Lux's Farewell

Chapter 135 [0132] The battle of trapped beasts

Chapter 135 [0132] The battle of trapped beasts
Objectively speaking, Singed's preparations for the possible breakdown of negotiations and the subsequent direct fire are not insufficient.

After getting in touch with Cassiopeia and learning some news about Lacus from her and Tyrone, he quickly improved the "anti-magic potion" provided to the Noxians and improved the "anti-magic potion". Light Potion 1.0".

It was the miserable green liquid that Singed said was "soda water" earlier.

In order to enhance the effect, he even mixed the powder of the forbidden magic stone into it, which can be called desperate.

Moreover, his alchemy factory was running at full capacity, and quickly produced a large number of special shells that can be adapted to small artillery, and filled them with the alchemy gas prepared for Amistan, and made simple gas bombs .

As for the cannon, it was stock from the black market, the model that Bilgewater water rats often used to sweep the decks.

Singed's tactical thinking is very clear. He only needs to drink the anti-light potion and drag Lacus so that she cannot escape within a certain range.

The follow-up only needs a salvo of artillery. Once the poisonous gas diffuses, she will never be able to escape from her palm.

This tactic is also a method that the Noxus used very handy in Ionia-in Ionia, the Noxus used alchemy gas in this way, using a bait with enough weight , gather the Ionians together, and then cover them with gas saturation.

If this move succeeds, Lax might be really unlucky, even with Kalya's help, she will have to shed a layer of skin if she doesn't die.

But the problem is that compared with the Noxians, Singed lacks something that is not very conspicuous on the surface, but is actually very important.

War Mason.

The Noxians had the help of war masons. Although the battlefield would not be one-way transparent, at least they could ensure that their nearby poisonous gas arrangements were unknown.

But Singed... he doesn't have a reliable spy and intelligence force under his command!
Cassiopeia provided him with a lot of information known only to war masons, which made him mistakenly think that Cassiopeia was also a part of the war mason system, subconsciously thinking that she and the shadow assassin behind her (referring to Tyrone) was able to help him veil the message.

But the actual situation is that Singed was considering selling Cassiopeia during the negotiations, and Cassiopeia did not fully count on Singed. Tyrone did not really protect his alchemy factory from being invaded at all, and He followed Cassiopeia as her personal bodyguard every step of the way.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Shadow, who was born in the shadow stream, easily entered Singed's factory and tampered with the production line—even on the battlefield, he "supervised" the gunners' backs to confirm their It is true that I used the hollow bullet that I marked...

As a result, Singed, who was entangled with Lacus, was indeed fleshy and frank enough, successfully holding Lacus back.

But the follow-up poison gas coverage released a squib, and only the first shell was poisoned...

In this case, Singed's tactical plan was completely bankrupt.


Realizing that something was wrong, Singed poured a large amount of anti-light potion regardless of the dosage, and ran wildly——the matter has come to this point, so the only way to go is 36 minutes.

Lux's lightsaber hurt her body.

But now Singed's perception of pain has been weakened a lot, and the light element of the wound will not remain, and the healing speed is very fast.

It is unlikely to fight back in such a state, but there should be no pressure to escape!

With this thought in mind, he took a pair of long legs, climbed over the wall and over the obstacle, and ran a long distance in a flash. After a few turns, he disappeared into the haze of Zaun.

But unfortunately, what Singed didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in midair.

As the former patron saint of Zaun, Janna has great tolerance for all Zaun people.

But Singed is definitely not among them.

This guy's behavior of using gas bombs has completely angered Janna.

Janna, who turned into a blue bird, locked Singed's position firmly in the air, no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't run faster than the wings in the air.

Singed, who was very familiar with the terrain of Zaun, once relied on the snakeskin to walk away from Lux who was chasing behind.

But it didn't help - after losing Singed's vision, Lux took a shortcut directly under Janna's guidance.

As a result, Singed had just stopped to take a breath, and wanted to inject himself with an inhibitor to prevent the risk of festering caused by excessive drinking of anti-light potions, when Lux appeared in front of him...

Throwing away the inhibitor, Singed turned and ran.

But before he could take a few steps, the ground began to freeze.

This is a lowland on the outskirts of Zaun, criss-crossed with ditches flowing with dirty water, and the soil is quite wet.

Ino's spells work surprisingly well here.

She didn't rashly use high-consumption spells like ice wall, nor did she directly freeze Singed's body against the anti-magic potion. In this environment, Ino directly poured magic power into the ground, creating a smooth surface. Freezing area.

The anti-light potion that Singed drank was quite resistant to all elemental magic, but it didn't help the slippery feet.

The sudden slippage caused Singed, who was running wildly, to suddenly lose his balance, and when he barely regained his balance and finally reached the edge of the ice, Ino was already waiting in front of him.

But this time, he finally failed to escape again.

Even if Singed drank the maximum dose of medicine that could be tolerated and wanted to make a final desperate fight, with the joint efforts of Lux and Ino, it was meaningless after all.

When Mr. Shadow, Van Der and others rushed to the scene, Singed had already been frozen in place by Ino.

The effect of the potion he drank before had faded, and Singed, who was frozen in the ice, became extremely shriveled again, as if he was a harmless little old man.

Seeing that this guy was finally caught, everyone let out a long sigh.


Singed's arrest means the last of Zaun's resistance has lost its leader.

Although the Alchemy Baron who hadn't had time to escape was still guarding Singed's factory, to be honest, without Singed, the factory had changed from a dangerous alchemy fortress to an ordinary one. Alchemy Factory - without Singed in charge, it is much less dangerous.

Compared with the factory that was taken back by the workers before, the only difference is that there are not many normal workers at all.

Those who work for Singed are either Noxians, thugs transformed by alchemy, or addicts who hope to get addictive drugs. Normal people hardly come here to work.

In this case, Lacus and the workers hardly had any psychological burden when storming the factory.

The small-caliber artillery used by Singed to fire gas bombs had been seized by van der's men afterwards. After a simple modification, they quickly changed from gas cannons to siege cannons.

Amidst the roar of these artillery, the gate of this factory that used to provide Noxus with various potions and alchemy gas was quickly smashed down.

The last few alchemy barons and their loyalists, within the walls, faced the armed workers, took up weapons and launched the last wave of trapped beasts.

But Van der and Sevica took the lead, and with gloves on, they rushed towards them with incomparable agility, and everyone became a ball in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, under the leadership of Mr. Shadow, Lacus bypassed the front line and went straight to the alchemy laboratory inside the factory.

According to Mr. Shadow, there is the most dangerous thing in the whole factory.

When they arrived, they happened to bump into a baron of alchemy with thugs coming to carry potions and gas bombs—these guys were furious, seeing that nothing could be done and the battle would be lost, they simply planned to take All of Singed's "treasures" were released, and he planned to die with the Zaun workers who were pressing every step of the way.

Lux arrived at the lab just in time.

For this kind of alchemy baron who has the same heart and soul, Lacus has no intention of holding back, she simply pulled out her sword - and the bright light that bloomed on this broken sword finally became the identity of these alchemy barons. The last scene I saw in my life.

Then, before Lux could finally breathe a sigh of relief, outside the laboratory, in the yard of the factory, raging flames suddenly rose.

Seeing this scene, Lux frowned subconsciously.

what's the situation?

The flames were lit by alchemy barons.

In the frontal battlefield, even if the thugs of the battle of trapped beasts took the unreliable low-light potion, they still failed to turn the tide of the battle with Ino in command.

The enhancement of the shimmer potion does not include the magic resistance part-Singed's magic resistance potion is still in the laboratory stage and has not been distributed to these thugs.

Seeing the inflated guys being precisely frozen one after another, the last few alchemy barons and their loyal thugs retreated step by step in despair, and finally retreated to the warehouse of the factory.

The door of the warehouse was closed, but the heavy door did not give them any sense of security.

The pungent smell of raw materials in the warehouse was intertwined with the cheers of the workers outside the warehouse, making the final chapter of this battle gradually magical in the eyes of the defeated.

Faintly heard words such as "hanging street lamps", these people looked at each other, and then, some people burst into tears, some people simply lost control - and in the confusion, Baron Guppers took out a lighter tremblingly , ignited the container in the warehouse.

The distorted fire light rose up, like a jumping elf, isolating the noise and hustle and bustle outside, and also eliminated the pungent smell in the air.

At the last moment of their lives, they finally gained a rare moment of peace.

 Carya's Small Classroom Anti-light Potion:

  Elemental magic resistance potions have always been the target of the Noxus, especially the shadow resistance potion - in the Ionian War, the shadow stream's damage to the Noxus was quite amazing, so Amistan As a sponsor, Singed was commissioned to conduct related research.

(End of this chapter)

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