Lux's Farewell

Chapter 137 [0134] Restlessness

Chapter 137 [0134] Restlessness
With a raging fire, these alchemy barons who relied on Singed's protection, together with their loyal thugs, ushered in the final end.

At this point, the alchemy baron who once represented the order of Zaun finally withdrew from the stage of history—although there were still a few lucky guys who avoided the fire, they either prayed for the protection of Piltover, or saw the situation It's not good to leave Zaun in disguise, but in any case, they have lost their authority as alchemy barons.

As for the title of an alchemy baron... who cares?
After all, from now on, the people of Zaun may no longer accept the Alchemy Baron dominating their heads.

Finn is one of the lucky ones who managed to escape.

When the angry workers, led by Lux, occupied one factory after another, he left Zaun without the slightest hesitation, and headed straight for Piltover with the most intimate bodyguards.

The blockade of the law enforcement officers in Piltover is very strict, and other alchemy barons have no chance to bribe.

But Finn, who cooperated with Levi, had a special pass from the councilor. After confirming the authenticity of the pass, he and his personal bodyguard finally left Zaun smoothly and entered Piltover.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, Finn immediately found Levi, and while seeking asylum, he also told him about the "terrible incident" that happened in Zaun.

Levi patiently listened to Finn's story.

Then, the Member of Parliament, who already had a headache due to the change in the situation in Piltover, had a worse headache.

When other people are members of parliament, they are just making money to gain connections. Why do I have to face so many messes when I become a member of parliament? !

As drastic changes took place in Zaun, Piltover was not at peace.

In the Piltover Council, a silent wrestling also slowly kicked off—it all started when Councilor Mel Mirdarda took the initiative to give up her position, and her seat was replaced. The Patriarch of the Philos Family.

The woman named Cagalli Fellowes was not well-known in Piltover, but the people behind her were enough to make everyone in the council fearful.

Lady Gray.

While the lady of the gray world didn't really come to the fore, she still took a more aggressive approach than she has in the past.

The Philos family has a profound heritage, deep roots, and extremely important patents.

In the past they had had incredible influence over Piltover, even without a seat in Parliament - and now they had come to the fore.

This is undoubtedly a signal of concern, especially in the case of Mel voluntarily leaving Parliament.

When Mel offered to resign, many people were wondering if Jagu would make a comeback, but in the end Jagu went straight to the hospital and hasn’t come out until now. Instead, the Patriarch of Philos sat in the chair of the council superior.

For a congressman like Levi who has no real power, standing in line has become the next most important issue-so, after giving Finn a little material support, he tried his best to inquire about the news, trying to make a living after this change. Get some benefit from it.

Speculators are not shabby.

However, the development of things completely exceeded Levi's expectations.

In the next period of time, the Piltover Council met every day, and the efficiency was immediately full, and one management regulation after another with surprising content was passed quickly.

Actively increase taxes on fixed assets, increase tax rebate compensation for funded research, restrict foreign investment and foreign investment, reform the law enforcement officer team, clean up college accounts, statistical research projects...

Any resolution that would cause an uproar in normal times, now seems to be a trivial matter, passed one after another.

What made Levy even more at a loss was that despite passing so many resolutions that might change the form of Piltover, the inside of the parliament remained calm.

The dean of the Academy of Science and Progress, Congressman Heimerdinger, and the newly appointed Kagalli cooperated tacitly, as if advancing and retreating together, and the others could at most vote for the two proposals. Abstain.

Not that no one objected.

Among the councilors, there is a guy who is just a docker. Relying on his relatively stable fundamentals, he strongly opposes the proposal to restrict foreign investment, which led to the shelving of the regulations.

Then, that night, the news that he liked married women and had long-term improper relationships with the wives of many merchant captains spread all over the streets, and he himself died on the side of the road after his ruin. In the gutter of the law enforcement officer's investigation, the result of the investigation was that the drowning was caused by excessive drinking.

Normally, when such an absurd situation occurs, Professor Heimerdinger will be the first to stand up and demand a thorough investigation, but this time, he remained silent and even offered to replace an alternate member.

Under such circumstances, other congressmen who have been elected and have no background are naturally silent.

Camille's behavior completely rips off Piltover's pretense.

Although the city looks extremely progressive, and it seems that everything is decided by the councilors chosen by Mrs. Piltover, in the final analysis, it is closer to a consortium of plutocrats.

Piltover amassed a staggering fortune along the canal.

With Zaun people as cattle and horses, Mrs. Piltover relied on the wealth flowing out of the fingers of various chaebols to maintain a relatively high salary and welfare level.

This is the "progress" of Piltover.

But in the eyes of sober people, this "progress" is actually very illusory. Once the Ionian War is over, the entire Piltover economy will fall into a short-term depression.

In addition, the circular letter from the Noxus ambassador also clearly explained the status of this city-Piltover still has a long way to go if he wants to become the true capital of progress in Runeterra.

Taking advantage of the Noxus' efforts in Zaun, Cinderella made a decisive move this time, taking advantage of the breakthrough in Hex crystal application technology, trying to integrate the resources of the entire Piltover.

Thus, a question was posed in front of Levy.

Should we follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Gray and adapt to this change, or use our own way to oppose this change that is destined to lose our own interests?

For Levy, Lady Gray may be able to make Piltover truly great, but in a truly great Piltover, will he still have the power and status he has today?

Those families with real power and property are still willing to accept the leadership of Mrs. Gray even though they will experience labor pains, because they have money, factories and people, and they have a first-mover advantage in the transformation.

But a guy like Levy... with his little resources, I'm afraid he is not worthy of the high position in Piltover that Mrs. Gray is looking forward to.

I thought it was just a team for power change, but Levi never expected that what he would face was a choice that might determine the future of Piltover.

So Levi hesitated.

He is unwilling to lose his power and status, but he is not willing to oppose this change rashly—not because he has the future of Piltover in his heart, but because he is worried that he will be killed by Camille if he opposes rashly...

During the period, some people also tried to unite with Levi, and everyone used some means to create a little trouble for the Gray Lady, but before Levi could make a decision, Finn found him and told him what happened in Zaun.

After learning that workers from Zaun had taken over the factory, Levi finally got the creeps.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a more terrifying possibility—compared to the violent events in Zaun, Cinderella's methods were so gentle...

Taking Finn with him, he got up without hesitation and went straight to Lanxun Manor.

Levi intends to take the initiative to ask to see the Gray Lady.

What happened in Zaun really disturbed him.


Standing outside the gate of the Philos family manor, Levi couldn't help sighing even though he was mentally prepared.

Coming to meet the Gray Lady was not an easy decision - the meeting itself represented Levi's choice.

Supporting the reform of Mrs. Gray will inevitably give up.

For a person like Levy, giving up part of his power and status is simply plucking flesh out of him.

But unfortunately, he has no choice now.

What happened in Zaan these two days is really too appalling.

Even if Levi couldn't see the core impact of this incident, and didn't know what the changes Lux brought to Zaun meant, he still felt a strong sense of crisis.

Levi chose this time to come to Mrs. Gray because he remembered the previous Zaun attack on the Sun Gate.

What if those Zaun people want to attack the Sun Gate again after taking care of those alchemy barons...

The scale of the impact is probably much greater than the last time.

Piltover law enforcement alone is not enough to keep Piltover safe.

So, now Piltover is in great need of Mrs. Cinderella!

For the sake of his own safety, even though Levi disagreed with some of Gray Lady's ideas, he had to bow his head and come to Philos Manor to meet with her in person.

On the contrary, Finn was behind him, obviously a Zaun native born in Ionia, but at this moment he was wearing Demacia's rune steel armor, and he was in the blue smoked manor in Piltover, looking left and right. , a look of peace of mind at last.

This idiot didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, he was just grateful for escaping from Zaun...

Shaking his head, Levi got rid of these messy thoughts from his mind, and then took out a pocket watch from his pocket——Facing the smooth pocket watch case, he combed his chestnut hair, and then stepped forward, He reached out and knocked on the door of Philos Manor.

However, the manor was quiet, and there was no sound of footsteps for a long time.

Levi waited stiffly outside the manor. He made up his mind to have a good talk with Mrs. Gray, but he never expected that Mrs. Gray would not want to see him at all.

 Added 2/30, and the work and rest gradually changed.

(End of this chapter)

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