Lux's Farewell

422 Lacus' calmness and confidence [0418]

Compared with Pete, who has been in the army for a long time and has a straight personality, Tiana is undoubtedly a more rational and calm person-according to Jarvan III's evaluation, Pete is a very good general, but Tiana is capable of being a general in the army. commander in chief.

Even if it's not on the battlefield, but in the turbulent political situation, Tiana is better able to grasp the key to the problem.

In Tiana's view, Pete's anxiety and even losing his composure were really disturbed by his love for his daughter - don't look at the group of bastards in the noble council who were yelling fiercely, but the current situation is that he is afraid of both ends.

The noble council was also afraid of the Illuminati, and they were eager to push Lax to the stage to fight Tarek. They didn't want Lax to be the pick. The reason why they dared to press so hard was because Pete loved his daughter and was wholeheartedly loyal to him. Jarvan III.

If Lux stood up at this time and said that she also admired the Illuminati for a long time, believe it or not, many of the loudest nobles would immediately come over with a sullen face, saying that everything can be discussed.

In other words, it was Peter who had too high a requirement for loyalty and morality, which led those nobles who had no bottom line wantonly to put Lacus on the fire, because good people should be pointed at guns.

In this case, reasoning is useless, a substantial threat must be shown.

Of course, due to the royalist stance of the Crown Guard family, this kind of display must be well-controlled, so that Jarvan III cannot feel threatened. This is Tiana's main concern.

For Tiana, her niece has already been quite familiar with the folk world after going through such a journey, and her strength must be trustworthy. Daqi, then she must have the ability to clearly understand the key issues in the political situation.

I'm afraid that this kind of ability can't be taught by my stupid big brother.

That's why Tiana didn't explain the whole story to Lax, but instead asked Lax what she thinks on this point with the meaning of a school test.

Facing her aunt's inquiry, Lacus didn't ask Karya immediately, but started to think by herself.

Lux is not good at nobles, but this does not prevent her from understanding what a group of nobles are. Therefore, although she is not as thorough as Tiana in this issue, she can still appreciate a lot of subtleties. place.

Although she is the center of the vortex, she has no intention of playing games with these insects on the political table, and wants to start a new business, but Lux is so clear to the outsider. Therefore, she quickly realized what the noble council is doing. The main purpose of this gesture.

Thinking of this, Lux quickly showed a clear look.

Then, she quickly communicated with Kalya, and with the help of Kalya, she made some wording, and then she spoke calmly.

"Not all nobles uphold noble conduct." Lux looked at her father who was still aggrieved, "They thought I could be bound by a false name, pushed ahead by them, made into a perfect banner, and appeared in the In front of other people, hiding their ugliness, such a maggot-like idea is naturally disgusting."

Pete nodded appreciatively.

"However, father, don't worry, these insects are not worth worrying about." Lux continued, "Although there is a lot of noise at the noble meeting, as long as His Majesty makes a decision, they can't push anyone to oppose it. Otherwise, whoever opposes it can solve Tarek's threat."

Pete blinked in surprise as if he understood something.

"Everything has a price. Even in the army, the contribution of the vanguard is far greater than that of the rear. If anyone insists on suppressing the Illuminati by setting a model of nobility, then he can be that model of nobility." Lark There was a smile on Si's face, "I still have a little face for the Art Support Association. If anyone can, then let him face the pressure of the Illuminati. I can definitely help him to live forever."

Lux's words were very tactful, but the logic in them was extremely clear—suppressing the Illuminati is not just a matter of our defending family, so don't try to push me out with this kind of unsalty reward.

Being able to do something doesn't mean you have to do it.

Hearing this, Pete finally patted his forehead - he was so concerned that he was in a mess, and today he was so angry with the bastards of the noble council that he almost got into a dead end!

That's right, it's not our family's responsibility to deal with the Illuminati!

And hearing what Lacus said, Tiana also showed a satisfied expression.

"That's very good, Lacus." Tiana glanced helplessly at Pete, whose face was written all over my daughter's awesomeness, and then said unhurriedly, "As long as you grasp this point, those provocative The annoying flies can only make a little noise—compared with the noble council, the most important point of this matter lies in Your Majesty."


Lux didn't speak, but nodded clearly.

Beside her, Pete showed a puzzled look.

"What does this have to do with Your Majesty?"

"You didn't understand the key point, but Your Majesty can understand it." Tiana explained with a smile, "But the idea you put forward is really not in line with His Majesty's wishes, that's why this matter is so stuck here."

"Why is Your Majesty not willing to clean up the Illuminati—wait a minute, what you said is that Your Majesty doesn't want Lacus to take up a position of real power?"

"That's right." Tiana looked at her brother who had only just realized, and couldn't help rubbing her temples, "The Crownguard family is not the Bouvier family with few people, even if you retire now, what the Crownguard family does The power he holds is still too heavy for the entire Demacia."

"So His Majesty wants Lacus to separate from the Crown Guard family?!" Pete's tone finally became a bit unbelievable, "This...isn't it possible?"

"Exactly." Looking at her father's appearance, Lacus felt a little helpless, "Because I left Demacia, the family has received a lot of compensation. Now that I am back, if I am in a high position again, Demacia would be clearly out of balance."

"Actually, there is another way to do this." Tiana looked at Lacus appreciatively, "His Royal Highness has not yet married a wife, if our Lacus—"

"Don't even think about it." Lux interrupted Tiana neatly, "It's impossible."

"That's right." Tiana raised her brows helplessly, "That's His Royal Highness after all."

"So, tomorrow I would like to ask His Majesty for a new fief." Lux simply came up with her own plan, "A piece of land worthy of the status of a climber."

"Land of this size is hard to find." When it came to this topic, Tiana was also a little embarrassed, "There is almost no land in Demacia that can be divided, and the territory directly under the royal family is pitifully small, and it is absolutely impossible to divide it. One piece for you, so the best we can do is to find a soft persimmon..."

"Don't be so troublesome." Lux waved her hand, "As far as I know, there are many lands without lords in the northern border of Demacia, near the border!"

"Northern border?" x3
Hearing that Lux asked for a piece of land on the northern border, even Augsa, who had been silent by the side, couldn't help but gasped.

"This is not just for fun!" Tiana said in a serious tone, "The nobles' fiefdoms are certainly profitable, but they must also bear the responsibility of paying taxes. The northern region is located on a plateau and the products are insufficient. The lord will soon be unable to make ends meet - how many people are staring at you, if you don't pay enough taxes, you will be in trouble!"

"That's right, that's right!" Pete also nodded after thinking about it, "Our family has such a large fief, mainly because most of the fiefs are located in the northern border, and the products are not abundant, like in the core of the kingdom. Gendale, Tobysia, the fiefdoms of each family are smaller than each other, but they are richer than each other!"

"I know." Lux nodded, "But I'm special after all—the northern border is a difficult and cold place for ordinary people, but for me... I'm actually fine."

"You don't have to sacrifice yourself so hard." Tiana shook her head helplessly, "Although you have been criticized for temporarily cleaning up a soft persimmon and spitting out the fief, the procedure is also reasonable and legal."

"After all, I am different from ordinary nobles." Lux opened her right hand, and a ball of light was dancing in the palm of her hand, "As a climber, although my status as a mage is not a problem, I have always appeared in everyone's eyes. In front of you, after all, you look at each other and hate each other."

"You are already a peak climber, why should a peak climber care about this!" Augsha grabbed Lacus's other hand, "Silly girl, don't do this."

"That's right!" Pete also said, "Although the military is not like the noble council, there are still a lot of bad things. The big deal is to choose a few bastards and deprive the territory. Go to the northern border...not."

"This can be regarded as convenient for myself." Lux heard the words, dispersed the light in her palms, and took her mother with both hands, "The border is difficult to maintain. In addition to the unbearable climate, it is also mainly due to insufficient population, and the kingdom is infected with demons. There are quite a few of them, so I might as well choose a border fiefdom as their new home, and save the trouble of the demon searchers, and have to relocate them abroad—”

"Not every demon-infested person has your talent!" Pete and Augusta were stunned, and Tiana stood up abruptly, "Magic out of control will inevitably lead to disaster, you can afford the price ?"

"Of course I can bear it." Lux heard that, a bright smile bloomed on her face, and she nodded confidently, "Don't forget, I'm a climber—I'm a professional in magic."

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