Lux's Farewell

Chapter 21 [0020] You are the worst class I have ever taught

Chapter 21 [0020] You are the worst class I have ever taught

Kalya didn't give Lax more time to prepare, and quickly started training—of course, it can't be ruled out that he deliberately changed the topic because he didn't want Lax to explore his appearance too much.

In short, when Lux had just figured out the training requirements, the battle had already begun.

Facing the densely packed beetles, Lux acted in a way that suited her age—the first reaction of a 12-year-old girl was to scream when she saw so many beetles.

However, unlike the usual delicate noble ladies, Lacus screamed while raising the long sword in her hand.

Even though the sword's grip wasn't very smooth and the counterweight was rather strange, she still moved forward with the horizontal sword in a fairly standard basic swordsmanship stance, sweeping past the beetle that was pounced on her.

Muscle memory belongs to yes.

Lux's swordsmanship skills are very solid, but she obviously lacks rational judgment in the face of emergencies.

It seemed that she was worried that there would be too many beetles surrounding her, so Lux immediately chose the sweep with the largest attack range, trying to clear the enemies in front of her and clear herself first.

It's a pity that although this sweeping attack has a large attack range, it is difficult to directly cause effective damage to the beetle - in the case of the protection of the carapace, Lux's attack can only sweep the beetle away, and can't really do anything. to kill beetles.

In other words, even if Lux temporarily cleared the siege, the beetles would crawl back and continue to attack.

If it is a rational situation, Lux should be able to realize this soon, and then quickly change the choice of moves.

But unfortunately, this is the first actual combat training in Lux's life.

Facing the incomparably real beetle, her mind was completely blank at this moment!
What spells, what models, what sword skills, what strains, all of these were thrown out of the sky by her.

In this situation, Lux almost completely followed her instincts, swinging her sword again and again with all her strength, without any room for thinking.

So, under such a horrible performance, the beetles around her gathered more and more, and her physical strength became worse and worse. Less than 3 minutes later, the speed of her swinging the sword dropped significantly, and then two beetles broke through her. defenses, flinging at her arms, opening their jaws...

As a burst of real pain hit, Lux only felt her eyes go dark—the next moment, when she regained consciousness again, she had already left the simulated training scene.

It takes 10 minutes to pass the training, but Lux only lasted 3 minutes.

Leaning against the city wall weakly, Lacus's forehead and temples were completely soaked, the little girl seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and even the dazzling golden hair was stuck to the top of her head in locks and strands. What a mess.

However, Lux could no longer care about these things.

She raised her arm for the first time, and then looked at it carefully under the sunlight.

Thank goodness.

Bai Shengsheng's arm was still as flawless as Ionian porcelain, with no wounds or scars.

Lux was not bitten by the beetle, everything just now was indeed an illusion.

It's just that this illusion is so real that Lacus seems to really feel the feeling of being gnawed by the mandibles, and is a little dazed for a while...

"Extremely bad performance." Just when Lacus breathed a sigh of relief, Kalya's voice finally sounded again, "My evaluation is that you have maintained the modesty and politeness that a noble lady should have, even in face To the enemy, he is still full of kindness and tenderness."


Lux seemed to refute something, but after regaining her senses, thinking about her performance just now, she could only be tongue-tied in the end.

Rebuttal... rebuttal with a hammer?

Thinking back now, Lacus herself blush!
The behavior just now can already be called a "textbook-like demonstration of mistakes". Lux has made almost all the mistakes that can be made in battle!
"It's just that I'm not familiar with it!" Lux gritted her teeth for a long time, and finally found an excuse, "I was just curious about your appearance, and it's only when I was distracted!"

"Your level of making excuses and your actual combat level complement each other." Kalya continued to give his evaluation in his uniquely fair and objective way, "In short, you should reflect on it first, and help Sona pay attention to the surrounding environment by the way. Come down—Sona, it's your turn."


Unlike Lux who was full of curiosity and eager to try when she first entered the simulation training state, Sona undoubtedly looked calmer when she came to this dune.

However, just like Lux, Sona was also very concerned about Kalya's appearance, and she also tried to see Kalya's face clearly.

So, she was also thrown under the sand dunes by Karya.

Then, under the sand dunes, Sona didn't get a sword - when the training began, Yu Hua was suspended in front of her.

"Use your magic well." Callado warned, "Now, the training officially begins."

The next moment, when the desert began to boil like boiling again, and a large number of beetles the size of wild dogs poured out from under the yellow sand, Sona quickly plucked the strings!

The magic power gathered on the string, and then turned into a sound blade that looked like a substance. With a piercing explosion, it tore apart the beetle closest to Sona.

The materialized sound cut its carapace completely, causing it to fall headfirst on the gravel paper, and it never moved again.

Obviously, in terms of attack effect, Sona is stronger than Lax, not at 01:30. The resonance between her and Yuhua is innate. Even if she has never practiced playing the piano with magic power, the effect is still significant for the first time.

After winning the first battle, Sona flicked the strings again. With the outbreak of the next syllable, another beetle was cut open, and Sona won a double kill!

Unfortunately, this is not a pest control game.

The sound will be dissipated in the desert wind, and the attack range of Yuhua's sound blade is quite limited.

When Sona's playing speed couldn't keep up with the speed of the beetle's encirclement, even if each blow could accurately headshot and destroy a beetle, Sona quickly fell into a disadvantage.

She simply cannot handle so many beetles.

Unlike Lux, who swung her sword brainlessly and eventually ran out of strength, resulting in loopholes in the defense, Sona's problem was that she didn't care about the future, and was thrown on her back by a beetle in less than 2 minutes.

With the severe pain, Sona also ended her first training.

Sona, who regained consciousness, hugged Yuhua tightly, panting heavily with Lux back to back.

Playing such a big game for the first time is really exciting.

"Sona is barely calm." Kalya also gave her own evaluation mercilessly, "It's a pity that you can't let go at all. The way you pluck the strings one syllable is like holding a sharp knife, but only Hanhan who dares to hit people on the head with the hilt of a sword."


Kalya's wonderful metaphor left Sona speechless—as Kalya said, she was too cautious in training, and she didn't dare to make attempts that she didn't fully master. Facing a large number of beetles, she could only attack them one by one. A single point headshot, so that the result of the battle is even worse than Lux.

"It's not because you can't let us train together!" Facing Kalya's criticism, although Sona accepted it humbly, but seeing her friend's still in shock, Lacus stood up and complained, "If we work together, we can Get rid of those nasty bugs with ease!"

"If you do joint training, then the enemy is not a bug!" Kalya snorted, "Now, take a quarter of an hour's rest, and then continue training—it's just 10 minutes under the siege of a group of scarabs. Those non-magic scavengers in Shurima who can do it with any stick!"

"Just lie to me!" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux angrily expressed dissatisfaction, "Every day you say that I am the worst class, and now you are saying that the scavenger in Shurima can do it , What a liar!"

"I'm not lying to you." Kalya laughed when he heard the words, "Or else, if you pass this training successfully, I'll show you how the good students I taught passed, and I can also let you See how the scavengers of Shurima face the scarabs, how?"

"Okay!" Lux nodded immediately, "If you find out that you are lying...then take off your hood and let me see what you look like!"

"If I didn't lie to you, don't worry about this." Kalya took advantage of the situation and made his own request, "When it's time to let you know, you will naturally know!"

"A word is settled!"

"A word is settled!"

The bet was established, and Lacus stood up confidently, while thinking about how to face these nasty bugs, while letting out a hey hey laugh.

Playing mystery, right?
I'm the worst class, right?
This lady will expose all your lies sooner or later!

Just let me see your face...

I promise to draw you as the buffoon in the story, so that the whole Demacia hero will know it!
I am a great artist!
What Lux didn't know was that when she was gearing up and full of confidence, Kalya was also smiling silently.

I don't know how little you think?

It's impossible to show your face, I can't leave any excuses to be threatened by you!

As for whether "you are the worst class I have ever taught" is not lying...

Of course there is no such thing.

Don't forget, what Kalya taught before was all Shurima Ascenders!

Compared with those talented bosses, the two little girls, Lacus and Sona... really are the worst class!

(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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