Lux's Farewell

Chapter 133 [0130] Different Ways

Chapter 133 [0130] Different Ways

Singed seemed to be smiling happily, while Lux looked at him blankly.

"Okay, let's not go around in circles." Seemingly having laughed enough, Singed finally spoke again, "Miss Lacus, maybe we should discuss how we should get along next."

"How to get along?" Singed's words made Lux stunned for a moment, "It seems that you are very sure that we will not become enemies."

"Because there's no need for that." Although Singed looked ferocious, his tone was easy to speak, "I have no intention of interfering in the matters between the Baron of Alchemy and you."

"Thank you very much then." Hearing what he said, Lux felt a little more relaxed, "However, a little correction, it's not between them and me, but between them and Zaun."

"Things with Zaun?" Singed blinked, with a puzzled expression on his face, "What does this have to do with Zaun?"

"I just want them to hand over what they took from Zaun." Lux spread her hands, "There is no personal grudge."

"It's really an interesting statement."

"Although I don't have any personal grievances with Baron Alchemy, I do have some grievances with the Noxus." After confirming the situation of Baron Alchemy, Lacus quickly talked about another topic, "Excuse me, Mr. Singed, would you What is the relationship with the Noxus?"

"They..." Singed blinked his small eyes, and his expression seemed to become sly. "They used to be my sponsors, but because they didn't call in the funds on time, the sponsorship relationship has been terminated now."

"I'm talking about the latest batch." Lux said with a serious tone, preventing Singed from sloppy behavior, "not the batch that bought your alchemy gas."

"Miss Lacus knows a lot." Singed took another bottle of "soda water" from his waist, shook it casually, and then pushed the cap off with his thumb again, "There is indeed a Noxa Sisters are trying to become my new sponsors—however, I am very picky, and at most I have a little intention of cooperating with them..."

"It's good that we didn't really make a deal." Lux was relieved to hear him say that, "They wreaked havoc on Zaun and were involved in a horrific tragedy - if you've made a deal with them Once the agreement is reached, I’m afraid we will have to change sponsors.”

"Oh, then my luck is really not very good. Without a sponsor, my experiment may not be able to continue." Singed raised his head again and said vaguely, "By the way , Miss Lacus, how much do you know about alchemy technology? Are you interested in becoming my sponsor?"

"I don't know much about alchemy technology." Although she had already vaguely guessed what Singed meant, Lacus was somewhat surprised to hear him invite herself so directly, "As for becoming a sponsor depends on the content of your research, and the research norms."

Lux thought she was being fair - given that Singed seemed happy to hand over the Alchemist and the Noxus, she also showed her sincerity by giving him a chance to reform himself.

Considering that Singed's potion and poison gas caused a lot of trouble, Singed himself has participated in many human trafficking and violent incidents, and it is very likely that the Ionian side will not let him go easily, Lark It was rare for Ruth to give him a chance.

However, after hearing these words, Singed raised his few eyebrows in disbelief.

"Research content and research specifications?"

"That's right." Lux nodded, and began to talk about her own ideas according to the rules she had prepared before, combining Piltover and Shurima laboratories, "Zuan will provide special funds for Support and reward those technological projects that can bring development to Zaun, including but not limited to alchemy technology, hex technology, magic plants and even rune technology..."

"You want to be a patron to many people?"

"It's not me, it's Zaun." Lux corrected again, "It's not my personal support, but Zaun's financial support..."

"And the price is to determine the research content and research norms?" Singed's tone was a little subtle, "Accept command and supervision?"

"This is what it should be." Lux spread her hands, "At least to ensure that the experimenters and experimental products are safe enough..."

"That is to say, you want to interfere with the alchemy experiment?" Singed finally stood up straight, "Little girl, am I being too kind to you, so that you have some illusions?"

Lux was caught off guard by Singed's sudden change of face without any warning. After being stunned for a moment, she quickly had some bad guesses.

It seems that he is very concerned about being interfered with the alchemy experiment?

Or, he still doesn't think there is any problem with his previous experiment?

"Hazardous alchemy experiments must be banned." Although it is likely to lead to the breakdown of negotiations, Lux's attitude is still firm, "Hand over the alchemy baron and Noxus spies, and standardize the research content and research form. My bottom line."

"That's really... such a pity!" Singed was extremely disappointed, as if he was a poor child who had been looking forward to a birthday present for a long time, but only found a stack of blank exercise books after unpacking, "Little girl, it seems that you and There is no difference between those ordinary people - I have prepared extra reason and patience for you, but the result is still nothing... What a pity, what a pity!"

"I think there may be some unavoidable contradictions between us." Lacus organized the words carefully, "Or, you always maintain certain dangerous views."

"So, we can't reach an agreement this time." Singed threw away the glass bottle casually, and then glanced at the broken glass on the ground with some pity, "Miss Lacus, I heard that you once hoped to become Victor's sponsor. people?"

"That's right, but he finally chose Piltover, which has a better environment." Lux nodded, "You know him?"

"I know him, I knew him when he was very young..." Singed, who regained his composure, stooped down again. "I thought he would be a person who really understands science, but unfortunately, he is not."

"He is." Lux narrowed his eyes slightly, "No matter from which angle."

"So, neither are you." Singed didn't continue on this issue, but turned around and ignored Lacus, "It seems that you don't want to be my new sponsor..."

"Unless you can accept the experimental content review and process specification." Lux still decided to say one last sentence, "For this, I have a detailed and reliable process..."

"I thought you would be different, but now it seems that you are no different from those Picheng people." Singed let out a heavy nostril under the bandage, "I will give you those alchemy barons, but promise The Texans . . . they are my new patrons."

"It's impossible." Lux naturally wouldn't give in on this issue, "Also, even if I don't fund your research, as long as your alchemy laboratory is still in Zaun, it must go through an audit—"

"...That's enough." Singed finally became impatient, "I shouldn't have placed my hopes on those of you guys who don't understand the science of alchemy. Opening and shutting your mouth is all about experimental specifications and process audits—I don't have any. Time wasted with your complicated and meaningless rules!"

"This is not a complicated and meaningless rule, it is the most basic ethical norm for experiments." Lacus refused to budge, "I can not pursue your past human experiments and addiction experiments, and I can even help you bear the consequences from Diplomatic pressure from Ionia—"

"Alchemy experiments don't need to have the ethics you mentioned!" Singed finally no longer has any concealment, "Alchemy technology is absolutely free, I can study whatever I want to study; I want to conduct any human experiments, Just conduct human experiments——I spent gold hex on those experimental items!"

"Is it worth gold hex to hand over gold hex to the slave trader?" Lux finally gritted her teeth, "It should be said that I was the one who misunderstood you, I thought you were just a person who lived under bad conditions. Scientist who has no choice, but now it seems that you have no bottom line at all!"

"Science has no bottom line!" Singed plausibly said, "Open your eyes, little girl, look at Zaun, look at Piltover, if you want Zaun to rise according to your ideas, then don't prepare any bottom line !"

"It's impossible!" Lux raised her tone, "Many of your experiments are extremely destructive, and the results can easily be applied to war—especially the indiscriminate killing of civilians in war, This is definitely not the correct direction of science!"

"Having results is the right direction." Singed still insisted on his own thoughts, "Someone must buy my achievements, whether to use them to kill people or save people, what does this have to do with me?"

"Then what is the purpose of your alchemy experiment?" Lux held the hilt of the sword again, "If you are really doing what you said, just for the research of alchemy technology, why so far, your All results are destructive?"

"Little girl, aren't you from Zaun?" Singed finally laughed silently when he heard the words, "You must have never heard of the wind of change—the only thing that remains constant in this world is everything. The ever-changing changes in . . . technology should be at the helm of all these changes.”


What Singed said made Lux's eyes widen.

"Technology changes the world, and I am the leader of this change..."

 Carya's Small Classroom · Additional Time:

  The daily routine in April should be three shifts—but it can’t be finished at six o’clock, so the normal two chapters are updated at six o’clock, and Chapter 3 plus more is updated from time to time, usually around midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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