Becoming a fox fairy from Liaozhai

Chapter 433 Suppressing Desires and Lunar Erosion

Chapter 433 Suppressing Desires and Lunar Erosion
Prime Minister Gui didn't see Du Heng when he came to visit the Immortal Jin Ting, so he knew that the Taihu God was worried for nothing.

With two attendants, he brought a box of precious pearls and a box of precious medicines to Jinting Daxian.

Daxian Jinting warmly entertained him and invited him to drink tea.

Prime Minister Gui came with something to do, and after drinking tea, he inquired about Du Heng's situation.Without seeing Du Heng, Prime Minister Gui also felt uneasy.

Immortal Jinting pointed to the sky.

Prime Minister Gui looked up and saw the dark clouds above the sky.Thunder and fire intersected in the cloud, because it was led by the thunder picker, and those who were not as good as him could not see clearly what was going on.

Prime Minister Gui hesitated, "What is Your Highness doing?"

Immortal Jin Ting knew that he couldn't see clearly, so he pointed to Prime Minister Gui's cup.The tea in the cup turned into a mirror under Prime Minister Gui's eyes, reflecting the scene in the cloud.

In the dark clouds, three hundred rain workers let out thunderous roars and ran around. The three dragons, black dragon, green dragon and white dragon, drove the rain workers to push the clouds, generate thunder, operate spirits, and collect thunder essence.

Prime Minister Gui frowned, and said, "Is the Great Immortal asking my Highness to collect the essence of thunder for the Great Immortal?"

Immortal Jinting nodded and said: "This is the first lesson I taught him."

Prime Minister Gui said: "I will report the truth to the Lord."

Immortal Jin Ting smiled and understood that Prime Minister Gui hadn't seen through the mystery.Prime Minister Turtle is not a dragon species, although he can summon wind and rain, but that is no longer a natural miracle, but an acquired Taoism.

Prime Minister Gui drank tea and then returned to the Water Mansion. The affairs in the Water Mansion were busy, especially recently.

Du Heng committed a great crime, he patted his own buttocks to study in Shenjing Palace, leaving the whole Taihu Water Mansion to wipe his ass.

The water god of Taihu Lake has not closed his eyes for several days, and has to travel around every day to adjust the water veins and inspiration.

Prime Minister Gui also has to communicate with various water gods in the lower reaches of Taihu Lake, respond to their questioning, intrigue with them, or threaten or lure them.

Cover it up, if you don't get accused to the Golden Dragon King, your future will not be affected.After the aftermath, I want to minimize the impact.

Prime Minister Gui returned to the Water Mansion and told the Water God of Taihu Lake exactly what he had seen. Do you need to ask Jinting Daxian to change the method?"

Prime Minister Gui didn't know the reason, but Taihu God naturally knew it well. Duheng's ability to control wind, rain, thunder and lightning was very rare. With that, Yugong helped, but it was considered a big improvement.

It's just a day's work, but it's so immediate?Amazing!

Taihu God stopped Prime Minister Gui from continuing, saying: "No need, let Mr. Jin Ting teach."

Looking at his expression, Prime Minister Gui knew that there were some subtleties that he didn't know, but with his cleverness, he guessed it after a guess, so he didn't say more.

The God of Taihu Lake was curious about how the teaching method of Jin Ting Daxian was so effective, and even had the idea of ​​going to ask for advice.But it was just a thought, and he didn't put it into action. He didn't have this leisure yet.

If the Great Immortal Jinting knew about it, he would probably just smile and say that he couldn't learn this method, and if he really learned it, it would only create a gap between father and son and make them more distant.

But Jin Ting Daxian can use it, so Du Heng was often beaten.

In the first few days, it was not enough to collect the essence of thunder.So Du Heng let Tie Chen stop him, but the Immortal Jin Ting would not spoil him, let alone the thunder picker.

When Tie Chen blocked it, he even hit Tie Chen together, making double hits.

The dragon whip was severely beaten, so naturally he couldn't think of anything, only thinking about how to get less punishment.

Soon enough to gather the essence of the thunder, he was not beaten, but he was also exhausted. Apart from hard work, he was recuperating, practicing, and sleeping.

Life is full and busy, but also very simple.Without healthy servants and beautiful maidservants to serve her, without delicacies from mountains and seas to support her, she could live the same day and night, and her desires were suppressed bit by bit.

With less desire to stir up fire in his heart, Du Heng himself actually felt calmer.

The weather is getting cooler and September is here.

The Great Immortal of Jinting often climbs high and looks far away, but not at Taihu Lake, but at Gusu, or at the earth.

If the Great Immortal of Jinting could not be found during the day, most likely he would watch from the top of the mountain.Chong Jing would come to him whenever he had something to do, and asked him what he was looking at, but Jin Ting Daxian didn't answer.

Then a surprising event happened.

On September [-]th, the moon is full again.

The Immortal Jinting does not collect moonlight on the night of the full moon. The full moon is the day when the moon god patrols the sky. If you collect moonlight, you will be easily scrutinized by the gods. Of course, there is no way to avoid the eyes of the gods. It is just to maintain the status of a demon. Immortal Jin Ting avoided it intentionally.

On the bright side, he avoids it and does not reveal his alchemy, but in fact he secretly practices the method of flying to the moon and comprehends the principles of the Taiyin. If he has practiced to his level, whether there is a moon or not will not hinder his practice.

Only this time it was different.

Just closing his eyes and concentrating, he became upset and restless, his mouth and nose smelled fishy, ​​and there was an inaudible humming in his ears.

Gong Mengbi looked solemn, and walked out of the golden palace to look at the bright moon in the sky.

The moonlight was dim and yellow, different from the past, and it became darker and darker. Suddenly, the bright moon seemed to be gouged out by a knife, and a corner of its brilliance was missing.


Gong Mengbi immediately understood why there would be such a terrible warning in the dark when practicing the Flying to the Moon method today.If it is really a god entering the moon palace, I am afraid that I will suffer this disaster, and I will grind the spirit god to ashes on the spot.

The Taoists of Shenjing Palace also stood up and looked at the moon one after another. Seeing the scene of the lunar eclipse, they muttered about the ominous omen.

It is indeed an ominous sign.

Like a knife chopping an axe, or like a wind and snow blowing away, the mirror-like moon disk was buried in the cold ash bit by bit, and a dim blood color oozes out from the cold ash.

In the thick ink sky, like sand, there are thousands of stars shining brightly.

In just a split second, yin and yang became disordered, and a change that Gong Mengbi could not fully understand occurred between the heaven and the earth.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, the moon god subdues the demons, and the emperor of the Taiyin examines the merits and demerits of the world, and determines the righteousness of the universe.

But this lunar eclipse, which lasted for two and a half hours, concealed the divine power of the Taiyin to lead the gods and control the demons.

During this period of time, I don't know how many variables have happened in the world, how many monsters have been born, and how many things that shouldn't have happened quietly happened.

It's more than half the time.

The bright mirror hidden in the cold ashes first revealed half of its jade, and then it became perfect.

Thousands of stars have converged their brilliance, and only the bright moon illuminates the sky.

Gong Mengbi watched the lunar eclipse quietly, and the mana in his body rose and fell like the tides.

He had just experienced the weakest moment in his practice so far. When the sun disappeared and the stars were shining, his magic power was almost wiped out, and he couldn't borrow any power from the sun.

Don't talk about Lei Caiguan, even if it is Du Heng, if he makes a move at this time, he might be able to escape from Shenjing Palace.

But his majesty was growing, and the three dragons were bent on the sky, so no one tried it.

With the end of the lunar eclipse, Gong Mengbi's mana, which had gone through extinction, regained its brilliance, and new changes emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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