Lux's Farewell

591 turmoil in the shadow world [0584]

591 turmoil in the shadow world [0584]
With relentless digging by Detective Lux, Galen managed to... learn to keep his mouth shut.

When he talked with Lacus next, he kept gnashing his teeth and staring at the ceiling all the time, except for the necessary content.

No matter what you say, I don't have any feedback, and I don't even shake my hands. Don't even think about getting any more information from me!
Seeing her brother becoming unsmiling, Lux felt very bored. In desperation, she vowed that she would never dig into Galen's privacy again, but Galen seemed frightened and still refused to look Lux directly in the eyes.

The next day, it seemed that there was still a lot of work to be done in Xiongdu. After Galio settled down and repeatedly told him not to talk to his mother, Galen left Forsbarrow in a hurry.

For her brother's hasty departure, Lacus felt a little lost - then, she suddenly woke up, she was not interested in gossip at all in the past, why is she now interested in Galen's privacy?'s definitely because of Karya!

Absolutely got infected by villains!

Realizing this, Lux began to silently think about the changes in the people around her after she came into contact with Kalya.

After thinking for a while, she found helplessly that everyone seemed to be more or less approaching Kalya's direction, just like Ino, although she was still gentle and reliable in front of her, but in front of the Archon Among them, it was a consensus that Yinuo had a poisonous tongue and was not easy to mess with.

Even in a sense, Eno has been running around recently, acting as an envoy, and the burden on her shoulders is heavy, but he and Sona are full of confidence in her, largely because of her "pretty small mouth" Karya".

The shadow world is as dark and gloomy as ever, which makes people feel chills in the bones.

Hearing what the other party said, Lacus nodded, fully aware of the seriousness of the problem—although there are many shadow creatures in the shadow world, they naturally hate the world, and under normal circumstances they would not approach the composted shadow world of the entrance area.

Although Jarvan IV is now in power and seems to have completely gathered all the power of Demacia, LeBlanc and Vladimir are very clear that he just temporarily suppressed all dissatisfied voices with his personal ability and prestige , There are many such great commanders in the history of Noxus, but their ending is often swallowed by power.

Lux nodded slightly to him, showing a serious look.

This kind of influence is not limited to myself, Ino and Sona. In the past year, even the members of the Rongguang group have gotten used to this kind of communication method that is not very harmonious, but efficient enough—in the eyes of outsiders, Fu Sparrow is her own Fosbarrow, but when Lux thinks about it, she can clearly find that Fosbarrow has been imprinted quite deeply by Kaya.

After all, in Fossbarrow, the veil between the Shadowlands and the real world is relatively thin.


Even with the Illuminati as a supplement to grassroots power, Jarvan IV would never discover this town of Black Rose, because the focus of the new priest's work is taxation, not immigration.

After entering the Shadowlands, LeBlanc and Vladimir feel like ducks to water.

In this way, the core personnel of Black Rose completely broke away from Noxus, who was severely injured by the toss, and embarked on the road to find the Shadow Realm.

In this case, Wei En judged that there was almost no chance to kill them by himself.

A shadowed Demacian.

After the Noxians entered the Shadow Realm for a while, they were finally discovered by Vayne who wandered here, so Vayne easily dealt with several black rose minions.

So, when Black Rose's elite mages began to search in groups, Vayne led them to the entrance of the Shadow Realm on Fossbarrow's side—perhaps because they once fought against demons side by side, Lacus In Vayne's judgment, the Forsbarrows and her subordinates are "friendly troops". As long as they don't wander around, create shadow creatures, and just compost at the entrance, Vayne always doesn't care.

When this kind of person is strong, what he has to do is to follow his will and achieve his goals through expansion. This kind of ghost trick LeBlanc and Vladimir can be said to be very familiar with.

And the identities of these people are the "traitors" announced by the current Noxus Grand Commander, the black rose who used to be behind the scenes of Noxus.

Facts have proved that the Archon is quite reliable - the composting team notified Lux ​​immediately after discovering the situation, and Lax immediately mobilized the Archon mage team who are best at fighting in negative energy environments Seventh sequence.

This is the Shadow Realm!

In fact, these members of the Black Rose were not the first group of people she packed up and entered the Shadow Realm.

Judging by the way Kalya once taught her, these footprints may have been left after a large group of people walked by!
Thinking of this, Lux decisively extinguished the light in her palm, and asked everyone to temporarily withdraw from the Shadow Realm.

In order to determine the safety of the compost, Lacus personally led a team to investigate the shadow creatures, and from the results of the investigation, all known shadow creatures have no feet!
In the Shadow Realm, shadow creatures are either twisted chrysalis on the ground, or floating around in mid-air, with no feet at all. In Lux’s view, the situation in the Shadow Realm is not so much a situation full of shadow energy. The world, rather, is an ocean full of shadow energy.

But the members of the Black Rose under their command did not adapt well—some died in pain, and some transformed into shadow creatures.

It was for this reason that they fully supported Swain's war plan.


The most important thing is that shadow creatures don't have footprints at all.

LeBlanc and Vladimir were stunned when they saw the holy silver arrows shot at them.

They don't have feet, let alone footprints.

"What's wrong with the Shadow Realm, speak slowly, don't worry."

At this moment, Lux's first reaction was that there was a gap between the shadow world and the real world again, causing someone to stray into it.

Originally regarding the black rose, Wei En also thought that they were the kind of people who blindly pursued the power of shadow, but with LeBlanc and Vladimir's counterattack, she finally found that things were gradually exceeding her expectations.

Then, Lux frowned suddenly—there were many and messy footprints, and if you look closely, they don't belong to one person!

After Vladimir and LeBlanc learned about the existence of the Ionian spirits and discovered the Shadow Realm, a place where they could truly embrace immortality, they quickly searched for information about the Shadow Realm in the Immortal Fortress.

In the following year, this secret team quietly entered Demacia, and according to the records in the ancient books, began to search for clues of the Shadow Realm, and the political situation in Demacia was as LeBlanc expected. The general turmoil in the market is suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

Even for them, there are new immigrants and more legal taxes, which is still a good thing!

Vayne decided to take a more flexible approach.

As a result, Lux could only temporarily give up on conceiving Karya's jokes, and hastily entered the Shadow Realm.

In addition, they have a lot of minions...

"It has been confirmed that it is not caused by misoperation?"

If I have to say it, the current Vayne is closer to a wandering in the shadow world, specializing in hunting those special creatures that covet the real world, and has evolved from a night hunter to a shadow hunter.

The friendly army is in trouble, you can't move like a mountain!
In this way, Wei En wandered around with the black rose elite who were completely confused about the space of the Shadow Realm, leaving clear traces at the composting point.

This is not a trivial matter, Lux has personally experienced the environment in the shadow world, under the erosion of negative energy, the supernatural will be assimilated by the shadow sooner or later!

When Lux began to carefully ask the first and seventh battle orders of the Archon Mages to assemble urgently, in a corner of the Shadowlands, the instigator of all this hadn't realized that he had been discovered.

Under the guidance of the Archon, Lacus quickly came to the scene of the incident, and after lighting up a ball of light in her palm, she finally saw the footprints on the ground.

Something happened to the Shadowlands?

This situation obviously exceeded the expectations of LeBlanc and Vladimir. As a last resort, they could only postpone the pace of building the Shadow Kingdom.

Now, with a thorny foe she can't handle alone, Vayne thinks it's time for allies to do their part to the Shadowlands by using the power of shadow to compost.

"It's confirmed, and the enchantment at the entrance to the Shadow Realm is also intact, and the guard said that no one has ever entered or exited."

It’s also interesting to say that before Lux found the entrance to the Shadow Realm by accident, the person who knew the Shadow Realm best in the entire Runeterra was actually an Ionian tens of thousands of miles away——Shadow Stream. Tears of Shadow can pass through special rituals, giving the subject the ability to travel through the Shadow Realm and use shadows for a short time.

Then, while the Demacians were sweeping across the battlefield, chasing death and chasing north, these people froze a small piece of river, crossed the Tobysia River smoothly, all the way north, and quietly left Nordic in the area of ​​Green Tooth Peak. Vladimir and LeBlanc of Texas and the black rose elite they led gathered together.

Mr. Arzhen, who was invited by Jarvan III to investigate the Shadow Realm before, started to explore the Shadow Realm because of the mage's curiosity after Lux solved the problem of the Shadow Realm. Afterwards, when he successfully entered the Shadow Realm, But when he was unable to leave due to the irregular closure of the cracks in the shadow world, and almost lost his mind and became a shadow creature, it was Wei En who gave him a good time.

After hearing that the Flying Wing sisters were missing, they opened up a town dedicated to Black Rose in the present world, allowing these Black Rose members who are good at political struggle to take root in Demacia.

Wayne's previous raid on LeBlanc and Vladimir was already a perfect raid. Although the holy silver arrow was dodged at the last moment, it still nailed into their bodies fiercely, but these two guys Later, he used a few weird secret techniques to completely evade the suppression of the holy silver arrows, and instead fought back on the spot, almost catching Wei En.

"Your Excellency Lux." The other party's expression was unprecedentedly serious, "An accident happened in the Shadow Realm!"

Lux didn't dislike this, but when she was truly aware of it "only because of being in this mountain", she still couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

And the development of the matter was just as they expected. After they took the initiative to accept the tax review and the Illuminati priests settled in, the Godin family became the representative of "repenting from evil and returning to righteousness". The cancer of Texas has now quietly sneaked into Demacia.

In response to this change, they once again utilized the two vests of the Gottins.

In the end, they confirmed that the entrance to the Shadow Realm was in Demacia, but the exact location was no longer known.

The form of shadow creatures is closer to sea creatures, mainly molluscs.

"We are transporting humus as usual today." The other party said in a surprised and worried tone, "but in the place where we are used to stacking humus, there are many strange footprints, and even the place where we piled humus Part of the fermentation pile was trampled down."

How could someone in the Shadow Realm use holy silver arrows? !

After Lux and Ino left, Vayne started an endless hunt in the shadow world-after becoming a shadow creature, she was no longer the previous Vayne.

If it wasn't for the composting team to make an oolong, it means that someone might have entered the Shadow Realm!

Moreover, the shape of shadow creatures is not fixed, as ethereal as shadows, they have almost no weight, and they will not step on humus at all.

After gaining a firm foothold in the real world, LeBlanc and Vladimir started their immortal plan in the shadow world rift inside Black Rose Town.

"Immediately hold an internal meeting of the Glory Group." After returning to the real world, Lak said without hesitation, "At the same time, the first and seventh battle orders of the Archon Mages have finished their vacation and assembled urgently. The first battle order guards and inspects the Known entrance and exit of the shadow world, the seventh battle order is on standby at any time!"

This person is Wayne.

Due to LeBlanc and Vladimir's counterattack, Wei En was seriously injured. I didn't choose to pursue it, but things still got worse.

In addition, there will occasionally be people in Shadow Stream who get lost in the shadows, and people in Shurima who become Shadow Bakai because they blindly pursue the power of shadows. These people will be hunted down and cleaned up by Vayne.

Several fanatical followers of the black rose who were in charge of the preparations for the ceremony died strangely. Their corpses were deformed into shadow creatures, and even attacked LeBlanc in turn.

But what is going on, I still have to go to the scene to find out. After all, she doesn't know much about this kind of knowledge of plane space, and even Karya doesn't know much about it.

However, they had just prepared a stronghold in the shadow world, and when they were about to start the shadow transformation ceremony, an accident appeared.

In this way, they finally successfully found a very ancient crack in the Shadow Realm and entered the Shadow Realm smoothly.

LeBlanc and Vladimir, who noticed something was wrong, set a trap, and then, like the believers before them, they were attacked in the dark.

In the Battle of Tobyssia, with the death of Swain and the unfavorable battle of Noxus, the men who belonged to the Black Rose left the battlefield very slickly, and because they were the first batch to run, they specially planned to Although the subsequent Noxus army fell apart, they broke away from the battle almost completely.

Although the completely invisible surprise attack caused them some injuries, both LeBlanc and Vladimir are absolute strong dogs, and this injury is not enough to make them lose their fighting power. Even these two guys He also tacitly used the injury to fish and fished out the attacker.

No, I must think of a more powerful joke, like "Kalya is a sand sculpture", after Shivana brings Kalya back from the canal construction site, I will laugh at this old guy!
Then, just when Lacus was thinking about Kalya's joke, the leader of the archon working group responsible for the treatment of the humus soil for hazelnut cultivation hurriedly found her.

Black Rose, who has been wandering around in the Shadow Realm for several days and has been troubled by many shadow creatures, is completely unconscious. There is already a group of negative energy mages based in the real world, under the guidance of Shadow Hunters, and they are eyeing them.

 Karya's Little Classroom Shadow Transformation Ritual:

  For example, Wayne drank the materialized shadow energy to transform herself into a shadow creature, which was purely a "protagonist" behavior, and the result of a normal person drinking this thing would only be a distorted shadow aberration.

  LeBlanc and Vladimir, the two well-versed guys, obviously don't want to risk their lives like this. They plan to transform themselves into perfect shadow creatures through a complicated shadow ceremony-they have brought all the materials needed for the ceremony. In the end, Wei En spoiled the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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