Lux's Farewell

Chapter 890 [0887] Is this Lissandra?

Chapter 890 [0887] Is this Lissandra?

Compared with Noxus, Avarosa's defeat losses were undoubtedly much smaller - this was not only because Ashe retreated immediately when she saw the situation was not going well, but also because Lissandra did not pursue, but used He returned to Focalodna calmly, seemingly not paying attention to Ashe at all.

This undoubtedly demoralized the warriors of Avarosa.

Although they did not show any resistance to the battle and were still willing to obey Ashe's leadership and command, in a short period of time, it was indeed difficult for Ashe to continue any military operations.

Fortunately, good news came from the south at this time. The Demacia Northern Expedition defeated Noxus in the Black Forest, which slightly boosted the low morale of the Avarosan people.

Although Avarosa does not have a very clear understanding of Demacia's combat effectiveness, according to Freljord's standards, more people means stronger combat power, and warriors mean a breakthrough point. Even if they I don't know the combat effectiveness of the Demacia Northern Expedition, but at least they still recognize Laxana herself.

With such a warm-blooded warrior leading the Demacia Northern Expedition, they shouldn't be able to stretch their hips, right?

In this way, as the news spread, the morale of the Avarosa soldiers was obviously restored. Coupled with Ashe's encouragement, they finally set off towards Fucalodna again after some rest to submit their submission to the Northern Expedition. In a pincer attack, the fortress was once again semi-surrounded from east to west.

After completing the rendezvous, these Avarosan warriors were very surprised to find that this Demacia Northern Expedition seemed to be more capable than imagined.

Each of those huge stone statues is bigger than the largest Eniuk in Avarosa, and their height is almost as high as the city wall of Forcalodna - with these big guys around, everyone doesn't even need to climb the ladder. You can rush to the city wall!

Obviously, the Freljord people don't know that the Malphites are not actually siege machines, but multi-functional battle fortresses. The "method of use" of these Malphites is not to carry siege soldiers and send them away. Go to the top of the city, but under the cover of the Dharma Protector and guard soldiers, attack the Freljord city wall directly!

Under the city of Forcalodna, Lux and Ashe met again and studied and formulated a follow-up battle plan.

Since they are a coalition, it is not easy for the Avarosan Warriors and the Demacia Northern Expedition to join forces without unified command.

The fighting style that really suits them is that each is responsible for part of the battlefield and assumes part of the responsibilities.

Now that the city of Focalodna is in front of us, the division of labor has naturally become one person responsible for the western front and one responsible for the eastern front.

Considering that there are a lot of Frost Guard warriors in the city of Forcalodna, the siege in these two directions does not need to be divided into priorities, and both can be attacked with full strength.

Although the terrain of Fukarodna severely limits the deployment of large-scale army formations, considering that Avarosa has a large number of archers and spear throwers, the Demacia Northern Expedition is responsible for the first line of siege. The number of Malphites in the mission is also limited, so the width of the battlefield will not pose a big problem.

Compared with the deployment of troops, the real trouble lies in the siege itself and Lissandra in the city.

"So, what kind of existence is Lissandra?" Lacus undoubtedly attached great importance to this point. She immediately asked Ashe a question, "What is the range of her spell? What is its power?"

"This is what I need to tell you." When Lux asked this question, Ashe's expression became very serious, "Remember the thunderstorm we saw at Gushuangkou, right?"

Lux nodded.

Although the werebears who attacked her died miserably, she was still very impressed by the roaring thunder that night.

"You don't want to say that her spells have the power and scale of Volibear, do you?"

Faced with Lux's expression of "Sister, don't tease me", Ashe sighed helplessly.

"I really hope this is a joke, but the fact is that when we barely adapted to the warriors and priests of the Frostguard tribe and were about to take back the initiative on the battlefield, Lissandra's spell completely enveloped this place." Speaking of this topic. , even Ai Xi's tone was filled with unbreakable depression, "Look at the snow on the ground, it hasn't completely melted after so long."

"Did she cause this snow?" Lux realized the seriousness of the problem. "You mean, this heavy snow is not because of the altitude of the Dragon's Back Mountains, but because of Lissandra's spell?"

"That's right." Ai Xi nodded, "Although Focalodna is located at the foot of the mountain, there is usually no snow at this time."

Hearing this, Lux nodded silently.

No wonder she always felt that something was wrong here, but for a moment she couldn't see anything wrong - it turned out that what was wrong here was the snow.

This snow is not the snow above the snow line, but the heavy snow retained by Lissandra's spell!

"Wait a minute." Thinking of this, Lux was suddenly startled, "At least ten miles away to the east, we saw snow on the ground!"

"Yes, this is the power of Lissandra's spell." Ashe nodded, "It can only be said that it is not winter now, otherwise at least one-third of the warriors in the tribe will lose their combat effectiveness with the arrival of heavy snow. "

This time it was Lux's turn to be silent.

Unlike Ashe who knows nothing about the Northern Expedition, Lux still has a relatively clear understanding of the Freljord warriors - although the Freljord people are more adapted to the relatively cold climate of the local area, But this adaptation is not unlimited.

Except for the almost mutated existence of the Ice Bloodline, other Freljordians' adaptation to the cold is also completely within the scope of humans.

If the livable temperature for Demacians is no less than minus 20 degrees, then for the Freljordians, temperatures exceeding minus 50 degrees are equally fatal - so in winter, even if When the Lejord want to fight, they usually go south to plunder, rather than grabbing territory internally.

If Ashe's description is not exaggerated, it means that if this snow occurs in winter, it will be enough to make normal Freljordians lose their combat effectiveness.

Even if it is summer, this snow should be enough to make the Northern Expeditionary Army feel seriously uncomfortable.

Although considering battlefield factors, a considerable number of members of the Northern Expedition are former snowwalkers, and Lux ​​has specially equipped them with a full set of cold-proof equipment, which is enough to cope with the normal winter temperatures in Freljord, but this It does not mean that they can ignore the negative impacts of extreme climate.

Lissandra could change the climate into this state by herself... From Lux's point of view, it was really hard for her to imagine how amazing the opponent's spellcasting level and magic power reserves were.

In other words, from the perspective of Ashe and the Avarosans, the Frost Witch is "the heir of Lissandra who can stir up a heavy snow." Although the snow is very heavy, they don't actually understand the meaning of this snow. What amazing energy.

On the contrary, Lux, an "intellectual" who had studied the introduction to advanced elements, could better understand the horror of the heavy snow covering at least twenty miles.

Simply jaw-dropping.

However, after a moment of surprise, Lux suddenly remembered the assassination she had suffered in Xiongdu.

It was also an abnormally heavy snowfall. The assassins took action in the snow, and were killed by him on the spot. That assassination became the beginning of Demacia's internal purge, but no one knows the cause of that snow yet.

However, judging from the subsequent investigation, that incident seemed to have a lot to do with Lissandra.

Could it be...that it's the same this time?

Blinking her eyes, Lux suddenly discovered her blind spot.

She tried to substitute Ino into it - if this snow was summoned by Ino, then, with the ability to summon such a heavy snow, would it be possible for Ino to change his method and kill Avarosa directly? Where is the army?

Although the power of a spell is affected by many factors, it is difficult to give an accurate conclusion, but the general effect can still be estimated slightly. Even if the environmental interference factors are maximized and are most beneficial to spell casting, Lux can also It is confirmed that if Ino can summon such a heavy snow, he should be able to directly summon an ice blizzard with a diameter of at least 500 yards.

A blizzard of ice blades of this magnitude would be enough to completely collapse Avarosa's army if it fell on them.

However, Lissandra didn't do that. Why is this?

Because the Frost Witch is compassionate, doesn't want the Ice Bloodline to bleed due to the civil war, and hopes that the Avarosans will retreat when faced with difficulties?

This is of course impossible.

If she doesn't do this, it must not be because she doesn't want to.

It can only be because it can't.

So, here comes the question - why can Lissandra summon twenty miles of snow, but can't summon a five-hundred-yard blizzard of ice blades?

This question is very interesting.

It doesn't make sense in terms of elemental magic, it absolutely doesn't make sense.

But it did happen - even now that the Demacia Crusade has arrived to the east of the city, Lissandra has not summoned a devastating Ice Blade Blizzard to strike.

After excluding strange factors such as "Lissandra herself has a problem with her IQ and her spellcasting level is unstable", the most likely answer is that the heavy snow is not Lissandra's own power.

She may have relied on some unknown thing to bring down this heavy snow, and her reliance could make it snow, but it couldn't make her have an ice-blade blizzard.

Thinking of this, Lux began to carefully ask for other information about Lissandra, starting with Lissandra's appearance and spell casting.

Although Ai Xi didn't know why Lux asked these questions, she had already regarded Lux ​​as a like-minded companion because of the previous trial trip, and she gave as detailed answers as possible to all Lux's questions.

From Lissandra's dress, to her gestures, movements, and speech behaviors, as long as Ash could remember and confirm everything, she told Lux ​​everything.

And the more Lux listened, the more interesting it became.

Although the power of the spell is amazing, apart from that, Lissandra herself does not display even a little bit of the characteristics of a powerful spellcaster.

There is no elemental disturbance, and there is no spontaneous elemental vortex.

Although there may be errors and biases caused by Ashe not being an elemental spellcaster, when all the details point together, things become subtle.

Then, an interesting idea emerged.

"Perhaps, before the battle begins, I should try to meet the Frost Witch."


It's not easy to meet Lissandra.

But it's easy for Lux to see her - don't forget, she still has the captives of the Frostguard Priests on her hands!

Under the cover of three Malphite combat units, Lux came to Forkarodna and offered to meet Lissandra.

When the Frost Guard warriors on the city wall expressed disdain, she simply showed the Frost Guard Priest in her hand.

"If you are willing to talk, these Frostguard priests may be sent back!"

The Frost Witch was framed.

Without an excuse, Lissandra could refuse to meet Lux.

But now that Lux has the Frostguard Priest given to her by the Noxians, there is no way Lissandra can be sidelined.

This cannot be justified from any angle. Not only will it make Lissandra appear cowardly, but it will also make the Frostguard Warriors and Frostguard Priests hesitant.

So, in Lux's expectation, she met the frost witch.

When Lissandra's figure appeared on the top of Forcalodna's city, Lux focused all her attention on her.

This is a tall guy. Even among the people of Freljord, Lissandra's height can be said to be outstanding.

Moreover, unlike ordinary Freljordians, Lissandra's body has very obvious traces of elementalization - her elementalization is completely different from Kalya's elementalization. Kalya was shaped with elements. form, and Lissandra's body is part elemental, part flesh and blood.

Due to the long distance, Lux didn't know how the two parts were transformed and stabilized, but it was confirmed that the other party's form was indeed no longer that of an ordinary person.

However, what is interesting is that in the perception of elements, Lissandra on the top of the city gave Lux a relaxed feeling - various elemental reactions proved that she was not a powerful elemental creature.

Lux, who has been with Kalya for a long time, still knows a lot about elemental life.

Even for Kalya, although he already looks like a human being wearing a mask and gloves except for eating, drinking, and diarrhea, if he observes with elemental vision and uses advanced elemental deduction methods, he will inevitably leak out. Traces of elements appear.

The ripples of elements during action and the disturbance of elements when casting spells are all traceable.

You know, Kalya has his own little world, and his body is not in Rune Land!

The body that appears in Runeterra is essentially a "movable elemental anchor connecting the small world and Runeterra". It can be regarded as the observation port and output port of Kalya in the small world - but even so, his actions are the same Will cause fluctuations in the elements.

But Lissandra on the top of the city... the elemental fluctuations are even smaller than that of Kalya!


That's obviously a puppet!

 Kalya’s Little Classroom·Karya’s Elemental Body:

  From beginning to end, Kalya's body exists in his own small world. This is his way to avoid the erosion of the void.

  The part that once served as the hilt of Lux's sword was the darkin body he gave up; the mask-wearing form now is his elemental projection.

  The body of the Darkin and the elemental projection together form the anchor point connecting the small world to Runeterra.

  Kalya's body is always in its own little world, suppressing the demons and occasionally extracting a little demonic power.

  (End of this chapter)

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