Lux's Farewell

Chapter 519 [0512] Year-end summary of the northern border

In the Spring Day Speech, Lacus made many promises, the most direct of which was that she would give an annual summary to all Fossbarrow people here at the end of this year.

And now, it's time for her to fulfill this promise.

Different from the previous times, this time it was not the members of the chamber of commerce who notified the Fossbarrow people to listen to the speech, but special clerks—these people have been trained for three months, and now they are basically able to You can count by writing, and execute the order according to Lux's request.

Although these clerks are really just clerks and can only act according to the rules, their very existence already represents a brand new order in Fossbarrow, a governance completely different from the traditional noble family governance in Demacia. model.

But now, as the Fossbarrow people happily gathered in the square, and some people even began to call Laxana's name, this governance model seemed to be pretty good.

Like the previous Spring Speech, Lux's Winter Speech is quite easy to understand.

"Forsbarrow has grown a lot and changed a lot in the past year."

"I am honored to be a witness to these changes in Forsbarrow."

"I think, by now, everyone is as used to Archons and Newporters as they are to oat milk and kippers on the table."

The ingenious metaphor made the people of Fossbarrow smile knowingly——Lax's use of oat milk to refer to the Archons, and kippers to represent Newport people is very interesting and appropriate.

Whether it is the newly arrived Xingang people and the sea fish they brought, or the archons who are gradually integrating into ordinary people's lives and the milk they sell, these are things that many Fossbarrow people are not familiar with at ordinary times. For this part of the change Well, there is no need for Lux to say more, everyone knows it well, so Lux's joke almost made all the Forsbarrows present couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Amidst the smiles of the audience, Lux continued her speech.

"In addition to these new faces and new foods, Fossbarrow has some changes that are not obvious at present, but have actually taken place. These changes are my promises, and they are also the direction of Fossbarrow."

"The canal mentioned in Spring's speech has now completed the first phase of survey, and will start to break ground along the old river this winter." Lacus announced in a proud tone, "The soup basin has been Dig well, the spoon is also being prepared!"

"The archon who is in charge of the construction is also recruiting logistics personnel. People who are good at cooking and tidying are welcome to join the construction team. After the speech is over, those who are interested can go to the clerk to register. Those who pass the registration will not only have a good salary In addition, you can be the first to touch this spoon."

"So far, Weiluo Village has successfully completed the planned content of the spring speech. The mining and crushing industries have been taken back into our own hands. Many people in Seka Town, which once blocked the neck of Weiluo Village, have already Became a member of Vero Village."

"After the spring of next year, the mines in Vilo Village will expand their production scale and recruit miners. This is Mr. Gillam, the president of the Mining Association. After that, he will introduce us to the specific conditions needed to become a miner."

Gillam, who was named by Lux, came to the front of the stage, and waved to the Fossbarrow people in the audience with a little restraint.

"In addition to the imminent excavation of the canal and the recruitment of miners, I am also honored to tell you that with the support of the Herb Pickers Guild, the Archons have completed the first phase of the experiment on the artificial cultivation of Fragrant Red Su. The artificial cultivation of Xianghongsu."

"In half a month, the experimental planting of the red sage will be carried out in the newly opened nursery in the east of Fossbarrow City. The fence has been pulled up there now. Please don't step over and trample on it. Violators will be punished with whips. .”

"If the experiment goes well and the sage germinates next spring, Fossbarrow will be able to grow northern spices artificially for the first time. Training on sage planting will be carried out in the future, so stay tuned."

"In addition, the Fossbarrow Private Army has officially changed its name to the Northern Walker Legion from today, and the Fossbarrow Militia will also be reorganized into the Northern Walker Reserve. Those who are interested in joining the army can pay attention to the follow-up announcement about the content of being selected for the reserve renew."



There is no content that makes people confused, Lacus seems to be doing homework, showing the results of his work for the past year to the Fossbarrow people, and comparing it with the promise he made in the spring, what stands out is a clear clear.

The Fossbarrow people in the audience also listened with gusto. Although Lux's speech covered many aspects and many areas they didn't understand, there were always areas they involved in the same way.

For the areas you don’t understand, listen to a story; for the parts you understand, you have to raise your face and be proud.

In addition, although Lux's speech was very long, it was not lengthy. During the half-hour speech, the public listened with great interest, and even when other people came to the stage behind, many people showed bored expressions on their faces. expression.

Finally, when the applause sounded, Lux's first Winter Speech was also a complete success. Since then, the new lord of Fossbarrow has successfully passed her first year.

When she stepped off the podium, Lux subconsciously recalled her experience in the past year.

When I first came to Fossbarrow, what kind of feelings should the Fossbarrow people have towards their new lord?
Is it fear?Is it worry?Is it disgust?Confused?
These Lacus are unknown.

And now, what is there in the eyes of the Fossbarrow people looking at him?

Is it love?Believe?support?Is it looking forward to?
But these were not enough to make Lux complacent. She subconsciously thought of Shurima, and remembered how those Shurima people recalled the Shurima Empire. The trip across the Great Sai Desert not only exercised her will, It also broadened her horizons, making her hard to be complacent.

Compared with the once-prosperous Shurima Empire, the current Fossbarrows actually don't have much sense of belonging. What I have given them so far is oat milk and kippers, cheap furs and ore refining. is actually hope.

Prove hope with actions, and condense ideals with hope.

The corners of Lux's mouth turned up slightly, she shook her head, and finally stopped recalling the past, but pursed her lips and smiled.

Forsbarrow, the road is long and hard!

It wasn't just Lord Laxana of Forsbarrow who had to sum up the year.

In the Freljord, Ashe and Sejuani, also around the tribal bonfire, pondered the gains and losses of this year.

For Ai Xi, this year is a year of great sorrow and great joy.

Last winter, the raid of Winter's Claws dealt a heavy blow to the Avarosa people. There were a lot of casualties and a large amount of supplies were taken away. Just relying on the city wall was not enough to completely resist Sejuani's soldiers. front.

Although the trade with Fossbarrow brought Avarosa a large amount of oats and successfully survived the difficult period of weaning of Ernuk and Ucal calves, a large amount of furs also flowed in. In the hands of the Forsbarrows to the south.

These furs are undoubtedly not worth mentioning to the Avarosa tribe-if they are not traded to the Fossbarrow people in the south, they may be used to decorate tents or raise mattresses in the future. Useful, but not entirely useful supplies.

But in next year's trade, will the furs paid by Avarosa still be redundant materials?
Ashe knew very well that the answer was no.

Even as the largest tribe in Sifreljord, the amount of supplies accumulated by the Avarosa tribe is actually quite limited. It is okay for a year or two. If the trade continues, the Avarosa tribe will not be able to pay enough sooner or later. fur!
Ashe wasn't very good at math, but she was sure that the pelts of Ernuk and Ucal calves that were weaned through the oats were not enough to get back the oats they were fed.

If you want to maintain the trade, if you want the Avarosa tribe's Ernuk and Ucal to always go through the weaning period smoothly, Ashe must find more materials to trade with the Fossbarrows.

Put that question on the Winter's Claw tribe, and Sejuani's response was to plunder.

For Ashe, her choice is to use smoke and tea.

Tobacco and tea, in exchange for excess furs from other tribes, and then trade with the Forsbarrows - this may be the best means without tribal plunder.

In the Freljord, indulgences have always served to satisfy the spiritual emptiness.

Ashe herself doesn't like these indulgences. She doesn't drink alcohol, is not interested in tobacco, and drinks tea very little.

But she knew very well that the Freljord needed this.

For many Freljord tribes, even if they face the risk of not having enough to eat when they are barren, brewing wine is essential, and tobacco and tea are better than spirits that make people get drunk and fight.

Good luck.


Ashe is thinking about the resale and promotion of tobacco and tea.

On the Sanjigra Plain, Sejuani is considering going out to grab another wave this winter.

After a round of hunting, in the winter season, the Winter's Claw tribe returned to the Sanjigra Plain to repair. In the past year, the Winter's Claw swept a large area around the Sanjigra Plain and absorbed a large number of people. Elite warriors joined the tribe, and the power of the whole tribe was astonishing. Even the ancient city of Rackstark had heard of this tribe that claimed to be the successor of Serilda.

However, despite the growing fame, the lives of the people of Winter's Claw have not improved.

Sejuani is very good at fighting, but she doesn't know anything about the operation of the tribe.

Take last winter's battle as an example: last winter's looting was not considered a failure in terms of battle, but from a business perspective, it was actually a loss.

Not many warriors died in the battle of Winter's Claw, but Fudo's production was greatly affected.

The same is true for the follow-up sweeps. Many powerful fighters have joined the Winter Claws, but the expansion of the Winter Claws' territory is limited, and the supplies they have grabbed are also limited. The speed of tribe expansion does not match the speed of tribe productivity improvement. It directly made it harder for Winter's Claw to win.

If it continues, Winter's Claw may not even be able to guarantee the most basic food. At that time, this situation will undoubtedly shake Sejuani's prestige, and even her rule.

Although on the surface she doesn't care about the sporadic doubts, in fact, Sejuani is very aware of the troubles that such vacillation may cause. She replaces her mother and controls the fate of Winter by winning the duel. But she is also very clear that before she initiated the duel, her mother, Kojiya, had actually lost the support of her tribe.

Sejuani didn't want to be in the same predicament herself.

In her opinion, the best way to solve the problem that the speed of material plundering within the tribe cannot keep up with the speed of population expansion is to launch a war, a war that will be waged in winter and won a big victory!

A war in winter will eliminate a large number of soldiers who are not strong enough, while a surprise war in winter can plunder a large amount of winter supplies, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, killing two birds with one stone.

So here comes the question, if Winter's Claw wants to go to war, who should the war target be?
In Sejuani's view, there are two best targets for launching a war in winter, one is Avarosa and the other is Demacia.

The Avarosans were taken into consideration because Sejuani heard that their lives were getting better and better this year. In this case, the Avarosas must have hoarded a lot of good things for the winter.

In the battle last winter, Sejuani, who wanted to prove herself to her old friends, adopted a strategy of running thousands of miles, hoping to directly take Frost Harbor; but this year, her goal has been changed to a more realistic plunder , and if it's just for looting, then Ashe and her small number of battle groups may not be enough to stop the advance of the Winter's Claw tribe.

As for the looting of Demacia, it was all because of Silas' endless advocacy in the past year.

Now Silas seems to have fully integrated into the Winter Claws. During this year's sweep and looting, he has contributed a lot to the Winter Claws, so as a reward for the warriors, Sejuani will usually be very Open to suggestions from Silas.

As for Sejuani, Silas' biggest suggestion was to "go south and attack Mithral City".

According to Silas, during his journey from Demacia to the Freljord, he discovered a little-known trail. Plains of Eljord.

If the warriors of Winter's Claw gather quietly and make their way down that road, the Demacians will be unprepared!

Since it is a robbery, it must be a fat robbery. No matter how rich Avarosa is, can it be richer than Miyin City?
Two thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, and Sejuani pondered over and over again. After a long while, she finally stood up.

"Go and get Silas to meet me."

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