Crown of Evil

Chapter 41 Good

Chapter 41 Good

The pungent smell of disinfectant filled the nostrils.

Luo Jun opened his eyes and saw the 'familiar ceiling'.

This is the hospital he used as a disguise.

The chest and arms are still aching, but it also shows that he survived the catastrophe.

They won.

He fought alongside members of the Knights of the Throne, fighting off countless dust demons outside the refugee shelter.

Luo Jun walked out of the ward with some difficulty while supporting the wall. Some parts of the corridor had been damaged, and the impact of the previous battle was still vivid in his memory.

But all the nurses and doctors are on duty and working hard to keep the hospital running.

The impact of this brief war on the Union was severe.

The Fel district, the economic center, was hit hard, with most of the buildings reduced to fly ash, and countless casualties.

Luo Jun came to the garden of the hospital and met Rocky who was in a daze.

It may be after the fear.

After all, for a fledgling young man, this kind of war experience is too terrifying.

Rocky was wrapped in bandages and had a drip on his arm.

Severe overdraft of physical strength, multiple injuries on the body, and tearing of the tissues in the body.

But different from what Luo Jun thought, Rocky was actually thinking about what happened in the Gun of Victory at the end.

"I am the leader of Faust, Goethe."

Hearing this, a strange reaction appeared in his body.

That's the feeling you get when you face danger and your physical aversion.

Fear and chills.

"I like you very much."

Goethe hadn't blinked his eyes for a long time, and the hairs on Rocky's back were bristling as he stared at him.

"I want you to be part of Faust."

The other party didn't promise any conditions, didn't show any skills, it was just an invitation.

Invite a newcomer with architecture depth one to join.

"Do you know the details of the expedition that year?"

"can not say."

Goethe responded simply.

"Then I refuse."

The answer Duoyi got was also decisive, without any hesitation.

Rocky sweated nervously after rejecting the other party.

At this time, Goethe would find something to drop angrily, and cursed at him, "If you don't eat a toast, you'll be fined."

But Goethe just said lightly: "That's it."

The plainness of the other party made Rocky a little overwhelmed, and he swallowed the phrase "a man would rather die than obey" stuck in his mouth.

"But I still hope you can reconsider."

Rocky miraculously saw the sincerity in the eyes of the other party.

"Because you're the only 'variable' I've observed."

"Next time we meet, tell me your choice."

After finishing speaking, the bodies of the team members collapsed to the ground, and there was no more sound.

Goethe is gone.

A question was left.

Why is yourself a variable?

What did Goethe observe?

Rocky got no explanation, so kept thinking about it.

The dangling palm in front of his eyes pulled him out of his thoughts.

Luo Jun looked at him curiously: "What are you thinking?"

Rocky shook his head and said nothing.

He lay down on the ground, looked up at the re-stitched sky, and then gave up thinking.

The weary teenager decided to enjoy his hard-earned victory.

Now the last obstacle for the federation to join the world parliament has disappeared, and the huge hidden danger sleeping on the land has been swept away.

The only pity is that I failed to find the clues of the expedition.

After the short war, the Federation will also face a new test.

The reconstruction of Feller District is a huge project, and Andrew also took this opportunity to contribute to the flames, and the proposal to join the World Parliament was officially passed.

"It's just a pity. There was originally an award ceremony, but now it can only be postponed."

After joining the World Congress, a lot of work and rebuilding matters have kept the top leaders of the Federation busy, and such things as honors and awards can only be put aside and find a suitable opportunity.

Rocky is not interested in these things, but somewhat repulsed.

Just kidding, how can you run away after receiving Xun?

When the resignation was submitted to Elvis, the other party simply signed it. The commander-in-chief knew Rocky's true identity.

He was even a little impatient when signing, because Elvis still had to deal with Premin's affairs.

The Commonwealth is not an idiot. The weapons in the hands of the East Sam District and Bahn followers are all made by Premin. Of course, this kind of thing must be strictly investigated.

Premin, whose stock price has been hit hard, is likely to be nationalized by the Federation and undergo a major reshuffle.

"Before you leave, remember to say goodbye."

Goodbye, of course, meant goodbye to Eugene.

But things went in a direction beyond Elvis' expectations.

Rocky told Eugene his identity as an executive officer, and he also prepared a draft.

"The battle is over, come back home with me!"

No matter how he thought about it, Elvis never expected that he would be poached.

Eugene told Rocky that he had awakened immediately after the battle.

After that, Rocky thought about abducting him back to the Tower of Babel, not only because of Eugene's status as a theoremist, but also because he was worried about his departure.

Rocky didn't want to leave this inarticulate, withdrawn friend alone in the Commonwealth.

What better development direction, Helen's treatment and so on, Xu Nuo Rocky has already discussed with Luo Jun.

After all, this is where Eugene grew up, his hometown, and the two of them haven't known each other for a long time.

But he didn't say any of these, and Eugene gave the answer.

"it is good."

"When are we leaving, Helen may have a lot of luggage."

"And my parents, they."

Unexpected refreshment.

In fact, this is an answer that already had results when the two met.

Rocky's incomplete and boring life puzzle has added another piece since then.

Start with 'Mr. Rocky'.

To the end of the 'two-person team entrusted with life and death'.

This is what Rocky has gained the most since he came to the Trian Federation
- friendship.

Volume [-] Stranger END
(End of this chapter)

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