Lux's Farewell

Chapter 784【0772】 Ready-made examples

There's actually nothing wrong with Malzahar's plan.

Because under normal circumstances, even if Jax is holding the Eternal Flame, under the siege of void creatures, the result is destined to be full of hatred - under the nourishment of Malzahar for many years, this void rift has long been different from what it used to be. , even Jax can’t escape completely.

As long as Jax is finished, Shyvana, who cannot take off, will soon become the void worm's food. Considering that the battlefield is quite remote, Malzahar will have enough time to hide the void rift again.

But unfortunately, this is all "theoretical".

Just like Malzahar didn't expect the ordinary-looking Jax to reveal the eternal flames after smashing the lantern in his hand, he also didn't expect that this guy had stored in his body to avoid accidentally entering the time mystery. The problematic spell directly attracted Kieran.

Sensing the rift in the void and the chaos in the flow of time, Kieran accelerated himself to the limit without any hesitation.

By the way, it also accelerated Jax and Shyvana to the limit.

Even though the existence of the void rift caused the local time to be greatly distorted, and the chaotic time flow had a big impact on Kieran, with his solid time magic level, he still successfully fished out the target in the blink of an eye. .

After confirming the safety of Jax and Shyvana, Kiran led them towards Iso Ocan without any hesitation.

Things like void rifts... Kalya is good at handling them!

Just now you have activated several monolithic puppets, it's time for you to show off your real skills!

Jax and Shyvana escaped from Ascension in a blink of an eye.

In contrast, Malzahar had no idea what was happening.

Wait, where is that big dragon and person that was here just now?
Where did it go?
Why did the silver light flash and suddenly disappear?

There is no time in the Void, but there is time in Runeterra. Even Malzahar has to be in time, so he has no idea what Kieran did, nor does he know what happened to Jax and Xi after this moment. Where did Vana go.

The only thing Malzahar knew was that he was in trouble now.

The man and the dragon were obviously rescued by some method unknown to him, and their safe departure meant that the void rift that he had worked hard to nourish here for many years had been known to others.

As a prophet of the void, Malzahar is very clear about the reputation of the void in Shurima - it is no exaggeration to say that in Shurima, cleaning up the void is the greatest political correctness. Once the rift in the void is exposed, nothing unexpected will happen. , he will be in trouble soon.

But the problem is, even if Malzahar knows that he will be in trouble, he has no good solution!

In the past, he could shoot and change places. That was because the sacrifices from various places were not at the location of the void rift.

But now that the location of the Void Rift has been discovered, even if Malzahar himself can escape, the Void Rift cannot.

If someone really mobilizes heavy troops to besiege, then this void rift that has not yet fully formed may not be able to withstand it for long!
After much thought, Malzahar now only has one path.

The cultivation of void bugs that specifically deal with the original axioms must be accelerated.

After all, the location of the void rift determines that the only people who can come to trouble Malzahar are the Ixtal people. And after lurking in Ixtal for many years, Malzahar is very sure that although their original axioms are easy to use, they themselves There are still huge flaws.

Even if the intermediate elementalists can freely cast spells outside Ixtal's elemental gradient barrier, when they come here, their ten-level abilities will only be able to perform at most [-] to [-]%. When the time comes, prepare some targeted weapons. Means may not be without resistance!
Even if the plan is proper, he may even have a chance to counterattack, or even make a scene of a snake swallowing an elephant!
Thinking of this, Malzahar no longer thought about covering the void rift.

Since it can't be avoided.

Then attack with all your strength!


Malzahar has already begun preparations for war.In the restricted area of ​​Ixtal, the messenger of negotiation finally got Qiyana back.

With Kalja's strong statement, Ixtal conservatives fell into existential contradictions - the principles they adhered to have been completely shattered by Kalja. With Kalja around, they no longer want to maintain their past It is already impossible to focus only on the situation in the rainforest.

This is a quite darkly humorous episode. The political division in Ixtal caused by the changes in the situation in Shurima actually ended with the "invasion" of the restricted area. After the soil of conservative existence was stripped away, the entire Ixtal will have to look far into the distance.

Of course, not everyone is rational, and not everyone will, like the previous messenger, voluntarily give up their identity as a messenger after realizing the crux of the problem. Conservatives have only lost the soil for their existence, but they are still centipede worms. It can be called a dead-but-not-rigid sentence.

Even if the fact is that it is impossible for Ixtal to continue to be conservative, there will still be people who are willing to bury their heads in the sand, remain indifferent to changes in the outside world, and pretend to be ignorant.

It's just that these people are not the ones Kalya needs to face anymore.

When the Elemental King of Ixtal rarely showed his position, and when the radicals responded quickly and prepared to take control of the situation, Qiyana clearly showed her attitude to Kalya.

Ixtal can allow you to take these stone men away, but not without any price.

After all, if Ixtar insists on guarding outside the penalty area, it will not be easy to leave just relying on Kalya...

Unlike the conservatives who cannot recognize the situation and cannot accept the reality, the radicals are more able to accept a "win-win" result. Even if it is obvious that Kalya wins twice, it can at least guarantee that they have not gained nothing.

Kalya was not surprised by Qiyana's request.

Even from Kalya's perspective, he really hopes to see Ixtar come out of the rainforest and communicate more with the outside world.

The reason is also very simple. In Kalya's view, although Ixtal's elemental gradient enchantment has all kinds of troubles, it can at least set an example for other places in Runeterra and let them see how magic can be used on a large scale. What impact can it have on society after application?

Although there are not many records of the Shurima Empire in the past, and many Shuriman people regard the empire as a paradise... but the written records are not as intuitive as they seem!

Moreover, now that the sun disk can no longer rise, Ixtal's "everyone is a spellcaster" model may be realized through Vazuan's magic industrialization in the future, which is also great!
However, just when the two were having a good conversation and were about to make substantial progress, someone suddenly came in a hurry and brought news of Kieran's return.

Kalya inserted Kieran into the penalty area, and then got an extremely exciting news from Kieran's mouth.

"Just south of Ixtar, at the junction with Icathia, there is a growing void rift!"

After receiving the news, Kalya was stunned. Even though he had attached great importance to the name of the Prophet of the Void, he never expected that the other party could create a void rift south of Ixtal and north of Icathia.

Then, in shock, Kalya immediately shared the news with Qiyana.

After receiving the news, Qiyana was unwilling to believe it at first.

But since Kieran has seen it with her own eyes and remembered the location, even if she doesn't want to believe it, she still has to believe it - for Ixtal, the void rift at this location is simply a Bodhidharma. The Sword of Chris!

Negotiations should probably be slowed down a bit. Dealing with this void rift is the top priority!
However, when Qiyana brought back news of the Void Rift, things quickly developed beyond her expectations.

The conservative side seemed to have suddenly grasped a life-saving straw and began to point fingers from the moral high ground.

"Didn't the guy who calls himself Kalya say that he wants to fight against the void? Then let him go!"

"As long as he can really bridge the void rift, what does the legacy of Kalya mean?"

The code efficiency is so low, and it really needs to be rehabilitated slowly.

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