Chapter 258
Of course Gong Mengbi did not count on Zhu Zhengxin.

And skilled craftsmen are good, but manpower is limited after all, while Taoism is infinite.

What's more, there are ready-made coolies to use, so why bother to look far away.

Gong Mengbi said: "Xiaoqian, study ink for me, I want to write invitations."

The invitation, of course, is to invite the fox spirits near the county town to come.After all, the last time they were summoned to drive away the rats, they had promised to invite them to visit Lanyin Mountain.

After writing the invitation, ask Wenxiu to pass it on.

Xiaoqian asked: "Invite them to be guests, how should we entertain them?"

Zhu Zhengxin said sadly: "These of us have to entertain more than 50 foxes. How can we be so busy? Otherwise, we should go to the city to buy some food."

Gong Mengbi said: "It's enough to eat and buy something meaningful, and the entertainment can be kept simple and simple, and if you can save it, you are all from your own family, so don't treat outsiders like this."

Chen Jiayu burst out laughing: "Master, do you entertain students like this?"

Gong Mengbi said: "Don't talk nonsense, they are not students yet. My pocket is very clean now, I am short of people and money, and I have to rely on them to do more things."

Chen Jiayu took a look at Lanyin Temple, and it was indeed a barren house.

Gong Mengbi was originally rich, but the Huziyuan in Wuning County wasted a lot of money, which was due to the righteousness of the Shen family. Later, although Tianhuyuan gave public funds, it was replaced by Gong Mengbi with the method of Chunsheng, and it became the first four tails.

Now bothering the Shen family to provide relief, but also bothering them to pay for the construction of the Lanyin branch, it is a bit difficult for others.

Although the matter of the fox courtyard is urgent, it is not as urgent as the relief, so I can only feel sorry for the foxes and take care of it myself.

After thinking about it, Gong Mengbi felt that he was cautious before and didn't dare to let the Shen family make a fortune too quickly, so as not to be feared by others, but now that he has reached the sixth rank, he can let go of his hands and feet.

He and the Shen family have achieved each other, and the bigger the Shen family, the more things they can do for him.

But these are things for later. Now, let's talk about the affairs of Taishan Niangniang Temple.

Of course, you can't be too stingy. If you don't entertain well, you have to make up for it from other places.For example, when discussing Taoism and teaching the Dharma, first form a relationship between master and apprentice.

The next night, the fox spirits who had received Gong Mengbi's invitation rushed to Lanyin Temple from all directions.

When I arrived at Lanyin Mountain, I was a little trembling, afraid of the rumors in the mountain. I didn't feel relieved until there was no sign in the Buddhist temple in the mountain.

Xiaoqian bought some snacks during the day, and paired them with drinks, it looked a little bit better.

One by one, the fox spirits came one after another, and they saw Gong Mengbi standing in the courtyard, looking like he was in heaven.

A beautiful female ghost guides them in the courtyard, an ugly pig demon rests under the eaves, and on the top of the Buddhist temple to the west, a young man in yellow looks down with his arms extended, like some kind of beast spying on its prey.

The foxes felt as if they had entered a tiger's lair and a wolf's den, as if walking on thin ice, they were worried about violating any taboos.

But fortunately, the boy in yellow on top of the Buddha Hall quickly lost interest in them, and only looked at the bright moon, squinting his eyes and wandering into the sky.

Gong Mengbi saw that all the fox spirits who had received the invitation had come, and said: "The last time I sent you to exorcise rats in the county and make the name of the Empress of Mount Tai, I said that I would invite you to be our guests, now I have fulfilled my promise."

The fox demons didn't know what kind of medicine he sold in his gourd, so they just picked up some nice ones and said, "It's our honor to be able to do things for Master Hu Zheng and to make a name for your empress, how dare we take credit for it."

Gong Mengbi said: "To be meritorious is to be meritorious. How can I not show it? I am short on money and I have nothing good to entertain you. Please have some snacks and drink some bouillon. But I still have some experience in cultivation, so I can tell you about it." Say."

As soon as these words came out, those fox spirits couldn't sit still.

No matter how good the food is, how can it be as attractive as Taoism.

Hu Mei said, "Thank you, my lord!"

Gong Mengbi took advantage of the moonlight to talk about the principles of practicing moon worship.These people once told the foxes in Yongkang County, and now they do the same, and they can do it with ease.

Foxes who dare to practice in the county have some skills, either they are extremely alert or powerful.Among them, the strong ones have already entered the ranks, and they are stronger than the foxes in Wuning County.

But apart from mana, there is really nothing to praise.With impure qi and spirit, it is enough to know some demons and sorcery, but it is difficult to become a fairy if you continue to practice.

When Gong Mengbi taught the Fa, it was as if he had been enlightened and let go of the lost way, and there were foxes shedding tears on the spot.

A true word is passed on, and a thousand volumes of books are falsely passed on.

Another fox spirit asked, "Why is sister crying?"

The fox charm was quite dusty, she slowly shook her head and said: "I just lament the difficulty of cultivation, but also vaguely understand that I have gone astray, I am afraid that there will be no way back, and my life will be wasted."

Gong Mengbi glanced at her, and said: "You have cultivated to the ninth rank by relying on some qi gathering skills, your talent is not low, but there is no need to be sad, there is a way to turn around, I'm afraid you won't be able to make up your mind."

The fox charm said: "If there is a righteous law ahead, why should I go this way? As long as there is a way back, I can go to the mountain of swords and fire."

Gong Mengbi said: "If you really have the heart for the Tao, I can give you a chance."

The fox charm recklessly bowed down, throwing her body silk into the dust, saying: "I have a heart for the Tao, please show me the way."

Gong Mengbi said: "I originally opened a fox academy in Wuning County to teach the principles of wild fox cultivation. Now that I have been a fox in Dongyang County, I have come to Lanyin Mountain and plan to build an academy again. If your hearts are on the right way, I will I am willing to teach you how to practice. If you can’t be restrained, then you can go back wherever you came from, as long as you don’t use evil methods to harm people, I won’t care too much.”

The fox charm was overjoyed and kowtowed again and again: "Student's heart is on the right way, teacher please guide me."

It wasn't just her, the fox spirits in the field followed suit: "Students are on the right path, please teach me."

Such a scene had also been seen before.

Gong Mengbi was relieved in his heart, this is not the end of the matter!

He comforted him and said: "Don't worry, now I have borrowed Lanyin Temple as an academy, but it still needs to be remodeled, and a temple for the Empress of Mount Tai needs to be built. When the arrangements are made, I will start teaching."

Which one of the fox spirits didn't have a little mind, and immediately said enthusiastically: "I don't know if there is something we can do?"

Gong Mengbi pondered and said: "It's not that you are not allowed to contribute, it's just that my family is destitute and I can't pay you."

The fox charm who was the first to bow down laughed, and said: "Sir, I can't thank you enough for educating wild foxes like me, how can I ask you to pay for it?"

"I've been wandering around the world these years, and I've saved some meager wealth, and I still have some strength to make use of. I would like to donate it to my husband to build an academy. If my husband is sympathetic and willing to tell us more about the principles of cultivation, I will be very grateful."

The foxes didn't want her to lose face alone, they shouted one after another, and they all took over the construction of the fox courtyard.

Gong Mengbi couldn't resist their kindness, so he had no choice but to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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