Lux's Farewell

772 Awakening of New Noxus [0761]

772 Awakening of New Noxus [0761]
Facing the statement of the Demacians staying out of the matter, the envoys of the joint mission initially thought it was a posturing in order to seek a diplomatic advantage.

However, when the envoys from New Noxus also arrived in the capital of Demacia, the envoys of the joint mission finally panicked.

Wait a minute, the Demacians aren't going to play for real, are they?
They really don't plan to take care of it?
Ade, are you serious?

What makes the envoys of the Joint Mission even more unacceptable is the report on Her Excellency Laxana's reception of the New Noxus envoy in the newly established "Debon Daily", and the report that she received the Joint Mission three days ago , the content is almost a one-to-one replica.

What the hell, didn't it mean that the members of the "Debang Daily" all came back from Wazian for special training, why did they openly pour water on the newspaper?

Although this mild report is better than the more blood-pressure-raising headlines such as "Demacia and Noxus abandon their old feud", the problem is that the new Noxus, who is sharpening their knives, can Accepting Demacia's verbal call for peace and maintaining neutrality in practice, but the United Mission cannot accept it!
Your Excellency Laxana, open your eyes and see, those are the evil Noxians. Once they annex their homeland, they will definitely become ambitious again. Does Demacia still want to fight the Battle of Tobyssia again? ?

Unfortunately, it's no use worrying about this kind of problem.

After Lux issued the official remarks, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who conducted detailed negotiations with the mission directly took this as a principle, confirming that Demacia will "not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries" and "call for a peaceful solution to the problem", Tai Chi makes people sick.

What's more terrible is that the main members of the newly established Ministry of Foreign Affairs are either clerks or intelligence teams. Even if the envoys of the joint mission plan to bribe, there is no way to bribe them.

Although they came to Demacia, they also brought a lot of good things with them, and each of them had been given face-to-face instructions by their own leader, so they could "flexibly" give up some personal interests to obtain actual diplomatic benefits.

But what caught them off guard was that the administrative structure of New Demacia was completely different from that of Demacia in the past. The jewels they carried could not bypass the monitoring of the inspection department. The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the side did not have the slightest corrosiveness.

Moreover, New Demacia does not care about aristocracy at all. Although the personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have extremely high positions of power, they do not have such a thing as private territories, making it difficult to carry out covert transfers of benefits...

In addition, Lux's prestige is high enough, and the prestige is strong enough, and the Demacians don't have a good impression of Noxus... All kinds of reasons are superimposed, which directly leads to these Noxians even if they try their best Activities are destined to be a waste of work.

Interestingly, despite the fact that the envoys of the Joint Mission were anxious like ants on a hot pot, on the other side, the New Noxus delegation was actually not very satisfied.

Because compared to the joint mission with mixed hearts, the New Noxus delegation is actually more "sincere"-they came with a draft of the "Dino Non-Aggression Pact".

Note that after the division of the Noxus Empire, Demacia and Noxus are no longer bordering each other!
Why do two countries that don't border each other at all sign a non-aggression treaty?

Therefore, the essence of this non-aggression pact is that New Noxus has made a statement that it is willing to work with Demacia to carve up the entire Valoran continent.

In the hands of the New Noxus Mission, there are three versions of the "Dino Non-Aggression Pact".

The first plan is to restore the entire territory of the Noxus Empire, and then sign a non-aggression treaty with Demacia.

This plan is the most beneficial for Noxus, but it is basically impossible in Darius' view-the Demacians are not fools, there is no reason to sit back and watch New Noxus restore its homeland again without any reason. action.

The second plan is for the Noxus Empire to regain its entire territory and recognize the status of the Demacia Empire and its actual jurisdiction over the Principality of Valoran.

From the perspective of Darius, this plan is quite feasible. With the support of Noxus, the Demacian Empire may not encounter much resistance if it wants to completely occupy the Principality of Valoran.

Even during this process, the Noxus can provide the other party with some convenience they need.

Of course, for Demacia, this plan is not all beneficial—the Noxians, who have rich experience in conquest, are very clear about occupying a new area that has no public opinion, lacks legal principles, and has different customs. How difficult it will be to digest.

Once the Demacians cannot accept this temptation and choose to expand their sphere of influence eastward and take action against the Principality of Valoran, New Noxus will be able to regain its homeland without any scruples and integrate it at a faster speed.

In this way, when the Demacians were still suffering from indigestion due to the annexation of the Principality of Valoran, Noxus had already completed the reconstruction, and as long as it supported the areas that had not been completely annexed by the Demacians The banner of resistance, Demacia will inevitably fall into a desperate situation.

The Ionian War taught Noxus a profound lesson. They stepped on this pit, so they very much hope that the Demacians will also step on it.

And if the Demacians don't have such big ambitions, or see through the crisis behind the second plan, Noxus still has a third plan.

In this set of plans, Noxus is willing to reorganize the legal relationship between itself and Demacia, and prepare a "ceasefire line" for itself, ensuring that part of the Valoran continent is Demacia's sphere of influence , our side will never get involved in it.

Even in terms of the division of spheres of influence, even the continent of Freljord in the north and the continent of Shurima in the south are negotiable.

Compared with the first two plans that contain evil intentions, the third plan is the real [mutual non-aggression]. If the Demacians agree to this plan, then Noxus will also make corresponding strategic adjustments in the future. Will actively destroy this tacit understanding.

Moreover, according to Darius's thinking, this plan actually has a relatively profitable place for Noxus-after the sphere of influence is drawn, the result must be that Demacia is westward and Noxus is eastward.

In the east, outside of the Valoran continent, there is also the continent of Ionia and Kamavia. These places will also be divided into the sphere of influence of Noxus. Once this treaty is signed, Noxus will People still make money!
In other words, although these three non-aggression treaties seem to be beneficial to Demacia, for Noxus, they are the difference between big profits, medium profits and small profits. As long as Demacia If people are willing to sign the treaty, then Noxus will win.

However, what the Noxus never dreamed of was that the perfect plan they thought had gone wrong from the very beginning, because Lux had no interest in the expansion of Noxus from the very beginning.

Although you expand, despite the annexation.

When Demacia's integration is completed and magic is industrialized, let's see how I can easily deal with you!
This means that Noxus has not had time to come up with its own three sets of plans.

If Noxus came up with these three sets of plans, Lux might not be able to help but laugh out loud on the spot.

My good fellow, carve-up of the Valoran continent is already outrageous.

Want to carve up the Freljord and Shurima?
You guys really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!
Did each of them not wake up at all, daydreaming here?

With no progress in the negotiations, it is impossible for the Noxus mission to go back in such a desperate manner.

Not having the support of Demacia is not a big problem. The war-hungry legions of New Noxus are now ready to regain their homeland.

But the problem is that they can't guarantee that the Demacians won't interfere - although Lux is really not interested, the Noxians can't believe that she is really not interested!
Under such circumstances, the New Noxus Mission, like the ants on the hot pot over there, would naturally start conducting private activities.

Then, they fell into the same predicament as the joint mission, and conventional means were ineffective.

Fortunately, compared with the United Mission, the New Noxus Mission has some unconventional means.

It's not that they plan to directly kill the envoys of the United Mission. Although the Noxians can do such things as assassinating envoys from other countries, and have done it many times, in Demacia, they still don't have the guts to cause uproar. Necessary diplomatic strife.

The unconventional means here mainly come from some members of the mission and a little friendship with the new royal family of Demacia.

Well, that's right, I'm talking about you, Katarina - it's time to catch up with Mr. Galen. I heard that he has been in a very difficult situation since the Northern Uprising and Demacia became New Demacia. He was in a depressed state. Even after he went through a public trial and was later released, he was still depressed every day.

For Galen, he really engraved the aristocratic creed of old Demacia in his mind. As the eldest son and future patriarch of the Crownguard family, his ideal since childhood was to protect the king and live up to the crownguard's legacy. name.

Then, without any warning, my younger sister, who was the most worry-free and trustworthy before, conspired against her, and I went to persuade her to return from her misfortune, but in the end, she was directly imprisoned...

This is not finished.

What made Galen even more unacceptable was that when he was under house arrest, worried day and night, and was even ready to plead with Jarvan IV after Lux failed, and was willing to sacrifice his life for his sister to survive, the army from the north invaded The capital of Demacia.

It's hard to describe Galen's mixed feelings after receiving the news.

Galen, loyal to the royal family, found himself a royal after a long period of house arrest.

Although Lux later openly told her inner journey within the family, Peter and Ogesha chose to smile with relief, and their aunt Tiana was gearing up to do something big, but Galen still found it difficult to accept Lux. Became the Queen of Demacia.

Even Jarvan IV had already looked away, but Galen was still depressed.

Fortunately, the good habits he developed in the past kept Galen from falling even if he was in a bad mood. When he was depressed, he put all his thoughts on exercising—he didn't know what he was going to do, so he simply devoted himself to endless exercise. During training.

Build your strength and hone your martial skills.

Although Galen knew that it would be difficult to enter the army ranks of New Demacia relying solely on personal bravery, his main purpose of doing so was to vent and unravel himself.

He cannot switch identities as seamlessly as his aunt Tiana.

Unlike his parents, he is old enough to delegate power and retire.

Even because he has been living in the army, he sees that he has reached middle age and has no family now. Even if he returns to the family, he can only go back to be a son...

The status has obviously improved.

Obviously, people have little to do.

But now Galen is extremely uncomfortable.

And at this time, he met a woman who once made his heart beat.

Katarina, Galen remembered her clearly.

The last time I saw her was during the negotiation stage after the Battle of Tobitsia - although the Noxians suffered a complete defeat on the battlefield, they were still unwilling to give in completely at the negotiation table.

Although Galen didn't know how to negotiate, as a person in the "Squad Town", he participated in the whole process of the negotiation.

Opposite to Galen, in Noxus, the person in charge of the situation is Catalina du Cecao.

As the daughter of General Kekao, her status is naturally not low.

With training experience from childhood to adulthood, her skills are also excellent.

More importantly, she was not as smooth sailing as other noble children. Due to General Kecao's cold training methods, she also experienced a tragic failure and even left a deep scar on her face.

Therefore, although Katerina is quite proud, she has never shy away from talking about failure. For her, temporary failure is not a problem, and what is more important is to find a way to get back in the future.

Galen admired his character very much.

Although the positions are inconsistent, when the two get along, there is quite a bit of "heart-to-heart" meaning.

It's just that after Galen realized this, he chose to distance himself - he, who loves Demacia with all his heart, is unwilling to put himself in a dangerous situation.

This subtle affection...

Just nip it in the bud!

However, sometimes, love is like a bottle of wine. After not seeing each other for a long time, we miss it more and more.

Especially when Galen was full of confusion and didn't know where the future was.

When he saw Katerina again, Galen, who had already shed all military responsibilities, was able to face his emotions and face Katerina more calmly.

Now that your career has reached a dead end, maybe it’s good to clean up your mood and welcome love?

Therefore, Galen, who had put down the burden in his heart, had a happy chat with Catalina this time.

 Karya's small classroom "Debon Daily":
  "Debon Daily" is the official media of Demacia, and its organizational structure comes from Lux's experience in Vazuan.

  In order to grasp public opinion, this newspaper has a special financial appropriation. Although the advertisements are mainly policy advertisements, the prices are quite cheap.

  As a result, due to the different national conditions, "Debon Daily" is widely used in rural areas of Demacia for food packaging and wall coverings. Only in the government affairs halls of cities and towns can people read the text on it.

(End of this chapter)

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