Lux's Farewell

Chapter 808【0796】The waterway is filled again

Nami and the Mermaid Marines had never seen a battle of this scale.

Compared to Renekton and Nasus, who fought hard, their previous battle with Bakai was like playing house - even though Renekton would take action at that time, he never showed his true strength. The form of the ascendant.

Seeing the misery of the Bakais after being crushed by the two behemoths, Nami and the Mermaid Marines did not dare to approach the battle rashly.

Seeing them fighting further and further away, Nami thought for a moment and decided to try to save the squirming Bakai first.

Although not long ago, these Bakai were their enemies, but in any case, they were once warriors among the sharks, people selected from thousands to solve the dilemma of the sharks, although it seems that they are trapped in Fallen, but if possible, Nami and all the Sharks still hope that they can regain their sanity.

Now that they have all been seriously injured and have no ability to resist, for Nami, this is a good time to control them and find a way to recover. If they want to recover, the premise is that they are still alive.

After being run over by Nasus and Renekton, if they were not treated, they might be dead before Nami could even find a way to redeem herself.

As a result, Nami and the spell casters in the Mermaid Marines began to try to call on the power of the water element to nourish and heal these unlucky Bakai.

Although this place is located underground, since it is not far from the coast, the water element is still active. The clear spring quickly gushes out from Nami's staff, cleaning the dirty blood of the Bakais, making them look obviously better. few.

Although the treatment made these Bakais seem to have regained some aggression, since they were still seriously injured, Nami and the Mermaid Marines easily controlled them, and after confirming that these seniors would not be alive for a while After the danger, Nami and the Mermaid Marines summoned several transparent water bubbles and wrapped the Bakais one by one in them.

Although the Bakais in the blisters still grinned and seemed to be preparing to attack their former compatriots, they could no longer pose any threat.

Then, just when Nami and the Mermaid Marines were about to take Bakai and take the opportunity to escape, Renekton and Nasus fought all the way back.

When they entered the Magic Network waterway before, Nami and the Sharks came in through the inspection entrance. Because it had not been maintained for too long, the ladder at the inspection entrance had long been broken. In addition, they had to control the blisters, so they saw It seemed impossible to leave the waterway until Nasus and Renekton fought back.

In this case, Nami could only shout to the sharks and ask them to dodge to the corner as much as possible to avoid being affected by Chiyu.

Nami and Merito were trying their best to avoid it.

But in the center of the battle, Nasus couldn't hold on any longer.

If fighting one on one, Nasus is actually fully capable of suppressing Renekton - even though Nasus is a spellcaster, his obsidian body is obviously much higher than Renekton's beast body.

But in this battle, Renekton had no scruples in taking action, while Nasus had to take care of his brother's health and not use too dangerous methods - most of his abilities were aimed at... Regarding the enemy's soul, it would be okay to give Renek a blow with the battle ax to wake him up, but if you want to give his soul a severe blow, the consequences would be too serious.

Originally, there was something wrong with Renekton's current state. He was a bit stupid. If his soul suffered another severe blow, he might completely fall into madness!

Therefore, it was quite difficult for even Nasus to persevere when he was unable to attack with all his strength and could only delay the battle in the hope that Renekton would lose his ability to resist.

It was precisely for this reason that although he saw these sharks, he had no intention of actively dodging them - Nasus' current state no longer supported him in avoiding these random people who had come out of nowhere.

If Renekton was going to run over them, Nasus would have no qualms.

However, when Nasus saw the water bubbles controlled by the sharks and discovered the obvious traces of water elements on the ground, his heart moved slightly.

While blocking the attack from Renekton, Nasus glanced at the wall of the Demon Network channel with the corner of his eye.

This place has been abandoned for a long time. Most of the magic circuits permanently fixed on the walls have lost their effect. Some of them have gradually peeled off over time and become dust accumulated on the ground. They were just destroyed by the sharks. The spells turned into mud; some of them still remain on the wall. Even today, as long as magic is injected into them, they can still exert their intended effects.

A large part of the reason why it looks different from the magic circuits in people's minds is that there must be sufficient water flow to activate many of the basic circuits.

There are specialties in magic. Even if Nasus is a bachelor and has a very solid knowledge of magic theory, although he can also use elemental magic, his level is just that. Let him summon water and activate the protective part of the magic circuit. Totally unrealistic.

But just because Nasus can't do it, doesn't mean these sharks can't do it!

From the actions of these sharks transporting Bakai with water bubbles, Nasus could confirm that their level of control over water elemental magic was quite astonishing!
The Shurima Empire has done some research on the vastaya people, but since there are almost no vastaya people around the Shurima continent, this kind of research is just very unpopular and has an obvious curiosity and entertainment nature.

Therefore, even though Nasus is as knowledgeable as Nasus, he doesn’t know much about the vastayas. The only thing he knows is that the vastayas are inextricably linked to the spirit world, and that certain elements or Psychics also have a natural affinity.

These sharks obviously have a good resonance with the water element. Maybe they can help activate the magic circuits remaining on the walls of the underground sewers?

Thinking of this, Nasus blocked another slash from Renekton and shouted to Nami, who was leading the way: "Shark, if you want to leave smoothly and take away those Bakai, then summon The power of the tide!”

"Fill this place with water, the more water the better!"

"Rekton has fallen into madness, I may not be able to stop him for long!"

Nami's Shurima language was learned after leaving the Sea of ​​Mermaids, and her level was not very high. Fortunately, Nasus enunciated the words clearly, and she still understood what he meant.

Do you want to believe this... kobold?

Nami didn't know Nasus, and even if Nasus revealed his identity, she didn't know what an Ascended One or a Grand Maester were. As a marine race, the mermaids were civilized, but they were completely different from the creatures on land.

However, seeing the two behemoths getting closer and closer, and although the sharks had been avoiding them, they were gradually being caught up due to the limited space in the waterway, she had no choice.

Anyway, if it were full of water, the situation wouldn't be worse.

The water is the home of the sharks!Thinking of this, Nami handed over the Bakai she controlled to another Mermaid Marine, and then held the Tidecalling Staff with both hands.

"Roaring waves, I call upon your strength!"


In Nasus' perception, as Nami said something he couldn't understand in Vastaya, the entire space trembled obviously.

Nasus had no talent in space magic. He could not fully discern the properties of this spell, but what was confirmed was that Nami's prayer seemed to elicit some kind of spatial response. Considering the nature of the vastaya, Perhaps this response comes from the spirit world.

Behind Nami, an illusory curtain wall gradually took shape, and an indescribable pressure also appeared.

Then, as Nami held the Tidecaller Staff in both hands and drew an arc of waves in mid-air, the curtain wall finally turned into reality.

The next moment, turbulent sea water spurted out from the curtain wall, and in the blink of an eye, a huge wave rolled up around the sharks.

Although the underground waterway limits the size of the waves, a surge of this magnitude is fatal to any fishermen on the seashore - but in the eyes of the sharks, this is just an ordinary wave.

The sharks in the huge waves swung their scaly fish tails and walked easily on the waves. They allowed the waves to wrap themselves up and floated freely in the waves, even controlling the water bubbles. Became more relaxed.

It was not until the water flow increased that Nasus discovered that the shark was not using the water element magic as he thought. She seemed to be calling on the power of the spirit world, summoning the surging waves directly through the spirit world.

This is sea water!

Things seemed to be somewhat beyond Nasus' expectations. He had already prepared to use the magic circuit on the wall of the waterway to create a maintenance vortex to trap Renekton, but when he saw Nami summoning sea water, he suddenly I'm not sure whether seawater can activate the magic circuit that requires water element concentration to activate.

Um, wait, sea water?
Blinking his eyes, Nasus suddenly felt overjoyed - although it may not be able to activate the conventional magic circuit, for underground waterways, seawater is sewage!

This is the inspection point of the underground sewer. There will inevitably be a sewage detection and interception loop. As long as you find this part of the loop, you can create a temporary sealing barrier. At that time, you only need to reinforce it and charge it yourself, and you will be trapped. Living in Renekton shouldn’t be a problem!
Thinking of this, Nasus began to split his mind. While dealing with Renekton, maintaining balance in the wave, he began to look for detection and interception loops.

Nasus was lucky.

Since detection and interception are the most important circuits of this checkpoint, it is not easily exposed on the waterway wall like a general water delivery circuit - this part of the magic circuit is located in a dark ramp. If it were not for the magic circuit People with extensive research or experience in water conservancy projects may not be able to find this hidden branch of the magic circuit for three to five days.

After discovering the target, things will be easy to talk about.

Fighting and retreating, Nasus quickly approached the dark ramp. He was kicked by Renekton and crashed into the ramp, pressing his hands against the wall.

Very good, the magic circuit here is still well preserved.

The magic circuits used in engineering have a margin, especially the underground waterways involved in energy transportation. Although some magic circuits have also peeled off, when Nasus injected his magic power into them, the magic power The circuit was quickly activated.

So, when Renekton squeezed over and tried to attack Nasus with his sword, the seawater, which was already quite turbulent due to Nami's call, was completely "activated" by the magical circuit of the underground waterway.

When the water was judged to be dirty, the interception and backflow functions of the underground waterway were activated. As the amazing magic power was absorbed into the magic circuit, the sharks were surprised to find that the seawater was entering a backflow state from low to high.

After blinking, Nami seemed to understand what Nasus meant, and took the initiative to help him control the water flow and create surges.

With the joint efforts of Nasus and Nami, Renekton, who was in the current, tried his best to resist, but was still inevitably swept away by the current and rolled towards the water storage area.

By the time he arrived at the water storage area, the seawater summoned by Nami had been stirred by the magic circuit and turned into a huge whirlpool.

When the underground waterway was still complete, this circular reservoir with a diameter of more than [-] yards was the temporary storage tank for dirty water at the water network checkpoint. Its height was higher than the water network. After the water pollution was discovered at the checkpoint, the front The water delivery circuit will be temporarily cut off, and the water after the cutoff point will be pumped here and temporarily stored for purification.

And now, it has become Renekton's cage - with the support of Nasus' magic power, the ancient dirty water extraction system was activated again. With Nami's help, he was pumped to the water storage area, among the huge Ascended Ones. The body can only float and sink in the water.

Although he takes the form of a crocodile, Renekton is an out-and-out landlubber.

In this case, he could only wield the war blade, floating up and down in the water with the huge whirlpool, but there was no place to focus - his eyes were already red, and there was still anger burning in his chest, but unfortunately, this It can only be incompetent rage.

As Renekton fell into the water reservoir and would be unable to climb out for a while, Nasus finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If it weren't for the fact that his head was in the form of a jackal, he would definitely be looking pale due to the overdraft of magic power.

Single-handedly, he activates the control system of part of the underground water network. This is the ascendant. If Nami is replaced, even if she drains her magic power, it will be a miracle if one-tenth of the water is drained away.

Unable to maintain his Ascended form any longer, Nasus let out a long breath and finally his body gradually shrank and returned to his usual state. He picked up his usual cane and now followed him. The battle ax that shrunk together finally supported itself and stood up.

Then, he moved his body a little before walking out of the ramp.

What greeted him was a crowd of sharks looking at him with a mixture of gratitude, fear, curiosity and questioning.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·The National Project of the Shurima Empire:
The underground magic network waterway is a national project of the Shurima Empire. It is directly connected to the sun disk and is driven directly by amazing energy.

In the face of a project of this scale, even the magic power of the Ascended One can only be considered insignificant.

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