Lux's Farewell

Chapter 893 【0890】 Laxana’s Layer Routine

To be honest, although the "Frost Witch" was obviously no match for Lux, it was somewhat unlucky to be captured alive so easily.

Although this impostor has not learned any introduction to advanced elements, she can be regarded as Lissandra's personal disciple. Unlike those Frost Guard priests, she also has her own spell countermeasures and her ability to manipulate ice and snow is more sophisticated. , and most importantly, she still has the temporary authority granted by Lissandra.

After this bird feather that Lissandra took from Anivia was temporarily given to the counterfeit, although the cost of using it is relatively heavy, its power cannot be underestimated. As long as she is willing, the battlefield will always be against the enemy. Her favorable shape.

With the blessing of a variety of abilities, this fake lady undoubtedly stands at the pinnacle of extraordinary beings. Even if there are many ordinary enemies against one, she will not be a big threat to her. Lissandra ordered her to station in Fu. Karodna, and being defensive only, is indeed very difficult to defeat.

However, in front of Lux, the fake is still a fake after all.

The most critical thing about fighting Lux is Lux's fighting posture - Lux is a mage, a spell caster who has studied advanced magic courses such as Introduction to Advanced Elements and Elemental Energy Control Theory, but in terms of combat logic, she But it is actually the way of an ascended person.

Not only does it fight by casting spells, but it can also shape magical weapons and then come up to swing a sword with you.

This kind of combat logic inherited from the ascended ones is essentially bullying the weak body of ordinary spell casters and disrupting their spell casting rhythm with simple physical attacks.

The bodies of ascended ones who have gone through the ascension ceremony are relatively strong, and simple basic swordsmanship can cause fatal damage. Although Lux is not an ascended person, she has been bathed in the glory of heaven after climbing Mount Targon, and her elemental expertise is a relatively special light element. The combination of these two points also gives her an advantage similar to that of an ascended person.

Only the most basic swordsmanship is needed to gain a great advantage in close combat.

Moreover, the destructiveness of light element magic increases with distance, and its destructiveness also decreases rapidly, while melee combat can perfectly avoid this problem.

Therefore, a variety of factors were added together, resulting in Lux's fighting style that was "not very much a mage's soul" or "very much like a Maia's soul", which made the fake Frost Witch extremely uncomfortable.

She had just created an icy and snowy environment here, and was planning to use a large area of ​​frost magic to control Lux's range of movement, and rely on her abundant magic power to strangle him from a long distance. Over there, Lux was already like a Like a stream of light, it flew to her side. With a touch of his palm, a light-forged sword appeared, and he started whirlwind slashing on the spot.

The fake Frost Witch has seen a lot of battles with the Frost Guard Warriors. She was even selected to become Lissandra's "successor" and has rich combat experience. However, she is still the first to fight with Lux's fighting style. Saw once.

The Frost Guard warriors are more skilled, but they cannot fly and need to follow the laws of physics when moving. Even the most flexible Frost Guard warriors need to push on the ground to exert force before taking off.

But Lux is different. After she spreads her light-cast wings and partially transforms herself into an element, once she takes action, it becomes a stream of light that is impossible to grasp. It not only dazzles the eyes, but also makes people unable to guard against it.

Although the fake Frost Witch did blind her eyes like Lissandra and could not see the scorching light, the ripples caused by the light element in her elemental perception still had a huge impact on her judgment.

Lux was too flexible, and her previous expectation of "enveloping and strangling him with magic" was doomed to fail from the beginning.

Therefore, as the distance got closer, the fake frost witch simply targeted herself with the spell.

Anyway, as a member of the ice bloodline, her resistance to frost magic is quite amazing. If you choose melee combat, you should first bear the blow of the cold!

This idea is correct, but the problem is that the fake Frost Witch is not a Frost Witch after all.

If Lissandra is here, then Lux, who has partially transformed herself into an elemental form, needs to be careful in her actions, because in the partially elementalized state, if Lissandra catches her and causes a deep freeze, she will even There may not even be a chance to transform back from the partial elemental form, and he will die directly from the elemental disorder.

Can you fake the frost witch's spell...

You can't even make Zhenbing, and you know nothing about pure elements. Why would you bring elemental disorder to Lux?

In the partially elemental state of Lux, as long as the enemy does not master pure elements and does not have some special magic talents (such as space magic and time magic), ordinary methods will have almost no effect on her.

You can release the extremely cold ice prison with yourself as the center.

But Lux is completely immune to this extremely cold ice prison that does not have pure elemental properties!

Sorry, don't break the defense.

Therefore, the battle between Lux and the fake Frost Witch seemed to be very fast, even so fast that it seemed a bit playful - the Frost Witch first summoned a large blizzard, but Lux rushed out like a stream of light in the blink of an eye. ; The Frost Witch released the extremely cold ice prison centered on herself, and Lux ​​was completely immune to it. She hit the throat with her backhand, knocking the Frost Witch down on the spot.

The whole process probably takes no more than ten seconds, and it can be said to be very clean and neat.

And as the fake Frost Witch was quickly captured alive, the Frost Guard Priests and Frost Guard Warriors who were still struggling to persevere suddenly collapsed.

They believe in the Frost Witch and believe that the Frost Witch is invincible. To them, Lissandra is the god walking in the Freljord - and now, the god has been easily defeated by a warm-blooded man!

This scene greatly stimulated all the Frost Guard Warriors and Frost Guard Priests present, and even had a huge impact on their worldview.

The feeling of their faith collapsing in front of them made these mages and warriors who were struggling to hold on one moment simply throw away their weapons the next moment.

No, not throwing away the weapon, but giving up the weapon.

No sense anymore.

With Lissandra as a prisoner, everything about them lost meaning and turned into nothingness.


Destroy it.

hurry up.


It can't be beaten in a head-on battle.

The Frost Witch of Faith became a joke.

The members of the Frost Guard tribe have completely lost the ability to resist, and have completely lost the meaning of resistance.

When the subsequent Northern Expeditionary Army and the Avarosan Army entered the city, each and every member of the surrendered Frostguard tribe seemed to have lost their souls, just waiting dullly for the judgment of fate.

Facing an enemy that was defeated by them, the Northern Expeditionary Army's attitude was relatively calm, but the Avarosan people were not like that.

In the previous battle, the Avarosa tribe suffered a big loss. Now the situation has changed. These guys who used to have their nostrils turned upward have now become like this. The more they look at it, the happier they are!

If Lissandra hadn't been taken down cleanly, perhaps the Frostguard tribe would have ridiculed them for "all hugging the thighs of warm-blooded people"; but now because Lissandra failed so completely, they didn't even have the interest to refute. None. Even in the face of the Avarosan people's deliberate show of force, they still maintained absolute silence.

It's like a walking corpse, without any life at all.

Although it was somewhat unsatisfying to let the enemy lie flat and laugh at them, the Avarosans were still very excited. When the Demacia Northern Expeditionary Army was cleaning the battlefield and counting the achievements, many Avarosans were still standing with their chests high and their bellies high. He walked past the captives again and again to vent his excitement. I heard that there will be a bonfire meeting in Fucalodna tonight, and Ashe will also relax the alcohol ban. It is foreseeable that this will be a sleepless night.

However, unlike the excited Avarosan warriors and the calm Northern Expedition, the senior commanders headed by Ashe and Lux ​​were not dazzled by the victory.

After the battle, Lux immediately took Ashe with her and held a summary meeting with the participation of the senior commander of the Northern Expedition and Zhan's mother.

After the meeting summarized the results of the battle, the first thing to do was to determine the core significance of the battle.

"That is not Lissandra herself, but a fake." Lux said firmly, "So, this is indeed a brilliant victory, but it only means that we have a bridgehead to launch an attack to the east, not a decisive one. victory."

Lux's words were like pouring cold water into a hot pot, which immediately aroused quite a discussion.

Obviously, no one realized that Lissandra was fake except for Ash, who looked like she was.

However, no one questioned it, and no one had any doubts.

For the Northern Expeditionary Army, what Her Majesty Laxana said was naturally correct, but for the Avarosan people, Lax's strength was the confidence for her to speak, so although everyone was talking about it, after a few minutes , they still set their eyes on Lux, waiting for her to continue.

"Capturing Focalodna is of great significance, but now is not the time to relax." Lux was very satisfied with the state of everyone. "The soldiers can take a short rest, but as senior commanders, we must be vigilant and keep the alarm bells ringing. !”

Everyone in the meeting nodded.

"Of course, on the premise of clarifying this point, we must also realize that this is a victory of great significance." After a pause, Lux continued, "We not only recaptured Forcalodna, we also have We have a base to continue moving eastward, and more importantly, we have found a way to cooperate and the key to victory."

"Although the threat of the Frost Witch is still there, at least her minions have proven that they are no match for us - the Frost Witch is an impostor, but the warriors and priests of the Frost Guard tribe are not."

Hearing what Lux said, everyone who was a little nervous before relaxed a little.

Then, Lux and Ashe began to take turns summarizing the battle process, praising where praise was due, and criticizing when criticizing. After completing the battle summary and confirming the further direction needed for subsequent cooperation, they left a message for the audience. An "after-class homework".

Thinking about where Lissandra went.

After assigning this task, the meeting officially ended. The relieved mother-in-law and the commander of the Northern Expedition could finally relax and participate in the bonfire party.

But Ashe, who stayed until the end, took the initiative to find Lux.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple." Although the two of them worked closely together in the meeting just now and seemed to have an extraordinary tacit understanding, after the meeting, Ai Xi couldn't help but express his worries, "I always feel frosty The witch has her own plans - she is a very dangerous being, think of Anivia."

"So?" Lux raised an eyebrow at her, "You were scared?"

"Of course not." Although it was clear that Lux was joking, Ashe still tried hard to look serious. "I mean, I'm afraid we can't really draw any conclusions."

"The important thing is the thinking itself, not the result." Lux heard this and shook her head with a smile, "To be honest, in this situation, you and I don't know where Lissandra has gone, and what can everyone know? What? But thinking is a habit, and the best time to develop this habit is now."

"So, this is what your teacher taught you?" Ai Xi said, "But what exactly are we going to do? If we just stay in place, I always feel like we are sitting back and waiting to die."

"How can we stand still?" Lux smiled and nodded her chin, "Didn't we just win a victory? It's too early to take the next step before the loot has been counted and used. Woolen cloth!"

"There aren't many things left in Focalodna." When talking about this topic, Ashe couldn't help but sigh, "The looters who left took away a lot of things..."

"But at least we have Lissandra." Lux's expression became more and more happy. If Ino were here, she would definitely feel that Lux was becoming more and more like Kalya, "We have all the Frost Witches in our hands." Well, what other trophy is more valuable?"

"That's a fake." Ai Xi shook her head, obviously she didn't think an impostor meant much, "We all know this."

"What's fake is also fake when it's fake." Lux said a tongue twister that made Ash a little confused. "Before the real Lissandra showed up, she was real."

"You mean, use her to force the real Lissandra to appear?" Ash seemed to understand a little bit, "This is a good way..."

"No, I mean, she can actually be real." Lux finally became serious, "Or, as long as we can defeat the real Lissandra, or make others think that Lissandra is fake, then The Frost Witch in our hands will become the only genuine one."


Ai Xi's eyes widened. It was obvious that this was completely beyond the scope of her thinking. When the fake is true, the truth is also false. So is this what it means?

"It's not just that." Although Lux, who studied and grew up with Kalya, looks like a sunny and cheerful girl, she actually learned and carried forward the way of thinking of a small-minded fool. "I have something more interesting. The idea is, maybe we can work hard and create some fake Lissandra first, one that is even more fake than the one we have now."

Ai Xi's eyes were as wide as bells.

In contrast, Lux's eyes shone with lightning-like shrewdness.

"Think about it, when the furious Lissandra wants to declare her existence, the first thing she has to face is all the Freljordians who have long been accustomed to seeing themselves claiming to be Lissandra - no one will believe it. A Lissandra who calls herself Lissandra is Lissandra."


"When the time comes, the first thing she has to do is to prove that she is different from those inferior imitations." Lux shrugged, "Believe me, this is not an easy thing. Maybe our Frost Witch is here One step would be quite embarrassing!”

At this moment, Ai Xi felt that her eyes had been opened.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·True is also false when false is true:

Blurring authenticity is a trick that Kalya is very good at, and the two best ways to blur authenticity are high imitation and mass production.

High imitation can make people think fake is real.

Mass production will submerge the real in the fake, blurring the real into the fake.

High imitation plus mass production, when the fake is the real thing, the real thing is also fake.

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