Lux's Farewell

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Although it is called "Socio-Economic Survey", in this first draft, Shivana and Ino's focus is completely on the economy and social relations, and they only use the simplest few sentences to complete the summary .

"The local people have a strong sense of clan, and they belong to the joint autonomy of the region, and have an ambiguous relationship with the Third Army in the North."

Then it's gone.

No way, under the circumstances of limited time and insufficient manpower, in this first draft, Ino and Shivana can only qualitatively and specifically describe the work and lifestyle of the Fossbarrow people. Explain clearly the logic of the overall social operation of Forsbarrow.

It's a pity that most of the time they can only choose to record hearsay stories, and the detailed data in the investigation is not very clear—except for things like "how long is the nearest village to Forsbarrow?" Other data can only be provided by local people.

And that's the problem: the average person in Forsbarrow doesn't have much sensitivity to numbers!

When faced with the problems of Ino and Shivana, the data they can give is definitely not satisfactory in terms of accuracy. If Lux completely follows this version of the data, the result may be directly brought into the ditch. .

But even so, this first edition of the survey report is still very valuable first-hand data. It well explains and explains the content of the Forsbarrow people's daily work, sources of income, and the current basis of products, transportation, etc. The level of facilities plays a very important role in understanding Forsbarrow.

Of course, since there is a first edition, there must be a second, third, or even revised edition later.

Lacus believes that as she gradually understands the northern border and Fossbarrow, this investigation report will eventually be enriched little by little, and eventually become an important reliance enough to guide the construction of Fossbarrow!


Just like Lux gradually getting to know Fossbarrow, Silas in the Freljord is now learning about this ancient and cold land, Looking for an opportunity to return to Demacia for the return of the king.

After stealing the old god's gift through his own talent, Silas's first choice was to run away - he had no hostility towards the unlucky shaman named Solva who was almost frozen to death.

But it is a pity that after he obtained this very warm power, the Winter's Claw warriors who accompanied Solva did not hesitate to ride the Juvask wild boar and surrounded Serawi one after another.

In fact, when Flaina saw her shaman fall, the Scarmother was also stunned—after she yelled "follow up" and brought the rest of the raiding group around, she Seeing Silas under heavy siege, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Solva is still in the opponent's hands.

If an ordinary warrior—no matter how brave—fell into the enemy's hands at this time, Flaina would not hesitate at all, and would only mobilize the Winter's Claw warriors to crush the opponent.

But this stranger is different. He is now surrounded by the patrons of the old gods.

The face of the old gods is always to be given.

Therefore, after completing the outer siege, one of Flaina's blood alliances, the tall and burly Brokval, took the initiative to rush forward, as if intending to test the opponent's quality.

The tacit understanding between blood alliances does not require too much verbal communication. The moment Brokval was dispatched, Flaina already knew what he was going to do.

Sure enough, Brokval led the team to ten steps away from Silas, and stopped decisively. His body was still riding on the back of the wild boar, and the spear in his hand was pointed at Serra standing beside Solva. s.

Although Brokval looks like a big man without a head, this big man obviously has great wisdom - after seeing his own shaman fell down inexplicably, although he has locked on the guy in front of him, he did not rashly His chains looked dangerous to touch or touch.

In this case, encirclement is the best way.

"I'm Flaina," after confirming that this guy couldn't escape, Flaina steered her Juvask wild boar, which was one size larger than her, to take a step forward, and announced loudly, "Scarmother of Winter's Claw ·Shieldbreaker ·Brother of Misery ·I am the Roar of Juvask—who are you and what are you doing here?"

It's a pity that Silas couldn't understand a word, so he could only tilt his head at this time, and gave his own response in Demacia.

Chickens and ducks respond in the same way.

"You don't understand me, do you?" Flaina continued. "Me, Flaina."

Seeing this strange woman slapping her chest and repeating Flaina like a giant bear, Silas obviously understood the other party's identity.

"Sylas." Imitating the other person's appearance, he also patted his chest, "Sylas!"

"Sylas?" Freina repeated. "Your name is Silas, isn't it?"

Although this scene has the meaning of "your name" to some extent, the implication of the imminent sword in the icy cold air cannot tolerate the slightest charm. Although Silas is smiling, his hands are already firmly grasping the magic stone on his wrist. Chains, always ready to launch a deadly surprise attack.

"Is she dead?" During the confrontation, Flaina asked the people around her without hesitation, "It looks motionless."

"She's frozen, but she's still alive," a voice full of surprise replied in the team of casters, "She's still alive."

The Winter's Claw warriors who still maintained their surrounding posture began to whisper.

Everyone knew that Sister Frost was one with the cold, a gift from the old gods—but now she was frozen, but this warm-blooded Silas stood in front of them naked?

Fleena frowned and began to consider her options.

She herself does not believe in the old gods, and she does not believe in anything other than steel, fire and blood.

But the problem is, her warriors are not the same

It is very likely that the scene in front of you will be regarded as some kind of omen.

"It's a waste of time." She shook her head, and then actively urged the mount, "The farce should be over."

"Let me come." Brokvar roared, jumping off his mount, "I'll come!"

Flaina raised her eyebrows—this blood alliance of hers is good at everything, and it is brave no matter where it is, but sometimes its head is not good, and it is too stupid and superstitious.

"He made the shaman like this." Brokvar pointed to Solva who was still lying on the ground. "It would be my honor to punish him under the watchful eyes of the gods."

Saying that, without waiting for Flaina to nod, he took a step and ran towards Silas.

Silas, who was still quite tall, was as thin as a little chicken in front of this Iceborn warrior with ice blood.

When Brokvar pulled out Winter Tan from the scabbard behind his back and walked towards Silas with cold steps, an indescribable sense of oppression appeared in his heart, and he subconsciously wanted to shake The chain gave the big man a good look, but in the end he narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for the other party to show his flaws first.

Anyway... I'm not cold anymore.


On the snow, Solva's body was extremely stiff.

For her, the last time she felt really cold was when she was very young—she hadn't spent the sixth winter in her life at that time, and it was a very mischievous time.

At that time, she was chasing a snow rabbit to the surface of a frozen lake, laughing as she ran, unaware that the ice under her feet was actually very thin.

Then, with a terrible cracking sound, the ice cap collapsed, and little Solva fell into the piercing waters of the lake.

During those long minutes, she experienced death, and was finally fished out from under the ice cap, and the shaman of the tribe gave her back the breath of life—that is, on that night, she showed her supernatural power for the first time. bestowed strength.

"Sometimes, when a person has gone to the other side of life and death, he will change after returning." The old shaman in the tribe explained, "Out of the wisdom that ordinary people cannot understand, the gods have blessed you."

Since then, Solva has been pleasantly surprised to find that he is no longer afraid of the cold, and can even walk in the snowstorm with his bare skin, even if the wind and snow are heavy, Solva will not be affected.

But now, when the power was taken away, Solva lying on the snow seemed to turn back into the panicked little girl.

Her body and consciousness seemed to be slowly sinking in an ice hole, seeing the light above her head getting farther and farther away, but this time she was staring straight at the sky, unable to blink her eyes.

The breath of Anivia never stopped blowing, Solva just lay on the ground like that, numb and ignorant, unable to breathe.

At this moment, she couldn't hear or feel anything.

At this moment, the severe cold invaded her body and merged with her.

In a trance, Solva had a subtle realization—could it be that this was the reason why he was guided to come here?
The "wisdom that mortals cannot comprehend" that the shaman said was actually that he wanted to come here and pass this power on to this warm-blooded person?
No, it's not!
I am the one favored by the gods!
But it was a pity that no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, an unspeakable fear still grabbed her heart, making it quiet little by little, dragging her down into the icy hell of annihilation.

As Silas "enthusiastically" put the fur coat he had prepared on Solva's body, but the shaman who had lost the power of the old god was still blown by the breath of Anivia , and soon came to the brink of death.


Solva is dying.

But Silas didn't have the time to care about these at this time - in front of him, the tall Brokvar had already taken the initiative to attack.

The man called "Iron Fist" held the sword in one hand, and swung a deadly blow straight forward. While rushing forward, Dongtan roared and cut through the air, leaving a trail of ice fog.

This pure ice weapon named Winter Tan is theoretically a one-handed sword, but for ordinary people, Brokvar's one-handed sword is a bit too long to use with both hands.

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong, Brokvar's swift blow is accurate and ruthless, according to Freljord's words, it is "enough to split an ice troll in half".

But what surprised him was that Silas was able to maintain an astonishing speed with the chain - facing the slash of this blow, not only did he dodge the fatal blow backwards, but at the same time, the two wrists on his wrist The iron chain also drew a circular arc and almost hit Brokvar in the face.

But it doesn't matter.

The sword fell to the ground, Brokval punched backhand, and the target was aimed at the side of the opponent's head. Seeing this, Freina couldn't help but squeeze her eyes—just like many opponents who thought Brokval was stupid, she saw that The little man named Silas was directly sent flying.

Brokvar followed. Although Silas struggled to get up and finally stood firm, he only slightly delayed the doomed result.

Being able to become Flaina's blood alliance, Brokval is not just as simple as "looking strong".

Although he is a bit superstitious, in terms of fighting style, Brokval is quite neat and tidy - after gaining the upper hand, he leaned forward decisively, intending to make up the knife directly.

Silas' eyes were fixed on the weapon of the Freljord barbarian.

A pale crystal of ice was shining on the hilt, and the blade was covered with a chilly hoarfrost.

The magic that emanated from that ice crystal was unlike anything Silas had ever seen—raw and ferocious, and only a fraction of its power was unleashed.

But even so, Silas could still feel its magical power through his skin, and that power was so familiar, it seemed that in the Arcatraz, the woman who inspired him to escape from the prison was using such a power .

The woman's power brought him back from the dead, driving away the cold in his body and the dead gray in his fingertips.

In contrast, the power on this ice crystal is older and larger.

If you can touch it...

With a growl, Silas stepped forward to meet the Freljord.

His goal was very pure. Silas had confirmed through the previous fight that he was not the opponent of this strong barbarian—in the one-on-one battle, the opponent almost completely crushed him.

His body was tall and flexible, and he was so weak that he looked like a child in comparison.

In this case, the only way to win is to take away the power of the one-handed sword in his hand. Silas believes that the power is enough to escape from the siege of these barbarians.

Coupled with the fact that I am no longer afraid of the severe cold at this time, since then the sky is wide and the sea is wide, so there must be a lot to do!
Thinking of this, he took the initiative to approach Brokvar, and devoted all his attention to defense and guard - he thought very clearly, just dodge it, and then put the chain of the forbidden magic stone on the opponent On the weapon, you can seize the opponent's power!

Brokvar obviously didn't know what Silas was planning. Seeing that this weak warm-blooded man dared to come to seek death, he snorted heavily, and then swung the one-handed sword again.

It's now!

Silas's face lit up, and he threw out the chain of the forbidden magic stone in his hand, and threw it straight into Brokvar's hand.

The next moment, the magic stone chain touched the sword, and an indescribable force came from it. Before Silas could feel joy, a layer of fine ice crystals appeared on the surface of his whole body.

Then, under everyone's astonished eyes, he threw his head back and fell down with a bang.

Obviously, compared to the bestowal of the old gods, the power of Zhenbing exceeded the limit that Silas could bear.

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