Lux's Farewell

228 Building in full swing [0225]

228 Building in full swing [0225]

Vi's words were not enough to completely relieve Caitlin's confusion.

But at least it made Caitlin, who was in a dead end, a lot easier.

Just like that building, maybe it was a chaotic and uneven gray after it was built, and the color is not clear now, but at least it is red.

Perhaps... Many things in Piltover are not politically correct, but at least Caitlin, who is in Piltover, can pursue her own whiteness in it.

At this moment, Kaitlyn was not in a normal state of mind and suddenly became enlightened, but at least she felt relieved, and her whole body felt a lot more relaxed.

After noticing the change in Caitlin's expression, Wei finally showed off her medal frankly. This kind of performance, like a child who got a little red flower, made Caitlin, who felt a lot better just now, frowned again.

I was persuaded by such a person just now?

Thinking of this, Caitlin couldn't help but shook her head, and silently laughed at herself: Caitlin, Kaitlyn, you are so stupid to be confused because of this question!

You still need such a naive guy to persuade you!

But... having said that.

To be honest, the medals designed by the people of Zaun are really pretty!

The Noxian attack on the laboratory was worthy of Zaun's medals.

As for the slander of the Piltover Evening News that day...

Has Zuan been discredited less?

After the Zaan Evening News published the interview, the Zaan Daily went back the next day. As a result, the Piltover Evening News broke away and quickly followed up the scandal between the two actors in the Piltover Theater. Don't mention this crop.

The above are all small tricks and small confrontations of public opinion, and whether it is the councilors of Piltover or the leaders of Zaun, they are very clear in their hearts that the competition between the two sides is not determined by the confrontation between these words.

Therefore, at this time when the two sides are happily greeting each other, the leaders of Zaun are following Lux to survey the construction of the new port in Zaun.

Well, that's right, the day after the Piltover heist, Zaun's new port officially broke ground.

In the past, Zaun did not have its own port. That was because Zaun was generally controlled by Picheng, and the flow of materials was through Picheng's port.

After the establishment of New Zaan, although Zaan refurbished the urban area, it still did not build a port. That is because the main trade routes of New Zaan are all land routes, and Zaan has no ships, no sailors, no nautical charts, and no qualifications. Take a hand in shipping.

But now, as Zaun and Bilgewater have reached a strategic partnership, the Ionian trade is about to start, and the construction of Zaun's new port has naturally become a top priority.

This port will become the main distribution center for Ionian products in the future. According to the plan, some of the Ionian products arriving here will be sent to Zaun for further processing, and some will be distributed through Zaun's current trade network. Things are sold on two lines.

The eastern route is roughly Zaan-Kumanggra, which is a short distance. From Kumanggra to the east is the Kumanggu jungle.

In comparison, the trade route on the western front is much longer—Kalduga, Belguen, Tellishne, Nashilame and other northern Shurima commercial cities are all nodes of this trade route.

These cities are all port cities, and most of them are sea trade, but it is a pity that with the current capabilities of Zaan, they are not qualified to engage in sea transport.

In a short period of time, Ionian goods are the only luxury goods that are in short supply, and Zaun is still eligible to transport them slowly by land.

The above plan was almost completed in Zaun when the Ionian trade was proposed. Now that there are transportation personnel and supply of goods, what Zaun needs is to do a good job in infrastructure construction to welcome the ships from Bilgewater. up.

And in terms of infrastructure...

It's not self-promotion, Zaun, who has just experienced the first three-year plan, claims to be the second in Runeterra, and no one can be regarded as the first.


Because the matter is so important, when the construction of the new port of Zaun broke ground, almost all the leaders of Zaun, including Lux and Ino, were present.

In the follow-up, Ino will come here from time to time to help deal with some problems that are not easy to deal with with ordinary construction methods.

In this case, the construction of the new port is extremely fast.

Piltover next door expressed great concern about this—and then, watching and watching, the tension from the very beginning of the Piltover people gradually relaxed.

Relying on Zaan's strong infrastructure construction capabilities, the scale of Zaan New Port is quite astonishing.


In Mrs Piltover's opinion, the necessary handling machinery was lacking.

According to the Picheng Daily, "Zuan people's Xingang, which is like an empty shell, can transport a few pigs, but if you want to be a professional cargo terminal, you can't compete with the Gate of the Sun at all!"

Although there is always a sour taste in the words, but this Pilt City Daily is not aimless.

For a port, especially a cargo port, it is not enough to have basic dredging, construction of wharves, and opening of berths.

Sun Gate’s current income is largely due to the large number of complex machinery designed by Piltover for the docks, which can greatly improve the efficiency of handling and ship passage.

According to the people of Piltover, the combined throughput of other northern Shurima city ports is comparable to that of Piltover.

However, Zaan's new port not only does not have these machines, but is also far away from the urban area of ​​Zaan. Unless the people of Zaan build a new city relying on the port, otherwise they will be short of manpower if they use manpower to carry it.

From the perspective of the people of Piltover, this is obviously the result of Zaun's lack of technical accumulation, and everything can only be taken for granted-even if you use despicable means and unfair business competition to take away the exclusive management right, but it really works. , sooner or later you will reveal your secrets!
Different from those pretentious reports before, the reporters from Piltover were furious this time. They actually ran to the port and got a lot of detailed text and image data, which were published in the newspaper together with the estimated and measured data.

And the next day, with the release of the Picheng Daily, the entire Sun Gate sea gate was filled with a happy atmosphere. Everyone used to be worried about the new port of Zaan. At this moment, they finally put their hearts on into the stomach.

Zaun has no mechanical handling and controls!
In Piltover, mechanical handling and control devices are already on the verge of obsolete products - now we have tried to use hextech products in transportation!
Many thoughtful guys even suggested that "we can export some outdated mechanical handling and control devices at a high price, and let Zaun make money for us - anyway, with the hex technology device as an upgraded version, we can always maintain absolute capacity. advantage" suggestion.

It's a pity that these greedy guys don't know that Zaun's mechanical control level is indeed not good, but they don't plan to buy technology directly.

What Zaan chose was... using rune technology to overtake on curves.

 Carya's Small Classroom Zaun's Newport Site Selection:

  This port is located in the eastern outskirts of Zaun, and it is an uninhabited wasteland——in terms of the specific location, it is actually not very far from the place where Draven was captured before.

  PS. There will be more activities on the 15th, and there will be additional bonuses at the starting point, so I will save the manuscripts for the past few days without adding updates, and keep them until the 15th—how can I add ten chapters and eight chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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