Lux's Farewell

Chapter 780 [0768] A little shock from the ancestors

Chapter 780 [0768] A little shock from the ancestors

Kalya’s face is very recognizable.


Although with the collapse of the Shuriman Empire, most of the images of Kalya that the Shuriman people have access to have been separated from Kalya itself, and are either statues of the God of Death, or some strange shrines and statues.

However, in Ixtal, which has a relatively complete historical heritage, the face of Kalya is not unfamiliar to many people - at least in the large library of Yuntal, among the many portraits in the corridor, the second The picture is him.

(By the way, the first one is Setaka, and the third one is Nezuk. Among the three paintings, Nezuk has the most serious distortion. It’s not because the painter is not good, but because of the place where his portrait is to be hung. I have to add a little filter to him, otherwise it will be a bit tragic compared with the first two.)
For the great elementalists of Ixtar, it can be said that Kalya’s face has been something they have seen since childhood.

Therefore, when Kalya took off his mask, the third great elementalist who rushed to the scene spoke elegant and easy-going ancient Shuriman.

However, after being elegant and easy-going, he soon discovered something was wrong.

Your Excellency Kalya...hasn't he died a long time ago?

According to the historical records of Ixtal, the death of Kalya marked the end of the Shurima Empire. The Shurima Empire without Kalya was called "Shurima" in the history of Ixtal. kingdom".

This is very important content, because Ixtar broke away from Shurima and went it alone, which is the basis of the legal theory - Ixtar admitted that he was once part of the Shurima Empire, but when the Shurima Empire disintegrated At that time, as a "peer kingdom" to the Kingdom of Shurima, Ixtar naturally did not need to continue to be loyal to the Kingdom of Shurima.

It is no exaggeration to say that the distinction between the Shurima Empire and the Shurima Kingdom can be regarded as the basis for the existence of Ixtar in a sense.

And Kalya is the separator between the two.

But the question is, since Kalya is the separator, shouldn't he have died long ago? How come he still appears in the restricted area of ​​Ixtar now?
Realizing that something was wrong with the big element, his expression became serious in an instant.

"Who the hell are you?" He took out a green staff and pointed at Kalya, "Why are you pretending to be the regent?"

"If you are talking about the Prince Regent, then I am." Carya replied with a smile, "I am Kalya, that's right."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." The great element laughed back angrily, and simply put his staff on the ground, "Your Majesty Kalya has been dead for a long time, and it is shameless for you to bluff and cheat with this elemental face now !"

"If you insist on thinking that way, there's nothing I can do about it." Kalya didn't care much about it. "To be honest, I had been wearing a mask before because I was afraid that someone would recognize me and cause some unexpected trouble. , now you don’t want to believe it, that would be the best thing.”

"If you can't bluff, then you'll break the pot?" The other party thought he had seen through Kalya's mind, "You hide your head and show your tail, let's catch him without any effort!"

While speaking, with his staff as the center, a large area of ​​vines broke out from the ground, and the flexible vines were like swimming poisonous snakes, quickly entangled in the direction of Kalya.

As the vines grow, under the cover of reddish-brown mottled patterns at the joints of each vine, small red flowers not much bigger than the tip of a needle bloom quietly, and a burst of red mist quietly blooms. .

The entangled vines are the surface, and the poisonous red mist is the killer move.

At the same time, Qiyana also acted quickly. As the Axiom Arc flashed with earth-yellow light, the earth seemed to come alive and began to surge and boil.

"Shameless liar!" Qiyana shouted angrily, "This is your mass grave!"

As for the tall, dark-faced elemental, he didn't seem to be good at frontal combat. When the combination of turbulent earth and vine strangulation was unleashed, he poured a lot of magic power into his feet, as if he was going to lay out a big A range of boundaries to prevent Kalya from escaping.

Facing the three extraordinary beings who were strangulating together with a tacit understanding, Kalya was not in a hurry, and still looked calm and calm.

It wasn't until the ends of the vines almost entangled his trousers that he turned into a stream of elegant quicksand, disappeared where he was, and took shape again a hundred feet away.

The turbulence of the earth continues.

Under Qiyana's control, shock waves continued to hit Kalya.

The strangled vines were like poisonous snakes that locked onto their prey. They bloomed with dangerous red flowers and continued to move towards Kalya.

Then, just as before, just when the spell was about to hit, Kalya transformed from the quicksand again.

Qiyana and the Great Elementalist will naturally not let go - after two attempts to dodge, the surrounding large area has been covered by vines. In their opinion, if the liar in front of them runs like this a few more times, he will have no way out. escape!
Moreover, during this period, other big elements will also arrive one after another. As long as he is not allowed to get close to the Legacy of Kalya, if he is delayed, the advantage will be mine!
But the third time, Kalya did not continue to dodge the quicksand, but tried to counterattack with some very basic spells.

Fireball, ice finger, water wave, electric gun...

He can easily master the basic spells of different element types.

But it is a pity that until the vines came in front of him again, Kalya's spells did not achieve any substantial effect. The surging earth and growing vines easily swallowed all his spells - the basic spells did not even block it at all. And hysteresis can't do it!
However, what is surprising is that even though the spell has no effect, a sudden smile appears on Kalya's face - just when Qiyana and the Great Elementalist were surprised, Kalya suddenly stretched out his right hand and smiled. Snapped his fingers.


As if receiving some instructions, following Kalya's words, the two spells indeed became chaotic.

The earth swelled even more violently, but the plants appeared to be half-growth and half-withered. Although the spell was still aggressive, it was gradually deviating from the track expected by the caster.

After trying to control the spell to no avail, Qiyana and the other great elementalist both looked bad at the same time.

Something went wrong with the spell!

And it’s a big problem that I’ve never seen before!
This is not the magic countermeasure model of the original axiom, but a brand new method of spell interference that they have never seen before!

The core of this elemental interference method seems to be to get the spell out of the hands of the caster!

Realizing the success of his spell, Kalya's smile became even brighter.

Sure enough, Ixtal's original axiom is a fool's version of the spellcasting tutorial. As long as you know the details, it is easy to make effective countermeasures!

As we all know, the original axiom is a highly integrated spell-casting model, and the spell-casting model does not require the caster to build it himself.

Therefore, elemental spellcasters who use the original axioms only need to focus on the application direction of their research on magic theory.

This spell-casting mode can greatly reduce the caster's spell-casting threshold and save a lot of spell-casting preparations. However, the problem lies in the fact that the caster himself does not have enough understanding of the spell model.

Why could the void insects arranged by Malzahar before easily defeat guards of similar strength to himself?

Because the void worm is the original axiom special attack, it can counter the original axiom caster.

And Kalya has now almost figured out a way to counter the original axiom caster - specifically, cutting off the connection between the caster and the original axiom spell model.

If it is a spellcaster with rich theoretical knowledge, it is almost impossible for the enemy to easily cut off the connection between him and the spell model. After all, the spellcaster himself knows the spell he released better than the enemy, and wants to cut off the connection between him and the spell. Contact is inherently difficult.And even if the connection between the spell and the caster is successfully severed by luck, it is often easy for the caster to establish a new connection as long as they are willing.

After all, a complete spell model usually has additional control points.

Therefore, in this kind of battle, cutting off the connection with the spell model to counter the spell is simply getting half the result with twice the effort.

However, the original axiom is not like this.

The main research of the original axioms by spellcasters focuses on the application. Even at the level of the great elementalist, few spellcasters focus on the principles of spells.

This habit of emphasizing combat and application and not focusing on theory can indeed greatly improve the caster's personal combat effectiveness in a short period of time. However, at the cost, this method of spellcasting cannot be used in the face of Karya's astonishing theoretical attainments. At this time, there is a very high risk of being cracked.

The continuous dodges and quicksand disembodiments are not out of fear, but to gain time for analyzing the spell.

The bombardment of various elemental spells is not a battle of trapped beasts, but a trial spell model.

As a result, Qiyana and the great elementalist who summoned plants took only a few breaths before Karya directly saw through their underwear.

Qiyana's amazing talent lies in her amazing ability to control the arc of axiom; the advantage of another great elementalist is that the plants he spawns are sinister and deadly.

As for the two of them, they are specialized in their own fields, and may not even have completed the introduction to elements.

To deal with this kind of enemy, Kalya directly adopted the method of magic interference, which easily caused chaos in the magic control of the two people - Kalya directly interfered with it from the perspective of the magic model, using his own magic power, and the result was a direct result. The two of them lost control of their magic.

However, this is not enough.

After snapping his fingers, Kalya stretched out his right hand again, letting the golden gravel flow down from his palm and dance with the wind.


As the elemental tide turned into substance under the pull of magic, the yellow sand suspended in the air, temporarily changing the magical environment around Kalya.

Within the scope of the flickering gravel, the soil no longer surged three feet away from Kalya, and the ends of the plants quickly withered and weathered when they reached in.

From Qiyana's perspective, she seemed to see Kalya directly opening a forbidden magic field with a wave of her hand. Any spell that entered this field would completely lose its effect!
Damn it, how could this happen?
Accustomed to the spell-casting system of the Original Axiom, the Great Elementalists were completely confused about Kalya's spell-casting routine. They had never seen Kalya's spells and could not come up with any targeted countermeasures!

They have no countermeasures, but that doesn't mean that Kalya's counterattack ends here.

Under the pull of magic, the elemental tide carried a large amount of yellow sand and quickly rolled into a terrifying mana storm.

Kalya, who was in the eye of the storm, was cool and calm, but the great elementalists within the scope of the mana storm were shocked to find that the original axioms on which they relied for survival seemed to have failed!

No, it's not that it's invalid, it's that it's... completely different from what they're used to!

At this moment, they seem to have returned to the past again, back to the time when they first grasped the original axiom and did not know how to cast spells. For them at that time, everything around them was strange, and the elemental gradient was strange. Magical turbulence is unfamiliar. Every time they use the original axiom, they don't know whether it will succeed or what the result will be.

And now, they felt this way again - as Kalya took the initiative to change the battlefield environment, the original axiom that applied to "most situations" finally encountered an exception.

If it were a traditional Shuriman spellcaster, after discovering this situation, he would take action as soon as possible. Just like Kalya did before, he would use simple spells to try to analyze the guard's environment in order to "recover" his own In terms of spellcasting ability, when the time comes, Kalya, who has consumed a lot of magic power in order to trigger the magic storm, will lose more than the gain, and even the magic power will not be able to support it in the first place.

But it is a pity that the great elementalists who have not undergone systematic theoretical study do not have the ability to analyze the combat environment.

They are proficient in the application of the original axioms, but as the environment changes and the rules of spellcasting change, the original axioms they are familiar with become useless.

Finding several major elements that made his expression awkward, Kalya couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Although it is understandable, the study of magic theory is indeed too time-consuming." He seemed to be sincerely worried about Ixtal's education. "Without the Ascension Disk, it would be difficult for ordinary people to be enlightened again. But you won’t learn nothing at all, right?”

Qiyana looked embarrassed.

"This is just the simplest environmental magic, just a little bit unconventional." Kalya continued, "Do you want me to give you some tips? You guys try the magic transmission properties of these gravels first?"

Facing Kalya, they assumed the posture of a teacher, and even adopted a somewhat persuasive tone. The faces of the three major elements darkened visibly.

What the hell, you kicked your nose in the face!
Do you really think you are Kalya?


What a reminder!

The next moment, Qiyana simply injected excess magic power into the axiom arc, and transformed this magic power into pure elemental impact in the fight of the ring blades.

"See Ixtar's amazing talent!"

 Today’s bad luck story:
  The weather forecast said that there would be showers, and it rained all morning in the morning. At noon, the clouds finally closed and the rain came out, and the sun came out.

  After the rain, the sky cleared up, so I went out to get my glasses. However, within a few steps of going out, it started raining again.

  I had no choice but to go home to get an umbrella and change my shoes. Considering that the ground was full of water, I took off my sneakers and put on slippers.

  Because I didn’t wear glasses and my eyesight was not very good, when I was walking with an umbrella, the little toe of my right foot hit the curb.

  If I was wearing sneakers, I was fine, but I was wearing flip-flops, so the nail on the little toe of my right foot was chopped off - flip-flops are comfortable, but they don't protect the toes.

  But I don't have glasses, I can't see the toes at all, I can only see the blurred redness, I want to bend down to have a look, but it's very inconvenient to hold an umbrella, I can only ignore it, continue to get the glasses, get rid of the open eyes first Let's talk about the state of blindness.

  After arriving at the optical shop, the process of picking up the glasses was relatively smooth. Except for the fact that when registering the phone number yesterday, the optical shop recorded an extra digit and the order could not be searched based on the phone number, there were no other problems.

  On the way home, I was wondering if I could pick it up by express delivery, so I checked a shopping app - and then it was recommended on the homepage, and I saw the same type of glasses I just got.

  Well, the price of online glasses is less than one-third of offline.

  Today is another day with mixed emotions.


(End of this chapter)

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