Crown of Evil

Chapter 14 I Don't Listen

Chapter 14 I Don't Listen
Rocky, who doesn't have "Numerology", is only a layman in the eyes of veteran theoreticians. Except for the sickle derived from all things, Rocky basically has no special fighting methods.

But neither did Pitbull, and it was an extremely fair fight.

A strong wind rose, and the bulldog's fist was as fast and deadly as a cannonball. While swinging the fist, the cloudy ether flowed under its skin, making the blow even more powerful.

Rocky bent his legs and leaned over to let the blow miss him.

Haoxuan sent his trapezius muscle flying.

This kicked off a hand-to-hand combat between humans and dogs.

Relying on the ability to control his body that he had cultivated in the dance club, Rocky was able to narrowly avoid the attack of the fighting dog every time. The extreme torture to his body at the time created his current flexible movements.

The Pitbull's offensive is extremely ferocious, which is the style it formed when it was fighting with its kind. The stormy offensive made Roach feel a little embarrassed, but he could only hold on and look for opportunities.

Taking advantage of the missed attack of the Pitbull, Rocky counterattacked frequently, but the opponent's compressed muscles were as hard as a rock, and every time he hit his wrist, his wrist would be counter-shocked, causing waves of soreness.

Rocky took a step back to avoid the fighting dog's grab, and then took the opportunity to ride on the fighting dog's shoulders, wrapping his legs tightly around the opponent's strong neck, and at the same time constantly attacking the opponent's head with his elbows and fists.

The intense pain made Pitbull feel a sense of crisis. It gave up protecting its head, and instead grabbed Rocky with both hands and pulled him off his body.

But at this moment, Pitbull realized that although Rocky was no longer on his neck, he ran to every part of his body.

The changes brought about by the training of the dance club far exceeded Rocky's imagination.

He crawled around Pitbull like a giant spider, and there was nothing he could do.

Can't catch it.

Climbing up to the waist and punching, crawling to the shoulder and punching, the fighting dog who punched this way and that punched this way was very irritated.

In the end, it found the right opportunity, and directly pulled Rocky off his body with its tail, and the strong force directly broke one of his ribs.

Rocky turned up from the ground, looked at the opponent who was approaching rapidly, and that crazy smile appeared on his face again.

His heart was beating wildly, his whole body was burning hot, and his whole body felt like it was going to burn.

At this time, he was in the midst of surging passion.

The black and green aether rushed to the limbs in an instant, and Rocky rushed forward to fight with the fighting dog again. Every collision between a person and a dog would make a dull sound.

The power of the pilgrimage tree gradually began to play a role, even if Rocky only had a deep structure, he could still appreciate the subtlety of his own ether.

Every time there is a collision, the green ether will enter the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed, and then quickly withdraw with the absorbed ether and life force.

These 'stolen' ethers and vitality will be absorbed by Rocky.

Gradually, Pitbull's physical strength began to be unable to keep up.

But Rocky is still alive and well.

The bulldog waved his arms vigorously, the cloudy ether quickly condensed, and a pair of huge fangs attacked Rocky.

At the critical moment, Rocky retreated sharply, and after a loud noise, Fang Fang's attack fell through. Seeing this, he swung his fist vigorously upwards, and sent Fang Fang flying with an uppercut.

Pitbull was also hit wide open by this blow, and Rocky did not let go of this great opportunity.

Dozens of vines condensed from the green ether quickly covered his arms, and then he jumped up and rushed directly into the arms of the fighting dog.

At the moment of contact, the vines spun and tightened, turning into sharp spears, directly piercing the fighting dog's chest.

More tiny vines began to spread throughout its body.

The vitality and ether were passing away rapidly, and the sense of powerlessness instantly occupied the fighting dog's whole body. Its originally tense muscles began to weaken, and it slowly fell to the ground.

Rocky withdrew the vine and drew his hand out, looking down at Pitbull as the winner.

The winner has been decided, and now the loser will offer his soul.

In Rocky's soul world, Cicada stretched out her thumbs and slowly brushed across her face.

Then, she opened her eyes.

A pair of eyes appeared on her originally empty face, the color was strange and beautiful, like stars dotted on obsidian.

"Reap your spoils." Cicada smiled, and she lent her eyes to Rocky.

A burning sensation struck, and in the field of vision of the obsidian eyes, Rocky saw bursts of sunset-like ether, which floated from the dying fighting dog.

Then, intermittent pictures began to emerge, and each picture was fighting with a different vicious dog.

Until Rocky saw the ear of the bulldog was bitten off, it dragged its bruised body and kept attacking the opponent until it fell to the ground and bled profusely.

The surrounding spectators booed, and Pitbull lost the match.

As soon as the screen turned, a man appeared.

The man in front of him was so thin that only his skin was left. He waved the belt and hit the body of 'Rocky' continuously.

"Waste! Waste! Waste!"

His strikes became more and more fierce, and the belt was swished out of the afterimage.

Until a man in a suit and leather shoes appeared.

The man's top hat was pressed down so low that he couldn't see his face clearly.

"I watched your game, it was very exciting."

His voice was low and gentle, making people unguarded.

"It's a pity that you didn't get the final victory, but luckily I can help you."

Hearing these words, the skinny man seemed to have grasped at a life-saving straw. He clutched at the sleeve of the other party, his eyes full of pleading.

But before he could speak, the man in the suit pushed him away with disgust in his tone.

"leave me alone."

The skinny man fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and then lost consciousness.

But the man in the suit didn't care, he walked up to Rocky's eyes and stretched out his right hand.

A bleak yellow ether was released, and the scene in front of him was gradually covered.

"You deserve this power because your soul tells me you are a true fighter."

The man in the suit rubbed his earlobe, his tone became gentle and full of expectation,

"A true warrior is worthy of this power."

Then, the door of truth that Rocky expected did not appear, and he directly saw the essence of the soul that Pitbull saw at that time.

Nuo Da's arena was filled with sunlight and spectators, and the deafening cheers even shook the ground.

And it, right in the middle of the arena, welcomes everyone's praise and expectations.

The picture dissipated, and the ether emanating from the fighting dog gathered together and became its original appearance.

Scarred, but still proud.

This is the soul of the Pitbull.

A thin chain, however, winds its way up and into the interior of the apartment.

The chains bound Pitbull's soul, keeping it from leaving.

Looking along the iron chain, Rocky remembered Eugene who ran upstairs alone before, and the gunshot before the battle started.

After his eyes returned to normal, Rocky picked up the gun that was thrown on the ground and jumped up, jumped directly to the corridor on the third floor of the apartment, and followed the chain to find the man who bound it.

As soon as Rocky came to the door of the room, he saw Eugene confronting people with a gun.

He had a gunshot wound to his thigh, and blood was bubbling.

"He reacted violently when he saw me coming in. I didn't expect him to have a gun with him."

Eugene's voice was weak, and the blood that flowed out had already wet his pants, and the two had been deadlocked for a long time.

The skinny man held up his gun and looked at the two of them in horror, his hand shaking the gun.

Then he saw the blood on Rocky's body.

"Where's my dog?"

Madness gradually crept up the man's face.

"What the hell did you do to my dog?"

He questioned hysterically, but Rocky didn't answer him. The next moment, the green sickle suddenly appeared, cutting the gun in the man's hand into two pieces.

Rocky withdrew his scythe, and walked up to the man.

"Assaulting a Union combatant is a felony, sir."

This sentence made the man sober, but he was still growling and questioning Rocky.

"You killed it, right!"

"Do you know how much money it can make me!"

Rocky still didn't answer him, but said calmly, "What's your dog's name?"

But the skinny man laughed wildly.

"Will you give your phone a name?"

Mobile phones are tools.

Skinny Man thinks his Pitbull does too, so of course he didn't pick a name.

Rocky felt a little uncomfortable.

Absurdity, anger, ridiculousness, pity, sadness, all kinds of emotions came together.

Pitbull has fought for this skinny man all his life, and his body is covered with scars, but as the owner, he is even stingy with an official name, only treating it as a tool to make money.

The chain connects the things that the Pitbull cared about the most during his lifetime to form a bondage.

But what is there to miss about this kind of person?

Rocky had just learned about Duquan's life from his soul, which was a life full of suffering and pain.

The suffering and pain were all brought about by this man.

Thinking of this, Rocky suddenly realized.

"I understand."

"It is worried that you are not dead yet!"

The miniature grenade gun in his hand directly touched the skinny man's forehead, and the madness disappeared, replaced by the fear of death.

"You can't kill, you can't kill me!"

"I have no weapons anymore! You can't kill me even if I attack a combatant! This is the iron law!"

When Rocky heard the words, he looked at Eugene who was aside, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

'Is there really such a rule? '

Eugene nodded.

"He didn't lie to you."

Combatants are prohibited from harming incapacitated targets.

Hearing this, Rocky put down his gun helplessly and sighed.

The skinny man was ecstatic when he saw this.

Seeing that annoying smile, Rocky was a little annoyed.

At the beginning, Cicada advised me not to go to the assassin, but I didn't listen.

The old lady said that I don't need to go to the dance club, but I didn't listen.

Ethan told me to stay out of the mission, but I still didn't listen.

Because I am Rocky, Rocky who was never cared about since childhood.

Even in the Tower of Babel under the jurisdiction of the World Parliament, I have never experienced such an atmosphere.

Why are you a scum who treats pets as a cash cow?
The more Rocky thought about it, the more angry he became, and the door of truth in the soul world began to vibrate constantly.

Cicada, who was sitting in front of the door watching a play, noticed this phenomenon, and her eyes were full of joy when she just gave birth.

She saw a big skeleton hand made of condensed black ether, pushing the door open from the inside.

The same black skull also appeared on Rocky's body.

The skinny man saw it too, so he was terrified, but what Rocky did next made him even more terrified.

Rocky threw the miniature howitzer directly into his arms.

"Hey, you have a weapon now."

The smile on the boy's face was bright and full of killing intent.The skinny man knew that the other party was going to kill him today, he felt wronged and angry, and secretly scolded Rocky for his stupid behavior.

Now that he has a weapon, he intends to kill Rocky before he does.

Eugene panicked when he saw him raising his gun, and yelled at him to calm down and for Rocky to get out of the way.

The scene was chaotic for a while, and various voices intertwined.

The skinny man became more and more nervous and angry, and finally he yelled hysterically.

"Why! Why are you doing this to me! I'm obviously miserable!"

When the words fell, he also pulled the trigger.

But the micro-grenade was not shot out, and the barrel was spinning at a high speed. This gun needs to be pre-accelerated.

At the same time, the black skeleton wrapped around Rocky stretched out a finger, blocking the muzzle of the gun.

"Because you fucking abused animals and shot my friend."

In the next second, the grenade spun across the barrel at high speed, and hit the skeleton's fingers straight.

The skeleton formed by the condensation of black ether has its own characteristic of 'extreme stability', which means extremely high degree of hardness.

The muzzle of the gun was blocked, and the explosion directly tore the barrel of the gun, and the violent impact directly crushed the thin man and the wall behind him into fly ash.

Eugene was also thrown against the wall by the impact, but he was more worried about Rocky, who was at the center of the explosion, than the pain in his body.

When the smoke cleared, Rocky stood intact, with a layer of black skeletons looming around him, wrapping him all over.

The skeleton protected him.

And at this moment, Cicada laughed out loud, she knew what it was.

That is what many theorists are pursuing - numerology.

For theorists, the structure is the pipeline, the essence of the soul is the end, and the numerology represents the method.

Ways to get to the end, ways to use and enhance the pipeline.

The black skull also appeared in Rocky's soul world. Its eyes were empty, its jaw opened and closed, and it spoke its name to its owner and witnesses.

Numerology·Bone of the Law.

(End of this chapter)

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