Crown of Evil

Chapter 18 3 Angle Relationships

Chapter 18 The Triangle
The strange tower began to disintegrate gradually, and the layer of unknown material outside began to scatter like fly ash.

All fighters started to move, trying to enter the interior as quickly as possible.

Inside the strange tower, Rocky seems to be tirelessly pulling the trigger and waving the sharp blade.

The skin of the natural disaster zombie is very hard, even if the scythe is extremely sharp, it still takes some effort to inflict effective damage.

The mowing-like battle scenes in film and television works and games are not realistic.

The living corpses knocked down by Rocky will continue to squirm, and then fuse with other stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground.

In wave after wave of corpses, Rocky found these things more and more difficult to deal with.

"Why does this one have two heads?"

"Hey! Why is this one full of lower body?"

A living corpse had four arms chopped off, but still punched Rocky with a fifth arm.

Several people fought and retreated in the tide of corpses.

Now as long as he guards the door, Rocky only needs to face a limited number of living corpses every time.

Just hold on until the whole building crumbles.

But Cicada's words brought Rocky back to reality.

"These things don't disintegrate with the building."

Rocky's shooting hand visibly trembled, and he thought of some bad pictures.

"You can also imagine it? Living corpses filled with natural disaster forces flood into the city."

This is not his hometown, he just came to perform the task.

He wanted to turn around and run away, the life or death of this city and even this country was none of his business.

The brain thinks so, but the body is just damn disobedient.

This is not the pursuit of excitement, this is the pursuit of death.

Cicada could also hear his thoughts, and this time she surprisingly didn't say any inductive words.

"Stimulation breeds on the brink of death, but can only be pursued by being alive."

"Choose yourself, silly brother."

The bullet opened a hole in the head of the living corpse, and Rocky saw himself from the hole.

The self who was chased and killed by the puppet, the self who fought with the high-level theorem head-on, also saw the self who was bullied by bad children countless times, but still stood up and resisted.


Lodge's yell startled a nervous Eugene.

"Together with Senator Andrew, find something to block the door, and don't let these things get out!"

These words almost made Eugene think that Lodge was crazy, but Mr. Andrew's big heart immediately understood the meaning of Lodge's words.

These living corpses are very dangerous, and they must not be allowed to run into the urban area, not even one.

Andrew immediately began to look around for something that could hold the door, but he found that Eugene hadn't moved.

"Come and help!" Andrew was a little anxious.

But Eugene pinched his clothes, began to take deep breaths, and finally he smiled apologetically at Andrew.

"Excuse me, Mr. Congressman."

"I can't watch my friend go to danger alone, so I can only trouble you."

Dragging his injured body, he walked into the door and closed the heavy door.

"We will try our best to delay for a while, please make sure you live."

Andrew didn't stop what he was doing.

His eyes were about to burst, and he piled up heavy objects at the door, blocking the door tightly.

Finally, he held the gun and slumped on the ground.

The daughter grabbed Andrew's sleeve and asked him what else the two big brothers were doing in there.

"Be a hero."

Andrew's voice was like a willow branch swaying in the wind.

In the morgue, Rocky cursed angrily when he saw Eugene running in again, and then threw the gun to him.

After receiving the gun, Eugene immediately entered into a fighting state, and each ether bullet could accurately penetrate the head of the living corpse.

After the two repelled two waves of corpses together, Rocky finally thought of a way to completely kill the living corpses.

He pierced the sickle into the body of the living corpse, and then used his own structure to frantically absorb the natural disaster power that made the living corpse move.

"You should know what you're doing, right?"

Cicada's voice couldn't hear emotion, but Rocky felt a little nervous.

It's like when the teacher watches you do your homework and you happen to write an answer that you don't know is correct.

But he couldn't think of a better answer.

Eugene also saw what he was doing, and started shooting the living corpses in their legs, temporarily incapacitating them.

Dirty orange natural disaster energy began to circulate in Rocky's body, and a tingling sensation filled his whole body.

The living corpses fell to the ground one by one, which meant that his tactics were effective.

But looking at the still dense dots of light in the darkness, Rocky was not sure if he could win this fight.

Two pairs of unknowns, the only thing he can do now is to grit his teeth.

"It exploded, it exploded!"

The captain of a mechanical bird shouted excitedly.

Several teams immediately entered the building, looking for survivors as they advanced.

Unfortunately, the building started to shake.

"Quickly move, part of the strange tower has already begun to collapse." The observer urged eagerly.

The first order that all teams received was to find Senator Andrew.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

Finally, a team found Andrew next to a mountain of furniture.

"All personnel evacuated! We found the member!"

But Andrew immediately grabbed the opponent's hand: "You can't go! There are two people in the door! Go and save them!"

The members of the team forcefully picked up Andrew, who had already collapsed, with regret in his tone.

"Sorry MP, our first priority is to get you out."

"The building is starting to collapse and we don't have time for anyone else."

But the real situation is worse than they imagined.

If there were not more than 20 theoremists outside the building manipulating the ether and forcibly strengthening the building, they would have been buried alive by now.

Elvis commanded all the theoremists outside the building, and distributed them to all directions of the building according to their strength.

The cracks in the building are getting bigger and bigger, and the amount of ether that the theorem has to manipulate is getting bigger and bigger.

Eventually, as the muzzles, noses, and eyes of multiple theorists began to bleed, the aether's reinforcement reached its limit.

The building began to collapse, and a large amount of smoke and dust began to fill the surrounding area.

"Come out, come out!"

Someone excitedly pointed at the figure in the smoke.

Andrew was successfully rescued by a quick response team, but he ignored what the people around him said, even his daughter.

He stared fixedly at the ruined building.

"Andrew! Are you hurt anywhere?" Elvis yelled.

The MP heard it, but ignored him.

He rushed to the ruins like crazy and started digging with his hands.

How old do those two boys look? 20 years old?or smaller?
The surrounding combatants rushed to pull him away, but all they heard was his angry roar.

"Dig them all for me!"

The team member who was bandaging his daughter was puzzled by this behavior.

"What is he going to dig?"

The little girl pinched the corner of her skirt and pouted.

"Dad is looking for heroes."

Time passed by, and even though the excavator had started working, Anderu still didn't stop.

His hands were worn out long ago, and bloody handprints would be left on every piece of gravel he moved.

When his physical strength was about to run out, he saw a familiar door.

The door was distorted, but it was still recognizable as the door of the morgue.

Andrew wanted to lift the door excitedly, but even with all his strength, it didn't move.

Elvins couldn't stand it anymore, and stepped forward to help him.

After lifting the door, a space propped up by ruined walls was revealed.

Countless corpses piled up like a rockery, and at the top there was a black skeleton with a figure in its arms.

The skeleton looked up and looked at Andrew, whose face was filthy and his hands were dripping with blood.

"Well dug, Senator."

Rocky smiled tiredly.

After being rescued from the wreckage by trauma teams, Lodge and Eugene were immediately treated.

Except for the severe exhaustion of physical strength and the torn gunshot wound, Eugene only had some scratches, which was a blessing in misfortune.

What made the trauma team feel outrageous was that after going through that level of hand-to-hand combat, Rocky didn't have a single wound on his body.

"I am born with supernatural power, and ordinary monsters cannot enter my body at all."

The trauma team was skeptical, Elvis didn't even bother to talk to him, and Cicada cursed and farted.

During the battle, he didn't know how many times he was bitten and caught, all of which were blocked by the remains of the broken law.

Under Andrew's arrangement, the three people's wards were arranged together. He said that he would not feel safe otherwise.

During the period when he was a patient, Rocky accepted many inquiries about the incident. Every time the people who came wore different uniforms, and he didn't know which unit they belonged to.

But that doesn't stop him from playing.

There was a steady stream of gossip about 'I can see at a glance that he has great luck', 'the tiger's body shook and killed all directions', 'it's just the mission of the fighters', and the process of finding the three of them in the building alone was exhausting. Compiled three or four versions.

Andrew did not stop him, but was happy that more people knew what Rocky had done.

But it didn't take long for Rocky to reap the bad results of his oral sex on the news.

Many media rushed to report his heroic deeds, but each one told a different version, and one even fabricated the love triangle story of the three men.

Andrew also didn't expect that his laissez-faire would lead to such an incredible scandal, and the scandal had a little impact on his arrangement.

"You have to think about it carefully. If the three of you appear on the same occasion now, it will have a great impact on you."

Elvis sat in the ward and persuaded him earnestly, but Andrew insisted on sticking to his own ideas.

"No, the two of them must go together in the prison trial."

Rocky didn't know where he went, and Eugene was chatting with his visiting girlfriend.

"I'm not going anywhere without the two of them."

If Rocky heard these words, he would definitely be very moved, but it's a pity that he can't hear them now.

He was held hostage by a male nurse.

"With such a big commotion, why don't you just debut as an idol? Your identity won't stand up to scrutiny and you don't know?"

Rocky smiled awkwardly as he looked at the nurse who was holding his collar and teaching him a lesson.

"Your identity is a nurse."

Luo Jun's eyes were a little aggrieved: "What's wrong with the nurse, there was a world-renowned great sage among the nurses."

If it wasn't for special circumstances, Luo Jun would not be able to meet or contact Rocky.

But this kid is too outrageous, and now the entire Federation knows him.

And Rocky's defense made him even more angry.

"The more dangerous, the safer."

Then Rocky told Luo Jun about his recent harvest and his guess about Duke.

"There is no evidence that he can't be dealt with now."

"And if he is not the one who kidnapped us, he might startle the snake if he makes a rash move."

What's more, Rocky will follow Andrew to attend a trial in Legrand District soon, and he can't monitor Duke during that time.

But now the situation is different!

What a timely rain, Brother Luo Jun!
Surveillance is up to you!
(End of this chapter)

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