Lux's Farewell

Chapter 767 [0756] "Campaign for the Supervisory Zone"

Chapter 767 [0756] "Campaign for the Supervisory Zone"

With the revelation of the Blackstone smuggling case, Old Uncle Wang had no choice but to resign, so the position of inspector of the restricted area was temporarily vacant.

Considering the importance of this position, the question of who will succeed him was quickly put on Ixtar's agenda.

At a time when conservatives and radicals are attacking each other and trying to expand their own political influence, both sides naturally hope to fall into their own camp in such a critical position.

Therefore, when the Elemental King presided over the imperial meeting and began to discuss who would be the next supervisor, no matter whether it was the radicals who had been prepared for a long time or the conservatives who were caught off guard, they all gave their answers immediately.

On the radical side, the candidate they introduced was a great elemental envoy named Kalbugra.

"Mr. Kalbugra is just 45 years old this year. Among all the great elemental envoys, he is considered to be in the prime of his life. If he is appointed as the supervisor of the restricted area, then at least for 50 years, we will not have to consider the issue of reelection."

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Kalpogra is the most reliable person, and he has a strict family style. There will never be anything like before."

"And his research direction is also very right. He presided over the renovation of the Ixoken Elemental Tower last time. He must have quite a lot of experience in the work of the supervisor of the restricted area."



In front of the elemental king, the radical elementalists and high-level elementalists talked to each other, and praised Kalbugra inside and out, as if he was the most suitable person to become an elemental supervisor, even According to what they said, even if this incident didn't happen, Old Uncle Wang should let the virtuous be right as soon as possible.

Although he has basically seldom participated in political affairs and is used to being a stamp of humanity, the Elemental King still feels quite awkward in the face of such undisguised premeditation by the radicals.

Anyway, that's also my Uncle Wang!

The royal family really has no power.

But your attitude...

But it was his daughter Qiyana who found out about this!
The Elemental King, who was not very satisfied with this candidate, quickly turned his attention to the other side - what about the conservatives?Conservatives come out to the rescue!

Conservatives do intend to come out to the rescue.

However, for them, this incident was a bit sudden. No one thought about it in advance. The dignified restricted area supervisor will fall as soon as he says it will fall. How easy is it for them to propose a successor at this time?

To become a supervisor of the restricted area, one must have strength, status, and reliability, and must be one of his own—Ixtar’s great elemental envoys, as long as they can still breathe, it’s just a few dozen numbers, How can it be so simple to find one that perfectly meets the requirements?
Moreover, the conservative faction is not monolithic. For a life-long fat job like a restricted area supervisor, if you hand it over to someone casually, you have to consider the internal influence...

As a result, the conservatives were caught off guard and couldn't come up with a candidate who had internal approval.

In this case, even the Elemental King, who was dissatisfied with the radicals, was disappointed with these guys.

Although you are in the name of tradition, your performance is a bit too hip, right?

Do you still want me to end up sideways?
Seeing that the situation was not right, the conservatives began to flexibly change their thinking.

Although we can't come up with a very good candidate, if we deny your candidate, it should be okay!
After a tacit exchange, they began to chatter about, making it clear that they wanted to delay time.

"The supervisor of the restricted area has a heavy responsibility, and it cannot be settled with one word!"

"Yes, yes, there are many talents in the kingdom, if you draw conclusions casually, wouldn't it be easy to cause problems?"

"This position is not something that just anyone can take on."

"It still needs a long-term plan."



Although conservatives can't come up with manpower, they can still do it for a short delay.

Before the radicals were ready to tear their faces apart, a good meeting broke up like this, and no effective results were obtained.


The night after the meeting, Qiyana threw a small party.

As a special guest, Karya was also invited to participate, eat and drink.

Facing the invitation, Carya, who came back from the restricted area, readily accepted.

At this time, Karya has realized the seriousness of the current Ixtar problem.

If he approached Qiyana before just hoping to find out the source of the current concentration of Ixtar elements and see if he could restart the Monolith Fortress, then after seeing everything in the restricted area, he has already decided that now The Ixtar already sat on the crater.

Thunderous measures must be taken to prevent Ixtar from going further and further down this road.

What the hell you're trying to use the power of the void!
With this in mind, Karya first took Shivana away from the dragon farm under the pretext of personal matters, told her to go to Icacia, then temporarily stayed away from the restricted area, and began to collect more information through Qiyana.

Unlike Malzahar, Kalya had no time and no need to rebuild a clean identity for himself.

If you want to completely prevent the Ixtars from abusing the power of the void, you only need to start with the monolith. As one of the main creators of the monolith, this special element has a "back door" in Karya. It's just that this back door is a bit difficult to mobilize.

This is also the main reason Kalya needs Shyvana to bring reinforcements.

In addition to moving rescuers, Kalya also needs to create a perfect timing for himself to act. After all, even if he has a back door on the monolith, it will take a lot of time to activate it. It depends on the importance the Ixtal people attach to the restricted area. To a certain extent, if I don't find a good time, I am afraid that even if someone supports me, it will be difficult to succeed.

Therefore, Karya no longer goes to the dragon farm so frequently, but actively goes to various salons and parties, and then, like a foodie, only shows his mouth and ears to collect information as much as possible.

To be honest, relying on Kalya alone is not very efficient in collecting information—just like when Lux was still a model of nobles, he frequently participated in various noble banquets in Xiongdu, and he was able to collect a lot of information. But most of it is spam.

But in the case that the support has not yet arrived, there is only so much Kalya can do.

This small party organized by Qiyana, Kalya also participated with the intention of collecting information. On the surface, he still looks like a foodie. But he kept watching Qiyana's trajectory, and tried his best to piece together the other's trajectory.

Considering that in the previous salon, Qiyana chose to summon her guests one by one. Compared with her actions this time, Carya quickly judged the "main guest" of her party this time.

Some of these main guests Karya knew, some didn’t, but interestingly, several of them were interviewed after Qiyana interrogated Tariq last time.

Considering Qiyana's tendency, maybe there is a closer connection between them?
Then, as Karya recorded in detail all the people who had private communication with Qiyana, he confirmed this judgment even more - those who were summoned by Qiyana later were as innocuous as Karya's vest little people.

It seems that those few people are the dish of vinegar for Qiyana!

After locking the target, the next step is much easier. Although it is not easy to know what Qiyana said to them, it is not difficult to know their identities.

Pretending to casually chat for a while, Kalya successfully figured out the identities of these people.

Good fellow, members of the Elemental Council, elders of Yun Tal, offshoot members of the royal family... none of these people's identities are simple, they are all big men of Ixoken!
At this time, Karya didn't fully understand the political situation in Ixtar. Although he faintly felt some separation between tradition and trend, as Karya, he still didn't know the confrontation between conservatives and radicals.

In the absence of specific information, he can only conclude that Qiyana may have deep ties to a certain faction, and that faction has been active recently.

As for the specific topic of action... I can't find out yet.

It seems that he doesn't know anything, but for Karya, this information is enough for him to find a direction of action-because he judges that this faction seems to be interested in places other than Ixtar, Demacia There is hostility, so he can use this ability to join small groups.

At this point, Carya finally fully found the next direction of action.

Before the reinforcements arrived, all he had to do was to climb as high as possible in this faction. The higher he climbed, the more useful information he could collect!

Speaking of which, Kalya's plan is somewhat similar to Malzahar's.

Malzahar took the traditional route, solidly created a blank identity, and then took the route of the great elementalist to accumulate his own strength.

Carya, on the other hand, is opportunistic, using factions within the political situation to make his way to the top. Although he has no foundation and it is difficult to grasp power, what he needs is not power, but enough information!
In this way, the two "prophets" wedged themselves into the political situation of Ixtar, one behind the other, quietly.


Qiyana naturally didn't know about Karya's thoughts.

The problem she has to face now is to discuss with the big elementalists of the radicals a way to deal with the procrastination of the conservatives, and make a plan for the possible subsequent reactions of the other party.

These two things are not difficult.

"The position of the inspector of the restricted area cannot be pending for too long." Kalbugra, who was elected as a candidate, seemed to be full of confidence in his superior position, "Although the kingdom has many great elemental envoys, those who meet the requirements are actually There are very few of them, and most of them have very important tasks, those old antiques can't find anyone to fight with me."

"That's right." Saiti, the current chairman of the Elements Council, is also very sure of Kalbugra's self-confidence, "Those old antiques don't have reliable people, and they have quite a few people under them, but most of them are crooked. Gua Lizao, speaking of great elemental envoys, there are still more on our side."

"I think so too." For this judgment, Qiyana is also very sure, "However, we must be careful that the other party uses our methods on us."

"I'm not that spoiled child." Knowing Qiyana's meaning, Kalbugra couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "And in my capacity, I don't need those nasty tricks either. "

At this point, Kalbugla is qualified to be confident-he was born in the Soto family, a wealthy businessman in Ixtar.

Although in the process of becoming a great element envoy, the Soto family poured resources into Kalbogra, but they knew that Kalbugra was a critical period for the family to change from wealth to power. From top to bottom, they were strictly ordered not to hold back.

Therefore, Kalbugra is completely confident in this regard.

It is impossible for our family to expose such flaws!

Unfortunately, this confidence only lasted for a day.

On the second day, when the imperial meeting was held again, and many great elemental envoys gathered to discuss the candidates for the supervisors of the restricted area, the black material of the Soto family was quickly dug out.

Those were some of the punitive decisions about smuggling.

Although Kalbugra is very confident, he still underestimated the greed of human nature. Even if the Soto family is the richest, there are still many poor people in the offshoots. Great idea.

While bringing out the Soto family's black material, the conservatives also introduced a surprising candidate—the third princess of the kingdom.

Although the third princess is not a great elemental envoy, but as the one whose talent is second only to Qiyana among the princesses in the royal family, she is at least a high-level elemental envoy, and there is still room for improvement in the future.

Since it's better for everyone to dig out black material from each other, then this kind of key position should be handed over to members of the royal family!

Isn't the third princess a perfect choice?
You know, in Ixtar, among the ten princesses, the eldest princess has become disabled due to a duel, and the second princess is likely to become the next queen of elements. In this case, the third princess will be Apart from the queen, the oldest and working person in the next generation of royal family.

She was the Inspector of the Restricted Zone, which was perfectly in line with tradition.

For this proposal, the radicals definitely cannot accept it—seeing that Kalbugra seems to be ineffective, they decisively chose to push Qiyana to power.

After all... Qiyana is a real great elementalist!
Although in terms of status, she is still quite different from the third princess, but she is obviously more suitable for the position of inspector of the restricted area!
In this way, after each elected one person, the conservatives and radicals quarreled again.

 Carya's Little Classroom · Big Princess:
  In a duel, the eldest princess was beaten into a disability by Qiyana.

(End of this chapter)

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