Lux's Farewell

Chapter 888 【0885】 next level

Chapter 888 【0885】 next level

Lux had been very worried until Draven's men showed up.

What they were worried about was not the Noxians, but their own supply lines and possible actions of the Frostguard priests.

For Lux, the Black Forest is filled with the fog of war, and what's even worse is that she knows nothing about the characteristics of the Frostguard tribe - the only reference she can make is the characteristics of the void creatures that Kalya talked about, and the cold Ice blood.

Therefore, when the Frost Guard Priest opened the glacier fissure and led Draven's troops through the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, Lux was even worried that they would cause some kind of ground hernia and make a big detour.

If the opponent doesn't confront him head-on, but instead goes to the food-breaking road, it will be quite troublesome for Lux.

When the Noxians did not appear, Lux and the staff of the headquarters put themselves into the perspective of the Noxians and proposed three possibilities: upper, middle and lower.

The best strategy for the Noxians would be to make a large-scale detour, even without hesitation to arouse opposition from other principalities, and launch an attack on Nokmoch or even Old Gate. Although doing so would cause Noxus to fall into absolute passivity in diplomacy. But in the principality and city-states of Valoran, the Demacia Northern Expedition did not leave many soldiers to protect the supply lines.

If the Noxians are really so bold, then Lux and the Demacia Northern Expedition will instantly fall into absolute passivity.

Of course, considering that the Noxians do not have a full view of the map, the possibility of them making such a desperate move should not be too high.

In Lux's eyes, the Noxians' middle strategy was to build a fortress in the north of Turkgol to defend it.

With the support of the Frostguard tribe and the Northern Expedition actively slowing down at the beginning, Noxus should be able to quickly build a fortress on the transportation route from Turkgol to the Freljord - as long as the fortress Once it is built, it will be impossible for the Northern Expedition to ignore the fortress and penetrate deep into the Freljord.

Although this plan seems a bit silly, it is enough to make the Northern Expedition uncomfortable. The long supply line is always the most vulnerable link of the Northern Expedition. The Noxians who rely on the fortress for defense can just sit back and watch the Northern Expedition worry. .

And at the same time, the Frostguard tribe and Avarosa will fight without interference. Lux can't say whether she can defeat the Noxian fortress first or whether the Frostguard tribe can do it first. Ash.

As for the next best option, Lux and all the staff and commanders agreed that frontal combat was Noxus' absolute best option.

Although this understanding sounds a bit arrogant, it is a fact. The imaginary enemy of the Northern Expedition is Lissandra, the Frostguard Priest, and the void creature. In addition to food and supplies, the Erniuk cart is also loaded with ammunition. The fallen Malphites.

Although it may be difficult to fight the void creatures with these, if the enemy is Noxus, the result is destined to be crushing - if there is a fortress, maybe the Noxians can delay it for a while or two , but if they really go crazy and choose to fight head-on, there will be no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

But now, as Draven's and Darius's troops launch a pincer-shaped offensive from east to west, the Noxians' intentions have been completely exposed.

They just plan to win the battle from the front by means of a flanking attack!

Ha, what a bad idea!


Darius obviously didn't know that his choice was actually a bad move in the eyes of the Demacians.

For him, when he saw the signal given by Draven's troops and the scouts confirmed that the five battle groups to the west were about to engage the enemy, Darius also let out a long sigh.

Those Frost Guard priests are still useful. They really sent Draven's troops to the Black Forest without anyone noticing!

Now, the pincer offensive has been formed, and the Demacians are just pretending to be calm. It's time to go all out and wash away the shame of the Battle of Tobitsia!

Facing the eager eyes of other battle group commanders, at this moment, Darius finally raised his double-edged battle ax high.

"Come forward, fearless warriors of Noxus!"

"Our comrades have launched a surprise attack in the west, and now the Demacians have fallen into absolute passivity!"

"Everyone pick up your weapons. At this moment, all the sharp edges of Noxus will taste the blood of Demacia!"

"For Noxus!"

Amid Darius's roar, the Noxian warbands that had been preparing for the attack quickly attacked. Three of the seven warbands, with the leading guard warband as the vanguard, fully deployed their attack formations.

Countless Noxian soldiers wearing black iron armor walked out of the shadows of the Black Forest. They silently and neatly carried spears and axes, and slowly swept toward Demacia's position like a forest.

At the same time, on the other side, Draven's command was more direct: "Hit hard, charge hard, blow the heads of those Demacians, it's our turn to perform!"

As Draven shouted, all the axe-throwers and archers in the five battle groups that were deployed in a sagittal shape came to the two wings as planned, and continued to expand to both sides to increase the projected impact as much as possible. Strike surface.

The main force of the Trifari battle group, headed by Draven, swarmed down from the slopes of the southern slopes of the Dragon's Back Mountains. Like a rushing black river, it roared towards the slightly narrow position of the Demacian Northern Expeditionary Army. .

This kind of formation, which lacks thickness, will definitely collapse under the attack from east and west!

Facing the Noxian offensive from the east and west, the Northern Expedition did not suffer any chaos, and they did not even take the initiative to shrink their formation and build heavy defenses.

On the contrary, these Demacians further expanded their formation, as if they were afraid that the strength of this pincer offensive at the interface between the two sides was not disparity enough, and that the Noxian assault was not violent enough.

Draven obviously couldn't understand these changes.

Although Darius understood what the Demacians were doing, he had no idea why the Demacians were doing what they were doing.

What's wrong, are you afraid that you won't be stabbed?

Darius couldn't help but hugged his shoulders. To be honest, his hands were a little itchy and he wanted to rush forward and swing the ax to slash, but now he was no longer the hand of Noxus. , as the commander of Noxus, Darius must restrain this impulse.

In this case, he could only pull out the dagger he carried with him, and while squinting at the battlefield situation from a high place, he rubbed the sharp edge of the dagger with his fingers.

The feeling of the sharp blade sticking close to the skin is enough!

Soon, under Darius's expectant gaze, the Noxian vanguard and the Northern Expedition's front row shield guards collided fiercely.

The originally neat direction of the Northern Expeditionary Army soon became rugged as if the commander-in-chief's bodyguards were charging forward, and seemed about to collapse at any moment.

However, the willpower of these Demacians is quite good. Even so, they at least held the line and even launched several counterattacks from time to time.

From Darius's perspective, it seems that the casualties on both sides are almost the same?

Why, these Demacians put all their elites on the Eastern Front? With a wave of his hand, he signaled the messengers around him to change flags and drum beats. As the order was issued, the commander's bodyguards who were still fighting the Demacia shield guards began to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner to make room for attacks. At the same time, the Iron Wing Regiment, as the second attack echelon, began to charge.

Darius, who has rich combat experience, knows very well that the shield defense line is not afraid of a sloppy battle, but is afraid of echelon attacks like a sea wave. A steady stream of offensives will quickly chip away at the will of the defender, no matter how determined the warrior is. It is also impossible to persist in passive defense forever.

Since the Demacians are unwilling to shrink the formation or increase the width of the formation, but want to give themselves sufficient offensive space, then they must make use of it!

"Go and inform the Bloody Regiment and the Conqueror Regiment that if the Demacians still don't shrink their front, they will go up to the next level!" As he spoke, Darius couldn't help pinching his fingers, "Then the Iron-Blooded Reapers and Immortal Warriors, since Demacians want to be heroes, let them be heroes on the monument!"

The messenger took the order and flew away, and Darius squinted his eyes for a while before waving behind him.

"Hurry up and hurry up Draven. Don't delay any more on the Western Front - the main force of Demacia is here. He rushes in quickly."

"Destroy them early and there will be fewer casualties."


When Draven received the order from his brother, he didn't even have the strength to respond immediately.

Unlike the situation on the eastern front where Demacia defended and Noxus attacked, on the western front when Draven led five battle groups to attack in an all-out manner, the Demacians decisively chose to counterattack.

Originally, this counterattack played into Draven's hands.

Especially when the Frost Guard Priests summoned a blizzard on the enemy's head, Draven even heard the smile of the goddess of victory.

I have five elite battle groups here, and the terrain is still condescending. If you want to distract yourself from the defense on the eastern front, why should you countercharge with me?

However, the situation of the battle changed only in an instant.

After the two parties came into full contact, Delevingne suddenly discovered that the situation seemed completely different from what he had imagined.

The Demacians with the blizzard above their heads did not suffer any substantial damage. Their mages counterattacked the spell very well. Although the blizzard was not directly dispersed, it at least ensured that the shrouded soldiers were not greatly affected.

If that's all, it's nothing to Draven - a head-on battle without a magic advantage, he is still very confident in the Trifali battle group and the other four battles.

However, as the first wave of offensive was smashed into pieces in front of a group of stupid stone men, Draven's brain experienced a brief shutdown.

What are these big stone people who don't look very smart, but work well together?

Is it the new Forbidden Stone Colossus?

Why do they move on their own?

Obviously their movements are very slow and dull, but why can they cooperate so well with those Demacians?

Why do arrows, throwing axes, spells and even swords have no effect on them?

It wasn't just Draven who had these doubts - all the Noxians on the entire Western Front battlefield who rushed out in the first wave, fully expecting to gain victory, had these doubts at this time.

They rushed to the front of the Northern Expeditionary Army in a swarm, and then watched blankly as their swords were broken on the bodies of these Malphites. They watched blankly as the Demacians skillfully advanced in sync with the Malphites. They joined forces to sweep the battlefield. Although they fought desperately during the whole process, the result was meaningless.

Compared with the foot-tank coordination tactics used by the Northern Walkers during the Demacia Civil War, the current Northern Expeditionary Army is using foot-tank coordination tactics that are more complex, more coordinated, and more capable of strangulation.

Malphite provides mobile cover for the battle mage, and forms a tank unit with squadron-sized warriors. On a battlefield with limited width, the Noxians simply cannot do enough damage to destroy such a small unit. Battle group.

And since the Noxians can't come up with any effective means, naturally each of these battle groups can be like a bulldozer, easily rolling over the battlefield.

Draven watched helplessly as his flying ax penetrated deeply into the body of a Malphite, leaving a wound of several inches. However, after a few breaths, a magician hidden behind Malphite appeared. Basic repairs completed.

As the ultimate weapon of the Shurima Empire to suppress the void, one of the most important features of the monolithic element is that it has strong memory and repairability. Although there are not many people in Demacia who understand advanced elements, if only When it comes to urgently repairing Malphite's non-structural damage on the battlefield, there are still more than thirty qualified mages.

This amount is enough.

Considering the limited damage the Noxians could do to Malphite, and the fact that they didn't carry much heavy firepower in order to form a pincer offensive, these Archon were able to fulfill their mission as restorers.

In fact, according to normal requirements, the wound cut by Draven does not need to be repaired, but the mage just now was a little too idle. Seeing that no one else could cause damage to Malphite, she still repaired it. For a moment.

Anyway, idle is idle.

The Draven people who saw this scene were stunned. If it weren't for the guards around him who desperately tried to cover him, he who was at the front might have been among the first to die.

Then, when he was rescued from the battlefield with a blank mind, the messenger brought Darius's order,

"Demacia's main force is on the eastern front, and the western front is strengthening...the offensive..."

The messenger had obviously noticed the situation on the Western Front, and his voice became quieter and quieter. If it were normal times, Delevingne would have scolded him loudly, but now, he suddenly stood up.

"Now, go back and tell my brother, tell Darius that this is a trap. The Demacians are much stronger than expected. I will hold back their real main force. The Eastern Front must withdraw from the battle as soon as possible!"


With that said, Draven took out a pair of throwing axes again, called his guards and planned to run to the battlefield again.

"Are you crazy?" When the guard looked a little embarrassed, Tamara found him in a hurry, "If you come here now, you are risking your own death!"

"It's better for me to die than for Darius to die!" Delevingne pushed Tamara away roughly and called on his guards to tie her up. "Go and send her to the east. She has a sharp tongue and knows how to say it. It’s clear – for the rest, come with me and take another wave!”

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Monolith Tactics:

  In the Shurima Empire, the monolithic tactic was used in conjunction with the Ascended Ones. Considering the situation in Demacia and Malphite, the Northern Expedition chose to use Malphite as a small mobile cover fortress, in conjunction with the Imperial Law. The soldiers and the Northern Expeditionary Army advanced in a dense front.

  So far, this move has had a crushing effect on Noxus.

  P.S. I’ll see if I can add a few extra chapters at the end of the month.

  (End of this chapter)

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