Chapter 229
March fifteen.

The bright moon is like a mirror, and the moonlight is clear and bright, like rippling water, reflecting everything in it.

The fox courtyard is full of fragrance, and the smoke of lamps and vanilla is faintly blue in the moonlight.

The Great Immortal who came from the north gave lectures in front of the statues of the Empress of Mount Tai and the Goddess of Jade Immortal.

Of course, it can't be as big as a mountain or as small as a dust, but simply become bigger and smaller.

Become big and majestic, become small and hide your shape, walking in the rivers and lakes is very useful whether it is to show supernatural powers or to apply oil on the soles of your feet.

Today, the Great Immortal who came from the north is going to teach the method of shrinking, also known as the technique of shrinking body.

A group of foxes listened carefully in front of the Great Immortal Beilai, concentrating on it.

Gong Mengbi looked at the Great Immortal Beilai, and the Great Immortal Beilai nodded slightly with him, implying that he knew it well.

Gong Mengbi laughed, then left the Tianhu Courtyard, found a flat place, set up the small golden stove, and there was a curl of green smoke straight into the sky.

The mist in the fox slope forest suddenly became very thick, and the spirits of foxes appeared in the thick mist.

Gong Mengbi stood on the edge of the fog, watched the fog gradually fade away, and more than ten fox fairies appeared in front of him.

Among them, there are foxes from wealthy families, even if their spirits are out of their bodies, they all have Yingying Baoguang.There are also poor wild foxes who have nothing but a heavenly coat.

The most eye-catching among them is the leader of a sixth-rank fox fairy.

The Fox Immortal's aura is pure and upright, as thin as a cloud of smoke, and she has a face that is both happy and angry. It should be all kinds of charming and charming, but her eyes are very pure, with kindness and respect.

The fox fairy saluted slightly, and said: "Chunshi Wanyi, I have met Mr. Mingfu."

Gong Mengbi greeted him and said: "You are a senior, so you don't need to be too polite."

Chun Wanyi laughed, showing her teeth like shells, and said: "Those who are accomplished come first, Mr. Mingfu has great talents and virtues, he is a role model for my generation. Although I come from a rich family, I understand the difficulties of wild foxes. Now I have to contribute to the building of the Fox Courtyard."

Gong Mengbi was slightly surprised, but only felt that it was rare, so he laughed and said: "Chun girl has a different vision, this way please."

Chun Wanyi moved forward following Gong Mengbi's guidance, and behind Chun Wanyi was a short, but rather exquisite and cute fox girl, with big eyes rolling around, quite ancient. Ghost.

The fox girl looked at Gong Mengbi, and said: "I have long heard that Mr. Mingfu's talents and virtues are such that he can write Mingfu's fox books and build a fox courtyard. No wonder the goddess favors her and supports her with offering wine. See you today, It really is out of the ordinary.”

Gong Mengbi looked at her and asked, "Who are you?"

The fox girl said with a smile: "Huangfu's Chanyuan, I have met Mr.

Gong Mengbi said: "Miss Huangfu, this way please."

Gong Mengbi led the way, Chun Wanyi and Huangfu Chanyuan walked in front arm in arm, behind them were fox fairies from the four families of Su, Hu, Chun, and Huangfu, and after that came the wild fox family.

Gong Mengbi introduced as he walked: "Fox slope is on the outskirts of the city, some distance from the county seat, but not too far away. It is convenient to travel between the world and will not disturb ordinary people."

"I set up a fox yard on Fox Slope. To prevent people from entering by mistake, I often use fog tents to cover it."

All the fox fairies manifested themselves from the mist and knew something about the mist tent.

Chun Wanyi saw the lush vegetation in the mountains, although the forests were deep and deep, they did not harbor dirt and evil.On the contrary, the fresh air is coiled and full of righteousness, and he asked: "The air in the fox slope is pure, is it because of the planting of vanilla and fragrant flowers?"

Gong Mengbi nodded and said: "The year when I built the fox house, there was a flood, and the bad smell was endless, and the poisonous miasma was rampant. I used herbs to drive away evil spirits and get rid of the evil spirits. From then on, we will plant herbs all over the mountains, which can be used as offerings. The gods can also purify evil spirits."

Chun Wanyi exclaimed, "It's a good idea. I built a fox courtyard, so I can learn from it."

Gong Mengbi smiled and said: "It's still convenient. I am good at using vanilla, so I use vanilla to strengthen the body. If you have other methods, you can naturally use other methods. You don't have to learn how to use vanilla."

Chun Wanyi nodded and said, "Mr. is right."

Arriving in front of the gate tower of the Fox Courtyard, seeing the inscription on the gate tower is quite strong, with a foxy look and elegance, Huangfu Chanyuan praised: "It's really a good calligraphy."

Gong Mengbi said: "Thank you."

Huangfu Chanyuan looked at Gong Mengbi, her eyes curved and said: "It turned out that the question was written by the master."

After entering the Fox Courtyard, Gong Mengbi pointed to the houses in the Fox Courtyard, and introduced the basic facilities of the Fox Courtyard to the fox fairies: "This is the Fox House, for daily use."

"This is the dining room, for eating and drinking."

"This is a school, teaching scriptures and enlightening spiritual wisdom."

"This is the performance field, and outside the performance field is the altar for worshiping the gods."

These are actually contained in Mingfu's fox book, so all the fox fairies just read it and confirmed it.

The fox of the aristocratic family took a look at the flowers and commented: "This fox house is so small that two people should live in the same room. It's really shabby."

"This Gong Mingfu says he's thinking of the wild foxes, but he doesn't even have enough fox houses."

"Look, there isn't much chalcedony in the back kitchen of the dining room, it's all the grains of the world. If you want to find immortals, you have to be refined. How heavy is the miscellaneous energy of grains? How can you clear your body?"

"It's ridiculous. There is no magician in the performance field, what should I do if I hurt someone?"

When Gong Mengbi heard them chewing their ears, he just found it ridiculous.With a glance over, the fox fairy who was born in the wild fox had an ugly face and flaming eyes.

Gong Mengbi looked at those fox fairies who were born as wild foxes, smiled and nodded at them.These fox fairies showed a little excitement, as if they were flattered.

He looked at several family foxes again, but saw provocation in their eyes.

Gong Mengbi smiled and ignored it.

Everyone stopped at the performance field.

The so-called performance field is actually the open space in front of the statues of the Empress of Mount Tai and the Jade Immortal Goddess.

Great Immortal Beilai glanced at the fox fairy who came for sightseeing, continued his lecture, and said, "Let's try the technique of shrinking your body, it shouldn't be difficult for you."

It is really not difficult to tell the fox.

Just as a raccoon can shrink its body and get into a hole that looks a little smaller than itself, so can a fox.

As long as you find the feeling of drilling into a narrow cave, shrink your blood, mana, and spirit into a ball, you can naturally shrink into the cave, and even drill into a teacup or bamboo pipe.

Just be careful not to be caught while you are getting smaller. After you get smaller, your strength will also become weaker, and it will be difficult to escape if you are caught.

Therefore, they often cooperate with escape techniques to escape the encirclement and fly away.

Great Immortal Beilai took off a gold bracelet from his wrist, stood it on the ground, and said: "Come, try it."

Kang Wen naturally did his part, smiled, shook his body, removed the illusion, and transformed into a fox with smooth fur and a graceful figure.

She walked up to the gold bracelet, lifted her front paws and poked through the gold bracelet, and then the whole fox slid through the gold bracelet like a loach, and like a wave of water.

Walking past the gold bracelet, he turned into a serious little steward again.

Beilai Daxian asked, "How?"

Kang Wen laughed and said, "It's really like getting into a cave, it's not difficult."

She encouraged other foxes, and each fox was eager to try.

One fox said: "Let me try it, I live in a cave, it must not be too difficult."

Beilai Daxian smiled and said, "Then you come."

The fox turned into its original form, ran with one aid, stepped on the smoke and dust, and burrowed into the gold bracelet.

In the blink of an eye, it was already drilled out of the gold bracelet.

She was overjoyed and said, "I promise! This is the easiest spell I have learned this year!"

The foxes jumped into action immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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