Lux's Farewell

Chapter 361 [0357] Eat and drink enough, let's go, go up the mountain!

Chapter 361 [0357] Eat and drink enough, let's go, go up the mountain!
In Narima Jie, Lux and Ino sold the two camels that followed them all the way and bought half a piece of Hui sheep.

During the period, after seeing the appearances of Lacus and Ino, the local vendors tried to use pan mutton to make up the money, but Kalya easily saw through it—they didn’t have enough money to buy half a piece of Hui yang, but they froze themselves when they saw Ino After the meat case, the boss had no choice but to sell it off.

However, even with this "true jumping price", when they left the market, Lacus and Ino were still full of resentment towards Huiyang's price.

"How can it be so expensive? It's almost twice as expensive as the ground dragon lizard meat in Uzeris... Isn't Huiyang a special product here? That profiteer really didn't continue to fool us?"

"Hui sheep are precious breeding sheep, and what you buy is the most delicious lamb, so the price is naturally not cheap." Karya explained, "Don't worry, with your structure, the profiteer will probably feel bad for three to five days. He was really at a loss for this order—but, having said that, I really miss the time when I tamed Hui sheep and cultivated Pan sheep, but now I have no sense of taste at all."

"Do you want me to open up my sense of taste to you?" Lux raised her brows with a smile when she heard this, "This opportunity is only once!"

"Forget it." Kalya seemed a little moved, but in the end he refused with some pity, "I'm about to climb Mount Targon. At this time, everything must be on the safe side-I really feel sorry for your poor teacher, then wait until you reach the peak." After success, after you have been reborn, see if you can help me shape an elemental body or something."

"Elemental body?" Lux widened her eyes in surprise when she heard this, "You never told me that you can still do this!"

"I'm not sure." Although it involved his own body, Kalya was still very calm. "Actually, I'm in a pretty good state now. Although the small world is a bit desolate, at least it's comfortable."

"This is very important!" Lux corrected seriously, "If possible, I would rather be able to proudly introduce my teacher to others, instead of covering everything on my head like I am now!"


"I'm not an artistic genius, nor an agricultural expert, and I don't have much research on history!" Lux continued, "Whenever someone praises me like that, I feel like I'm stealing your reputation!"

"I don't care about a little fame!" Kalya said with a smile, "And, once I stand at the front desk, there will be no one to guide you on the complicated etiquette when I return to Demacia."

"At that time, those things won't matter anymore." Lux wrinkled her nose and shook her head proudly, "Besides, as long as I successfully climb Mount Targon and endure the punishment of the stone crown, I will be a god walking in the world when I return to Demacia ——Even if I don't recognize this identity, I will enjoy the same treatment!"

"You remember this part very clearly." Kalya laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words, "However, the premise of everything is that the two of you can safely climb Mount Targon—the journey to the top is not as simple as talking about it. of!"

"It's definitely possible!" Lux clenched her fists, full of confidence, "I've endured all the hardships since Belgüen, and you're guiding me by the side. It's just climbing, that's all!"


Under Karya's guidance, Lacus and Ino borrowed the cooking utensils from the hotel and made a set of whole sheep feast by themselves.

Half a piece of Hui sheep was cut and disassembled by two people, fried and fried, and finally made into eight big pots.

The two who had been eating jerky for three months had no resistance in the face of such delicious food. After feasting on it, they almost ate up all the eight bowls.

After eating all the mutton like a storm, Lux and Ino realized something was wrong—they were full!

You know, even in the last stage of devil training, when two people eat the dried ground dragon lizard meat, they will be full at most. The meat with high energy and magic power is digested very slowly, and it can provide amazing calories. Eating too much can cause severe discomfort.

However, this time, Lacus and Ino directly killed half of the sheep...

"Why didn't you remind me!" Leaning against the window, Lux covered her stomach and gritted her teeth and said to Karya, "You definitely did it on purpose, you are jealous that I can eat such delicious food, woo woo woo!"

"I did it on purpose, that's right." Kalya admitted it openly, "but it's definitely not because of jealousy, but because if I tell you in advance: 'This is what you will do in the next month. For the last meal, you must eat to the point where you can’t eat anymore’, then I’m afraid you will only regard this as a task, and you will not be as happy as you are today when you eat.”

"What? We won't be able to eat for the next month?" Lux heard this, and she couldn't even bother covering her stomach anymore. "If you can't eat while climbing, you will starve to death!"

"How could it be!" Kalya chuckled, "Do you still remember what I said, what does Hui Yang rely on to grow fat?"

"The glory of the heavens?" Lux and Ino looked at each other, and the two finally understood what Kalya meant, "So, the essence of climbing Mount Targon is to absorb the power of the glory of the heavens?!"

"The answer is correct!" Kalya finally revealed the answer, "The purpose of your climbing is not to dedicate your body to the giant god, but to take a step further from the extraordinary posture-the flesh and blood have limits, and if you want to go further in the extraordinary field, you must Make some changes to your body."

"So ascenders have to reshape their bodies." Lux suddenly said, "And the process of our climbing Mount Targon is a process of accepting the glory of the heavens little by little?"

"Extraordinary people are at most different from ordinary people, and if you want to go one step further than extraordinary, naturally you can only do so." Kalya seemed very satisfied with Lacus's enlightenment, "However, unlike the ascension ceremony, climbing Mount Targon It is a continuous process, even if you reach the peak, it only means that you can accept the brilliance of the heavens, and it is not enough for you to directly cross the threshold, which is somewhat different from the Ascension Ceremony..."

"That's enough." Lux nodded, "So, shall we go now?"

"Yes, let's go now!"

"But, what about Sefika?" Ino interrupted and asked, "We can't carry Sefika on our shoulders and go climbing together?"

"For Sefika, just leave him here." Kalya had obviously considered this issue a long time ago, "If everything goes well, when we go down the mountain, I might be able to temporarily have a not-so-perfect elemental body. I'll try it sometime and see if I can restore Sefika."

"So, let's just leave him in the hotel?" Yinuo hesitated, "Don't worry about it?"

"As a statue, store it in this hotel." Carya replied, "You don't need to bother the boss, you pay the storage fee, just carry him to the warehouse."

According to Karya's method, after convincing the boss and paying the storage fee, Lax and Inona moved Sefika in the petrified state to the warehouse of this hotel.

"You don't need to bring blankets, sleeping bags, and water bags." After Sefika settled down, just when the two of them habitually wanted to pack their bags, Kalya said again, "Even the rune steel armor on your body is the best. You can also stay - the process of climbing is the process of embracing the brilliance of the heavens, the more you wear, the worse the effect will be."

"Don't you want so much equipment for outdoor activities?" Lacus, who is used to being prepared for activities before going out, couldn't help repeating after hearing what Kalya said, "I don't want blankets, sleeping bags, and water bags? What about the ropes? "

"There is no need for ropes." Kalya affirmed, "Although climbing Mount Targon is a mountaineering, the mountaineering itself is not important in this journey, so don't bring anything that is helpful for mountaineering, even walking sticks Don’t even prepare, believe me, the more effort and attention you put into the mountain itself, the harder it is to climb, the smoother the journey will actually be!”

"Then what exactly are we going to prepare?" Lux nodded, "Is there a specific list?"

"Go take a shower first, then change into comfortable clothes, a loose robe on the outside, a pair of short sleeves and shorts on the inside, and a pair of light shoes." Kalya was clearly prepared, "The Targon Mountain is on the snow line There will be fewer and fewer people in the area, and there are almost no living things on the cloud line, but you need to go barefoot on the snow line and take off your robes on the cloud line."

"What about the top of Targon?"

"You will face the glory of the heavens." Carya's tone was slightly nostalgic, "That is a situation that you will never forget once you see it...Okay, let's go and buy some clothes, don't be too fancy , it’s good to be comfortable.”


In the end, Lacus and Ino chose the robe, short lining and shoes according to Kalya's request, returned to the hotel, and took a beautiful bath.

When everything was ready and the two left the hotel, they had nothing but a sword with them.

The two walked westward along the straight street of Narima Jie, and soon came to the city wall of Narima Jiexi—although this city is the source of Shurima, it is actually not that big in scale, according to Kalya According to the saying, here should now play the role of a cargo distribution center and a transportation hub near the Targon Mountains, and there is not much agriculture, animal husbandry and manufacturing.

After successfully leaving the city gate, when Lux and Ino looked at Qian again, what appeared in front of them was a large river flowing down from the hillside in front of them like tree roots.

These rivers use the meltwater from the snow-capped mountains as their water source, and flow down along the steepest mountain range at the eastern foot of Mount Targon. They criss-cross on the hillside to the west of Nerimajah City, weaving into a complex water network.

This water network was artificially collected at the moat of the city wall of Narima Jiexi, and gathered into two big rivers, one passing through the city, the other going around the city, and finally converging in the east of the city of Narima Jie into a vast river. The mighty Shurima River, going east.

Lux and Ino's eyes followed the river and upstream, until they raised their heads, they still couldn't see the end of the hillside clearly. When they got close enough to Mount Targon, they really realized clearly that this mountain How magnificent and tall it is.

"Let's go." Seeing that the two children were a little stunned, Kalya finally urged softly, "Going upstream from this river network area, the main peak of the Targon Mountains is in front of you—although in many people's eyes , it is easier and safer to climb all the way south from Kalamanda, but in fact, Narimaja is the best place to start climbing Targon.”


"This hillside looks beautiful, but it's not even an appetizer. Only when you reach the snow line can you climb Mount Targon."

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus and Ino finally nodded, put away their gazes looking at Mount Targon, looked in front of themselves, and finally took the first step of climbing Mount Targon down-to-earth.

It's just the beginning.

 Carya's Small Classroom Narimage's Water Conservancy Project:
  As the source of the Shurima River, Nerima Jie has natural and abundant water resources. However, before the establishment of Shurima, the city was known as "three prosperity and three burials" - the city was built many times, and it was repeatedly destroyed. Destroyed by flash floods or mudslides.

  It wasn't until the establishment of Shurima that the Shurima people sorted out the water network at the eastern foot of Mount Targon, deepened the waterways, planned glacier waterways, dredged waterways, and built artificial riverways. Only then did the floods be completely controlled.

  At that time, the construction team led by Karya adopted the policy of "adapting measures to local conditions, turning turbulence into a stream, developing both streams and creeks, and turning all rivers into one", and carried out targeted artificial river repair projects.

  In the process of clearing the river bed and building special waterways, the mountain streams and small rivers from various places were consciously converging, turning eight into four, eliminating four into two, and combining two into one. Finally, the melted water from Jushenfeng Snow Mountain was forcibly gathered in the into a large flow of the Shurima River.

  The successful completion of the Narima Jie water conservancy project marks a great improvement in the utilization rate of water resources in the upper reaches of the Shurima River. Narima Jie has completely secured its position as a traffic distribution center in the upper reaches of the Shurima River. Through water conservancy construction, the newborn For the first time, the Shurima regime has gained the recognition of ordinary people.

  Later, after the establishment of the Shurima Empire and the emergence of the Ascendant, although the capital of the country had moved away, Karya later returned here to carry out the secondary development of Narima Jie. While strengthening the old water conservancy projects, It also cultivated new species including pan sheep, which bathed this ancient city in the glory of the empire.

  PS. There is another chapter tonight, maybe in the middle of the night

(End of this chapter)

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