Lux's Farewell

Chapter 662 [0654]

662 Dialogue across millennia [0654]

The conflict between Xerath and Ryze is irreconcilable.

Regarding world runes, the perceptions and attitudes of both sides are completely opposite.

What Karya has to do is to mediate in the middle and be the referee of the arbitration.

That's right, this was what he thought of when he saw Xerath—just as Ryze had been wary of Kalya from the beginning, Kalya and Ryze were not the same people.

Karya acknowledged the danger of the world runes, but he didn't think that the world runes should be completely hidden as Ryze thought, so that people could not touch them.

In Karya's view, the world rune is a perfect source of energy, and it has too many advantages, so what I should do is to improve its shortcomings instead of shelving them.

Of course, it is too risky for Xerath to regard the world rune as his heart now.

This power needs to be supervised, and it is best to use secondary processing energy after reshaping. If it is used as simply and roughly as Xerath, it will cause problems sooner or later.

In this case, the best thing to do is to stay in the middle and seek common ground while reserving differences.

The difference is that the world runes that Ryze believes are very dangerous, and the world runes that Xerath believes can be used.

Make a noise, make a noise!
Ryze and Xerath quarreled casually, and when they quarreled enough, Kalya could stand up and let both sides take a step back. Throughout Kalya's life, he was never aggressive, only willing to fight.

In the end, neither Ryze nor Xerath could convince the other.

If you want to really draw a conclusion about this kind of things that are justified by the public and justified by the mother-in-law, you usually have to fight a battle, replacing the weapon of criticism with the criticism of weapons.

However, due to the previous battle, neither Xerath nor Ryze is willing to do it now-so, as Kalya expected, the task of arbitration fell to Kalya himself.

Carya was very satisfied with this, he put away the chair with a smile, and finally stood up.

"World runes are very dangerous, as Rune Wars has proven."

Ryze's face turned pale.

"However, it is not completely uncontrollable, and it is also beneficial to make good use of it."

Arcane brilliance flowed from Xerath's body.

"It's destined not to be a long-term thing like Xerath directly using it as his own heart." Carya continued, "It just so happens that I have studied the sun disc a little bit, and I still know about the seal, Ryze I am also very experienced in sealing world runes, maybe we can try to plan a subspace to house world runes together."

"..." x2
Both Xerath and Ryze were silent.

At this time, they finally realized that it seemed that Kalya had anticipated the current situation from the very beginning—but the matter had come to this point, and the two sides had no room for persistence.

Even if you take a step back, there is nothing you can do.

Jiedou great success.

After reaching a consensus with Ryze and Xerath on the issue of world runes, the next thing Kalya needs to do is to meet Azir.

He really has a lot to say about his junior.

Moreover, if Azir is really not dead, perhaps Kalya has a way to prevent him from sealing himself in this coffin.

Therefore, after convincing Ryze and Xerath, Kalya immediately returned to her own small world and looked at the coffin she accommodated.

The coffin that was once prepared to seal himself has now become a container for the last emperor to seal himself. This exquisitely carved coffin full of seals bears the demise of the two empires.

Sighing softly, Karya stretched out his hand, wiped the lid of the coffin, and then pushed open the coffin with a sudden push.


Azir couldn't remember how long he had been asleep.

The memory freezes when the sun disk collapses, followed by endless darkness, and a roar like a cuckoo crying blood.

"Shurima does not deserve a wise emperor!"

Then, there is an infinite cycle between body collapse and remodeling.

Perhaps, those dark descendants who lost the body of the noble ascendant also faced this kind of torture?
It's ironic, I'm afraid I'm destined to become the last emperor of Shurima—and the last emperor of Shurima is a Bakay monster who failed to ascend.

After that, Azir could no longer hear Xerath's words, he just endured eternal torture in the infinite remodeling of his body, until he fell into endless darkness.

In this darkness, even thinking seems to be stagnant, this feeling is like a long sleep, during this sleep, Azir has been looking back on his life, looking back on those things he still has. Remembered, forgotten past.

He couldn't think, he just looked back mechanically, the power of the seal suppressed the infinite reshaping of his body, and also suppressed his thinking ability, but it couldn't stop him from recalling everything instinctively, recalling aimlessly like a movie everything.

Until the edge of the darkness, a gap appeared.

Gentle light leaked out from that gap, the effect of the seal gradually failed, Azir's stagnant thoughts began to move, and his distorted body was about to be reshaped again——

At this moment, a hand rested on his shoulder, like an old acquaintance, and dusted off the gravel on Azir's body.

"Have you had enough sleep?" A gentle, never-heard, but somewhat familiar voice appeared in Azir's ear, "Have you had enough sleep, it's time to wake up, respect... …His Majesty Azir."

With a slight thought, Azir in the coffin got up little by little with the support of these hands.

"You call me Your Majesty?" Climbing out of the coffin, Azir stared blankly at the mirage-like city of Shurima in front of him, "Is the the empire revived?"

"The Shurima Empire?"

The person standing opposite Azir waved his hand viciously, and with his movement, the city of Shurima in front of Azir seemed to be like a piece of sand, gently wiped away by a pair of invisible big hands, Only the long yellow sand on the ground and in the wind remained.

"The Shurima Empire has long since perished."

Azir lost his balance and fell to the ground on his back.

His body began to reshape again, and when his flesh and blood grew, he vaguely felt the resonance of his blood. It seemed that the guy in front of him, wearing a mask and with a wicked smile on his face, was actually connected with his blood.

"Unworthy son!" Azir struggled to get up from the ground, his voice was full of grief and indignation, "The glory of the empire just disappeared in your hands—"

"Well said." The other party was not furious because of Azir's words, but took off his mask with a smile, "The last glory of the Shurima Empire has indeed dissipated in the hands of unworthy descendants."

The next moment, Azir saw that strange but familiar face, and his whole body seemed to be trapped in a seal again, and he froze in place.

"Stupid boy." Seeing Azir's appearance, Kalya put his mask on the other's face, then hugged him with a smile, "The empire should have been rebuilt long ago."

Azir froze in place, motionless, and his brain seemed to be sealed again, stagnating in a mess.

"Are you... Karya?"

"it's me."

"You didn't die?"

"For darkin, death is a luxury."

"But why... why don't you go back to Shurima to have a look?"


Carya didn't speak.

If you want to explain, Karya actually has countless reasons for this problem.

At that time, I couldn't isolate myself from the erosion of the void, I didn't have much sanity left at the time, and the chaos later did not allow me to return to the ruler, and so on.

But facing Azir's subconscious questioning, he just smiled and shook his head.

Behind so many reasons, is there any one, that Karya is tired and doesn't want to go on?

Karya can deceive many people and come up with countless reasons, but he knows very well that he cannot deceive himself.

"For me, Shurima is no longer that Shurima." In the end, Kalya didn't answer this question directly, "I'm just a remnant of the previous era, why make myself the main theme of the new era. "

"They betrayed you!" Although Carya had already tacitly agreed that he had chosen to give up to a certain extent, what Azir blurted out was to complain for him, "I have read many of your works, and what you wrote Hope Shurima shouldn't look like that!"


Kalya didn't speak, but looked at the anxious Azir in front of him, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Chicken, you don't need to teach me." Karya finally shook his head gently, "You should care more about yourself, the ascension ceremony was a mess, the majestic emperor himself ascended, but he ascended himself into a ba Kai, what a shame!"

Azir was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, let's take a look at your messy magic power. I am a monk who started learning magic in his 30s. My magic power is not as disordered as yours!"


"Should have learned magic theory?"


"Then hurry up and sort out your magic power, I have tried my best to suppress the collapse and remodeling of your body!"


"Then perform magic shaping on yourself, use the gravel on the ground here casually, and they are all in an extremely stable state."

"it is good."

"About the structure of the Ascension Ceremony, I will tell you next. You can judge for yourself what went wrong and reform yourself as soon as possible."




When Azir also appeared in front of Xerath in the form of yellow sand, although Xerath had long been an arcane body, everyone present felt his excitement.

"Your Majesty Azir!"


Although the appearance of an arcane creature and a yellow sand creature hugging each other without a single tear was a bit funny, but no one present could laugh.

And with Azir's "resurrection"—in fact, the lifting of the seal—Ryze fell into unprecedented isolation.

In this case, he can only hope that Kalya can keep his promise and seal the world rune, instead of taking it out and using it.

Fortunately, Kalya was still awake. After the exciting reunion after a long absence, the work of sealing the world runes officially started.

However, at the insistence of Carya, the position of the seal world rune was chosen to go to Niugra.

The reason is also very simple, there is a rune cultivation laboratory there.


In Antahir's mage Taya space, Kalya and Xerath first modified the subspace parameters in detail, and cooperated with Ryze to temporarily seal the world runes.

Then, a group of people left Antasil with the World Rune, took a boat down the ocean, drifted eastward for nearly a thousand miles, and arrived at Cape Niugella.

This is the southernmost tip of the Shurima Empire, facing the Icacia Peninsula across the sea. However, unlike the Kehalise, which is adjacent to Icacia and has a harsh environment, the natural environment of Nugra is not bad.

The rainfall here is abundant and the climate is mild. The only problem is that the Giant God's Southern Line ends here, the valleys intersect, and the traffic environment is extremely bad.

In Carya's grand tunnel plan, a third tunnel was originally planned to lead to Nugra, but it never came to fruition.

And later, when Carya started cultivating rune trees, Niugra also became the location of a laboratory because of its warm climate and no one disturbed.

"Ennakai is the person in charge of this laboratory." After arriving at Cape Niugella, Kalya looked at the lush forest in front of him, and finally told others about the past of this laboratory, "He is very reliable. , we all know—but I heard that later, he also left the empire?"

"Nakei disappeared at the end," Nasus added. "None of us has seen him since the founding of the new Shurima Empire."

"Maybe he's staying in the depths of the laboratory right now, waiting for us in a deep sleep!" Kalya cheerfully told a joke that wasn't funny, and by the way revealed another Ascendant's background, "I remember when I was in school, he liked to sleep during class. At that time, it seemed like Aatrox? He nicknamed him Sleep God."


Most of the other people have subtle expressions, only Ino is smiling heartlessly - she has heard Aatrox's jokes, and now Aatrox appears in another person's story, which is really quite funny .

"Okay, let's go and have a look together." Karya shook his head, and after judging his position, he finally stepped towards the east, "The coastline seems to have changed a lot, I can only use it now Positioning of the stars—I hope that the previous Great Desolation Starfall did not interfere with my judgment of the position..."

Then, under the leadership of Karya, the group wandered around in this dense virgin forest for three full days.

On the first day, everyone was full of confidence.

On the second day, many people had subtle expressions.

On the third day, even Azir looked at Karya with some doubts in his eyes.

On the night of the fourth day, when Carya checked the direction of the stars and came to a mountain depression where he had turned four times, he finally admitted a painful fact with some helplessness.

It seemed possible that he had lost his way.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Elemental Transformation of the Body:
  The elemental transformation of the body requires extremely strong self-control, and neither being infected by the void nor constantly reshaping the body supports such transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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