Lux's Farewell

Chapter 811【0799】 Winged Sisters and Mystery

Under the influence of Kalya, Lux is not interested in the occult.

Whether it was the esoteric idea that advocated the secret inheritance of knowledge, the esotericism that valued consciousness and intuition, or the occultism that focused on ritual but knew what it was but didn't know why, Lux disagreed with it from the bottom of her heart.

In Lux's view, he may not be able to understand all the principles of magic, but not being able to understand does not mean that it cannot be understood. Even the magic turbulence that is complex at the micro level and cannot be accurately observed has at least a confidence interval that can be passed controlled statistically.

The formation of this kind of cognition is closely related to Lux's mastery of magic - from the beginning, Kalya taught her magic in the form of a combination of theory and practice. Although the theoretical knowledge of magic is quite boring, when Lux was studying She suffered a lot, but as the knowledge system was built, she gradually gained a clear understanding of magic and society.

With this understanding, she naturally rejected occultism and hated these behaviors that turned magic into gods.

The pretentiousness and unclear words are just to cover up some ulterior purpose!

But the key now is that even if Lux believes that the messenger of the Frostguard tribe is just showing off, she doesn't know what he is trying to hide.

This made Lux quite uncomfortable.

Especially when the intelligence team cannot provide any intelligence support and instead becomes a tool for the Frost Guard envoys to show off, this awkwardness is even more uncomfortable.

Facing the cold and cold Frost Guard messenger who seemed to know everything, Lux had to admit that some ancient existences that she didn't understand always had their own unique methods.

However, it is your fault to use this method to pretend to be a ghost in front of yourself in an attempt to achieve your own ulterior motives.

Yes, I don't know what method you used to find out some confidential content.

But whether it was time magic or secret observation from other planes, the frost witch must have used some unknown and traceless observation method. This method may even be her foundation. In order to hide this Only then will she mysteriously pretend to be omniscient and omnipotent, using fate as an excuse to create fans!
Thinking of this, after a moment of stiffness, Lux quickly came back to her senses. While smiling and seeming to hold the messenger in front of her indifferently, she quickly mobilized her people and set off in two groups. Go north to contact the intelligence team in Rakstaq, send messages all the way to Kalya, and try to find out as much as possible what is going on.

Then, when both groups of people set off, the blindfolded messenger found Lux ​​again.

"The traces of witches are not for mortals to spy on." Although her tone was calm, Lux still heard a hint of warning from her words, "Your little trick is destined to fail. In comparison, you We should be more prepared to meet the great Frost Witch."

Regarding this kind of behavior of not speaking up and hiding his purpose, Lux kept a polite but distant smile. After emphasizing that this was her own business, she left on the spot.

Pretending to be mysterious, right?
You wait until the news about Teacher Kalya comes back!
See if I don’t expose you!

What Lax never expected was that before Kalya even received the news, she had already caught the Frost Guard envoy's clues.

Asan took the initiative to find Lux ​​and brought the kindness of the Winged Sisters.

They know the details of the Frost Witch!

The Winged Sisters were confined to Forsbarrow for ten years in the blink of an eye.

For ordinary people, ten years is a long period of time in life, but for the Winged Sisters, ten years is just a short moment.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to be sealed by a mortal and turned into a harmless god, Lux did not use the name of the Winged Sisters to do anything. She only sent a special person to take them through the streets and learn about the blessings. Spyro and the North, so Kyle and Morgana reluctantly accepted this arrangement.

Of course, temporary acceptance does not mean that you are willing to be regarded as a god all the time. During this period, Kyle and Morgana also tried to "escape" several times through their own means, but unfortunately, whether as the Winged Sisters or Even with more practical threats and inducements, they cannot achieve their goals.

Ah Sang, who is responsible for serving them, is a very serious person.

She only recognized Lux, who had changed the status of the Archon, the North and the entire Demacia with her actions, and was completely indifferent to the various influences of the Winged Sisters. No matter what promises Kyle and Morgana made, she They all just laughed and seemed not to hear.

The Wing Sisters have a great reputation.

But that's just a name.

In this situation, all the Winged Sisters could do was to watch as a bystander, and helplessly watch Fosbello change with each passing day.

At the beginning, they didn't find any problems.

Although I have never seen something like the Royal Dharma's search for a method of growing fragrant red sage in the past, both the process and the results do not seem difficult to understand.

Through unified scheduling, maximizing the benefits brought by trade and constructing the territory, Morgana has seen a lot in the past few hundred years, and many Demacia lords will do this. , it’s just that Lux is more radical and puts almost all the profits into territory construction. There is nothing to say about this.

After that, Forsbarrow began to dominate the industry standards and create the Northern brand. At this point, although the Wing sisters were a little confused, they didn't completely understand what Lux meant - they had never seen this method before, no. Know how big of an impact this can have, but at least know what the impact will be.

However, as students in the school that Lux spent a lot of money to build began to graduate one after another and join the ranks of clerks or Northern Walkers, things finally began to develop in a direction that the Winged Sisters could not understand.

These people who have shared experiences in education, formed similar ways of thinking, and had similar ideals, after entering Fosbairo's society, can visibly extend this order to Fosbairo's society. Up and down.

With the support of Lux, a brand-new model that had never been seen in Demacia began to operate at a high speed. When Lux proposed the northern integration strategy, she had already realized from the rapid assimilation of the foreign population. When they arrived at Forsbarrow, the unusual winged sisters were silent.

Although Kyle would still insist that "mortals' rampage can easily go astray and require the guidance of gods," Morgana has clearly realized that the inner driving force of this orderly development of society seems to be her own. Assiduous humanity.

They are greedy yet contented, conservative yet radical, selfish yet generous, complex and chaotic human nature, but under sorting and guidance, they can merge into a torrent, rolling forward to crush all obstacles in front of them.

This is exactly what Morgana pursues and expects.

After the uprising was announced in the North, and Kael still believed that Jarvan IV would win, Morgana had already predicted Falsbarrow's victory.

However, the process of the war was completely beyond their understanding.

When the Winged Sisters sensed the personal fate of the protoss, Kyle couldn't help but cheered, while Morgana fell into the abyss - she remembered the time when she and Kyle broke up, and the war between the gods shattered Dema West Asia is booming.Could it be that the bright future of the North is going to be interrupted like this?
However, just as the fate of the protoss was completely beyond their expectations, the appearance of the darklings and the victory in the North completely silenced the Winged Sisters.

Even Morgana, who is closer to mortals and cares more about human nature, never thought that the Xiongdu Front Army, which had gathered the power of the stars, would lose completely in the Battle of Badaopo, and even possessed the body of Jarvan IV. The Twilight Stars were also forced to give up and fled back to Mount Targon in a mess.

Morgana is like this, let alone Kyle.

Kyle, who believed that divinity was more noble, was completely dumbfounded. The failure of the Twilight Stars was subversive and incomprehensible to her. She could not accept that the power of divinity was lost to mortals.

Like Morgana, who had been in self-imposed exile, Kyle fell into isolation.

While Kyle fell into isolation, as the Northern Integration Strategy ended, and as more industries in the Northern Territory began to convert to civilian use and flourish after the war, Morgana finally put aside her grudges and began to Trying to fit into Forsbarrow's new order.

After giving up the last bit of restraint that came from divinity, Morgana began to sincerely lament Fosbarrow's achievements.

The goddess should be unharmed, and should be shocked by the world.

Morgana really wanted to do something, join this order, and see what the limits of human nature were.

But Lux, who is committed to cutting off old Demacia, does not need the Wing Sisters to endorse her, and Morgana, the industrial model in the north, cannot be of much help.

So for a while, Morgana couldn't do anything.

Until the Frost Guard messenger came to Forsbarrow.

Not long ago, Asang, who was walking down the street with a statue of the god, passed by the Frost Guard messenger.

This was just a very ordinary encounter. There was not even any substantive communication between the two parties. However, Kyle, who had always been unhappy, couldn't help but complained to Morgana in a low voice after meeting the Frost Guard envoy. One sentence.

"It's really over for Fosbairo. No one can walk down the street with dignity."

Morgana didn't know the identity of the Frost Guard messenger, so she asked Kyle.

"You mean that person just now? She was dressed a little strangely - do you know her?"

"They're just people who overestimate their own capabilities." Kyle, who finally caught an excuse, couldn't help but vent his words, "That's what the Freljord people are like. They used to spy on the power of the gods, but they were naturally punished by the gods. …”

Kyle, who has lived on Mount Targon for nearly a thousand years, obviously knows a lot of things that Morgana doesn't know.

Among these "things Morgana doesn't know" include the past of the three sisters.

According to Kyle, when the Freljord civilization was just born, there were three powerful mortals who ruled the vast land of Freljord. They were called the three Freljord sisters.

Because they possess powers beyond ordinary people, this power eventually brought them pride beyond ordinary people, prompting them to challenge the gods beyond their own capabilities. As a result, under the attack of the original twilight, one of them lost their voice and the other lost their soul. hearing, one lost sight.

"That cold look, that undisguised spying on fate, and the self-deception of covering your eyes to cover up the loss of your sight, I will never admit it!"

According to the descriptions of the giant gods, the battle between the first generation of Twilight Stars and the three sisters was a very pure battle in which divinity overcame humanity. Kyle, who had been frustrated in Forsbarrow for so long, finally found a reason to criticize mortals. , so he answered Morgana’s questions and told everything about the three sisters.

Morgana listened to Kyle's story quietly.

Then the more I listened, the more something went wrong.

She dared to say that Kyle did not deceive her, but it was hard to say whether the giant god deceived Kyle.

In the past ten years, Morgana has clearly realized that Kyle, who has lived on Mount Targon for many years, has accepted a lot of wrong information in the process of receiving the teachings of Titan.

It is precisely because of this wrong information that Kyle is full of prejudice against mortals.

Yes, human nature does have its weaknesses, its short-sighted and wanton side, but it also has the part of actively seeking change and always moving forward. However, in Kyle's mouth, all of this seems meaningless, so there must be something in it. problematic.

The previous failure in the Badaopo Battle had forced Kyle to accept some reality.

If this situation continues, as long as he allows her to see and admit more excellence in mortals, Kyle will definitely get rid of the fixed thinking of the past!

In the past, in Forsbarrow, apart from the Battle of Badaopo, there were very few things involving the Titans.

Now that a being who has something to do with the Titan has finally appeared, Morgana thinks it is necessary to contact Lux to truly understand the relationship between the three sisters and the Titan, and see if she can use this to break Kyle's filter. mirror.

Therefore, Morgana found Assan and hoped to pass some news to Lux through her.

For Assan, this was a first time situation. Faced with Morgana's request, she did not dare to neglect and contacted Lux ​​immediately.

After Lux heard that Morgana knew something about the Frostguard tribe, she immediately met with Assan and talked directly with Morgana.

Then, when she heard Kyle's version of the story of "Twilight Stars and the Three Sisters" from Morgana's mouth, Lux's expression became quite wonderful.

Any unexpected gains? (End of chapter)

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