Lux's Farewell

Chapter 885 【0882】 Darius’s difficult decision

After the vanguard was dispatched, the Demacia army moved very quickly.

When supplies along the way were not a problem, relying on large livestock trailers and the water transportation advantages of the Yiming River in some areas, the Demacia Northern Expedition's daily march distance once exceeded 200 miles.

Considering the poor level of roads between the principalities and city-states of Valoran, as well as the method of carrying baggage and purchasing part of the supplies locally, this marching speed can be called a miracle.

For the people of Valoran's principalities, they only saw Demacians whizzing by on nearby roads, or passing by like the wind in unseen boats on the Yiming River.

The novelty came and went quickly.

But these fell into the eyes of the rulers of the principalities and city-states along the way, and they were stunned for a moment - although Demacia's regular army has always been the strongest elite in Runeterra in their impression, but from now on Judging from the situation, these Demacians seem to be a bit too elite.

Moreover, many people have vaguely discovered that these Demacia armies seem to be somewhat different from their own army. The specific differences are unclear because the contact time is relatively short, but in short they are completely different.

These principalities and city-states of Valoran have always had various political and economic exchanges with Demacia in the past. Even Demacia's tournaments will invite them as guests to watch the battles, and elite soldiers will also perform drills before the tournaments.

Most of the soldiers who participated in the drill were from minor aristocrats, and all of them were proficient in bow and horse—not only were they skilled in riding skills and good at using a variety of weapons, but they also often had good cultural qualities.

Although most of the principality and city-states of Valoran are envious of such an army, to be honest, everyone is just envious. Everyone knows that only Demacia can produce such an army.

Those are all elites made of money.

Since the establishment of New Demacia, Lux has always focused on internal affairs and not paid much attention to diplomacy with the Principality of Valoran. Therefore, these principality city-states were not aware of the huge changes in Demacia. In their eyes, Demacia is still the same Demacia.

But now, this Northern Expeditionary Army is hugely different from the Demacia elite they knew before.

They pay more attention to discipline and integrity - not the "I know everything, so I can cooperate in all aspects" discipline and integrity like the elites of old Demacia, but seem to specialize in certain aspects from the beginning. Cultivated.

These soldiers were incredibly proficient in areas that many locals couldn't understand, but outside of their professional fields, they didn't look like nobles at all.

Although in terms of speech and behavior, their cognitive level seems to be no different from the small nobles and down-and-out nobles in the past, they do not seem to care much about their noble honor.

For the rulers of the Principality and city-states of Valoran, they obviously cannot imagine that these people are actually civilians, so after thinking about it, their only answer is "This is a group of down-and-out nobles after the founding of New Demacia." An army that hopes to revitalize the family name."

Maybe their old surnames are closely related to old Demacia, so everyone tacitly agreed not to mention them, right?

Well, that should be the reason.

There is no doubt that this understanding is misplaced - promoting compulsory education and requiring military personnel to at least undergo basic education is completely unthinkable for other countries in Valoran.

In fact, even the military promotion system of old Demacia is actually a bit too advanced for the Principality and city-states of Valoran. The military service system they prefer is to "gather farmers together and issue a uniform when fighting is needed." Spear".

The main reason for this situation is that the Principality and city-states of Valoran are essentially the hunting grounds for competition between Demacia and Noxus. They only need to deal with the initial period of militia fighting. Later, there will be big powers. Come over, either negotiate, or go out in person.

Under this circumstance, Demacia's new army undoubtedly gave many principalities and city-states in Valoran considerable confidence - from the perspective of marching speed and professionalism, they are obviously no worse than the army of old Demacia, and even Even further!

Considering that Noxus is still divided, and I heard that Demacia is going to build a commercial city near Green Teeth Peak, everyone must move closer to the west!

This is a tangible benefit!


Demacia's military display was undoubtedly very successful.

Since the rulers of the principality and city-states of Valoran are not very "savvy", they actually don't understand a large part of the skills Lux deliberately displayed.

They don't understand how difficult it is to raise these smaller Erniuks, what kind of drive technology and special feed ratios are required to keep them moving forward continuously.

They also don’t understand how to drill the rotation between passenger trucks, loaded trucks, and unloaded trucks, and how to get on and off the boat fastest when passing through swamps.

Let alone understand what kind of help the cooperating legal guardians provided when passing through the swamps, and why the ships did not run aground in those dangerous tidal flats.

I don’t even know what kind of power these ships, which seem to have a simple structure but can carry heavy loads and move upstream without the help of wind, rely on.

But this does not prevent the local rulers from showing their enthusiasm wherever they go, holding a banquet to welcome Lux's arrival, and taking the opportunity to ask for information about the construction of Yiming City and subsequent trade.

They know gold coins, they know trade, and they also know how to take advantage of the discord between Demacia and Noxus. Although this situation will definitely change in the future, how many people can see that far?

Starting from Green Teeth Peak, passing through Old Gate, and then heading east to reach Knockmooch, the straight-line distance along this route is nearly two thousand miles.

In the two thousand miles of straight-line distance, the Demacian Northern Expeditionary Army boarded and disembarked three times.

In the areas where the Yiming River is deep enough, people, livestock and materials all travel upstream by boat.

When the Yiming River was not deep enough, we disembarked and relied on the assembled Erniuk cart to move forward, while the empty boats moved against the current.

In the swamps and tidal flats, the Archons hardened the swamps and then Ernuk towed carts and wheeled boats to travel over land.

As for the subsequent material transportation, specialized personnel are responsible for establishing resource replenishment points at key points of terrain changes to maintain the stability of the overall logistics supply.

Relying on this method, it took only fifteen days for the leading troops of the Northern Expedition to arrive at Nokmoch, and sent a request to Noxus to enter the Black Forest and take the road to Turkgol. .

When Darius received the news, he fell into a daze. After carefully reading every letter of the letter signed Laxana, there was only one question in his mind.

"Why did Demacia's army appear in Nocmooch at this time?"

This is a very interesting question involving the game between Demacia and Noxus.

Since the establishment of New Demacia, the relationship between Demacia and Noxus has gradually eased due to the different size and focus of the two parties. The Noxians have no time to stir up trouble, and Lux ​​focuses on internal reforms. The two sides naturally signed some cooperation treaties.

The essence of these treaties is the division of spheres of influence and peace agreements. As the weaker party, Noxus will inevitably give away many benefits.

Among these transferred interests is the right of passage to the territory.

Did Kalya think of leaving Tukgul at that time?

of course not.

The right of passage of territory is actually a "common format" in the treaties between various countries, principalities and city-states in Valoran.

Don’t forget, the struggle between the Principality of Valoran and the city-states is essentially between Demacia and Noxus, so when the treaty is signed, there must be clauses to ensure that Demacia or Noxus will fight against a certain principality or city-state in the future. of control.

The ability of the military to freely pass through a certain party's territory is one of the basic conditions for ensuring this kind of control.

After the establishment of New Demacia, the disintegrated Noxus confirmed through various channels that Demacia had no ambitions for territorial expansion, and chose to lose face and retain dignity. Therefore, after the subsequent treaty signed by the two parties, Demacia He gained a lot of power that Noxians considered "useless".

Among them are territorial rights of passage.

Noxus is a large territory.

But Noxus and Demacia are not bordering each other, and the two sides are far apart, so this power is actually of little use.

Open the map and take a look. Judging from the situation at the time, Demacia had this power but had no room to exercise it - the Black Forest Federation was still there at that time. Even if they went to Freljord, Demacia's army would not Need to pass through Noxus territory!

However... things are different now.

Now that the Black Forest Federation has been disbanded and Tukgul has returned to the territory of Noxus, Demacia has to go north to the Freljord through Tukugur. It can fully exercise this power - this is legal. There is nothing wrong with it.

But the question is, what is Demacia's goal now as it heads north?

Help Noxus fight Avarosa?

What a joke!

Although there was no news about the Rakstark Alliance in Noxus before, after occupying the city of Forcalodna, news about Demacia and Avarosa was already on Darius' desk. How could he not know that the two parties had a covenant relationship?

If the Demacians are allowed to pass through Turkgol... wouldn't that mean that Avarosa's reinforcements are allowed to come over to support them?

However, if the Demacians were not allowed to pass, it would mean tearing up the previous peace treaty. Looking at this situation, Darius had no doubt that the Demacians would directly declare war and launch an attack.

For Noxus, the key to solving this problem is to stop the Demacians before they reach Nokmoch. However, it is obvious that this time, because the intelligence team of Noxus all fled, They went to the north to support and Demacia took action too quickly, so they missed the best opportunity to solve the problem.

Now that more and more Demacian Northern Expeditionary troops are gathering in Nocmooch, a difficult choice is finally placed in front of Darius - whether to agree to Lux's use of the passage and give up is already in his hands. The city of Forcalodna will destroy the prestige of the Noxus Empire; or should we simply go to war with Demacia and rely on our own local advantages to get a chance to change the relationship between the two parties?

After realizing the nature of this choice, Darius once again found some letters and notes that Katarina had sent back to Noxus. In her description, Demacia was a "somewhat strange and unfamiliar country." , everything here is not in line with her past knowledge, but in short it is more powerful.

Obviously, according to Catalina's wishes, the two sides should not conflict.

Although Catalina has now changed her surname to Crown Guard, Darius still believes in her judgment - or it may be said that in addition to emotional factors, there are also some political needs involved in her and Galen's relationship.

In this case, although Darius was very reluctant, it seemed that getting out of the way and letting the Demacians go north was the more rational choice.

As for the result of this, Noxus lost to his grandmother's family in this battle. Draven gave up the spoils and chose Focalodna City. As a result, Focalodna City would definitely not be saved, which meant that Noxus was completely destroyed. Completely working for nothing.

Darius' teeth almost broke when he thought of this.

I thought that taking the city of Focalodna would turn this forced military operation into a profit, but now it seems that the result is even more losses... How can you swallow this tone so easily?

However, if they don't swallow this bad breath, Noxus now really has the ability to start a contest with the Demacians who seem to be well prepared and have arrived at Nokmoch at a flying speed. ?

If this battle fails, then Noxus will really be doomed. At that time, whether it is the Watch League, the Second Silver Republic, or the Kingdom of Lockrond, they will definitely cling to the thigh of Demacia. The reunification of the Texas Empire will only be a long way off...

Facing this huge problem, Darius's heart was filled with pain.

If he is not the commander-in-chief, if he only represents himself, Darius never lacks the courage to make a desperate move.

But now as the commander-in-chief of Noxus and controlling the future path of Noxus, he is not qualified to easily study.

That night, Darius locked himself in the office and stayed up all night.

When he walked out of the office the next morning, the Commander-in-Chief finally had the same characteristic as his predecessor - his hairline had moved back half an inch visibly.

Then, just when he called the clerk who was responsible for processing the documents, intending to endure it and put the main responsibility on himself and his brother Delevingne, his secretary found him first and asked him for help. He delivers unplanned news.

"The messenger of the Frost Witch is here again." (End of this chapter)

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