Lux's Farewell

777 [0765] The true strength of the academic mage

Time Mystery Lock is a good skill. With the abnormal flow of time in the area, many things that cannot be done under normal circumstances can be easily done now.

The arbitrary time acceleration and time deceleration can give Kalya more time to prepare for experiments, and less waiting time when conducting experiments—more importantly, in some key steps, Kalya can quickly make reaction to prevent the experiment from getting out of control.

This kind of control is what Carya lacks most now.

Since Malzaha's side started the operation ahead of time, Kalya's side naturally didn't have time to prepare for the experiment in detail. Now that time is limited, he can only do one step at a time.

And this kind of "doing one step at a time" experiment has always been the most test of academic mages!

A careless handling would probably trigger the self-destruct procedure on the spot, and Kalya and Kieran would be physically shattered on the spot.

However, even so, Karya still smiled and looked relaxed.

This is not because of his big heart, but because Kalya himself... is the strongest academic mage in the Shurima Empire.

Academic mage, this is a very interesting profession.

They specialize in the research and development of magic theory, and they are completely different from the magic master who is rubbing fireballs in the common people's impression.

If I have to say it, these academic mages themselves are actually closer to scholars—among the royals, most of the members who lead their own project teams can be classified as academic mages.

In the Shurima Empire, there used to be a joke.

"How to tell the difference between an academic mage and a combat spellcaster?"

"Throw a fireball at him. The former will try to analyze the fireball's spell model and build a defensive barrier that can perfectly annihilate the flames; the latter will casually summon an ice wall, water ball, sandstorm, or simply capture the fireball. control."

"Sounds like the former is cooler?"

"Of course, wouldn't it be cool to catch fireballs with your face?"

Although this joke is full of stereotypes about "academic mages who like to drop bags and are not good at actual combat", it is not groundless in essence.

According to the occupational classification of the Shurima Empire, mages are people who use magic as a tool. Although academic mages are not good at fighting, they have a very high social status-as researchers, their achievements are those of other spellcasters. The direction of study is also the theoretical basis of many magical projects, and it is an out-and-out upstream profession.

As the most powerful academic mage in the Shurima Empire, Kalya has always been regarded as "the founder of the Shurima Empire's magic system".

For every Shurima spellcaster who has attended school, Kalya's writings can be said to accompany them all the way from childhood to adulthood.

From introductory magic popularization works such as "Amazing Magic", "Elemental Dolls" and "One Hundred Thousand Mysteries", to magic learning works such as "Introduction to Elementary Elements", "Encyclopedia of Magic" and "Five-Year Simulated Three-Year Casting"; From "Elemental Tide and Engineering Magic", "Special Application of Magic in Construction", "Subdivision Surface of Magic Power Turbulence" and other magical engineering applications, to "Introduction to Advanced Elements", "Space-Time Conjecture and Plane Theory", "Macro Tides" and some conjectures on microscopic turbulence" and other professional theoretical works.

Kalya's name will always appear in different ways on the desk bookshelves of every Shurima spellcaster.

Sometimes it's an author, sometimes it's a reviewer, and sometimes it's a recommender.

Whether it is magic theory or magic application, Carya has extremely high talent and experience.

Therefore, even though there are many differences between the original axiom system and the traditional magic theory framework of Shurima, with the help of Zilean, the speed at which Kalya analyzed these legacy of Kalya is still amazing.

Although it was less than 15 minutes before the next patrol arrived.

But in this short 15 minutes, Kalya re-engraved a small Kalya Legacy with a ratio of [-]:[-].

Kieran and him are old acquaintances, and Kieran also knows Karya's theoretical ability well.

Even so, he couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the Carya Legacy model in Carya's hand standing on the ground, and then black stones began to condense on the top at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He has cooperated with Nezuk before, but he is very clear about the price Nezuk spent in order to study these Karya legacy.

But in just 15 minutes, Kalya completed the model reproduction!
"It's not that simple." Seeing Kieran's doubts, Kalya shook his head with a smile, "These things... are far more complicated than they seem. I'm just an imitator, standing on Ne'Zuk's shoulders Just up."

"Even so, it's amazing enough."

"It's still far away." Kalya shook his head. "I just reproduced the part that I have completed the analysis, but the next thing is the key point - only by getting the rest done can I fully control these monoliths."

"But the patrol has come."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Kalya waved his hand, "Malzahar's side should have cut off the warning system to the outside world in the restricted area. Thanks to him, we can act a little more arrogantly now."

"Okay." Kieran glanced at the direction where the patrol team was about to arrive, as if piercing the curtain of time, "So, how long do you need?"

"That depends on how long Malzaha has prepared for his followers." Kalya said with a smile, "If I have to say it, the longer the better!"


With the second patrol lost in the turbulence of time, Kalya quickly began the second phase of her experiment.

At the same time, Malzaha, who was far away in the office, was still tremblingly preparing to turn off the alarm—according to his plan, in order to protect the believers from cultivating void worms, he had to turn off at least three waves of alarms.

When the fourth alarm was not triggered, he would be ready to run away, because that meant that the self-destruct system was about to be activated.

However, what he never expected was that the alarm in the restricted area was only triggered once, not the second time.

Malzaha obviously didn't know that there was a third party behind the scenes in this operation, and he never imagined that when he finally escorted the Void believers and Void worms into the restricted area and planned to poach the corner of the Legacy of Karya, he had already There are two big guys who have started to act in sync.

From Malzahar's point of view, the absence of a second alarm only means one situation——

That is, the Void believers who entered the restricted area had completed the cultivation of Void worms several rounds in advance. Without an alarm, it meant evacuation.

Of course, this is a purely theoretical situation.But in fact, Malzahar would be confused without being alerted by the second patrol.

Should not be!

Even if the void worm species carried by the void believers is a rapid evolution type, which can quickly complete shell breaking, growth, iteration and death with the support of the hernia, there is no reason to complete the rapid iteration in 15 minutes, right?

You know, the task Malzahar gave them was to "cultivate a group of void worms that can adapt to the environment of the ruins of Ixtar".

The purpose is to turn this place into the second Icacia as soon as possible after the Legacy of Kalya is destroyed.

In order to achieve this goal, Malzaha has even made preparations for iterative delays, at worst intercepting a few more warnings.

But I never expected that the warning would stop just once!
According to the previous plan, once the warning stopped, Malzahar had to evacuate quickly - which meant that believers operating in the restricted area would directly trigger the self-destruction process within a quarter of an hour.

Therefore, a difficult problem was placed in front of Malzahar.

Should we start evacuating now?
In case the patrol over there was delayed and he evacuated rashly, those void believers would be sold out, and his vest would be completely useless, and he would fetch water from a bamboo basket.

But if the iteration is completed ahead of schedule and he does not evacuate, then Malzahar will be buried by the self-destructed Kalya Legacy in Ixoken, and the gain outweighs the loss.

A difficult proposition was placed in front of Malzaha.

Fortunately, Malzahar is not an ordinary person.

Without thinking for too long, he quickly made the decision to evacuate - even if the believers died, the bugs were gone, and the vest was disused, it would be better than dying here himself.

I am the Prophet of the Void, and I have the mission to guide the great Overseer into Runeterra, so I can't fall here!
Therefore, Malzaha, who had been "closed" in the office for many days, packed his things directly and chose to leave the office.

Since the retreat route had been prepared long ago, after Malzahar left, he took a shortcut to Longtai, rode directly on his personal elemental dragon, and took off on the spot without any hesitation under the pretext of "having official business to do." They headed south in a hurry.

He planned to avoid the limelight near Icathia, and then come back after the self-destruction of Kalya's Legacy was over and the city of Ixoken had been reduced to ruins.

At the same time, according to the previous plan, those believers and void worms would also go south to meet him—and then, when Ixtar was panicking, staged a perfect return of the king!
However, what Malzahar didn't know was that although the political struggles in Ixtar had intensified recently and his attitude of neutrality all along, his departure did not attract the attention of many Ixtar people. However, in a courtyard in the city of Ixoken, a man and a dragon are keeping watch on him.

Seeing Malzahar packing up and leaving, Jax and Shyvana immediately took action.

After confirming that he was indeed heading towards the Dragon Platform and preparing to leave on the elemental dragon, Jax and Shyvana quickly followed!
Since Shivana has very complete identification and landing records, even if she did "appear out of thin air", Longtai also arranged space for her to take off.

And so, almost as Malzahar set off, Jax and Shyvana followed suit.

At the beginning, Malzahar didn't notice the problem.

After all, here is Ixoken, and it is completely normal for elemental dragons to take off at the same time.

However, as Shyvana began to actively track, and as Malzahar traveled all the way south, Malzahar finally realized that something was wrong.

Ixoken is originally located in the south of Ixtal, and there are very few cities further south. According to my flying speed, it won't be long before I enter the territory of Icathia.

But why is there a dragon flying south behind?

Don't elemental dragons hate the breath of the void?

Malzahar had never met Jax or Shivana, so he didn't know their identities, but because his route to the south was too remote, he changed his route several times, but later he After seeing Shyvana, he was absolutely sure that the dragon was coming for him.

Well, the problem is coming.

Under what circumstances would an elemental dragon follow you closely?
In other words, who would choose to send an elemental dragon rider to follow him at this time?
After several times of acceleration, Malzaha had a vague guess in his heart—in the recent political situation in Ixtar, the struggle between the conservatives and the radicals has reached the most intense time, and the ten princesses who were so flamboyant before Qiyana has already become the center of the vortex.

This tenth princess has always been known for her eclectic style. It is said that no matter what the identity of the other person is, as long as it is useful to her, she will do her best and even use any means to win over him.

In addition, Qiyana also has her own dragon farm, which has domesticated many rare and rare dragon species.

Therefore, after some thinking, Malzahar believed that the person following him was probably a subordinate of the Tenth Princess.

After all, when he was "retreating" in the office before, the tenth princess tried to get in touch with him a lot, and it was not surprising that he chose to keep people watching.

And since the one who came was under the command of the tenth princess...

That little tail still needs to be dealt with.

If he sees something he shouldn't see, it will be troublesome - Malzaha doesn't have any experience in air combat, and judging by the light and agile figure of the elemental dragon, if the other party wants to run, he may not stop it. Can live.

So, thinking of this, Malzaha decided to stop and wait for the other party to approach him.

Once the opponent approaches, Malzaha can use words to stabilize it, and then sneak attack to take it down!

Malzahar believes that no one can resist the gaze of the void!
However... Malzahar's thoughts were good, but Jax and Shyvana remembered their mission very clearly.

Watch, not fight.

So even if Malzahar slowed down and waited for Shyvana to approach, Shyvana had no intention of approaching at all.

Even when Malzahar started to manipulate the elemental dragon to circle in place, Shyvana also started to circle in place simultaneously, and the main thing was a simultaneous rate explosion.

This time Malzahar will not be punished.

what's the situation?
Why haven't Qiyana's men come over even though I've shown my willingness to communicate?
Are you really watching from afar?
Karya’s small classroom·theoretical system:
Due to differences in observation scales, energy sources, and application directions, there are a large number of different magical theoretical systems in Runeterra, and what Kalya established is called the Analytic School, which focuses on the duality of energy and matter. A magical system that clearly defines the boundaries of theory and application.

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