Lux's Farewell

461 [0455] Some happy and some sad

Lux didn't know that Silas, who set off the prelude to the turmoil in Xiongdu of Demacia, actually ran to the northern border to cooperate with the Freljord.

Now, the most important thing for her is how to officially start work in Forsbarrow.

Although they are the justifiable Earl Laxana and Lord Fossbarrow, according to the first draft of Ino and Shivana's investigation, the locals of Fossbarrow don't seem to be very interested in the noble lord....

There has been no lord here for nearly 200 years—except for cooperating with the Third Demacian Legion stationed here to fight against the barbarians in the north, Fossbarrow is almost an independent kingdom.

But now, Lux "turned out" as a lord, and brought a large number of immigrant demons. In this case, she had to consider the thoughts of the locals of Fossbarrow.

Fortunately, through the previous trip to Fossbarrow and the preliminary investigation report, Lacus at least roughly knows what the people of Fossbarrow need. It is not abundant, and most of the food is imported. Under such circumstances, Lux believes that the promise of "building a road from Forsbarrow to Mitril City" should arouse the interest of the local people.


Lux has her own considerations about becoming the master of Fossbarrow.

And the reaction of the Forsbarrow people after they learned that a lord appeared above their heads was also very interesting.

As mentioned earlier, compared to the economic form, Fossbarrow's social structure is actually relatively simple-for the residents of this northern city, living itself is a relatively difficult thing, and they are engaged in different fields. Professional Fossbarrow people often need to report to the group to keep warm in order to ensure their competitiveness, which naturally gave birth to the development of the local trade guild in Fossbarrow.

In fact, due to the lack of adjustment means, in the preliminary investigation report, Eno speculated that Fossbarrow "may have a relatively large clan power", because here, many people who are engaged in a certain industry often have the same surname.

Looks very much like a family monopoly.

But in fact, due to the special situation in Fossbarrow, the reason why most of the trade guilds here are people with the same surname is not because of the monopoly of the family group, but because the people of the same trade unite and marry each other, and finally everyone becomes a family.

The causal relationship is reversed in other commercially developed areas.

Therefore, when the news that "Earl Laxanna is about to arrive at Fossbarrow" came, different from what Lacus thought, many members of the guild even rejoiced at the addition of a lord on their heads.

For example, the owner of the chamber of commerce who had just blown a big deal but failed to get an investment from the "Pillow City Investor" when he learned that Fossbarrow was about to welcome a lord , the first reaction is excitement.

Yes, excited.

People who are not specialized in business do not know how painful it is to have no one above their heads!

Except for the once-a-year trade to the capital of Demacia, the trade between the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce and other cities is counted once, and the price will be lowered by the local merchants—the kind that lowers the price to death.

The main reason for this is that Fossbarrow has no lord, and the Fossbarrow people are masterless.

In Demacia, nobles and commoners are not a concept at all, and there is almost no time for the two to sit down and talk on an equal footing.

Therefore, even if it is the president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, the Fossbarrow people have no chance to discuss trade with the lords from all over the place.

After all, according to the tradition of Demacia, although the local merchants are responsible for the trade in various places, the most important tone still needs to be set by the nobles. There are no nobles in Fossbarrow, which means that Fossbarrow has no real meaning. trade negotiation power.

In this case, when Fossbarrow's goods are sold, the local merchants will crazily lower their prices, whether they want to sell them or not—although the quality of Fossbarrow's fur, blue ochre, and various spices and herbs are top-tier , but none of these are essential, and the range of sales is quite limited.

The Fossbarrows without the support of the nobles are unable to build a trade network that faces the entire Demacia. In addition, the roads in the territory are difficult and the transportation cost is extremely high. Even if this is the only business, they have no ability Sit down and start the price.

If it weren't for Xiongdu, the royal family has been promoting exhibition-style trade in order to increase its influence, and the prices of Fossbarrow's products may be suppressed even more severely!

Therefore, for the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, Earl Laxana, the lord who "fallen from the sky", is their greatest savior.

After hearing that the other party was from the Crown Guard family, the owner of the chamber of commerce was the first to stand up and start running around—the "clearance event" that Shivana saw when she came to the chamber of commerce to inquire about the news was actually the The Chamber of Commerce is conducting a big sale to raise a sum of money to show its loyalty.

In his opinion, since the Earl Laxana came from the Crown Guard family, he must have some connections in Mithril City. After Baylor's Chamber of Commerce transported the goods to Mithril City, they used the waterway of Mithral City to transport...

Even if you pay an extra toll, the business profit will increase a lot—in the case of water transport, the reduction in transportation costs can completely offset the toll and your loyalty to the Earl, and it is more than enough!


However, not everyone is like the chamber of commerce, and is happy to have a new lord on top of their heads.

In Fossbarrow, after the Orions heard that a lord was coming, their attitude was a little subtle.

If the group of people in Fossbarrow didn't want to parachute a lord, it must be these hunters-the reason is very simple, they are the most closely related group of people in the Third Demacian Legion stationed in Fossbarrow.

Demacia has always advocated a policy of elite soldiers. Soldiers—even ordinary soldiers—still have a considerable status in Demacia, and they are the real "noble reserve".

On the one hand, this has greatly strengthened Demacia's armaments, and on the other hand, it has also limited the number of soldiers who can join the army.

At least until now, Demacia has not seen any obvious redundant troops.

However, because the border between the north and the east of Demacia is too long, relying on only a few elite soldiers is actually not enough to support the national defense of a country.

In this case, the importance of the local militia is reflected.

In Demacian tradition, militias and regular armies are complementary.

The militias are "not woven", but they can also be turned into regulars - legions everywhere, especially the garrison legions stationed in specific areas, will recruit some elites from the local militias. For the Demacians, this It is a very valuable ascent path.

Forsbarrow was no exception.

As one of Fossbarrow's "pillar industries", the local fur industry in Fossbarrow supports a large number of hunters.

These hunters are big hunters in normal times, and once winter comes, they will gather in Forsbarrow City to help the Third Army, as a militia, defend the northern border from the barbarians who may come to attack.

For the merchants of the Forsbarrow Chamber of Commerce, the lack of a lord in Forsbarrow means "no one is exploited above the head"; but for these hunters, the lack of a lord in Fossbarrow means "direct and The three armies establish a link".

In this way, during the period when Fossbarrow had no lord, many Orions of Fossbarrow became regular soldiers from the militia through the relationship with the Third Legion.

This is also the main reason for the "ambiguous relationship between Fossbarrow and the Third Northern Army" in the investigation results of Ino and Shivana.

Although the life of the hunters is relatively difficult, the hunting is difficult, and they are prone to accidents, but they are a group of people who have a clear path to rise in Fossbarrow—and now, Fossbarrow is going to come to a nobleman. For them, it is not a good thing.

Now everyone who is capable can be favored by the Third Legion and become a glorious Demacian soldier. When the noble master comes to Forsbarrow, can this continue?

So, after getting the news, hunters with some knowledge started passing messages to each other, trying to do something.

However, unlike the Chamber of Commerce, it is not yet winter, and it is the best time to hunt those prey that have grown fat in autumn. At this time, most hunters are scattered in the intricate mountainous areas of the northern border— —The Flying Dragon Ridge Mountains are like the spine of a giant flying dragon, with many large and small proliferating "bone spurs".

These "bone spurs" form mountain depressions, which are the favorite hunting grounds of local hunters. Now is the peak hunting season, and hunters are setting traps in their own hunting grounds, waiting for this year's good harvest.

Under the loose organization, by the time these hunters unite, it may be winter already!


In addition to the caring and encouraging Chamber of Commerce and the nervous hunters, the attitude of the miners and herb pickers of Fossbarrow towards the Earl of Laxana is more interesting.

To describe it in one sentence, it is "it's none of my business".

As an out-and-out "technician", in the eyes of miners and herb pickers, regardless of whether Fossbarrow has a lord or not, his buddies will not change in any way-except for us, your lord No matter how capable we are, can we still find another group of people to pick those herbs and spices that are not easy to find, distinguish and pick instead of us?

Or is it that the new lord can bring a large number of people to directly take over the mine and mine blue ocher instead of me?
Can't you?
If not, how can our lives change?

Therefore, these people are Fossbarrow's "neutral faction", and they don't care much about the arrival of Earl Laxana, and they are not very interested.

Just live your own little life, so what if there is no lord?
In this way, when some people were happy, some were sad, and some were indifferent, Laxana led the private army of Fossbarrow under her command, as well as a large number of devil-infested people, and dragged the huge giant statue of the forbidden magic stone together. , finally officially arrived at Forsbarrow.

After receiving the news, the Forsbarrow Chamber of Commerce, which welcomes His Excellency, went out of the city to greet him immediately.

The businessmen and fellows, headed by the president of the chamber of commerce, couldn't help beaming with joy after seeing the imposing Galio.

The chamber of commerce will set up a caravan in the summer, and go to Xiongdu to conduct trade, so many people have seen this colossal statue of the forbidden magic stone.

Being able to transport such a symbolic colossal statue of the Forbidden Stone to Fossbarrow in the north fully demonstrates the identity and status of the new Earl Laxana!
With this boss behind him, better days are coming!

Thinking of this, a group of businessmen got busy excitedly.

Galio's size is too big, relying on the ropes on the city wall of Fossbarrow is really not enough to pull him into the city - if he pulls hard, the city wall as the fulcrum may collapse.

In this case, the best way is to keep Galio outside the city.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the boss of the chamber of commerce plans to go directly to meet with the lord, on the one hand, to clarify the matter of Galio, and on the other hand, to show his loyalty.

With excitement and apprehension, he confirmed the "loyalty gift list" in his arms, tidied up his appearance a little, and then greeted the people who were forming a team on the slope outside Fossbarrow City and preparing to enter the city with a smile.

For these people who followed Lux ​​all the way north, climbed hills and slept in the open, and finally arrived outside the city of Forsbarrow, the city of Forsbarrow seemed to be in front of them, which meant that the journey was about to reach the end !

At this moment, whether it was a soldier or a demon infected person, they were more or less emotional, but thanks to the intensive training along the way, they still quickly completed the whole team.

In the opinion of Fossbarrow's Chamber of Commerce President, this kind of rapid formation of the team naturally reflects the "management of the army" of the new lord, His Excellency Earl Laxana, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace and came to the When you are not far from the sentinel, take the initiative to stand still.

"Sambol, representative of Fossbarrow Local Chamber of Commerce, welcome Your Excellency!" He took the initiative to bow in the direction of the team, with a very respectful attitude, "Fossbarrow people, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

It seems that because of "an outsider is coming", the team, which was somewhat noisy due to excitement before, quieted down at a speed visible to the naked eye - without many passwords, the team became orderly at an astonishing speed .

With the soldiers in front and the demon-infected in the back, a huge square formation consisting of a large number of small sword formations and shield formations, occupying all the space in the open space below the city, was completely unfolded.

Then, as a red flag was raised, the ordered phalanx separated left and right, and Lux, who was riding on a white horse, stepped out of the formation.

The next moment, the blue flag was waved, the phalanx returned to normal, and Lux, who had left the formation, turned over and dismounted cleanly.

"Mr. Sambol." Lacus nodded with a standard aristocratic smile on her face, "Long time no see."

Looking at this smiling face, Sambol's mind went blank.

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