Lux's Farewell

Chapter 875 【0872】 Assembly

Under the guidance of the Frostguard priests, the raiders of East Freljord are gradually achieving a union. They have accepted the Noxians as "cannon fodder" and are planning to pass through the Old Snow Canyon to A little surprise for Lark Stark.

In Luxtaq, Lux and Ashe, who had just returned, obviously knew nothing about this.

Compared with the arduous journey to the Great Glacier, the process of returning from the Great Glacier was very smooth. Breath of Anivia took them through the sea of ​​ice in less than a day. After passing the Gushuangkou Old Road, you can enter the Lakstak Plain.

During this process, no one took the initiative to cause trouble. It seemed that Anivia persuaded Volibear to extinguish the rolling thunder.

There is no doubt that this was a very successful trial trip.

Unfortunately, Ashe, who returned to the tribe, did not have time to celebrate, and before Lux, who had met Kalya again, had time to share her experiences along the way, many tribes came to visit one after another.

During the time they left, some people had already broken their previous covenants, and these people came to ask for help.

According to Ashe's covenant, within the designated area, the territory of other tribes cannot be invaded at will. Even if the tribes in the Lakstak Plain have problems, they should be resolved through discussion and avoid resorting to force as much as possible.

This idea is good, but unfortunately, in the few months since Ashe and Lux ​​left, many tribes have had conflicts over territorial issues, pasture issues, and hunting ground issues.

Some tribes maintained restraint.

However, although some tribes participated in the oath, they still went their own way and chose to resort to force.

As a result, those tribes that maintained restraint suffered huge losses without exception.

Can the Freljordians tolerate this?

Therefore, they chose to fight back without hesitation, and for a while, the Laxtaq Plain once again presented a scene of vitality, everything competing, and many tribes fighting together.

In this series of small conflicts, the tribe that suffered a loss saw that they were about to be defeated. At this time, they thought of Lux and the previous alliance, so they sent envoys to Laxtaq City one after another, hoping that Ashe Take action to calm the troubles and punish those who started the war.

Ash is quite experienced in this area.

She did not take action directly. Instead, she sent a large number of envoys to study the relationship between the tribes, and tried to find those who had truly broken the covenant and then punish them.

This was a very correct approach, and it also maintained Ashe's reputation, but the price was that the preparations for the crusade against Lissandra that had been agreed with Anivia were delayed again and again.

Seeing that it was impossible for Ashe to assemble an army to march eastward in a short time, Lux simply said goodbye temporarily and ended the visit. Before leaving, she and Ashe made an agreement that when they conquered Lissandra, they will act together.


When Demacia's elite and Malphites slowly started to move, Lux, who said goodbye to the city of Luxtak, walked west and let out a long breath.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this trial." Looking at Lux's appearance, Kalya was somewhat curious, "How does it feel to meet Anivia?"

"...It's amazing, especially the stories he told." Lux, who was riding on Enuk's back, finally had time to slowly tell her experience to Kalya, "He deserves to be a Freljordian. The God of Wisdom in his mouth does understand many things that ordinary people cannot understand."

"for example?"

“Like ancient, even pre-civilization history.”

With that said, Lux simply shared with Kalya the ancient history told by Anivia.

Kalya, who was listening on the sidelines, rarely showed a serious expression, and from time to time he took the initiative to ask a few questions - some questions were mentioned by Anivia, but Lux did not fully explain them, and some were asked by Anivia. Nivea also did not mention the part.

Lax answered Kalya's questions one by one, recalling Anivia's words as much as possible. As for the parts that Anivia did not mention, she also used the word "don't know" very directly. to respond.

The more Lux told it, the fewer Kalya asked. He seemed to be visibly immersed in thinking, but Lux had no idea what he was thinking about.

She really couldn't understand why Kalya was so serious when hearing these historical narratives.

Is there any very crucial information hidden in these histories?

When Lux finished telling Anivia's story, and Kalya seemed to have some understanding, and her brows gradually relaxed, Lux asked her question very curiously.

"Is there a key point in Anivia's story that I didn't discover?"

"Probably not." Kalya realized Lux's doubts and shook her head with a smile, "It's just a personal interest of mine - in the era of the Shurima Empire, the study of the origin of civilization never involved the solar disk. Among the fields, it is a more popular field, and as long as Anivia is not talking nonsense, what he tells can solve many questions."

Lux nodded as if she understood. Even though her knowledge base on magic theory can be considered relatively rich, she was never a scholar from beginning to end, and most of her knowledge about magic theory came from cramming education.

As a field that "has little to do with the study of magic", the study of prehistoric civilization was a subject that Kalya only mentioned to her briefly, and did not involve too much.

"So, these questions...are they important?"

"It's important for those who spend their lives exploring the path humans took when they came." Kalya shrugged, "But for most people - including you and me, it's actually not that important. It's not as important as these stories. Bi, what really needs our attention is Anivia’s explanation of Lissandra.”

"It's really an eye-opener for me." Speaking of Lissandra, Lux's tone was a little subtle, "The Frost Witch is very ambitious and has amazing power, and she is the most troublesome you have ever said. The type who always hides himself in the dark and acts in secret.”

"It shouldn't be that troublesome this time." Hearing what Lux said, Kalya showed a smile on her face, "When you and Ashe passed the trial and were recognized by Anivia, the troublesome thing should be Lissandra - no one is willing to violate the will of the witch easily, but for your side, there are a few people who are willing to deal with the old gods and their ancient followers."

Lux nodded. In her opinion, the current situation in Lux Stark should be a weak one and a wolf. Neither Ashe nor Lissandra should take action easily and accumulate strength at the same time. .

But she never imagined that on her way back, a large number of tribes from East Freljord would unite together.

After giving full play to her subjective initiative, Lissandra even took advantage of the opportunity to attract the Noxians and let them participate in Rakstark's strategy as the main force in the siege. Even among the tribes that held Ashe back and prevented her from freeing her hands immediately, many were simply influenced by the Frostguard Priests. They hoped to take advantage of this leaderless period to fight in Larkstuck. Make enough mixes.

Unfortunately, due to the quick return of Ashe and Lux, these people who were causing trouble in private were obviously frightened. This is one of the reasons why Ashe settled the incident relatively smoothly.

They acted in a hurry and tried to dive into the water in a hurry. If Ashe could not find the clues, what would greet her later would be a joint offensive from the East Freljord raiders and the New Noxus Empire.

Whether you can bear it by then or not, you can only ask for your own blessings.


After the trial, Ai Xi has a lot of official business to deal with.

Lux, who returned to the North from Freljord, also had a lot of work to do.

Although Ino and Sona worked hard during the period when she left the North, and Lux ​​also prepared many plans, there are always some things that cannot be easily solved by plans - especially when these problems involve Germany. Marcia's future direction.

The northern border still maintains a rapid development rate. When Lux returned, the urban scale of the three towns in Fucheng had expanded, and many residential areas that had just been delivered were already full of people.

The siphoning effect of prosperous trade and magical industrial production is astonishing.

As Lux came to power and became fully established in Demacia, this siphonage extended even further along the northern trade network.

The Lightshield family of Demacia has no appeal to wild mages from all over Runeterra.

But Demacia under the rule of Her Majesty Laxana is completely different - today, as the concept of using magic for production is gradually gaining popularity, as the trade in the north affects more areas directly or indirectly, Forsbarrow has already As a "possible future settlement", it appears on the future lists of mages across Runeterra.

If "Forsbyro under Count Laxana" has an amazing appeal to the landless civilians and poor families in the northern border of Demacia, then to this day, with the development of the magic industry and the northern trade The stability of "Fosbaero under Her Majesty Laxana" is attracting "high-end talents".

Those who are eager to prove themselves and develop their talents and wisdom will carefully observe this city and think about whether it will be one of their future choices.

During the time that Lux left Demacia, the migration of the magic industry in the south, the enlightenment of magic industrialization, and the expansion of primary education were relatively smooth.

Although working according to the plan is rather dull, and sometimes you face some unexpected troubles, on the whole everything is relatively successful.

But in contrast, the content that did not appear in the plan forced Forsbarrow City to deal with it carefully. Among these problems, the most troublesome was the registration and permanent residence of outsiders, especially the casting of spells by outsiders. on the issue of the reader’s acceptance.

Lux, who had not really realized the amazing appeal of the three northern towns before, had not thought about her talent strategy from the perspective of Runeterra as a whole.

Until more and more mages gather here, there is even a faint tendency to become a factor of social instability.

Thanks to the fact that the Dharma Controllers have not deteriorated, and under their pressure, although both Fosbello and New Fortune City have welcomed many mage residents, the local security has not seriously deteriorated as a result. The problems that have occurred so far, Most of the reasons are conflicts of cultural customs.

But this repressive policy cannot be sustained for a long time.

While cultivating her own reserve of mages, Lux also had to face a question directly: should Demacia accept outside mages, or even allow them to join the mages.

Regarding this issue, the three giants of Lux, Sona and Ino held a series of small meetings, but it was really difficult to come up with a very reliable plan for a while.

In principle, Fosbello and even Demacia as a whole would not reject immigrants from outside, especially when these immigrants were all spellcasters.

But how to accept it, to what extent, and how to ensure that there will be no problems after accepting it, these are the things that really make the three of them tangled.

The destructive power of the spell caster is far beyond that of ordinary people.

For the local magicians in Demacia, most of them have experienced the most basic magic control teaching, so there will be no problems.

But those outside mages, even if they don't have any bad intentions, may have a bad influence on Fosbairo - the simplest point is, if someone is contaminated with the devil's breath and enters Fosbairo, what should be done? No, the whole of Forsbarrow will become a hunting ground for demons.

Think about Nocturne before, that was before the other party entered the real world!

Therefore, foreign spellcasters who want to settle in Demacia for a long time must register!

But how far should registration go?

Nowadays, when mysticism is prevalent, most outside mages may not be too willing to reveal their family background. In this case, if you expect them to register honestly, then they will most likely not come.

And when they thought that a talented spellcaster would refuse to come to Forsbyro just because of this willingness, the three giants in the north felt a little guilty.

No, a standardized immigration application system is now urgent!

In desperation, the three finally decided to ask the magical Kalya. In this field that they had never faced before, there was no shame in asking the teacher for help.

Then, when Kalya met the three giants from the north who came together and learned about their doubts, Kalya threw out a pamphlet that had been prepared long ago.

“Forsbarrow needs adult education.”

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Masters Hidden in Various Places:

  Today, mages have become a symbol of secrecy and danger in Runeterra. With the mage inheritance largely cut off, many mages are just like the wild mages of old Demacia, dangerous and unable to control their talents.

  (End of this chapter)

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