Lux's Farewell

Chapter 19 [0018] Take 1 step, then 1 step

Chapter 19 [0018] Take a step, take another step

However, even though she was well aware of these issues, Lux was still dizzy from the annoyance of these attentive guys.

There are regular banquets for nobles.

There's no end to these bastards!
Fortunately, the witty Lacus quickly found a way. She consciously raised Sona as a shield, and then, without any instructions, the irritable girl Kashina began to challenge her past.

Although she is still very envious of Lax being able to be with her sister all the time, she still accepts that Lax is her sister's friend because of Lax's "speaking out of justice".

However, just because Lacus can do it doesn't mean any toad from any family can do it!

Harassing Sona?

have you eaten?

If you don't eat it... eat me with a sword!
These nasty guys who surround them are usually not Kashina's opponents, so they are often cleaned up and embarrassed.

What, you say what if someone Kashina can't handle?
Isn't there Galen?

Kashina, who was holding Galen's little secret, called out... that was without any hesitation!

And in order to avoid social death, and to protect his sister, Galen is always on call!

Women's singles can't beat men's singles, if men's singles can't beat, then mixed doubles!
In this way, Lacus and Sona finally ushered in peace.

However, even if the turmoil gradually subsided, Augusta, who had been paying attention to the growth of her children, also found something was wrong—she didn’t know that Lacus had Kalya, an old fritter, as her mentor. In her opinion, her daughter was a perfect person. Undeducted cabbage!

Now that many pigs are eyeing their own cabbage, what's the deal?

After much deliberation, the insomniac Augusta decided to send Lax to her hometown in Miril City to stay for a while. In this way, it will not only allow Lax to avoid the vortex in Xiongdu, but also allow her to get in touch with Let's look at specific business matters.

After all, communication under the framework of etiquette is not all for nobles, and governing the territory and coordinating management are also compulsory courses for nobles!
In terms of etiquette and communication, Lux has done well enough, now, it's time for her to start the second lesson!
Moreover, the situation in Mithral City in the past two years is indeed a bit wrong. According to the report of the family manager, the entire Mithral City has been frosted for three consecutive years, and the tax revenue cannot be collected at all.

Three years of frost?

What do you do with this liar?

Although they have repeatedly assured that the tax payment is at most in arrears and can be made up in the end, Augsa dares to say that the actual situation is definitely not the case!
Frost, huh?


Then let Lux go and see what the frost in Mithral City looks like!
By the way, give her the second lesson of nobility, let her see what actual management should look like!
However, Augtha still has a lot to prepare before letting Lux go to Secret Silver City——Sending Lax to Secret Silver City is to teach her own daughter, not to cause her an accident, so in terms of safety, she still has to It takes a lot of preparation.

Hmm... that jerk Galen is about to turn 15 too.

According to Mr. Zhao Xin, he is now a real man - a real man should go to the army for some experience!

Thinking about this, Augatha found out the family map about the vicinity of Mithral City, and spread it out on the table in front of her.

After some searching, she quickly found a nearby garrison base.

Since Galen is already a real man, then a man should defend his sister!

Thinking of this, Augusta quickly took out a pen and paper, and began to write vigorously by candlelight.

A letter was addressed to my sister-in-law, Tiana. She has been patrolling near Urwendale recently. If possible, ask her to take care of Galen and Lux.

A letter was addressed to the garrison in Mihril City. A captain of the garrison was a relative of Augsa's natal family. Augsa hoped that he could give Lacus some necessary support.

There is also the last one, which is addressed to the Fearless Vanguard Generalissimo—the content of this letter seems to have nothing to do with Galen or Lux, but only praised the heroic deeds of the other party during his tenure as the Generalissimo, and then implicitly stated that your son is here. There is the same bright future in the Rangers ranks.

This letter was written in Pete's tone, and the words between the words seemed to be greetings between the nobles, but Augesa believed that the other party would definitely understand what she meant.

Taking out the seal of the Crownguard family and sealing the seal, Augesa held the three letters in her hand, and then sat quietly on the chair.

Unconsciously, the time has come to the middle of the night.

The mistress of the crown guard family raised her head and looked at a family portrait hanging on the wall.

This painting was painted seven years ago on New Year's Eve.

At that time, my brother-in-law was still there, and the captain of the rangers had a bright smile; my sister-in-law was not in love yet, and the tomboy of the Fearless Pioneer was frosty; Pete was sitting in the center, holding his hand, and Galen was holding a toy sword horizontally, as if Protecting his sister.

Now, seven years have passed in a hurry.

Among the six people in the painting, one of them died for his country and was buried in the Hall of Valor. Even when he was buried, he was still smiling with his Poro in his arms, as if he had just told an interesting story.

Tiana, who disguised herself as a man and enlisted in the army, has now become the deputy commander of the Fearless Vanguard, and is working hard towards the position of marshal.

Pete, who was sitting upright, was full of hidden wounds. When it rained, he would always be in unbearable pain, but when the fortress was being built at the Gate of Sorrows, he still ate and lived with the soldiers.

Augesa bid farewell to the anxiety of girlhood, and finally began to proudly declare that she has become a qualified mother.

Lux, who was changing her teeth at that time, has now become a model of nobles praised by the nobles of Xiongdu, and her whole person has become more and more graceful.

Galen, who used to be able to bluff, has finally calmed down gradually, looking more and more like a real man.

And now, Lux and Galen will also leave the capital of Demacia, and go to Miril City to start the next stop.

They will actually see the people and soldiers they will govern in the future.

They will spread their tender wings like birds leaving their nests.

At this moment, Augusta's heart was empty.

In the near future, there will be only one lonely mistress left in the huge Crownguard Manor.

Augtha also wanted to go to Mithral City, to give herself a vacation.

But...forget it.

The "Art Support Association" established by Lux always has something to look at; even if the Crown Guard family is deeply trusted by the king, as long as there is one important person staying in Xiongdu.

Thinking on the bright side, does this mean that I no longer need to hold my mother's shelf, and can temporarily give up the tasteless salad?

Silent night.

After sitting for a long time, Augesa returned to her room and took out a delicate flute from the small compartment of the dressing table.

In the empty garden, Mrs. Crown Guard, who was always solemn and serious on weekdays, was sitting in the gazebo, gently brought the flute to her lips, and then took a deep breath.

The sound of the flute was melodious, and soon drifted into the silent night of Xiongdu.

Augusta's fingering is no longer proficient, and her breath is no longer stable.

But as the minor key of "Song of Triumph" sounded, she seemed to have returned to 20 years ago, to the time when she first met Pete.

At that time, he was naked and angry, and together with His Majesty the King, he repelled the Noxus and returned victorious.

At that time, I came to the capital of Demacia from Mithral City for the first time, and I mixed with the crowd and cheered excitedly—although I didn't know why I cheered.

As if realizing that playing the flute in the middle of the night would disturb people's slumber, Augtha chose "Mithral Mountain Night" as the second piece of music when the song ended.

It's a pity that she can no longer play the melodious tunes smoothly. The whimpering flute is just like Pete's clumsy playing when she tried to teach him 18 years ago-that time, broken tunes and silly The smile annoyed the girl who was serious about teaching. She gritted her teeth and asked the other party why she insisted on learning from herself even though she knew she didn't have a sense of music.

And Pete put down his flute, lay down on the sunny hillside, and said hahaha: "Because... then I can play the flute you played before!"

Thinking of these words, even today's Augsa would still feel her heart beating faster.

Perhaps because her heart was beating too fast, Augesa didn't finish the last few portamentos smoothly. She pursed her lips and put down the piccolo that was a bit out of tune.

Then, she stood up, shook her head slightly, and wiped her face.

When she raised her head again, she had regained her grace and calmness.

Holding the spare key and holding the candlestick, she quietly left a kiss on the forehead of her son and daughter, and then said good night in a low voice that she could only hear.

Finally, Augusta, who had returned to her room, blew out the candles and lay down on the soft double bed.

This time, Augatha slept soundly.


Although Karya was aware of what happened in the second half of the night, she did not inform Lacus.

At this time, Lux has reached the final step of engraving the magic circuit.

Daily exercise made her hands more stable than many experienced stonemasons, and solid theoretical knowledge made the construction of magic circuits her instinct. After three years of magic learning, Lacus finally carved out In the room, for the first time, a complete magical absorption amplification circuit was successfully carved!

Being placed in the reserved groove, Kalya felt the magic power gathered from the forbidden magic stone, and almost gave birth to an urge to cry up to the sky.

How many years!

I finally have my own magic power again!
Then, before he could be happy for a long time, this magical power quickly disappeared without a trace, like water poured into a sieve.


Kalya, who was extremely excited one moment, was speechless the next moment, and his silence made Lacus, who was also very excited at first, also silent.

"What's wrong, Karya?" Lux asked cautiously, "Is the circuit wrong?"

"The circuit is right." Carya's tone was calm as if she was about to cry the next moment, "I was wrong."


Lacus had never heard Kalya speak in such a tone before, she stared blankly at her saber, as if seeing Kalya for the first time.

"However, it's okay." Kalya quickly adjusted her mentality, "At least in the future, I can use the magic power of the Temperament Stone to give you and Sona the next stage of training."

"What training?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally felt relieved. "Practical training? Are you starting to cast spells?"

"The last step before practice." Carya said word by word, "Actual combat simulation training!"


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
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(End of this chapter)

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