The broken body of the squid fell into the river water, and the bright red blood bloomed in the water like rotten flowers.

Even so, Gong Mengbi was still in shock, looking at the remnant body of the squid full of fear.

Chen Jiayu was puzzled and said: "Brother Mingfu, why didn't you wait for him to finish?"

Gong Mengbi shook his head and said: "We can't wait anymore, he wants to say that person's name, and when he thinks about it, he will have a reaction, and he will see us through his eyes after being broken by someone thousands of miles away."

"This is not an opponent we can deal with. If he sees us, I'm afraid we will be in danger."

Chen Jiayu was overwhelmed by his serious tone, he knocked on Lei Boyang's head, and said, "Is there such a supernatural power in the world?"

Lei Boyang wiped off his cold sweat, and said: "Of course there are. That kind of expert will be sensed by him as long as he pronounces his name. What's more, as long as the enemy has the idea of ​​harming him, he will Inspired by him. But why does an expert of this level raise calamity demons? With his ability, rivers can be overturned and mountains can be destroyed. What’s the use of raising these sixth-rank calamity demons?”

Gong Mengbi shook his head and said, "I really don't have a clue."

He let out a breath, and said: "If I had known, I would have killed him directly, and I could have kept his soul and sent it to the Yue Mansion for trial. Now that the spirit and spirit have dissipated, only the mystery remains."

Lei Boyang comforted: "Thanks to brother Mingfu, we escaped a catastrophe. Even if his soul is left behind, he may not be able to speak."

Gong Mengbi calmed down and said, "That's not wrong."

Lei Boyang's mind is really strong, Gong Mengbi practiced the Heaven-reaching Dharma, so he has the spiritual perception of reaching the heavens, but Lei Boyang didn't know what kind of Dharma he was practicing, so he could see the strange signs on the body of the fish.

Gong Mengbi was curious and asked directly.

Lei Boyang said: "I was born in Zhizhen Temple, and I worshiped Manjusri Bodhisattva. His wisdom is perfect and wonderful, like a pearl in a mirror, so I can see some strange omens."

At this time, Fuluo emerged from the water, supported the two corpses of the squid with a lotus leaf, and shouted: "Come and help!"

Gong Mengbi looked down, her heart skipped a beat.

Where the squid fell, it seemed as if some great bait had been dropped, and the blood energy diffused in the water was evil, attracting all the water monsters and water ghosts in Tangxi.

Gong Mengbi said: "Chenxi, go to the sky and disperse the clouds. Boyang, help me."

Chen Xi waved his wings and flew up into the sky again, as if the sky was on fire, dyeing the clouds red.

Without the demonic tricks of the giant fish making trouble, Chen Xi can easily dispel the dark clouds this time.

The people in the county beat gongs and drums and shouted: "The Dragon King has won! The Dragon King has won!"

"It's sunny!"

"The rain has stopped! The rain has stopped!"

The common people spontaneously came out to worship the dragon god, and they were full of joy and cheers.

The sky was full of dark clouds, and the sun was shining, but there were dark winds and waves in Tangxi.

Gong Mengbi and Lei Boyang fell into the water, and Eleven Niang also flew over.

Gong Mengbi apologized: "I didn't think carefully, I was distracted for a while, and let the corpse of the disaster demon fall into the water."

Fu Luo laughed: "At first I was asked to ambush in the water, although now I can't ambush, but it's not in vain."

The lotus leaf shrunk slowly and was held in Fu Luo's hand.Fu Luo wrapped the dead fish in it, handed it to Gong Mengbi and said, "Brother Mingfu needs to refine it."

Gong Mengbi naturally did his part.

Countless black shadows swam in the water, either water ghosts or water demons. The river water under their feet was dark and dark, and the underwater scene could no longer be seen.

It's just that compared with the sixth-grade Taoism of Winning Fish, Gong Mengbi needs to design a siege, and the water monsters and ghosts in the water are not a cause for concern.

Eleven Niang dived into the water, sacrificed the water bead, turned it into a huge water polo and pushed it back and forth, crushing several water demons to death like a stone roller.

Chen Jiayu laughed loudly, and patted Lei Boyang's head: "Go and catch the fish! Go and catch the fish!"

Lei Boyang flicked his finger on his head, and then took Chen Jiayu to the water to hunt the imported monsters.

Wenxiu turned into a big bird, looking down at the monster in the water from the cliff, and occasionally, like an arrow leaving the string, he would grab a monster from the water, throw it on the cliff, peck it twice, and then peck it to death.

Gong Mengbi grabbed the lotus leaf and climbed up the cliff, entered the incense array, put the body of the fish in front of the altar, and silently prayed to the Empress of Mount Tai, then lit the body of the fish with the tail of the fire, burning it with a demonic aura The evil spirits were like clouds, but they were all stopped by the incense array, and no more ghosts in the water were attracted.

The harm of disasters and demons is far greater than others.Even if it is dead, it is still the source of evil.

When the remnant body of the squid was melted away, only a field of white ashes remained.

Gong Mengbi withdrew the incense array and altar, came out and looked again, the blood of the squid in the water had been diluted so that it could not be seen, and the attracted demons were also cleaned up.

Eleven Niang clapped her hands and said, "It's been a long time since I've had a fight, today I really had a great fight. Gong Mingfu, next time you go back to Wu Ning, I'll invite you to come to Shuifu to play!"

Fuluo supported a lotus leaf, and the shadows on the lotus leaf were like a nest of tadpoles.He handed the lotus leaf to Gong Mengbi, and said: "Brother Mingfu, this is a ghost who fell into the water, please send it to Yuefu."

Gong Mengbi took the lotus leaf and said, "Thank you this time."

Fu Luo laughed: "Brother Mingfu is willing to ask me for help, I am very happy."

Gong Mengbi no longer said polite words.

Chen Xi fell from the sky and turned into a young man with dragon horns on his head, "I am also happy to help."

Gong Mengbi looked at him, his heart moved, and he asked, "You haven't found a Daze where you can settle, have you?"

Chen Xi had long planned to travel through the wind and rain in the Daze and practice spirituality. Before Gong Mengbi came to Jinhua, he said goodbye to him, and he said that he would leave Chixia Peak.

Chen Xi shook her head: "I haven't gone down the mountain yet, but it will be soon."

Gong Mengbi pointed to Tangxi and asked, "What do you think of this place?"

Chen Xi froze for a moment, looked at Tangxi flooded with waves, and then at Gong Mengbi.

Gong Mengbi said: "You use the appearance of a dragon to break the clouds, and the common people will know about it. Now that Tangxi is flooded, a water god is needed to guard it. If you have no other place to go, you can consider staying in Tangxi."

Eleven Niang applauded: "This is a good idea. That idiot in Wujiang who let disasters do harm to him will be reprimanded, or even relegated. If you go to Tangxi to be the god of water, he won't care about you."

Chen Xi had to admit that she was moved.

Gong Mengbi said: "If there is a better place to go, it's not too late to leave. If you stay now, you can count as helping people to the end."

Chen Xi thought over and over again, then said with a smile, "You convinced me."

Chen Xi looked at Eleven Niang and Fu Luo, and said, "I won't go back for now, I'll go back to see you after I settle down."

Fu Luo cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Brother Chen Xi, from today onwards, you will be the Water God of Tangxi."

"It's rare to be a righteous god, but it's also comfortable to be a wild god." Chen Xi is quite open-minded, he doesn't seek to become a god, and he goes to cultivate a spiritual god.

Eleven Niang said: "It's not difficult to be a god. If you do a good job as a wild god, the Wujiang Water God will also win you over and help you find a god position."

Chen Xi said: "Then I will borrow the good words from Eleven Niang."

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