Becoming a fox fairy from Liaozhai

Chapter 235 The Heart of the Tao 1 Shows Talent

Chapter 235 Showing talent to the heart of the Tao

Gong Mengbi didn't go anywhere, just walked around the neighbor's house.

A lot of effort was involved in the Fox Courtyard, and it was rare for Gong Mengbi to get together with friends.

In these spare days, I took the bamboo sparrows for a stroll, went to Chixia Peak of Chiyu Snake to watch the sunrise, went to Shuifu of Wangxiang to fish for pearls, and went to Meirenling to greet the three sisters.

After coming and going, some alienated feelings reunited.

Bamboo Sparrow couldn't stand the loneliness alone, so Gong Mengbi asked: "I still need a messenger by my side, if you want, just follow me."

The bamboo sparrow landed on Gong Mengbi's shoulder, and said, "Say it earlier! I'm almost bored to death by myself."

Gong Mengbi rubbed his head, and said: "I thought you could cultivate well, but who knows that your mind is hard to settle. You don't want to sleep, and you can't settle your mind. Instead of wasting your time, why not practice with me. "

Wenxiu giggled silly.

The essence of vegetation can naturally sleep for several years or even decades or hundreds of years. With the growth and cessation of vegetation, it will grow naturally with spring and summer as day and autumn and winter as night.

But Wenxiu already has friends, and he often travels between neighbors. He prefers to be awake rather than sleeping.

It's just that the Red Feather Snake is concentrating on his cultivation, and now that Wang Xiang has obtained a priesthood in the Water Mansion, he often has to divert water to push the tide, and he often doesn't care about him.Jin Chan was bored underwater all day, and it was even more impossible to play with him.The three sisters in Meirenling closed their doors to live by themselves, and it was not easy for him to go.

Gong Mengbi came to look for him when he was free, which made him very happy.

Gong Mengbi saw that his mind was undecided and uncontrollable, it was better to take him out to have a look.

Resting at home for a few days, Gong Mengbi took Wen Xiu back to the Huziyuan.

He didn't have to say anything, just stood there, no fox would dare to make trouble.

The second fox had followed Gong Mengbi for a long time, and he was also fascinated by Kang Wen's one, so he was very clever.

The newly enrolled foxes first came here admiring the profound Taoism, but who knew that after they came, they had to learn Chinese and hyphenated characters, write articles and memorize poems and books. There will be some slack.

The study atmosphere is not good on weekdays, if not for the five ghosts and gods sitting in town every day, they might even tease the teacher.

Seeing it in his eyes, Gong Mengbi understood that there is a long way to go to educate the mind.

In the past two sessions of foxes, he personally led the practice department, and when teaching practice, he would also ask them to set their minds, and incorporate the vastness of the world into a small mind.

The Great Immortal Beilai has not yet realized the importance of this point, and Lanzhu Mountain also needs her to sit in charge, so she may not be able to separate her mind.

After observing these foxes for a while, Gong Mengbi gradually got an idea.

Don't bother Beilai Daxian, Gong Mengbi opened a new subject for them, called Hushike.

In the name of fox history, it is naturally about the history of the rise and fall of foxes.

From ancient times, it traces the origin of the fox, tells the history of the fox, introduces the fox god and fairy, and tells the gods related to the fox.

It's called Fox History, but it's actually ideological and political.

Moreover, fox history is also easy to talk about, the main thing is how to let them understand the benefits and disadvantages when telling the history, and how to take the opportunity to establish a heart for them.

The heart to the Tao is particularly important. Without a heart to the Tao, even if they have seductive supernatural powers and mysterious Taoism, they can't stop them from muddling through and fooling around by playing tricks.

But one's own practice must not be fooled.

Fortunately, the signs that Gong Mengbi discovered were very timely, and they only needed a little guidance to improve, so that the atmosphere would not solidify and be overwhelmed.

In order to explain the history of foxes well, Gong Mengbi went to Tianhu Academy to ask Dr. Huang for advice.

Because there is no special history class in Tianhu Academy, most of them are interspersed with doctors to talk about their own knowledge on weekdays, and there is no written system.

Dr. Huang pondered, and said: "I'm not proficient in history either. If you want to ask about history, you should go to the scripture library and ask about the classics. But the classics are the fox fairy of the Huangfu family, so they may not be willing to give you advice."

Gong Mengbi said: "If he doesn't want to give advice, then I'll borrow the book and read it myself."

Dr. Huang nodded, and said: "It is better if he is willing to give advice. If he is not willing, although it is troublesome for you to read the books, it is not impossible. It is just that the collection of books in the family of aristocratic families is more abundant than the collection of books in the library. It's more about secrets."

Gong Mengbi said: "It's enough to teach foxes, I'll go and ask."

Huangfu's classics were old, when Gong Mengbi came to look for him, he was taking a nap on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, holding a book in his hand, as if he was reminiscing the beauty of it, but he seemed to have fallen asleep.

The fox fairy guarding the scripture building said softly: "Gong Mingfu is here to see the classics."

He called twice, but there was no response from Huangfu's classics, but a slight snoring sound.

Gong Mengbi looked at the leading fox fairy, and the fox fairy shook his head lightly, led him out, and said, "Huangfu's classics are old, and he is often half asleep and half awake. If his clear dream is disturbed, he will get angry. We can't afford it."

Gong Mengbi sighed, and said, "That means I'm out of luck."

He was about to leave, when a petite girl with round eyes was walking towards him, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw him: "Mr. Mingfu, unexpectedly I met you here."

Gong Mengbi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Miss Huangfu, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Huangfu Chanyuan glanced at Gong Mengbi, then looked at the courtyard where the classics were located, and asked, "Mr. Mingfu is here to find the classics?"

Gong Mengbi said: "I want to ask about the history of the fox clan, but unfortunately Huangfu's classics have been closed."

Huangfu Chanyuan laughed and said, "Come with me."

Gong Mengbi looked at the fox fairy who was leading the way, and the fox fairy said with a smile: "Go, your fate has come."

Huangfu Chanyuan was in a very happy mood and walked briskly into the courtyard of Huangfu Dianji. Seeing Huangfu Dianji who was half asleep, she took three steps at a time and ran to the rocking chair of Huangfu Dianji, brushing Huangfu Dianji's white beard on his nose Scratch lightly.

Huangfu Dianji sneezed and was about to get angry, seeing that it was Huangfu Chanyuan, he was helpless and said: "Little ancestor, what are you doing here?"

Huangfu Chanyuan smiled and said: "Grandpa hasn't come home for so long, grandma sent me to ask you when you will go back, if you don't plan to go back, she will clear your study and change it into a silkworm room."

Huangfu Dianji then covered his head and said: "This old woman is still playing tricks at her age. You girl still dare to imitate her, be careful not to get married in the future."

Huangfu Chanyuan said: "I think you are annoying me, I will find someone to marry tomorrow, and let you be clean."

Huangfu Dianji raised his hands in surrender, and said: "Little ancestor, please forgive me, how can I bother you, I hope you come every day, but you don't come often."

Huangfu Chanyuan shook her neck, and said: "I came here with great difficulty and you are looking forward to marrying me, but I come every day and you will not let me drive you out of the house."

Huangfu classics begged for mercy: "Good granddaughter, there are still outsiders here, please show me some face."

Huangfu Chanyuan twitched her lips, and said mercifully, "This is Gong Mingfu, who came to ask you for advice."

Huangfu looked at Gong Mengbi from top to bottom, and said with a smile: "So it's you, you really are a good-looking talent."

(End of this chapter)

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