Lux's Farewell

Chapter 802【0790】 Face your own heart

Chapter 802【0790】 Face your own heart

The fact that Shyvana is a dragon was somewhat too exciting for him, so much so that Jarvan IV's first reaction was actually "You're fucking kidding me" - however, after meeting Shiva After Na's vertical pupils, a feeling that was difficult to describe in simple words quietly spread.

The shock and stupor suppressed the disbelief. Jarvan IV squeezed his eyes hard and confirmed that this was not some visual trick or trick. Surprisingly, he did not feel any emotion called anger.

Under these surface emotions, even Jarvan IV himself was not aware that deep in his heart, a subtle sense of stimulation began to add fuel to the chaos of his thoughts.

"Ah, Miss Shyvana." Jarvan IV's mouth seemed to be no longer his own, and his words became pale and weak, "I really didn't expect this..."

To be honest, Shyvana was quite looking forward to how Jarvan IV would behave when he learned that he was a dragon.

But when Jarvan IV truly knew this and became a little stupefied because of it, a subtle dissatisfaction suddenly welled up in her heart.

"Isn't this something unacceptable?" She raised her head and faced Jarvan IV with her vertical pupils unabashedly, her words carrying a bit of the dragon's unique power, "On the battlefield, , your performance is much better than now."

Longwei seemed to have activated Jarvan IV. Although he still had a polite yet embarrassed smile on his face and his movements were still a little stiff, at least he quickly came to his senses. When he spoke again, his whole body finally It became clear again.

"So, on the battlefield in the north?"

"It's me." Shyvana obviously understood what Jarvan IV wanted to ask, "You have seen both forms."

"It's unbelievable." Jarvan IV picked up the tea cup and took a deep sip. "You have completely hidden your wildness. I can't even see a clue."

"Wild nature is not something that can be hidden." Shyvana shook her head. "It is naturally controlled by reason. Suppression is worse than channeling."

"Oh, oh, that's it." Jarvan IV looked like a silly goose, "So, now Taric is in that place called...Yutar?"

"It's Ixtar." Shyvana corrected, "I didn't take it apart to read it, but at least I can still confirm this part."

"A kingdom hidden in the rain forest. This is really... really magical." Jarvan IV folded the letter and put it back into the envelope. "However, maybe Lux needs this news more than me at this time. I I think you must have told her?"

"Of course." Shyvana had nothing to hide about this. "This is also the main goal of my return."

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

On the way to the tavern, Jarvan IV actually prepared a lot of interesting topics.

When he was the emperor of Demacia, his understanding of art was very limited. After leaving the throne, he had more free time, so that he gradually gained some of his own thinking and understanding in the field of art.

Therefore, after meeting Shyvana again, he thought he could resonate with her artistically.

But judging from the current situation...

It seems that the relationship between the two parties is more distant and difficult to get close to than before.

Knowing that Shyvana is a humanoid dragon, Jarvan IV should have let him go.

However, when he raised his head and looked at Shyvana's pair of golden vertical pupils, his heart, which was gradually calming down, couldn't help but feel impulsive, like lava flowing deep in the crater of a volcano. Generally, even if the surface has solidified, the inside is still hot.

"So, Miss Shyvana, how does it feel to be in Demacia?" By some strange coincidence, Jarvan IV asked a somewhat silly question, "From a dragon's perspective."

"Not bad." A smile appeared on Shyvana's face, "I like it always makes me feel at ease."

"Right." Jarvan IV nodded, with a hint of pride in his tone, "No matter what, this is a beautiful country..."

As if a switch was turned on, Jarvan IV quickly got out of his stuttering state of bewilderment.

After figuring out that "he can't actually be considered a person anymore", he completely left the art of architecture behind, and for the first time, he talked with others - oh, other dragons - from the perspective of an observer. Started Demacia.

Talk about the place where he grew up.

Talk about your past and present.

Talk about the changes Xingling has made on himself.

Talk about the gap between the emperor and the common people.

Compared with the carefully prepared aesthetic understanding, these practical topics resonate more with Shyvana - and this resonance is completely unable to be given by others.

Jarvan IV was right, he was no longer a human being. The experience of being controlled by the protoss completely transformed his body and mind. When his will was suppressed by Twilight and his soul was restrained in a corner, he watched helplessly as Twilight controlled him. When he made trouble for himself, he had been completely changed.

He wasn't very able to think at that time, but that feeling would urge him to think after he regained his life.

Think from a detached perspective, think from a higher perspective.

Sometimes, Jarvan IV would subconsciously regard himself as a human being, but whether it was the melancholy at dusk every day or the confusion under the stars, he would be reminded repeatedly that he was no longer a mortal. .

Even if this emotion can be easily suppressed, even if this thought will not make him lose control again.

Similarly, when Shyvana walks among people, she occasionally smells blood and has subtle, controllable impulses.

Although it was a different feeling, it brought them similar impulses. When that feeling arose, an invisible barrier would isolate them from the crowd. For a moment, they were in a different place. world.

In the past, in another world, Shyvana and Jarvan IV were alone.

And now, behind this curtain, they finally have a companion.

Facing one's own heart is not an easy thing, especially for "absolute minorities" like Jarvan IV and Shyvana.

Although it is somewhat disrespectful to use the word "huddling together for warmth" to describe it, the fact is exactly the same. Compared with the art of one performing and the other learning, it is this subtle sense of alienation that brings a sense of alienation to this person and one dragon. A resonance that comes from the depths of the soul.

Even if at a certain moment, you have to look at the world from the perspective of a bystander, then at least this kind of audience is not just you.

For Shyvana, this was a touch that only Kalya could bring to her.

For Jarvan IV, this was a resonance beyond the senses.

Jarvan IV used an excuse to stay away from those annoying aristocratic elders; Shyvana used an excuse to get a reply from Jarvan IV to Taric, and one person and one dragon began to meet with alarming frequency.From the beginning, I sat in a pub drinking tea and went to the Art Support Association to watch drama rehearsals.

Later, I went out to hunt in the city and soared in the twilight.

Jarvan IV showed a melancholy and melancholic side to himself.

Shyvana no longer concealed the urge to bleed deep in her heart.

However, the happy time is not unlimited - Shyvana will eventually go to Ixtar again.

And when she thought of leaving, her thoughts became a little complicated.

Finally, when she met with Jarvan IV again and urged him to come up with a reply to Taric, Jarvan IV gave him the answer she had been waiting for.

"Take me to Ixtar." He looked directly into Shyvana's golden eyes, "There are always some things that cannot be explained clearly with a letter alone."

Shyvana looked at him deeply, then raised her eyebrows, and motioned for him to follow.


When Kalya finished teaching the basic theory of space, completed the preliminary sealing of the void rift, and saw Shyvana again, he was surprised to see an "uninvited guest."

Why is Jarvan IV here too?
But this doubt did not last long.

After meeting Shyvana, Kalya suddenly became enlightened - facing Shyvana's nervous eyes, his eyes gradually became playful.

"Do I look like I'm going to give him a test?" Seeing Shyvana trying to open her mouth several times, but her eyes seemed to be dodging, Kalya couldn't help but snorted, "Since everyone is I brought it, so what else is there to admit?”

Shyvana still remained silent.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan IV took the initiative to greet him and introduced himself very formally.

Although she knew him very well, Kalya still listened to this long, obviously well-prepared self-introduction.

It seems that Kalja has put a lot of pressure on Jarvan IV. Although Shyvana did not tell Jarvan IV any specific information about Kalja and the North and Lux, she just said that Kalja is herself. His teacher was the one who taught him to control his wild impulses, but when facing Kalya, Jarvan IV still seemed a bit too nervous to breathe.

how to say……

It was probably as if he was completely seen through from the inside out when he was looked at by Kalya.

"The remnants of twilight on you are fading away, which is good news." Kalya smiled secretly in her heart, but put on a serious look on the surface, "However, the key to everything still lies in yourself, Jarvan— —Climbing the mountain is a rare opportunity but also a heavy burden. All power has its price."

Kalya had already said these words to Tarik, so when he told Jarvan IV these words, Tarik couldn't help but nod with sadness.

As a result, this put more pressure on Jarvan IV. He could only nod dryly and did not dare to say anything unnecessary.

Seeing that the pressure he put seemed to be too much, Kalya finally laughed, stopped staring at Jarvan IV, turned around and left.

Seeing Kalya leave, Jarvan IV finally let out a long breath.

"Am I passing the test?" he asked Shyvana in a low voice, "Mr. Kalya smiled very happily..."

"Relax." Shyvana smiled and nodded, "Teacher Kalya has always been easy to talk to."


The arrival of Jarvan IV was indeed a surprise.

But for Kalya, this accident is not worthy of his attention.

After meeting the former Emperor with his own eyes and confirming his relationship with Shyvana, Kalya focused all his attention on the issue of sealing the void rift.

The cramming learning effect is very good.

There are no fools who can become great elementalists - even though they have little foundation in magic theory, if they want to apply magic theory, they can be said to be true experts.

Skipping the exploration of the principles of space magic and directly telling the conclusions and applications, Kalya quickly pulled together a team that could support the task of sealing the void rift.

This team is mainly composed of the great elementalist of Ixtal, and also has many reliable Icathian mages involved. Next, under the leadership of Kalya, multiple seals will be placed on the void rift to connect this one to the void. The bridge between Land and Runeterra is completely blocked.

After completing all teaching tasks, Kalya prepared a small-scale exam for all those who participated in the study. The exam focused on the three directions of space, plane and seal, with half theory and half practice.

Everyone will eventually be divided into three groups based on the results of this exam, responsible for the construction, charging and maintenance of the space seal.

This is destined to be a job that requires patience. Even if Kalya personally leads the team, it will take at least three months.

In addition to this, Kieran also began to prepare the time mystery lock that shrouded the space seal.

Those past and future Kierans were once again summoned from the long river of time. Young or old Kierans cooperated with each other, completely stirring up the time in the place where the earth herniated.

Three months later, when Shyvana saw Kalya again, Kalya, who had come out of the herniation, was visibly tired - you know, even at the busiest time, Kalya was once in Fu. Sparrow worked as 007, but at that time he was not as tired as he is now.

Behind Kalya, Qiyana had just left the Hernia and raised her arms high toward the Ixtal elementalists and Icathian guards surrounding them.

The crown representing the identity of the Elemental King Ixtal was shining brightly on her head. After Kalya nodded slightly, she excitedly announced the news that the void rift had been completely sealed.

After getting the news, cheers instantly broke out and soared into the sky.

In the midst of this joy, Kalya left the excited crowd and took the initiative to come to Shvana.

"How is the situation in Shurima?"

 Dragon Knight, transform and set off!
(End of this chapter)

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