Lux's Farewell

Chapter 765 [0754] The rain is coming and the wind is full of buildings

Chapter 765 [0754] The rain is coming and the wind is full of buildings
In the eyes of his colleagues, Malzahar is a very down-to-earth and reliable person.

Although he doesn't have any extraordinary creativity, he is quite proficient in the application of the original axiom, and he is very polite and gentle when getting along with everyone. He belongs to the kind of good old man who can have a good relationship with anyone.

This kind of person is usually not very conspicuous, and everyone will not be wary of him.

And among the big elements with full of personality, Malzaha, an "honest man" with his own duties, even feels a bit rare. In the political situation of Ixtar, he seems to be an ordinary person. Ordinary technocrats, totally unobtrusive.

Therefore, Malzahar can calmly stand among a group of great elementalists with different political ideals, wait for an opportunity to use those rune towers.

Then, just when Malzahar was silently accumulating his own strength and planning to develop a shadow sect in Ixtar, the opposition between conservative and radical factions gradually formed within Ixtar.

Realizing this, Malzahar was overjoyed.

Turbulence has always been the best time to take advantage of it!
If the Mage King Icacia hadn't chosen to rebel, it would have been impossible for the Monitor to come to Runeterra.

But now, there are conflicts among the Ixtars, so maybe I don’t need to form a shadow religion any more — jumping back and forth between conservative and radical, and grabbing power. Tal can become the source of the void in Runeterra and become the next Icacia!
Realizing this, Malzaha quickly started his own actions.

First of all, he must first determine whether he wants to stand in the conservative camp or the radical camp, or maintain the current posture of sitting on the fence.

Judging from the current situation in Ixtar, the conservatives are still powerful.

Past habits cannot be easily changed in a short period of time, especially after many twists and turns in the past, it has been proved to be the "correct" habit.

But judging from the development trend, the proportion of radicals will become higher and higher.

Moreover, it is true that Runeterra has not been very peaceful recently, and even Shurima has frequently broken out hot wars, which may further give birth to more radicals, and those who desire Ixtar to exert influence on places outside the jungle will only become more and more powerful. more and more.

It seems to make sense to be on either side.

However, after careful consideration, Malzaha chose to sit on the fence.

Sitting on the wall seems to be standing on both sides, but in fact it is not standing on both sides, and the follow-up will inevitably be liquidated-but, is the matter Malzaha cares about liquidated?
The purpose of other people's political struggles is for power, for gaining long-term benefits by grasping and distributing power in the process of change.

But what is Malzahar's purpose?

Power and future?
Stop making trouble, he needs to control the restricted area, as long as he becomes the inspector of the restricted area, his next step is to destroy the barrier of the restricted area and directly summon the void to descend!
Malzahar was not on the same track as the rest of the Ixtar from the start!

Therefore, after clarifying his current situation, Malzaha decisively chose to sit on the fence, which seemed stupid and would only benefit in the short term.

On the surface, Malzahar pretended to be dull, and was unmoved by the overt and covert wooing of both parties, as if he was doing business, as if he was the most unlucky guy who was the most suitable scapegoat.

But in fact, he was silently collecting questions from the current inspector of the restricted area, planning to give him a fatal blow at a critical moment, and then use his "fence-riding faction" to this position.

Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for a person like Malzaha to become a supervisor of the restricted area.

Because the restricted area is the key to the normal operation of the entire Ixtar, those who can become the inspectors of the restricted area are without exception people who can be trusted in all aspects. The most trusted person by the royal family of Er, Yun Tal and the Council of Elements.

Although Malzahar has always shown himself as a down-to-earth and reliable image, in the final analysis, in Ixtar, he is just a grassroots elemental envoy from a commoner background. If he wants to become a restricted area supervisor, the next generation may have some hope.

This is why Malzaha chose to organize activities in the form of a shadow sect. After becoming the ruling class of Ixtar, he found helplessly that the promotion of this ancient country was a bit slow. Only the second generation can become their own true people.

However, as the camps of conservatives and radicals gradually become distinct, although promotions are still slow, many other unspoken rules have the possibility of being broken.

Although a position like the inspector of the restricted area is not obvious at ordinary times, no matter if it is a conservative or a radical, they must take the initiative to win them over, hoping that they will enter their camp.

However, according to Malzahar's understanding, Ixtar's current inspector of the restricted area is an honest person in the true sense.

This is from a branch of the royal family. In theory, he should be regarded as the great element envoy of the uncle of the elemental king of Ixtar. He has served as the supervisor of the restricted area for 40 years——before the current elemental king was on the throne, he was already an envoy. The restricted area monitors.

For so many years, the operation of the restricted area has been very smooth, and there have been no problems. If there is no accident, in the next ten or eight years, he will step down from this position and hand it over to a well-known Big element makes.

As for Malzaha, I am afraid that he will definitely not appear within the scope of his consideration.

If the situation in Ixtar is stable, Malzahar probably won't have any chance to take action from it—the system left by Ne'zuk is still very stable, although the royal family's sluggishness has caused a little subtle trouble, But the balance in it has not been broken, otherwise Ixtar would not be so stable until now.

Under such circumstances, Malzaha's only solution is to use his power to form a shadow sect.

However, as the situation in Ixtar became tense to the naked eye, Malzahar clearly saw an opportunity.

Your Excellency Uncle Wang is an honest man, and the royal family has never been very supportive. In this struggle between the conservatives and the radicals, he will most likely be on the side of the conservatives.

This kind of situation is definitely not happy to see on the radical side.

For the key position of the restricted area supervisor, it is better to replace it with one's own talent!
But the conservatives are not fools, and Uncle Wang has never made any omissions in the past. If you want to replace the radicals, you can change them?

Political struggles also need to pay attention to basic rules!
Why are conservatives and radicals arguing all day long because of a prisoner?

It's not about finding reasons for your own direction!

At this time, impeaching a hard-working Uncle Wang at will... Isn't that causing trouble for oneself!

If the radicals do this, the royal family may also be dissatisfied!

After figuring this out, Malzaha prepared to find trouble with Uncle Wang, and at the same time looked for a way to break the situation from the perspective of the radicals.

Is there a way to impeach Uncle Wang and make him be forced to step down as the supervisor of the restricted area after some problems arise on Uncle Wang's side?

To do this, you must first cause substantial trouble.

Second, we must let radicals dare to impeach and not be afraid of the consequences of impeachment.

The last thing is to consider the issue of putting oneself in power after impeachment.

Malzaha is already doing the part that caused substantial trouble—according to the information collected by his Void believers, although this Uncle Wang himself is diligent and diligent, but because he is old and has a son, he is a little bit concerned about his own children. Doting, maybe Malzahar can start in this regard.

And if the radicals want to let go of impeachment, the most critical point is to get the attitude of the royal family.

For this, Malzahar has been helpless.

As a grassroots elementalist, although Malzahar was also the ruler in Ixtar, he was the ruler with the furthest relationship with the royal family, and he had almost no chance with the royal family.

Even if they are on the same stage with the royal family on some occasions, everyone still looks at each other and hates each other.

This is political correctness made possible by grassroots elements.

Therefore, under the premise of maintaining an honest personality, it is difficult for Malzaha to have contact with the royal family.

As for his loyal followers of the void...

Sorry, they have almost no room for contact with the royal family. In Ixtar, the royal family is like an isolated island suspended in the air. If you want to get in touch with it, you need to take a ladder of two or three generations!
However, just when Malzahar was at a loss, the cooperation between Qiyana and the Radicals gave him a golden opportunity.

As we all know, the royal family generally doesn't take much care of things. If there is any conflict in the political situation of Ixtar, they just look at it, and then use it as a rubber stamp to provide the legal basis for the winner and maintain the eternal system.

However, according to Malzaha's knowledge, this tenth princess has gotten a little closer to the radical elementalists.

Thanks to Malzaha's honest character design, although everyone will not take him with them when plotting, they will not specifically hide many things that are not so secret from him.

This is enough.

Although after embracing the power of the void, Malzahar has lost the ability to jump out of the long river of time, but when he was divining people as a prophet, his experience was far beyond ordinary people.

Many clues and clues to him are clear and clear information.

Moreover, having no time talent does not mean that he is no longer sensitive to time. By comparing the time and schedule, Malzaha can sometimes roughly guess who is in contact with whom.

It's like Qiyana's salon.

Although Malzahar did not become an invitee to the salon, it was not difficult for him to find out who was invited.

On the radical side, after capturing a prisoner from the outside, the two great elementalists who stayed in their own elemental laboratory to guard the prisoner rarely went out to participate in this salon that did not have a wide-spread invitation letter. The possibility behind this Malzahar is so insightful!
Especially two days later, several great elemental envoys who had no useful information to interrogate suddenly spoke up, not only convincingly speaking about Tarek's identity, but also exaggerating the threat of the Demacians in the elemental council ...

All the evidence shows that the sudden exposure of Tariq's identity may be inseparable from the salon of the Ten Princesses!

Those radical colleagues chose this salon as a place of negotiation?

Or is it that Her Royal Highness the Ten Princesses has a very big picture?
Malzahar, who ended a routine meeting of the element council and returned to his element laboratory with this kind of doubt, couldn't help squinting his eyes.

If it were another princess, he might think that she was just a radical element envoy of the Element Council, using the royal family's salon to cover herself, or trying to drag people into the water to boost her momentum.

But this tenth princess...

Thinking of Qiyana, Malzahar couldn't help shaking his head.

She is a woman who never conceals her ambition and desire. She longs for power, respect, and breaks the orderly order of the young and old in Ixtar for many years.

From this point of view, it is very likely that she shares the interests of the radicals.

And if Qiyana does cooperate with the Radicals...

What happened to Uncle Wang, the inspector of the restricted area, would the radicals hope that Qiyana would come forward to impeach him and seek a solution to this matter as an "internal problem of the royal family"?

Whether it is a member of the Elemental Council or a member of the Yun Tal, if they stand up to impeach the supervisor of the restricted area, even if there is evidence, the royal family will be dissatisfied. It is the elemental king's dissatisfaction.

After all, that is the theoretical leader of Ixtar!
However, if the person who came forward to impeach is Qiyana, then things are different.

Even if the Elemental King was dissatisfied with his airy little padded jacket, his anger would not reach the Radicals.

Even if Qiyana gets some blame, it's not a problem for her, and it can even be used as capital to make her stand closer to the radicals!

Wouldn't it be perfect!
Having figured this out, Malzaha waited patiently for half a month.

In the past half a month, he has further obtained more evidence of the connection between the radicals and Qiyana, and finally confirmed that she is indeed currently discussing with Ixtal on the issue of restoring the tradition of royal selection. Radicals sought cooperation.

Realizing this, Malzahar couldn't help being overjoyed!
The most difficult part of pulling down the inspector of the restricted area has been unimpeded, and the next thing he has to do is to frame a second generation ancestor whose ass is not clean!

No, it's not even a frame.

Because this hard-working Lord Uncle Wang does have a stupid son who secretly smuggles black stones.

Shipping the black stones placed in the Tower of Elements to maintain the Ixtal elemental gradient enchantment to the black market in Kumanggra, as long as this kind of thing breaks out, even if these black stones are not obtained from his father, his father will Gotta shed a layer of skin!

 Why do I always write conspiracy smoothly... I am obviously very sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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