Crown of Evil

Chapter 9 Leave it to you

Chapter 9 Leave it to you
'Quick Response Team to Theoremizers'

The quick response team that the Trian Federation executives said.

The team members all have extremely high military literacy and a full understanding of the Theorem.

In response to the increasing number of incidents related to Theorists, the Federation internally implemented a law for Theorizers a year ago.

The quick reaction team was born because of this.

The Trian Federation also became the first country in the world to inform the public of the existence of the Theorem.

"Get out of the way!"

The heat wave hit, and someone roared loudly in the abandoned building, but the etheric spear glowing orange still pierced through the chest.

The blood that should have flowed was evaporated by the terrifying high temperature in an instant.

They are the seventh quick response team, and the only team that has theorems. This is in exchange for their excellent combat capabilities. Under normal circumstances, the quick response team will not assign theorems.

Now the enemy they are facing is an unnaturally awakened Theorem, whose out-of-control ether has caused extremely serious damage.

On the day of awakening, he relied on his own high-temperature ether to raze the black heart factory where he used to work, and the danger level was level two.

The record of the seventh team is outstanding, which also led to the paralysis of the theorem in the team, this time he underestimated the opponent.

The ether spear radiated unimaginable heat, killing him easily.

Now the players can only rely on the guns in their hands.

But the temperature of the ether of the theorem was too high, and the never-before-seen high concentration of ether completely destroyed the confidence of the team members.

There was a lot of red liquid metal flowing around him, which were melted bullets.

Many people were disheartened when they saw this scene.

Even the theorists at the second depth of the structure died in the hands of the opponent, how could a group of ordinary people like them win.

The team leader thought the same way, so he prepared to retreat.

He couldn't let all his players die here.

None of the fire extinguishers and freezing grenades prepared in advance had any effect. There is no doubt that the battle failed.

The captain gave the retreat order without hesitation.

But the runaway theorem clearly had no intention of letting them go.

After the order was issued, only the rear personnel were still firing.

The fire suppression faced by the enemy dropped sharply, and the berserk ether began to spread crazily.

The ether exuding high temperature turned into swiftly moving poisonous snakes and pounced on the team members.

One by one, the team members were turned into fly ash under the attack of the fire snake.

The captain who saw this scene was in pain, he roared and raised his gun to shoot, but the angry mortal was still a mortal.

In the end, only he and another young player were left.

The magazine was empty, and there was the sound of a firing pin in the chamber.

The young team members dragged him away forcefully and threw a grenade towards the gate.

The powerful explosion collapsed the gate, blocking the fire snake and the enemy.

He didn't dare to delay, dragged the hysterical captain into the car, and left there quickly.

Eugene couldn't even remember when he returned to the base.

In the psychotherapy room at the base, the doctor was trying to enlighten him as much as possible.

"You did your best, Eugene. Even though the prisoner doesn't have numerology, his ether concentration has obviously exceeded the observed value."

The doctor's tone was as gentle as possible.

He was right.

Eugene almost scratched the hem of his clothes.

He knew he did his best.

As an ordinary person with accurate marksmanship, he was sure that every bullet he fired hit the target.

But the other side is the theorem.

Even if the opponent is unnaturally awakened and unable to manipulate the ether delicately, he is still a theorist.

The numerology that the doctor said was an important weapon used by the theorem to strengthen himself. If the enemy had already possessed it at that time, then he and the captain would probably die there too.

Moreover, the form of ether is ever-changing. They did not expect that the one they encountered this time could completely nullify the attack of thermal weapons.

'You bloodless coward! '

"I'm fine, Dr. Duke."

'coward!why are you running! '

"I just need a... rest."

Eugene could still hear the captain's swearing after he came back.

The usual Eugene is taciturn and has nothing but shooting.

No one in the team likes him, and the captain is the only one who likes him and will give him encouragement.

But now, even the captain no longer looked him in the eye.

"You can rest as long as you want, and I have the right to approve your vacation."

"Relax and relax, Eugene."

Eugene mechanically went back to the locker room to change his uniform. For the first time, he felt that the place was eerily quiet.

Usually this place is always full of bragging and talking and laughing.

But now it's just him here.

Pick up the bag, lock the cabinet and close the door.

'These cabinets should be used by new players soon, right? '

Eugene thought to himself.

He returned home at the same time as usual, and after making dinner for his girlfriend, he went out again.

He didn't want the girl who grew up with him to see his current self, a walking dead self.

Everyone has a way of venting, and he was no exception.

Eugene lived in Feller District, the most densely populated area in the Federation, and there was never a shortage of places for people to entertain themselves.

Bars, dance halls, nightclubs, game halls, entertainment venues for adults are all available here.

But he's a shooting buff.

After passing through the streets full of feasting and feasting, he came to the place he frequented most.

Boiling Point Gun Club.

This is where he fell in love with firearms.

He knew one thing when he first felt that cold touch.

This is what he loves.

After completing the registration at the front desk, Eugene took the gun he had deposited and came to the shooting range.

Morton 1710, large caliber revolver.

The deafening gunshots were extremely clear through the earmuffs, and the bullets pierced through the bull's-eye one after another, sending up waves of fly ash on the deliberately piled concrete wall behind.

Originally, in the shooting range, it is necessary to avoid taking off the earmuffs as much as possible to avoid hearing damage, but the earmuffs are too thick.

Eugene's ears started to ache from the pressure.

He took off the earmuffs between loading the pistol, trying to relax his ears, and then he heard the sound of a conversation in a shooting window not far away.

"Mr. Rocky, you stretch your arms too straight."

It was the voice of a shooting coach at the club.

"I know I know."

There was also a strange voice.


"Three o'clock and one line, I understand."


The bullet missed the target without any surprise.

That Mr. Rocky doesn't understand now.

He started to ask the coach again, and the other side also spared no effort to teach him.

"I think I gradually understand everything." Mr. Rocky was full of confidence again.

Raise the gun and shoot again.

off target.

Eugene looked at the shell casings scattered under the two people's feet, and the shooting time was obviously not short.

It can also be seen from the sweat on the coach's head.

The coach saw him at the same time.

"Mr. Eugene, can you help this one?"

"Maybe my teaching method is not suitable for him."

The coach's description of the situation was so euphemistic that Eugene couldn't easily refuse.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of the two, the coach left the shooting range as if fleeing.

"Hi Eugene, just call me Loki."

Seeing the other party's outstretched hand, Eugene was stunned for a moment before he could react.

"Hello, Mr. Rocky."

The other party was so young that Eugene wondered if he was underage.

But it would be impolite to ask about this kind of thing, so Eugene didn't think much about it and started teaching.But no matter how he corrected his movements, Loki would change his posture when shooting.

Eugene simply stood behind him to assist.

The scene would have looked exciting were it not for the two men.

But even with this teaching, Loki's progress is still minimal.

"Can I try your gun?"

Loki suddenly pointed to the Morton 1710 that Eugene pinned to his waist.

Eugene originally wanted to refuse, because a novice might be injured when using large-caliber firearms, but the eagerness in Loki's eyes forced him to be helpless.

'If you refuse, you will feel guilty.'

The moment the heavy gun was handed over, Loki's hand sank.

Scared Eugene enough.

If it hits the ground and catches fire, it's over.

Fortunately, the other party caught it.

Just when he was rejoicing, he accidentally saw the smile on Loki's face after raising his gun to aim. He seemed to have seen that smile before.

Then he remembered the extreme athletes he'd seen on TV, and that's how they laughed.

Unlike a happy or silly smile, this kind of smile reflects something more complicated.

'The pleasure of being surrounded by excitement and passion'

This is the understanding expressed by my girlfriend who watched extreme sports programs together at the time.

Loki was just smiling.

After the bang, the bullet hits the target for the first time.

This is his first shot without deformation.

He stayed there for a moment, and then he laughed even more presumptuously.

He grabbed Eugene's hand and kept shaking it.

"Hey! Did you see Eugene! I hit it!"

"Doing what you say really works!"

"Can you teach me a little more?"

Loki was as happy as a child.

"And your gun is awesome!"

The unintentional joy brought back memories of Eugene's long past.

When he first entered the seventh team, everyone who was unfamiliar with each other got along fairly well.

The teammates at that time hadn't realized that he was a boring person who only knew how to shoot and firearms. For a while, he even brought a few teammates here to shoot.

'Your shooting skills are so useful, Eugene! '

'Teach me again. '

'It's a beautiful gun, but it's a pity that I can't bring it on missions. '

The words I heard once again rang in my ears.

Teammates later snubbed him, sometimes making fun of him.

But when facing the enemy, he will still not hesitate to go back to back with him.

When he is injured, he will still vote for concern.

'It's up to you, Eugene! '

'It's time for you to practice fighting, otherwise how would you fight melee combat when we're not around? '

Now they're really gone.

Tears came out of my eyes unconsciously.

The pain after the numbness began to burst.

Eugene hugged Loki and cried loudly, as if grasping at straws.

 1. It’s my birthday today, let’s celebrate it in three more chapters

   2. Supplements were made to [Theoremist] in Chapter 7. Before, I was worried that the ability system would be developed too quickly, which would affect the perception, but the progress is a bit slow now, so I added some.

(End of this chapter)

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