Lux's Farewell

Chapter 323 [0319]

Chapter 323 [0319]

The amount of information Kalya gave at one time was a bit large this time, and it took Lacus and Ino a long time to barely digest all the information.

The advanced chapter of magic theory, and the possible conflict between the heathen ascending the peak and Rakkor, just these two new pieces of news are enough for Lux and Ino to think about it.

However, Kalya is a very hateful guy. Later, Lux asked Dengfeng what problems he might face, but he didn't say any more: "Solve the current problems first, and we will deal with them one by one later."


Because Ino's magic power is almost exhausted, and his mental state is not very good, so tonight, Karya just chatted with them casually, and did not explain the magic theory.

Early the next morning, Lux and Ino finally woke up Skalash, moved Sefika, who was in the state of stone sculpture, onto Skalash's back, and set off amidst Skalash's dissatisfied grunts. Leaving the oil silk oasis.

"Is he really okay in his current state?" Lux asked hesitantly after Sefika was fixed on Scarash's saddle with ropes, "He is almost completely stone now, are you sure?" Is he still alive?"

"Of course he's alive!" Carya said firmly, "Don't worry, the perception between the Darkin and the Darkin's family members is very clear. Although he has no heart and his body is almost completely elemental, I know very well that this is nothing but It's just the monolith's influence on him. His luck is good. Elementalization and darkinization have formed a not-so-stable but maintainable balance in his body. As long as I pay attention, he can use this A gargoyle form survives forever."

"Gargoyle?" Lux blinked, "What is that?"

"Oh, it's just a legendary monster. It usually looks like a stone statue, but it can move freely when needed... folklore, folklore."

Lacus raised her eyebrows. She hadn't heard of this kind of folklore, but speaking of it, there were a lot of folklore she hadn't heard of, so she didn't pay too much attention to it.

As Scarash started slowly and slowly, its huge body began to sway rhythmically and regularly, which made Lux and Ino feel drowsy very quickly.

Counting it, the two of them have not had a rest for almost a day, and they have also experienced a series of dizzying changes. Ino even almost exhausted his magic power. On the morning, after putting on a wide hat and covering his face with a veil, he fell asleep quickly.


Lacus and Ino finally left the Yousi Oasis and started heading west again.

And in Nashilami, two "expedition teams" aiming at the tomb of the barren hill god also set off successively.

The first expedition team was guided by Sivir, a super mercenary, and Cassiopeia and Elise hired a large number of professionals with good money.

Although in Sivir's view, many of these "professionals" can completely fulfill their responsibilities on a part-time basis, it is obviously impossible for Cassiopeia and Elise to put everything on Sivir alone. .

Therefore, they hired professional locksmiths, professional trap masters, professional researchers of ancient Shurima language and folklore, and formed a professional-looking "expedition team", riding a dozen camels, He left Nashi Lamei in a mighty way.

Compared with them, another expedition team whose goal was also the Tomb of the Barren Hill God was shabby by more than 01:30.

Number of people: 2
Vehicle: legs
map: no

Supplies: Carry only a small amount of dry food and drinking water, advance along the oasis
This kind of journey seems to give people a feeling of "going this way, I'm afraid I'm not dying", but Ezreal is quite excited.

In the eyes of this little Huang Mao who is afraid of chaos in the world, the kind of thorough scientific examination taught in the university is really too boring. On the contrary, it is this seemingly dangerous itinerary that makes him thoroughly Get excited!

Although this desert trip not only does not have skaras, but even camels are not required to ride (the money for two people is only enough to rent a pack camel, the kind that cannot be ridden)...but the funds are limited, which is completely understandable of!
The optimism of the little yellow-haired man made Kassadin look at him with admiration—although it was hard to tell whether this guy really had something to rely on, or he was simply a fool, but looking at Ezreal like this, at least It shouldn't hold you back.

That's enough.

Anyway, this kid talks a lot, so let's just take a Kumanggu parrot with him and let him bark somewhere.

"If you don't understand anything, just ask!"

With such a mentality, Kassadin finally took Ezreal away from Naslam after planning the route in detail, and officially headed for the tomb of the barren hill god.

Then, at noon that day, Kassadin regretted it—if he could, he really wanted to slap himself before leaving, and he had to stop himself from saying the phrase "just ask" anyway.

In the past, Kassadin has always been a well-known desert guide, known as a person "known by the desert", who once led countless caravans across the Dasai Desert from various angles inconceivably.

For this kind of super professional, finding water sources and supplies is simply as simple as eating and drinking, but the loneliness of traveling alone will make him more painful.

Especially after losing his wife and daughter, when he was alone, he often fell into a state of depression and loss.

It is for this reason that Kassadin is willing to bring this chattering little yellow hair, hoping that he will be like the big Kumanggu parrot to relieve himself of boredom.

It turned out that, in terms of Ba Ba Ba, even Kumanggu's big parrot couldn't compare to this curious and energetic little yellow-haired parrot.

The two set off in the morning.

Kassadin's head started to hurt at noon.

If he hadn't seen and heard it with his own eyes, Kassadin would have found it hard to believe that there would be someone in this world who would ask questions for a whole morning without getting an answer!
Kassadin will ask questions every step of the way, and the angles of the questions are varied.

At the very beginning, Ezreal just asked about some local customs and climate conditions nearby, and Kassadin just answered him vaguely.

Then, after asking, there seemed to be no topic to talk about, and Ezreal's eyes finally fell on Kassadin's backpack.

"Mr. Kassadin, can you lend me your backpack?" Ezreal asked politely, "I've never seen a backpack made of this material!"

"I bought this at the pulp printing market. It is made of thick silk and is very wearable."

In a word, Ezreal found a topic again.

"Could you tell me about the marrow seal market?"


"What is the difference between the thick silk material and the fine silk of Nashilami? Is the common process of making it different?"


"The pattern on it seems to be specially designed, do you know how this pattern is woven?"

"do not know."

"Oh, do you know where you can learn this weaving technique?"

"do not know."

"Then do you know anyone who can knit like this?"

"do not know."



On the simple topic of backpacks, Xiao Huangmao asked questions for more than two hours-this was still under the circumstances that Kassadin was unwilling to answer, um, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.

When the time finally came to noon, the two of them found a sand dune sheltered from the wind, let the camel lie down, and propped up a small sunshade to rest. Kassadin immediately put the hat on his face, although he did not Not asleep, but still snoring lightly.

Unfortunately, he still misjudged the horror of this little yellow hair—seeing Kassadin "fallen asleep", Ezreal took out his pen and paper, and began to write a draft of his travel notes!
Although he consciously lowered his voice while writing the draft and talking to himself, Kassadin could still clearly hear him reviewing his gains of the morning.

This is not finished.

After the review was over, Ezreal professionally added several questions that he hadn't mentioned about the information he got from Kassadin. It seemed that he planned to continue asking in the afternoon.

What the hell!
At this moment, Kassadin only felt a sudden pain in his head.

 Carya's Small Classroom Thick Silk:

  According to the customs of Shurima, animal fibers are called filaments, and plant fibers are called thick filaments-so, what is called fine silk is not necessarily thinner than what is called thick silk.

(End of this chapter)

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