Lux's Farewell

Chapter 749 [0738]

After Lux made a start, Jarvan IV confidently and righteously criticized the nobles.

After being captured, Jarvan IV was taken by Lacus to watch a number of public trials of the nobles. After seeing the frenzied money-making methods of the local lords and nobles in Punjab, he could no longer suppress his dissatisfaction with the nobles—— In his opinion, if it weren't for you group of insects dragging the empire back, how could Demacia become what it is now?
Although Jarvan IV would not naively think that Lacus showed these things to himself to express that he "rebelled to maintain the fairness and justice of Demacia", but after witnessing such impactful accusations, he still felt that Difficult to calm down.

The citizens of Xiongdu who were watching were stunned.

Is there such a drama?
His Majesty the Emperor personally accused the nobles and gentlemen of being a bunch of bastards?
Boy, this is really eye-opening!

You know, in the past, even when the conflict between the royal family and the noble council was the most intense, the two sides would always maintain some superficial harmony-not to say that the two sides had the principle of fighting without breaking, but because the nobles wanted to be decent. , the royal family should also be decent.

In front of the common people, to maintain one's noble image, this is a nobleman and part of the royal family's duties.

But now, Jarvan IV has forgotten about this part of his duties. The royal family is finished, and he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

At this moment, Jarvan IV already has a bit of the style of the one on the crooked neck tree—I am not a king of subjugated countries, all my subjects are subjugated ministers!

Of course, Jarvan IV is qualified to say this, at least in his own opinion, he has achieved everything that the monarch of Demacia has done, but the result is that the people's livelihood in the empire is withered, and the reason for the decline of the people's livelihood is that many lords have nothing to do. The exploitation of the bottom line.

Sometimes, Jarvan IV would even think of Swain's appearance before he died in Tobysia.

The despair and relief after being betrayed.

It is difficult to describe what kind of mental journey Jarvan IV has gone through after surrendering. On the one hand, he blamed himself for wrongly viewing the giant god and the extraordinary power; Standing here with your head held high is already strong enough.

Regarding Jarvan IV's accusation, Lacus just followed his words and played the role of fanfare—she did a good job of fanfare, more and more people were watching, and the expressions of the nobles in the dock were getting worse and worse.

In this way, Jiawen IV started from Lanfu and Zwei, and talked about the secret planning of the people he had placed high hopes on, quietly accumulating strength.

Then he talked about the aristocratic council and the lords from all over the world, and talked about their unscrupulous name-making and wanton exploitation after he cherished Demacia and set the highest tax rate.

In the end, Jarvan IV ended his statement with a series of impassioned rhetorical questions.

"When the nobles are disqualified and lose their honor, shouldn't I take thunderous measures and use a powerful army to solve the stubborn illness?"

"If my choice is wrong, then you, Laksanna, wouldn't it be wrong to add wrong to your actions by raising troops from the northern border, conquering cities and judging the nobles all the way?"

"As the emperor of Demacia, I should indeed be responsible for the current bad situation, but my mistake is not in the heavy military policy, but in my failure to see clearly the nature of many people who are obedient and vicious!"

"Now you are the winner, you can let me stand in the dock, accept your questioning and trial, you can condemn me or even laugh at me, and give me all the pity and disdain you want as a winner, But you have no right to question my love for Demacia, nor my efforts as the leader of this country!"

Jarvan IV was righteous.

Numerous nobles and noble representatives fell silent.

Facing Jarvan IV's final statement, Lacus just nodded lightly, and waited for the clerk beside him to record everything, then picked up a document that had been prepared long ago.

"Thank you for your frankness and directness." She spread out the document, then nodded slightly towards Jarvan IV, "However, after you make this statement, I must provide you with the necessary data. "

Jarvan IV frowned, he didn't know what tricks Lux was up to.

"However, before that, I need to make sure of one thing. You participated in most of the public trials of the old nobles." Amidst Jarvan IV's doubts, she first asked the question, "During the public trial, you have A separate questioning session, then, as a bystander, do you agree with the results of the public trial?"

"I think those insects should be punished, but not in this way."

"Then, do you agree with the series of evidence provided during the public trial, including specific paper certificates such as land deeds and IOUs, as well as the accusation of the plaintiff, the testimony of witnesses, and the confession of the defendant?"


Although he felt that something was wrong, Jarvan IV finally nodded emphatically—in his opinion, the public trial and sentencing of nobles is a big problem, but the facts are not. The chain of evidence can be said to be quite clear. After all, when those bastards were squeezing places, they didn't even think about covering up.

"Since you agree with the facts of the public trial, then I will provide you with a set of data." Lacus finally lowered her head and read aloud word by word to the document. Of the 514 people who were hanged, 241 were nobles and 273 were non-nobles."

"Among the 241 nobles, 82 were new nobles who were enfeoffed in the Battle of Tobysia and the Battle of Naslam, accounting for about 34% of all the nobles who were hanged."

"Among the 273 non-nobles, 169 were retirees who were transferred from the local private army to the troops directly under the royal family after the Battle of Tobysia. Most of them were grassroots missionaries of the Illuminati and were hanged. 62% of non-aristocrats."

"However, among all the respondents, new aristocrats and newly retired personnel only accounted for less than 20% of the total."

As she spoke, Lacus pressed her hand on the document, and above her head, an extremely detailed projection that was accurate to the name and guilt of the person appeared in midair.

"In other words, Jarvan IV, what you expected, using a powerful army to revolutionize the nobles, has caused even greater damage. The new nobles and newly retired personnel who have left the army are more powerful than the old nobles and The old missionaries are more greedy."

"Is this the right direction you think?"

The slap in the face came so quickly that Jarvan IV was a little dazed. He raised his head dully, looked at the list projected by Lux, squinted his eyes and compared the names on it, trying to mobilize himself Dusty memory.

However, the more he recalled carefully, the more he couldn't believe it.

Because Jarvan IV could clearly remember the names and origins of many soldiers, and most of them were military elites who were granted new noble titles and retired as Illuminati missionaries, so he was shocked to find that it seemed that Lacus had said nothing at all. question.

He didn't even realize that in one trial after another, those who were hanged indecently but who did betray the honor of nobility, a large part of them were the ones he had placed high hopes on. The... new aristocracy.

At this moment, Jarvan IV was struck by lightning.

Lux put these in front of him, and told him with the facts that what you have tormented did not make Demacia better; the centralization of power you worked hard only brought more burden to the civilians of the empire. The new nobles and retired soldiers you expect are not even a little different from the old nobles, and they are not even as shameless as the old nobles.

Jarvan IV didn't want to believe this fact, but he couldn't deceive himself. Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar names on the list, Jarvan IV's straight figure finally hunched slightly.

Even when his body was taken by the Twilight Protoss, Jarvan IV had never been so depressed as he is now - being slandered and completely denied by others, obviously the latter is the more real harm.

Jarvan IV lost his self-confidence.


Contrary to Jarvan IV, when Lux listed these data, many nobles who were severely reprimanded by Jarvan IV in the referee's seat were relieved.

You see, this is all Jarvan IV's nonsense!

Yes, among the ranks of the local lords, there are also quite a few black sheep, but compared to the new bastards that Jarvan IV created, they are the minority!

In the past 800 years, there has never been a rebellion of this scale in Demacia. Now that this situation has appeared, it must be that Jarvan IV's random seizure of power has caused bad influence!
If you want to restore stability to Demacia, you still have to restore higher aristocratic autonomy. In the past 800 years, the stability of Demacia has fully proved this point.

If there were still nobles who felt somewhat guilty towards Jarvan IV before, after Jarvan IV's accusation just now, they have no burden to backstab His Majesty the Emperor.

Moreover, from the list provided by Lacus, they also understood that although Her Excellency Laxana is unwilling to maintain the dignity of a nobleman for some reason, she still maintains the dignity of a nobleman, and she should be disdainful of accusations of being purged. of.

That being the case...

Does that mean that as long as you have not committed a crime, the result of this trial is to pick it up high and put it down gently?

Is it enough to save money and avoid disasters and transfer power?

Although I was still a little puzzled as to why I had been left out for so long, after Jarvan IV withered, the nobles of the noble council all trembled.


If there are no nobles, who can help her rule the huge Demacia?
Jarvan IV's attitude was the same before, so he didn't need to grit his teeth and cooperate, at most he tried to mix sand!

And as long as there is an opportunity to cooperate, everyone can make a comeback. After all, it is not those mud legs who can maintain the order of the entire huge empire!
Unfortunately, just like Jarvan IV would subconsciously ignore that the new nobles who were quickly promoted by him are the most severe insects, the relieved nobles did not realize that Lacus could judge the nobles so smoothly, Given the data, what kind of reliable team will she have under her command.

In other words, for the nobles, they have no way to understand the group of clerks-civilians have to build up military exploits to become nobles and gain power. This is the ideological stamp in their brains!

They don't understand, and they don't want to believe that even a commoner who doesn't know a lot of Chinese characters can complete many jobs that used to be done only with the status of a branch of the nobility after undergoing night school literacy and assault training.

The power structure of Demacia, which was born with the birth of the kingdom and developed with the kingdom, is still essentially the elite-led system of the ancestors of Demacia. The huge Demacia was split into countless territories, and countless elites The nobles take the lead, and power and territory are completely bound.

Although the royal family has the requirements of the royal family, and the nobles have the decency of the nobles, in Demacia, the concept of responsibility has never been clearly raised—even in the past, there were kings like Sentu who dedicated themselves to the kingdom, and Jarvan I The leaders who died on the battlefield in this way, but the reason behind their actions is not a specific responsibility, but a glory that is not clear enough.

The glory that Demacia's rulers seek is the only check on their expansive power.

The nobles did not understand that Lacus's new Demacia pursued the principle of reciprocity of power and responsibility, and more specific justice. This is difficult to achieve, but at least the direction is clear enough.

The nobles, who were completely unaware that Lax was going to sweep themselves into the dustbin of history in the next step, faced Lax's follow-up questions, and carried out superficial self-reflection in a non-painful way.

In their mouths, they were thinking about Demacia, their character was flawless, and their glory was flawless. It was Jarvan IV who messed around, thanks to the noble model who went south to preside over the overall situation and set things right.

It has to be said that rhetoric is a science. Although most nobles are expressing a submissive attitude, under their embellishments, it does not sound like flattery at all, but a well-founded argument.

Facing the compliments from the nobles, the corners of Lux's mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

Right, that is it.

Make sure you say you're okay.

All you want is for you to say that you are fine!

If it weren't for all of you being pure and pure, if not for all of you being white lotus flowers, how can I prove that there is something wrong with the current system of Demacia?
Of course, this part of the story cannot be said directly, and a little guidance is needed.

Under the expectant eyes of many nobles, Lacus produced a large amount of evidence of the demon hunters—these blue-robed hyenas have too much black material, and the demon hunters themselves have dirty buttocks, and later they still LeBlanc and Vladimir are in control, and there are a lot of black materials.

Therefore, even if the Demonseeker Legion surrendered later, they were not treated like other legions and were thrown into the mine directly.

After showing the evidence of the Demon Seeker Legion, Lux began to ask the nobles to verify the authenticity of these evidences.

Facing Lacus's questioning, except for a few solid-eyed naives who said they didn't know, everyone else said that "the blue-robed hyena has long caused a lot of dissatisfaction" and "the demon hunters have aroused people's grievances everywhere." Yunyun, they all put on an appearance that they wanted to nail the magic hunter to the pillar of shame.

In their understanding, this should be a deal, everyone will throw the blame to the magic searchers and the magic prohibition system together, and then wait until Lux abolishes the magic prohibition system. The Demon Seeker Legion with special law enforcement powers was completely abolished.

Lux ended the magic prohibition, and everyone avoided the special law enforcers in their respective fiefs, a win-win situation.

As for whether lifting the forbidden magic will lead to the flood of magic and danger...

It's not something they should worry about, at least not yet.

Although the trial was still going on solemnly, and Lacus was still providing one piece of evidence after another, the atmosphere at the scene gradually began to develop in the direction of political negotiations.

The distraught Jarvan IV became even more sluggish. Could it be that Laxana couldn't see the intentions of these nobles, and she really wanted to reach a tacit understanding with them and let these insects go?

For some reason, Jarvan IV was even a little disappointed at this moment.

However, how could Lacus compromise?

Everything before was just a long foreshadowing that she needed. When the nobles took the initiative to speak and agreed to tear the gap of the forbidden demon, she finally showed a satisfied smile.

Soon, a freshly released "Declaration on Lifting the Demon Ban" was sent to the nobles.

The main content of the declaration is the theory of lifting the ban on demons put forward by the nobles after simple polishing.

Then, after all the nobles signed their names one after another, Lux finally wanted to see her.

Without warning, she aimed her finger at the aristocratic system that had existed in Demacia since the founding of the country, and took out a declaration to abolish the aristocracy!

A moment ago, many nobles who were complacent because they sold the Demon Seeker were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Wait, we're not the notorious mageseekers, we're law-abiding nobles, not local bastards!

We are innocent!
However, what they never expected was that in the face of everyone's excuses, Lacus nodded very seriously, affirming that they were innocent under the current law.

"In your opinion, the anti-magic system that used to be the national policy of Demacia is no longer in line with the current situation in Demacia. The perverse actions of the Demon Seeker Legion and the unreasonable persecution suffered by the demon-infested are the best evidence."

"So, in today's Demacia, even though most of the nobles abide by the etiquette of the nobles, the wanton oppression of the local lords still makes the livelihood of the common people difficult. Does it also mean that the current aristocratic system is no longer in line with morality? What's the situation with Marcia?"

"Perhaps you are not guilty."

"However, the aristocratic system guilty!"

Let's do some simple thinking, go around and go around, in fact, the core is responsibility and power.

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