heavy rain, Xu Han would not be afraid.The heavy rain was mixed with the sharpness of gold, Xu Han just felt the raindrops, and his face changed drastically.Thanks to his Five Elements Secret Art, Five Elements Generating and Restraining, endless life, he was able to block the sharp aura in the raindrops.Even so, Xu Han was still shivering from the cold of the heavy rain.The magic power of the five elements circulated all over the body, making it much warmer just now.

"It seems that this road is not easy to walk. It must be the combination of the spiritual power of the five elements to attack." Xu Han muttered to himself.

On the way, Xu Han saw that many monks were blown into the boundless ocean by various storms above Hongqiao.Either it will be submerged quickly, or before it falls into the ocean, with its tyrannical strength, it will break through the restriction and escape from the sky.

Among them was Wu Yuan whom Xu Han saw outside. Wu Yuan was hit by a falling flint and was about to fall into the endless ocean.At the critical moment, with a strong sword energy rushing to the foundation building stage, he broke through the restriction and escaped.Later, Xu Han also saw some monks trying to imitate Wu Yuan.But in the end, most of them fell into the endless ocean, drowning silently.

"Huh? Why is it her?" When Xu Han could finally see the end of the Hongqiao, Xu Han suddenly saw a familiar figure.But the figure is not on the Hongqiao, but in the endless ocean.To Xu Han's surprise, the figure did not sink even in the endless ocean, but was wrapped in a mass of light and shadow and floated up and down with the waves.

This person Xu Han knew was Ji Qingyun, the younger sister of the Ji family sisters.

Seeing Xu Han on the Hongqiao, Ji Qingyun flashed joy, but then showed a sad look.

Xu Han thought for a while, then threw a net-shaped magic weapon towards Ji Qingyun.

"No." Ji Qingyun exclaimed.

But it was too late, as soon as Xu Han's net-like magic weapon touched Ji Qingyun's aperture, he immediately felt that the net-like magic weapon was like a bottomless pit, eagerly absorbing his mana.Just at this time, another heavy rain hit.

Xu Han's face changed drastically, and he understood why Ji Qingyun called "No".

In an emergency, Xu Han used the Dao Heart Seed Magic Art to forcibly return mana.


What Xu Han couldn't believe was that when he used the magic formula of the Dao Heart, the loss of mana stopped immediately, and he also absorbed pure mana from the endless ocean.In a short period of time, he made up for the deficit along the way.

Although Xu Han didn't understand the reason, how could he hesitate when given this opportunity?

With his left hand, he released the five-element spiritual flame, and with his right hand, he scooped up the net-like magic weapon, and picked up Ji Qingyun. "Let's go." With a shout, Xu Han hurried to the end of the Hongqiao under the guarantee of sufficient mana.

Ji Qingyun stared blankly at the man who had saved her, her heart pounding.

After being on Hongqiao for a long time, she still couldn't believe that she was rescued.She came here with Ning Shuangqi and others, but was hit by a storm. In order to save Ning Shuangqi and others, she was swept into the ocean by the storm of sword rain.Fortunately, there is an ancestral magic weapon, which can drift in the endless ocean without sinking into the ocean immediately.

But this can only temporarily save her life. No one fished her up, and she had to die when her mana was exhausted.Before Xu Han, several people tried to save her, but without exception, they were all absorbed by the endless ocean, and then were thrown into the ocean, sinking without a trace.But Xu Han was fine, and he was able to lead her to the end of the Hongqiao alive and well, and she lost her mind for a moment.

"Finally it's the end." Xu Han walked to the end of the Hongqiao and found himself in a majestic palace.

The palace is majestic and magnificent.

The two walked up the long steps to the gate of the palace.There is a plaque hanging on the gate of the palace with the words "Five Elements Palace" written on it.Only then did the two know that this place is called the Five Elements Palace.Entering the Five Elements Palace, a middle-aged monk in black clothes sat on the throne in the depths of the palace, his eyes were closed, and his face was lifelike.But Xu Han knew that the middle-aged monk was not a real person, but a statue.

"Who is the owner of this palace?" Ji Qingyun asked.

"I don't know either." During the words, Xu Han and the two walked towards the throne.

After walking two steps, Xu Han found that Ji Qingyun hadn't followed.Looking back, Ji Qingyun blushed and refused to follow.Xu Han was very surprised and asked.Ji Qingyun replied: "There is a force oppressing me, I can't move forward."

Xu Han was taken aback, returned to Ji Qingyun's side, and then moved forward, nothing happened.

"It seems that this opportunity is not for me, you go forward!" Ji Qingyun sighed sadly.

Coming here from the entrance is only one step away from the inheritance of the ancient cave, but she, Ji Qingyun, can't move forward even if she takes one step.As long as she moves forward, there will be boundless power oppressing her, preventing her from taking a single step forward.It can only show that she has nothing to do with the inheritance of the ancient cave.This feeling is undoubtedly very uncomfortable.

Xu Han didn't want to persuade him, he just nodded and walked forward.

The inheritance of the ancient cave mansion has its own selection conditions. When he came here, Xu Han had already guessed what the selection conditions of this ancient cave mansion were.Now that Ji Qingyun was unable to move forward at the end, this further deepened his judgment.

The owner of this ancient cave is very likely to be a monk with all the five elements, and only monks with all the five elements can pass the test along the way.As for the entire Moyuan, Xu Han was convinced that he was the only one who possessed all five elements, and this was why the monks who were also on the twelfth level of Qi Refining retreated one after another, but he was able to make it to the end.

When Xu Han came to the throne, after reading the self-introduction of the owner of the throne, Xu Han really affirmed his guess.

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