Lux's Farewell

321 Ino's breakthrough [0317]

321 Ino's breakthrough [0317]

While Lux was talking with Karya, Ino was completely caught in a bitter fight.

Ino, who was fighting the Sefika puppet for the second time, was shocked to find that almost all her methods had no effect on the giant rock puppet in front of her. It cannot break through the invisible and intangible "anti-magic shield" outside the rock golem.

What's worse is that although this rock puppet is still a bit cumbersome and can't move very fast, the ground around it seems to be its friendly army, which has caused countless troubles for Ino—it doesn't even need Sefika If there is any control, some rocks will appear irregularly from time to time on the ground. As long as you step on it without paying attention, the result is that the car will overturn on the spot.

Under such circumstances, Eno had to be secretly thankful that Lux was on the side to provide lighting.

If it wasn't for the bright light to help, she would have fallen off her back and been caught red-handed!
In this way, facing the puppet that was approaching every step of the way, Yinuo finally stretched out his hands and pressed them to the ground.

"floating ice!"

A winding ice slide appeared at Ino's feet, and she pursed her lips, as if she was skating on the lake outside Mihril City when she was a child, she leaned forward slightly, and moved quickly along the slide.

Through the control of magic power, the ice floe slide fluctuates up and down, and on this ice floe slide, Ino can always maintain the posture of sliding forward, maintaining the movement at a relatively fast speed, ignoring the fall on the ground. All interference, so that I can put all my attention on casting spells.

"It's a good idea." Kalya commented with great interest after seeing this scene, "However, the magic consumption of this kind of field is still a bit high. If Ino doesn't want to lose his combat power due to lack of magic power, then she I'm afraid I have to find a way to make a quick decision... What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and follow, they are all leaving your light range!"

Under Kalya's urging, Lacus rolled her eyes, then held a bunch of lights in one hand and the hilt of her saber in the other, as if she was the one next to the [-]-meter race track carrying a camera. Like most photographers, they followed far behind Ino and Sefika.

Ino fled, and made counterattacks from time to time.

Sefika chased after him, but it was a pity that the rock puppet ran a little slowly, and couldn't catch up no matter what, so he could only passively deal with the ice cube thrown by Ino.

Lux followed behind, and the light in her hand locked firmly on Ino and Sefika in front of them, who were both part-time lighting engineers and photographers, while Karya seemed to be a melon-eating crowd, and she never stopped talking.

Comments, explanations, and an exclamation of "Oh, good guy" from time to time, made Lux, who was holding the sword hilt, feel that the cold desert became lively.

"Very well, Ino's goal is indeed this lake! The water in the lake can not only reduce her mana consumption, but also provide her with a relatively stable battle field. As long as she is on the ice floes on the lake, she can never fail!"

"Let me see Sefika's response. He inherited my battle command, and he shouldn't just rush into the lake in a foolish way... Sure enough, he is also smart enough. He began to dig stones from the ground and throw them Already!"

"Gentleman's nature is not different, good and false are more than things, both sides have shown the ability to use the field, this is a very good way of fighting - learn, Lux, I have never seen you use a mirror , when I worked with Yinuo, I didn't engage in ice-strewn refraction..."

Lux, who was suddenly @, couldn't help but paused, and then sighed helplessly: "As you said, strong light elements are difficult to be easily reflected and refracted by things like mirrors. I told you when I was a child Mirror magic, but you want me to be down-to-earth and not to be whimsical."

"Ordinary mirrors are naturally not good, but the magical ice made by Ino can. Why don't you know how to draw inferences from one instance to another? A good shot, this stone directly smashed the ice floe where Ino is, but it's useless. , Ino can create solid ice at any time, Sefika’s puppets obviously don’t have a dedicated rock launching module, and throwing stones around can’t solve the problem.”

"The battle has reached a stalemate. Both sides seem to have nothing to do with each other. However, it seems that Ino has already consumed a lot. Her complexion is fine, but her breathing is obviously too fast. This is a sign of lack of magic power."

"Although making ice floes in the lake is not a very mana-consuming thing, but believe me, if the stalemate continues like this, Yinuo will definitely not be able to hold on first. No one can defeat a dark-born family member in a way of consumption..."


As Carya said, Ino had already clearly felt the lack of magic power in his body at this time.

Whether it was the ice floe magic or the continuous harassment of the rock puppets before, she had already consumed too much magic power—now, the lack of magic power made her feel an indescribable emptiness and exhaustion.

The rock golem was still persistently throwing stones on the shore, but the aim was really unreliable. In this case, Yinuo could finally breathe a sigh of relief and put all his attention on the next spell. Among them.

She was willing to bet with Kalya, not simply because she was provoked - in fact, she was confident that she could deal with the rock golem, not only because of her previous victory in the battle!

Taking a long breath, Ino stood on the ice floe, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Karya was right, the pure elements did have incredible power, and most of his spells were completely unable to take effect on that puppet.

But there are still some spells, you need to try them yourself before you know!
Taking a deep breath, Ino clasped his hands together.

The palms of her hands were tightly pressed together, and the magic power of her whole body began to gather toward her palms—the next moment, as her palms were slowly pulled apart, between her hands, a crystal clear ball of ice crystals was pointing Gradually expand little by little.

Under the light provided by Lux, this ice crystal ball seems to be a priceless gem, extremely bright and gorgeous, but from the gradually obvious halo on the edge of the ice crystal ball, it can be seen that this sphere shell is not only bright and gorgeous So simple.

Just as the element force field of the sapphire element will shatter Ino's ice spell, the ice crystal ball in Ino's hand is also faintly repelling Lux's light!

It's a pity, maybe it's because of lack of magic power, or maybe it's because of lack of magic control, this ice crystal ball only swelled to the size of a quail egg and never moved again—under such circumstances, Ino licked his lips, and finally slammed The front rolled out the arm.

"Go!" Ino's voice was full of confidence, "Freeze them all!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Refraction of Light Elements:

  Light elements can also be refracted and reflected, but ordinary mirrors are not strong enough to withstand the impact of strong light elements, and raising the mirror to defend against Lux's ultimate flash, the result can only be to add a fragment attack effect to this blow.

  PS. There is another chapter tonight...why is there always someone so fast?
(End of this chapter)

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